
TJ-j0h: none at all unless you've got an IPv4 address hard-code in the kernel command-line or someplace else00:00
j0hnope, nothing like that00:01
j0hit says on that article "The default kernel’s behavior is getting the IP address via dhcp (ip=dhcp). "00:02
TJ-j0h: well this'll be your problem; if you manually do "dhclient&" to run it in the background it'll by default try IPv4, then run your script and it'll likely all work, which will prove the problem is the missing dhclient call00:02
MWMhey guys.  Im having trouble logging in. I set the machine not to ask for password on login and now it does.  And the proper password doesnt work.  I can ssh in from another machine onthe local network though.00:02
TJ-j0h: what *is* on the kernel command-line?00:02
GerowinUbuntu Server 18.04, DNS resolution fails after uninstalling PiHole.  Manually editing /etc/resolv.conf fixes it, but it doesn't persist after reboot.  Manually editing /etc/netplan/foo.yaml seems to work, in that netplan doesn't give any errors when applying, but it doesn't fix my DNS resolution problem.  What is the correct way to commit changes to /etc/resolv.conf ?00:03
j0hI didn't put anything on the kernel command-line because it said that was default00:03
MWM.xsession-errors doesnt show anything and I removed .Xauthority and rebooted just for good measure. still no joy00:03
j0hso I skipped that step TJ- as I didn't need to assign a static ip00:03
j0hTJ-, this is a read only right? I'm not able to disable this script from running through the initramfs shell?00:04
j0hjust to revert all the reverse ssh stuff and see if it does get ip without it00:05
TJ-j0h: I'm searching the kernel source to check on the autoconfig/DHCP internal stuff00:06
j0hahh ok00:07
j0halso, I just noticed that the ping would always fail because my external server doesn't respond to pings00:07
j0h-.- great >.>00:07
j0hI should have checked that, silly me00:07
j0hTJ-, that is likely what the delay is00:09
j0hgood old azure blocking ICMP00:09
TJ-j0h: hmmm, but is that affecting the DHCP too?00:09
j0hhum, I don't think that would00:10
j0hlike, the script will reboot after 60s if it doesn't get a ping right?00:10
TJ-j0h: kernel-wise, it has the config flag CONFIG_IP_PNP_DHCP but that isn't set in the Ubuntu builds; check with "grep -n CONFIG_IP_PNP_DHCP /boot/config*"00:12
j0hsorry TJ, got disconnected, I'm still trying to get into the normal boot somehow00:13
j0hso I can disable this script and start again -.-00:13
zealsham_what regex do i use if i want to grep for subdomains from a text file00:13
MWMany ideas for a login loop on 19.04 ?00:14
TJ-j0h: so, I'd try adding "ip=dhcp" to the kernel command line00:15
j0his this through grub e again?00:16
TJ-j0h: you need to be aware that all this internal kernel network support is *only* to allow it to mount its root file-system from an NFS Server, and so when those NFS facilities aren't built in, this IP autoconfigure behaviour won't work. I'm not seeing signs of its config options in the Ubuntu kernel configs but I was pretty sure they are there somewhere!00:17
TJ-j0h: yes, always, only way to add it at boot-time00:18
TJ-j0h: once the system has fully booted you can always edit /etc/default/grub to add it to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=  and then do "update-grub" so it happens automatically00:18
j0hahh ok, the only issue I see TJ- is that this script will fail because of the sleep /sbin00:19
j0has that doesn't persist when I do ln -s00:19
j0hthere must be some magic that caused it to get an IP without setting GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX, but I'll be sure to do that when I manage to boot00:20
zealsham_how do i grep only the subdomains in this text file https://ibb.co/YLHRC7000:20
TJ-j0h: the full details of that network functionality is here: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/Documentation/filesystems/nfs/nfsroot.txt00:20
j0hgotcha, will read through that00:22
Rojola2What could be the reason, why I,  being _root_, can not edit files in /snap/wekan ?00:23
Rojola2I seem to have insufficient permissions00:23
Rojola2the files seem to be owned by "root"00:23
j0hTJ- is there a way to persist the ln -s for /bin/sleep here?00:23
j0hso that I can try adding ip=dhcp to kernel00:24
j0hand see if it boots00:24
sarnoldRojola2: snaps are stored in squashfs filesystems, which cannot be written to00:24
Rojola2thank you sarnold00:25
Rojola2sarnold, is there any workaround?00:25
Rojola2I must really edit a file00:25
sarnoldRojola2: I don't know what problem you're trying to solve00:25
Rojola2sarnold, I try to edit a template file00:25
Rojola2^ this is the file I must edit00:26
hggdhRojola2: the filesystem is read-only00:26
sarnoldRojola2: if whoever packaged it has given you the sources, you can change the file and then rebuild the snap00:27
j0hTJ-, on /scripts/dropbear, there is configure_networking00:27
j0hI think this might be what brings the connection ip00:27
Rojola2can I unmount the snap, mount it in write-mode, edit it, and remount it?00:27
Rojola2I am not used to not being allowed to edit a file on linux00:27
Rojola2in the past, I also installed it via snap and I could edit this file00:28
Rojola2nah maybe that was a *.deb  back then00:28
sarnoldRojola2: probably not. you can certainly use unsquashfs to unpack the thing, edit it, then mksquashfs to repack it, but that will change the filesystem, and probably snapd will refuse to work with a corrupted filesystem image00:28
sarnoldRojola2: it'd be significantly easier to get the source code and change it then rebuild the image00:29
Rojola2installing this without snap is difficult00:29
Rojola2snap made it so easy00:29
sarnoldask whoever packaged it if the sources are available; it might be as easy as git clone ... ; cd ... ; vim foo/head.html ; snapcraft00:30
TJ-j0h: that is likely; I just found the 'knob' that controls kernel networking, it's CONFIG_IP_PNP and it isn't set in the Ubuntu kernels00:30
j0hTJ- /debian/initramfs/dropbear-hook00:31
j0hthat's where the dropbear hook is on the git00:31
Rojola2sarnold, thank you!00:32
sarnoldRojola2: all sorted? :)00:32
j0hTJ- is there something that I can do to disable this script from running?00:33
j0hI actually can't see myself booting into normal00:33
j0hcan I simply do rm link-with.server.sh?00:34
TJ-j0h: configure_networking() is provided by initramfs-tools /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/functions00:34
j0hthe dropbear prehook calls that function00:34
Rojola1sarnold, no00:36
j0hI just want to disable this reverse ssh script now form initramfs, is there anything I can do to boot locally TJ-?00:37
Rojola1sarnold, I will probably reinstall wekan via "sandstorm" so I can edit it00:37
MWM_still login looping.  lightdm.conf reports that I should still be on auto-login.  AM I going to have to reinstall here?00:37
tonytmwm_ did you try startx?00:38
MWM_tonyt:  startx wont work. the machine is my NAS (and other stuff ) rig so I run itheadless over the network.  Only access I have right now is ssh (normally use teamviewer)00:39
sarnoldRojola1: dang. I hoped you'd gotten it going; snap sounds really easy to use, but two minutes did seem too good to be true, haha00:40
MWM_it just started wanting a password after the last reboot.  when I put the proper password in it just loops back to the login prompt00:41
TJ-j0h: from the host remove its executable bit: "chmod -x /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-premount/link-with-server.sh"00:42
TJ-j0h: that way when the initrd is rebuilt it won't be executed on boot00:43
TJ-j0h: whilst you're testing that script you ought to add a flag that stops it acting00:43
j0hwhere do you add the flag TJ-?00:44
j0hI should just tested this in a VM first00:44
j0hoh and thanks TJ-, I just managed to boot into the main os00:45
TJ-j0h: I'd add a line before the ". /scripts/functions" with "if grep -q dbclient=no /proc/cmdline; then exit 0; fi"00:46
TJ-j0h: with that line, to disable the script, you'd just need to add "dbclient=no" on the kernel command-line at boot-time00:46
TJ-j0h: of course, don't forget to make the script executable again if you adopt that!00:46
j0hawesome, thanks TJ-00:46
j0hI won't keep you up any longer!00:47
TJ-j0h: I was about tosay I have to go; got to be up in 3 hours!00:47
j0hhope you managed to some sleep, sorry for keeping you up so late00:47
j0hyou've helped me loads! appreciate it!00:47
j0hnight night00:48
TJ-yeah.. got a large summerhouse construction delivery to supervise and the construction crew are due  to arrive around 7am00:48
j0hearly doors :o00:48
TJ-j0h: hope you get it sorted; might help to let the writer of that script know about the things they missed that broke it too00:49
j0hyea, I'll create a PR when I figure it all out00:49
=== DetectiveTaco is now known as DetectiveBoobies
=== DetectiveBoobies is now known as DetectiveTaco
NaddiseoLooking for some help diagnosing/fixing: I upgraded to 19.04, now my computer wont detect my keyboard/mouse through my KVM. the boot log said something about a usb error or bad cable, however I've tried changing the cable and it also works with the other machine connected to the kvm switch.01:06
Naddiseo"usb 1-9-port1: Cannot enable. Maybe the USB cable bad?"01:08
Delphinhi, I have Ubuntu 15.04 and am trying to update my libssl to the latest security fix for CVE-2016-2107, does anyone know if theres a special apt repository for that? thx!01:10
Bashing-omDelphin: 15.04 ??01:11
Bashing-om!15.04 | Delphin01:11
ubottuDelphin: Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) was the 22nd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on February 4, 2016. See !eol and https://ubottu.com/y/vivid01:11
Delphinoh darn01:11
Naddiseomight be able to use an old debian repository, though?01:12
sarnoldthere's an old-releases.ubuntu.com or similar that would have packages that are compatible01:12
sarnoldbut there's no fixes for anything in the last three years01:13
Delphinno problem I'm compiling it from source instead01:13
sarnoldplease be careful with that machine01:16
sarnoldthe apt on it is going to be vulnerable to a MITM attack, and who knows what else.. it's been a busy three years01:16
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NaddiseoHas 19.04 changed how it handles USB, or what it supports?01:25
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Delphindoes anyone know any good free (or really cheap) web host panels for linux?01:28
lordcirth_Delphin, what do you need it to do?01:42
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Delphinlordcirth_: would like SSL certificate management built in and spam stuff for email protection, and a reseller portal or a way to make seperate accounts for different users01:44
tacomasterI have just installed ubuntu server 18.04 and transmission-daemon. The default is to only allow to connect to the website can somone help me get the config file to change?01:47
sarnoldtacomaster: first, are you really sure you want to?01:48
sarnoldtacomaster: probably dpkg -L transmission-daemon  will show a config file in /etc01:48
tacomasterThe server that it is installed on has no web browser so I am pretty sure :D01:48
sarnoldbut do you completely trust all the other machines that can reach it?01:49
tacomasterYes it is just two computers on this subnet my and this machine01:49
lordcirth_tacomaster, this should cover it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TransmissionHowTo01:50
sarnold/var/lib/ eh? good thing someone wrote some instructions :) hah01:50
lordcirth_yeah, it's odd01:51
Joahhi all, ran into some issues trying to update some packages, probably foolishly. trying to revert them back to the prior versions yields an error of "Package <package name> is not configured yet." for everything02:18
Joah`apt-get -f install` just tries to remove a ton of packages02:18
Joahwhat can i do to fix these issues? thanks02:18
lordcirth_Joah, what Ubuntu version, and what packages did you try to update? Do you have PPAs?02:19
Joah18.04. tried updating some dependencies a newer version of a package required02:20
Joahno PPAs, just downloaded the .deb files02:20
lordcirth_Oh, yeah manually installing .debs that conflict with existing ones is a bad idea02:20
lordcirth_Joah, can you try 'apt install --reinstall <pkg>'02:21
Joahgood idea02:21
Joahthat's what i get D:02:23
Joahi don't even know where to start02:23
lordcirth_Joah, did you try to install a newer libc6?02:23
Joahbad idea, i guess02:23
lordcirth_You might be able to find the previous .deb in the cache and install it? But honestly I'd reinstall02:26
Joahi have the .deb files02:26
Joahi'll paste what it does when i do `dpkg -i`02:27
lordcirth_Yeah, this is beyond me, sorry.02:28
Joahno problem, thanks for the help!02:29
Joahanyone else have any ideas?02:29
sarnoldJoah: *maybe* a do-release-upgrade. Maybe you can drag the whole thing forward. maybe it won't even touch it..02:35
sarnoldJoah: if you want to try the downgrade instead, for this most recent pastebin..02:35
sarnoldJoah: dpkg -S /usr/share/doc/libc6/NEWS.gz to find all the packages that package that file, and make sure to change all of those packages to a version with the identical version of that file02:36
Joahso i would change /usr/share/doc/libc6/NEWS.gz to the older version manually?02:37
sarnoldno, you'd find all the packages that dpkg says own that file, and you'd downgrade them all at once02:39
Joahso sorry for the noob question, but what command would i run to downgrade them all at once?02:39
Joahlibc6:i386, libc6:amd64: /usr/share/doc/libc6/NEWS.gz02:39
Joahthat's what it gave me02:39
sarnoldI think apt-get install ./path/to/old/libc6... ./path/to/old/libc6.i386.deb..02:40
Joahsarnold, that gives me this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gNz6fWHS2x/02:42
Joahit looks like libc6 is the issue. is there any way to force that specific package to reinstall, i guess?02:42
sarnoldJoah: try adding in paths for the older versions of libc-bin, libc-bin-dev, libc6-dev, libc6-dbg etc02:43
sarnolddepending upon how well your system is working, maybe just apt-get install libc6=2.27-3ubuntu1 libc-bin=2.27-3ubuntu1 libc-dev-bin=2.27-3ubuntu1 locales=2.27-3ubuntu1 libc6:i386=2.27-3ubuntu1 libc6-dbg=2.27-3ubuntu1 libc6-dev=2.27-3ubuntu102:45
Joahsarnold, that almost worked02:52
Joahit gave me the NEWS.gz error02:52
sarnoldJoah: where it says "which is different from other instances of package" what packages are listed there?02:53
Joah trying to overwrite shared '/usr/share/doc/libc6/NEWS.gz', which is different from other instances of package libc6:amd6402:53
sarnoldtry adding libc6:amd64=2.27-3ubuntu1 to the long command line02:54
Joahsame error02:54
Joahshould i try manually replacing NEWS.gz?02:55
sarnolddang. no, I don't think that would move you forward02:55
Joahit did02:56
Joah trying to overwrite shared '/usr/share/doc/libc6/changelog.Debian.gz', which is different from other instances of package libc6:amd6402:56
sarnoldwoah really02:56
sarnoldalright, keep going then :D02:56
Joahweirdly enough02:56
sarnoldnot at all what I expected02:56
tacomasteris it possible to run private internet access on a ubuntu server 18.04?03:00
Joahsarnold, well03:02
Joahi got a lot further03:02
Joahnow i gave me this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sjqjJqtk5z/03:03
sarnoldJoah: I've *never* seen that one. wow.03:03
Joahwhen re-running the command you gave me03:03
sarnoldJoah: run the command again? see if it says the same thing>?03:03
sarnoldJoah: awesome :D03:04
Joahthank you so much, man03:04
Joahyou're a lifesaver03:04
sarnoldyou're probably not quite done03:04
sarnoldtry an apt-get install -f03:04
Joahno issues03:04
sarnoldwell done03:04
Joahi'm worried that something else is broken, though03:04
sarnoldmaybe debsums -sa ?03:05
Delphinlordcirth_: find anything?03:05
Joahsarnold, only one issue with chrome03:06
Joahso i should be good, right?03:06
lordcirth_Delphin, wasn't really looking, no.03:06
sarnoldJoah: yeah, sounds good to me :)03:06
Joahthanks again, sarnold03:07
Joahi'm gonna reboot03:07
sarnoldgood luck, hope we're right :D03:07
Joahif i'm not back in a few... r.i.p. this install03:07
Thr0rFix one thing and another issue pops up... Now I get "No adapters available" - BlueTooth. What could cause that? I was using it earlier today before I did some changes to my partitions and stuff..03:13
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Thr0rI have checked in Bios - nothing about Bluetooth there - but set it back to default - didn't help..03:15
crankharderhi, during a 18.04 server install, my VM had a functioning network config.  but after booting for the first time, all I have is lo - is there a way to have ubuntu automatically reconfigure the network?03:36
crankharder'ip a' shows a second device (but no ip address)03:36
lordcirth_crankharder, edit the files in /etc/netplan03:38
crankharderdoesn't sound 'automatic'03:38
crankharderhow come the intaller can set it up correctly, but the installed system can't?03:38
lordcirth_crankharder, Not sure.03:39
lordcirth_crankharder, you can also try just running 'netplan apply'03:40
Gallomimiacpu fan at zero == bad??04:03
Gallomimiaone of my sensors on the motherboard says -128C04:04
Gallomimiai think a reboot is in order. suspend is not my friend04:04
Gallomimiamuch better...04:08
Gallomimiawish i knew more about what the smeg is happening when i press the power button to suspend. it's a motherboard option. things don't seem to wake up properly. i get strange graphics artefacts...04:09
=== imsurit_ofc is now known as imsurit
cupcake90Gallomimia: You can change power button actions in power options04:12
Gallomimiacupcake90, i did... it seems like a handy thing to let it suspend. it's waking that seems to be doing strange things04:18
Gallomimiausually i prefer not to do that, but keeping this system always online isn't great right now. heat factory04:18
Gallomimiai just... still don't know what suspend really means. it doesn't save the state to disk and reboot. no swap enabled. what kind of low power mode is this??04:19
cupcake90Gallomimia: hmm strange laptop is heating up and still fan not working, there must be fan issue or something04:20
Gallomimiait's a desktop04:20
Gallomimiathe fan is running again. the temperature readings look normal04:20
cupcake90Gallomimia: Doesnt matter I think latest systems comes with automatic fan on smps and cpu04:21
Gallomimiathis board is i think 4 years old04:28
Gallomimiathe fan control is part of the bios/efi04:28
cupcake90Gallomimia: if the fan is not working at all you can check with alternate power supply I am no hardware expert but I had similar issue with an old board04:30
cupcake90Lucky for me that was a faulty fan04:30
Gallomimiait's working now. i'm not even sure if it was simply a faulty readout on the sensors04:30
Gallomimiathe cpu temp was reading at 15 and 18C which is pretty much impossible too04:31
Gallomimiaambient is warmer than that. there's no way it could be colder04:31
Gallomimiareboot was a wise thing to do. i'm just left wondering what was up after waking from suspend/sleep04:32
cupcake90Try burn the cpu with some bench tools and see temp variations04:32
Gallomimiait's not the same kind of suspend i think. it has to be some kind of hardware thing. and this motherboard is just not a friend for linux based OS04:33
Gallomimiagrief at every step. and to make matters worse i have a pair of EVO840's for some speediness. complete with firmware bugs. they don't have any non-windows updaters big thanks samsung. and even so i have read that the firmware updates make the issue worse, not better04:34
Gallomimiai'm never giving that company another dime. i have used their full range of products and... just, puke.04:35
Gallomimiatv's stereos, washing machines, ssd's. all have software that should have failed first year04:35
cupcake90dont expect enterprises quality in home products04:35
Gallomimiai do expect home quality in their products.04:36
Gallomimiafalls short. every time04:36
Gallomimiaokay i'll launch a CPU taxing program to "benchmark" it. it's called.... Factorio04:37
lotuspsychje!offtopic | cupcake90 Gallomimia04:37
ubottucupcake90 Gallomimia: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:37
lotuspsychjewelcome to ubuntu support swarajpande404:47
swarajpande4im new to irc :(04:47
swarajpande4struggling a bit04:48
lotuspsychjeswarajpande4: for irc help you can ask in #freenode for ubuntu support questions here in #ubuntu04:48
swarajpande4oh thanks man04:48
swarajpande4really appreciate it04:48
johnc--hi, did anyone knows whether 192.168.x.x are marked as localhost by ICAAN ? Can i safely assumed that all IP's starting with 192.168.x are localhost ?05:23
blackflowjohnc--: yes and no. Yes, range is so called "non-routable", RFC 1918 range, so public routers _probably_ won't ever know how to route  that.  no, ICANN has nothing to do with "localhost" name, and public DNS services will often add a record for "localhost" if you query them directly. I doubt it'd ever go through root DNS servers.05:34
blackflowjohnc--: also "localhost" is traditionally, not, and some would say teh entire /24, /16 or even /8 range of that subnet, and by default set via /etc/hosts of pretty much every distro.05:38
johnc--i c. thank you.05:38
johnc--sorry, wrong key.05:40
=== imsurit_ofc is now known as imsurit
nwehello, A question, is squid 3.5 compiled with ssl_bump or must I rebuild the package?05:52
blackflownwe: doesn't `squid -v` list compile time options?05:53
nwelooks like I must rebuild it05:54
nwegrep ssl_bump didn't give me anything :/05:54
nwestupid question can I build bionic package on an xenial system?06:00
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blackflownwe: in general, if you build from .dsc / deb-src and it builds and runs fine with xenial's deps and libraries, then sure.06:08
blackflownwe: question is only how many dependencies would you need to pull down as well and whether there'd be conflict. alternatively, use containers.06:09
=== Koopzington is now known as Koopz
shonhadowpulseaudio : Depends: libpulse0 (= 1:11.1-1ubuntu7.2) but 1:12.2-9~bionic1 is to be installed.How to fix this?06:17
blackflowshonhadow: are you mixing repos/PPAs?06:18
shonhadowwhen i try to install libpulse,it says it exists06:19
shonhadowlibpulse0 is already the newest version (1:12.2-9~bionic1)06:20
blackflow!info libpulse0 bionic06:20
ubottulibpulse0 (source: pulseaudio): PulseAudio client libraries. In component main, is optional. Version 1:11.1-1ubuntu7.2 (bionic), package size 263 kB, installed size 1089 kB06:20
blackflowI'm pretty sure you are using some PPAs there that are conflicting...06:21
shonhadowbefore that i tried to install pulseeffects.Now i have removed it from software sources and from system06:21
blackflowand you ran apt update after that?06:22
blackflowwhat does `apt-cache policy libpulse0`  say?06:22
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:22
blackflowshonhadow: run `apt install --reinstall libpulse0`.  if that doesn't change it to version 11.1-1ubuntu7.2, run `apt clean` and try again.06:27
shonhadowdidnt fix06:31
blackflowapt clean withtout any other argument, but I suppose that worked anyway if it didn't error out.   okay, try forcing the version.    apt install --reinstall libpulse0-11.1-ubuntu7.2.06:32
blackflow(without that trailing dot)06:32
blackflowshonhadow: sorry, = instead of first -     like this:    apt install --reinstall libpulse0=11.1-ubuntu7.206:33
shonhadowblackflow: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GsVrqNQkWH/06:36
blackflowshonhadow: what ubuntu version are you on?06:38
blackflowshonhadow: ah, my typo.    libpulse0=1:11.1-1ubuntu7.2     I forgot to include that 1:06:39
blackflownow this should reinstall libpulse0 and its correct dependencies, from official repos. do you have anything else installed from that PPA?06:39
shonhadowlist of dependencies where like 10 to 1206:42
shonhadowsudo apt install pulseaudio pulseeffects --install-recommends06:42
shonhadowcant remember what packages06:42
blackflowshonhadow: you can look that up through /var/log/apt/history.log06:45
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shonhadowblackflow: reinstalling that libpulse package took me to tty session and lightdm wont load07:44
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nonammeHi, sombone here is using WSL?09:01
nonammetyping is hard09:01
ubottuWindows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide09:01
nonammeI do not need installation instruction, just have other question, but I will go to correct channel09:03
blackflownonamme: "For discussion and support, see ...."09:04
LACampbellhello. is the usb-creator-gtk thing legacy now? It doesn't let you select ISOs, so maybe there's a different way09:05
nonammeblackflow: ?09:05
blackflownonamme: what bot posted is not just about installation instructions. re-read teh part that starts with "For discussion and support, ..."09:06
nonammeblackflow: what did I write at 10:03:53 ? re-read it09:06
blackflowwhat timezone?09:07
nonammeGMT 00:0009:07
blackflownonamme: great. then you know what to do ;)09:08
nonammeblackflow: :*09:08
EriC^^LACampbell: what are you trying to create, there might be an easier way09:10
LACampbellhi EriC^^ . just a bootable usb stick. also tried downloading unetbootin but the PPA is bad. not my day today09:11
LACampbellanyway just want to know if usb-creator is still the preferred way before I spend an hour googling09:11
HiDeHoHi all how to set up permissions for ntfs file system so it will mount09:13
EriC^^LACampbell: have you considered using dd to make the bootable usb?09:13
Chukk_Hey, a quick question. When I want to uninstall mate-dictionary from the mate-utils bundle, do I have to remove the whole bundle and reinstall the packages I want?09:20
=== Soni|AntiMatrix is now known as Soni
acebrianjuanHi folks09:28
acebrianjuanHow can I pass an environment variable to a program that is running with sudo?09:29
nonammeacebrianjuan: sudo program ENV_VARIABLE_NAME09:30
acebrianjuanI'd like to keep the nominal value of the OMP_NUM_THREADS env variable09:30
uioHello - just did an install of Lubuntu 18.04 LTS on an eeePC with LUKS. When I boot the LUKS password prompt and the Lubuntu logo behind are very dim. I can use the adjust dimness key to change this, ut I don't get why this is even then. If I do nothing and enter the password, it autmatically continues the boot process and the dimness is resolved. How can I make the default LUKS prompt brightness correct permanently? Thanks.09:30
acebrianjuannonamme: that simple?09:30
nonammeacebrianjuan: yes09:31
nonammeacebrianjuan: but you need to add $VAR_NAME09:32
nonammeI missed $09:32
acebrianjuannonamme: so if I do: sudo program $OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 this should do?09:36
uioWould it be better to ask in #Lubuntu?09:37
ayekatacebrianjuan: `sudo --preserve-env=OMP_NUM_THREADS {command}` or `sudo OMP_NUM_THREADS=$OMP_NUM_THREADS {command}` (the second one is rather ugly IMHO)09:38
nonammeacebrianjuan: so if you want to pass '1' to your program just pass 109:38
nonammeacebrianjuan: but if you want pass $VARIABLE just sudo program $VARIABLE09:39
nonammeacebrianjuan: sudo program 109:39
ayekatnonamme: I think they want to pass an environment variable, not a command line argument09:39
acebrianjuannonamme: no, I need to preserve the env variable as ayekat said09:40
acebrianjuanayekat: thank you09:40
nonammeayekat: thanks, missunderstand09:40
ayekatno problem09:41
unimatrix9hi all you good people..09:44
unimatrix9how can i get a snap to acces usb webcam ?09:44
unimatrix9( snapcraft - scratux for school )09:45
acebrianjuanayekat: I am getting the error '--preserve-env' doesn't allow an argument09:48
ayekatacebrianjuan: hmm... lemme check if that was a recent addition09:49
ayekatacebrianjuan: ah yes, it appears that --preserve-env=[…] was only added recently (according to https://manpages.debian.org/testing/sudo/sudo.8.en.html, 1.8.19 doesn't have it, but 1.8.27 does)09:51
ayekatacebrianjuan: what version does `sudo --version` show?09:51
acebrianjuanayekat: 1.8.10p309:52
acebrianjuanayekat: I am reading the man page for sudo09:52
ayekatwell, then I guess you'll have to go with the `sudo ENV={value} {command}` syntax for now09:53
acebrianjuanthe --preserve-env option does not require an argument indeed09:53
acebrianjuanit keeps all the env-variables09:53
ayekatacebrianjuan: but... 1.8.10p3 - what version of ubuntu is that? ^^ according to https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=sudo, even 16.04 already has 1.8.1609:53
ayekatacebrianjuan: yes, but on more recent versions, it takes an optional parameter, where you list the envvars you want to keep09:54
ayekatacebrianjuan: see the man page I linked above09:54
acebrianjuanayekat: Ubuntu 16.0409:54
acebrianjuanmaybe I need to run an upgrade soon09:55
acebrianjuanayekat: thanks for the help mate09:55
ayekatyou're welcome09:56
uioHow to resolve brightness issue at boot?10:24
cupcake90uio: I followed this https://askubuntu.com/questions/819320/screen-brightness-0-at-login-dims-at-boot10:33
uiocupcake90, Thanks, I tried https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=192261 with acpi_backlight=vendor to no avail. I did update-grub.10:38
jeremy31uio, if you have just intel graphics you might have to use i915.invert_brightness=110:40
cupcake90uio: had the same issue i followed that same thread did not work jeremy31: I have intel too10:41
b1ack0pi have intel graphics too. what is the issue?10:42
cupcake90b1ack0p: Low brightness at grub screen10:43
cupcake90ubuntu 18.0410:43
b1ack0pmy screen already dim i didnt notice that10:43
b1ack0pyes using 18.0410:44
b1ack0phow to increase brightness in general?10:44
cupcake90b1ack0p: No one cares thats the issue :D10:44
b1ack0pi thought it s my screen. CCFL not LED unfortunately10:44
cupcake90b1ack0p: after boot it lights up but on grub menu  brighness too low10:45
b1ack0p:~$ ls /sys/class/backlight/10:46
b1ack0pacpi_video0  intel_backlight10:46
cupcake90b1ack0p: I have only intel_backlight10:46
b1ack0pcupcake90: did u add < GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="acpi_osi=Linux acpi_backlight=intel_backlight" > ?10:48
jeremy31Can the FN combo be used to increase backlight in grub menu?10:48
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b1ack0panyone using ThinkPad here like me?10:49
uiojeremy31, Yeah, if I hit the brightness keys the problem is solved, just seems like I shouldn't have to on every reboot.10:49
b1ack0puio: did u edit grub conf ?10:49
cupcake90b1ack0p: Yes I did that on 16.04 i forgot but Its was fixed for me but never tried after upgrade10:49
sentimenthello. with certain mkv vids the gpu temp rockets up10:49
sentimentuntil the system shuts down10:49
b1ack0pok let me try10:49
sentimenthow can I diagnose the problem10:50
uioblack0p yep10:50
=== luinonskerzacosi is now known as longestnonskerza
uioThis was not an issue for me with 16.0410:50
uio And now is in 18.0410:51
cupcake90uio thanks for reminding me also I edited grub cannot reboot now :D10:51
uiocupcake90, lol10:51
b1ack0puio: any difference after editing grub conf ?10:51
uiob1ack0p, No. It didn't work.10:52
b1ack0pdo u also have intel?10:52
benergyHey guys, I am setting up a laptop for someone who shouldn't have to do any maintenance. It's running Ubuntu 18.04, with Cinnamon as the desktop manager. I would like the system to do these three things exactly: (1) to pull and install security updates on a daily basis; (2) to pull in and install other updates either rarely (once a month) or never; (3) never ask the user anything.10:52
uioI put acpi_backlight=vendor.10:52
uioShould I change vendor to intel?10:53
uioor Asus?10:53
uioor asus?10:53
b1ack0puio: do this ls /sys/class/backlight/10:53
b1ack0pand tell me what it says in return10:53
benergyUbuntu's update manager is mildly confusing there. It does offer the first option all right, but the largest interval I can set for the second point is "two weeks". I have found some instructions online that require me to edit the apt configuration files, but I'm still wondering if there is a simple - preferable GUI (dconf-editor?) - way that just works(TM).10:53
sentimentgod the neverending issues with this os10:54
hugoAgogosentiment, thats half the fun right there ;P10:55
cupcake90uio: vendor thing will not work10:55
uiosentiment, I know.10:55
cupcake90for intel anyway10:55
sentimentI'd hate to go back to Windows, but this is getting pretty frustrating . every other day I have to come here and go to the ubuntu support forums to ask for help10:55
b1ack0puio: do this in terminal please : ls /sys/class/backlight/10:55
uiols /sys/class/backlight/10:55
b1ack0pin terminal not here10:55
b1ack0popen new terminal10:56
cupcake90intel_backlight m sure :D10:56
uioeeepc-wmi  psb-bl10:56
b1ack0pnever heard that10:56
cupcake90well thats new :D10:56
b1ack0pi didnt expect that return10:56
uiosentiment, Spend a few days in Debian and Ubuntu will look smooth!10:56
sentimenthow am I supposed to watch this hd mkv video other than rebooting into Windows?10:56
sentimentuio: true true10:56
cupcake90sentiment: vlc working for me really well :D10:57
sentimentvlc is the same10:57
b1ack0pyes vlc is best10:57
sentimentit's a low level decoder issue10:57
uiosentiment, Arch!10:57
uioSo, do I touch the grub file or no?10:57
b1ack0psentiment: maybe u need to install codecs?10:57
b1ack0puio: well i m not sure about that..10:58
sentimentno it's playable10:58
uioWell, it's no big deal. Just the little things that can get rather annoying here and there.10:58
uioShould just work!10:59
sentimentbut as I said, the gpu temp jumps to 60 centigrade10:59
uioThis isn't gentoo!10:59
uio60 is fine, no?10:59
sentimentI can't enjoy this freakin video without coming here everytime10:59
uioI'm at like 61 now.10:59
sentimentno the system restarts10:59
uiosentiment, You on ubuntu?10:59
OerHekssentiment, watch your language please, keep this channel family friendly, thanks10:59
sentimentit keeps going up though10:59
sentimentwhat? freaking is a curse word?11:00
OerHeks60 ' is not that bad, depends on the GPU11:00
uiosentiment, BTW you can swear a lot more in Debian.11:00
b1ack0puio: try this in grub : GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="acpi_osi=Linux acpi_backlight=psb-bl"11:00
sentimentanyways this is some leak bug or something with the gpu drivers11:00
cupcake90b1ack0p: I did same worked for me in past11:01
sentimenthow can I make vlc use software decoder?11:01
sentimentback to 10 years ago11:01
b1ack0pcupcake90: u had asus too?11:01
b1ack0puio: after u add the line in grub conf, save it and in terminal sudo update-grub11:01
sentimentfound it11:02
cupcake90b1ack0p: No dell11:03
uioOkay going for a reboot. I'll be back if it doesn't work! Thanks for you help either way!11:03
b1ack0puio: waiting for result :p11:03
b1ack0pby the way i am having some issues on wayland11:03
b1ack0pmouse seems freezing for a second while i am moving around11:03
cupcake90b1ack0p: Am I the only one still running gnome-flashback11:03
b1ack0pand when i open firefox it shows black screen for a while and then getting normal11:04
b1ack0pmaybe drivers issue?11:04
b1ack0pcupcake90: i was use to flashback in previous versions while in unity :p11:04
b1ack0pnot anymore..11:04
b1ack0ptweaking gnome nowadays :p11:04
b1ack0pthis mouse issue is annoying..11:05
b1ack0pnot smooth11:05
b1ack0phow can i fix it?11:05
cupcake90I like gnome but why dont they add simple drag and drop icons to panel11:05
b1ack0pis it because of wayland?11:05
b1ack0pcupcake90: no idea.. yes that s annoying..11:05
b1ack0palso not easy to add icons on desktop..11:06
cupcake90I cant drop icons to panel its the only reason for me11:06
OerHekswaylkand uses its own driver protocol, you could file a bugreport, it might help as wayland is still under development11:06
benergyOne would think that the Ubuntu update manager (or at least dconf-editor) contain useful options, but nothing...11:06
OerHeksand icons on desktop, gnome-tweak-tool gives that option AFAIK11:07
b1ack0pOerHeks: is there anyway to update drivers or install missing drivers in wayland?11:07
OerHeksi am just typing wayland uses its own driver protocol, so no?11:08
blackflowwell you do need driver support for it. that's why nvidia proprietary doesn't work with it yet.11:10
b1ack0pblackflow: what about intel drivers?11:10
blackflowb1ack0p: I assume it's supporting it, I just don't know to what extent11:11
uioNo luck.11:11
b1ack0puio: :/11:11
blackflowanyway wayland is totally not ready for regular use. that mouse lag is the prime example.11:11
b1ack0pblackflow: ok then i better get back xorg11:11
OerHeksintel gives kerneldrivers for a long time now11:11
blackflowuio: wait, something doesn't work with lubuntu now? :)))11:11
uioblackflow, That's right, but one should consider the magnitude.11:12
b1ack0pbrb for reboot. i wanna check my grub menu as well :p11:12
blackflowuio: just... lol.11:13
uioblackflow, Debian : zero display on laptop despite seven hours. Lubuntu a dimness at LUKS unlock that lasts 20 seconds.11:13
uioblackflow, See the difference?11:13
uioOne works, one doesn't11:13
uioblackflow, Broken Lubuntu = Broken Debian kinda deal. Anyway. Are you for help with Debian?11:14
uio*Broken Lubuntu = Working Debian11:15
uiob1ack0p, So,11:15
uioWhat did you find out?11:15
b1ack0pi didnt notice any brightness issue on grub menu. looks normal i think as my old CCFL screen is already dim11:15
uiob1ack0p, hmm.11:15
b1ack0pbtw i am back to xorg, feels smooth and no mouse lag11:16
uiob1ack0p, I mean, as I said, this is not really a big deal, probably not worth any time because it's just a quick password prompt and it goes away quickly.11:16
uioFor me anyway.11:16
b1ack0puio: also i check Fn keys to check brightness and grub menu was on the highest brightness..11:16
b1ack0puio: maybe it is problem for some vendors..11:17
uiob1ack0p, I can increase brightness with the Fn key, I just have to do it every time.11:17
b1ack0palready reported bug in launchpad11:17
cupcake90issue solved? or ubuntu crashed I missed chats11:17
b1ack0pin 201311:17
blackflowuio: naw, debian works too, just uses "wrong" VGA output. see the difference? ;) but neway, hope you'll take an important lesson from this:  hardware support, edge cases. eeepc is notorious for that.11:17
b1ack0puio: i dont need to increase with Fn key which is already highest in grub menu..11:18
b1ack0pcupcake90: not issue for me :p11:18
uioblackflow, I don't know for you, but when I have a laptop with no screen, I consider something to not be working. And I hope Debian learns to realise that when something doesn't work in Debian, it's not the hardware's issue seeing as other Linux distros get their stuff together! Anyway, I think Debian is off-topic here. See ya.11:20
uiob1ack0p, Highest in grub menu? Sorry, what do you mean?11:21
b1ack0puio: i mean i dont need to increase  brightness with Fn11:21
b1ack0pin grub menu11:22
b1ack0pit s not dim i mea11:22
uiob1ack0p, Okay, I see.11:22
uiob1ack0p, Yeah, for me it's not.11:22
b1ack0pbut u said u have to increase brightness with Fn key?11:22
uiob1ack0p, Right, because it's too dim.11:22
b1ack0pit is already at highest brightness setting for me when i check with Fn key11:23
uiob1ack0p, I think I'm maybe not being very clear... When I boot, at LUKS unlock the screen is dim. If I hit the FN brighter key, it gets brighter.11:24
b1ack0pso u have an issue11:24
uiob1ack0p, I think so, but minor.11:24
b1ack0pyes minor11:25
uiob1ack0p, I'd like to solve it. I'm up for a few lines pasted into grub if they'll work.11:25
=== b1ack0p is now known as B|ack0p
benergyAnyone? :)11:34
jeremy31uio:  there might be a setting in the UEFI/BIOS as the brightness in grub  menu won't be affected by kernel parameters11:39
blackflowbenergy: anyone what? if you wanna repeat your question every now and than (which is okay), then perhaps stick it into a pastebin. can't expect people to hunt for what you asked sometime in the distant past.11:40
benergyblackflow: I was asking re automatic upgrades, and I wanted to avoid repeating so as not to annoy you guys. But you're right, it's probably easier that way:11:43
benergyI am setting up a laptop for someone who shouldn't have to do any maintenance. It's running Ubuntu 18.04, with Cinnamon as the desktop manager. I would like the system to do these three things exactly: (1) to pull and install security updates on a daily basis; (2) to pull in and install other updates either rarely (once a month) or never; (3) never ask the user anything.11:43
Makaveli7unattended updates?11:44
benergyI've been researching a lot, and still find the Ubuntu update manager mildly confusing. Also, I can't seem to disable "other" upgrades there - the maximum interval is "2 weeks".11:44
Makaveli7there is a wiki page for that I think11:44
benergyMakaveli7: True, but it seems to cause problems elsewhere, like stalling shutdown and potentially leaving corrupt states. Also I was hoping for something like a tool (or a dconf-editor setting), that "just does it" without having to edit config files. Maybe that's hoping too much ^^11:46
coconutbenergy: there is cron-apt for this, though, i have never used that.11:49
coconutbenergy: just try and re-ask your question every 30 minutes or so (sometimes it can take a while)11:52
benergycoconut: Thanks, understood! :)11:52
Makaveli7benergy I don't think there is a tool for that. You need to edit config file fot that I think. But you can choose to update only security fixes and blacklist packages if you would like11:53
benergyMakaveli7: The other option I was considering was to write a script that updates the system on startup, and disable both "unattended-upgrades" and the Ubuntu built-in manager.11:54
uiojeremy31, Hmmm, even though I didn't have this issue in Lubuntu 16.04 ?11:54
benergyYet it's somewhat annoying that the Ubuntu manager won't let me choose "never" for "other" upgrades (maximum is "2 weeks").11:55
cupcake90working well for me ubuntu flashback ;d11:56
tomreynin case benergy returns with more patience, the interval can be freely configured in the users' dconf db at /com/ubuntu/update-notifier/regular-auto-launch-interval12:08
thatlizdudeHello, does anyone know how to fix a scrolling bug on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS where if I scroll let's say on Chrome all the way to bottom, and switch to VS Code, as soon as I start scrolling on VS Code, the file scrolls to the bottom... This doesn't happen with Ubuntu 19.04, but currently I can't really use Ubuntu 18.04 LTS because it scrolls so much...12:35
leftyfbthatlizdude: https://askubuntu.com/a/96689412:38
thatlizdudethat person's asking for a feature, I'm asking about a bug12:39
leftyfbyou're right. Sorry, misread12:40
leftyfbI swear I had this issue and resolved it. Can't remember how though12:40
thatlizdudeI tried using imwheel, but that gave me weird scrolling jumps when scrolling with touchpad, also not idea...12:41
thatlizdudeit doesn't happen on Wayland though, so maybe I could use that?12:41
tomreynthatlizdude: does this happen with any software which is in ubuntu by default? have installed any gnome extensions which didn't come from ubuntu (via apt, packaged as debian packages)?12:42
tomreyn*have you ;)12:42
thatlizdudeI haven't installed any extensions, no, this is a clean install12:43
thatlizdudeand it looks like it doesn't happen with the default software, I just tried with Settings and Files12:44
ioriathatlizdude, not sure it's your case (https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/28795); the problem seems to be the mutter version on bionic ( a newer version fixes it)12:46
thatlizdudeI don't think it's a VS Code issue, as it doesn't happen in Ubuntu 19.04 and when I scroll in terminal over a Chrome window, the Chrome window will also scroll as soon as I start scrolling on it12:47
thatlizdudeI think it can be fixed by updating gnome-shell, but I can't really do that on a LTS release12:47
ioriathatlizdude, 19.04 uses another version of mutter12:49
BluesKajHi folks12:57
thatlizdudeso should I just use Wayland then12:59
thatlizdudeis Ubuntu going to switch to Wayland eventually?13:01
tomreynlikely sometime in the future, but that's not set in stone.13:01
cfhowlett!wayland | thatlizdude13:02
ubottuthatlizdude: Wayland is a display server protocol that can be used instead of X. Ubuntu 17.10 uses Wayland by default on systems that support it. For more info, see https://wayland.freedesktop.org/13:02
tomreynand that's only 17.10, and it should be considered a matter of the past (it's EOL).13:02
thatlizdudewell on 18.04 it isn't default, so did they move away from it then?13:06
MWMis there any way past a login loop?  I should autologin, but after the last restart I cannot get past the login screen even with the proper password.  I can ssh into the machine from elsewhere on the local network though13:20
cfhowlettMWM, version??13:20
MWM19.04 Budgie13:21
cfhowletthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F57-gTlDwCc  mwm13:22
MWMthanks.  Ill work through these steps and report back13:24
=== jje_ is now known as jje
thatlizdudethanks everyone :)13:26
MWMstill working on following the steps.  Is there a known reason for login loops like that? Im glad there is a workaround atleast13:29
MWMive ruled out storage space issues and faulty drives.  no xsession-erros or anything. Just wondering if this is a whoosie or a symptom of a bigger issue13:31
MWMstill got the login loop after following the vid.  Any other ideas before I nuke this install and start fresh?13:37
cfhowlettI wouldn't nuke it.  the fact that you can ssh in suggests a simple (though obscure) fix13:38
linux8_659hi ,I used to like encrypting /boot partition for fun and to secure kernel ,new to uefi though and following: "grub2 - Ubuntu full disk encryption with encrypted _boot - Ask Ubuntu" on ubuntu 19.04 it doens t work ,been at it for hours ,anyone has experience with this???tks13:39
=== longestnonskerza is now known as zizzu6
fairfax112233‏how to install fetch tool in ubuntu13:49
fairfax112233‏i know its an putdated tool ,,, but i want to install it13:50
ayekatfairfax112233: what is that "fetch tool"? have you got any link?13:50
fairfax112233‏another link13:51
fairfax112233‏<ayekat> its kinda same as curl or wget13:52
fairfax112233‏or maybe a away to chage the ‏user agent in curl or wget ?13:53
ayekatfairfax112233: curl(1) describes the --user-agent option - so I'd say yes13:54
legreffierfairfax112233: curl -A 'blah' url13:54
legreffierfetch looks like it's abandoned13:55
fairfax112233‏why they don't just make the user agent related to the machine hostname13:55
ayekatthat's not how the user agent information works13:56
fairfax112233‏what is thec diffult user agent for curl ?13:56
fairfax112233‏--user-agent <--- thnx13:58
ayekatfairfax112233: what is your goal, actually? I have a difficult time reading and understanding your messages, but some context may help13:58
fairfax112233‏i got blocked when using curl or wget ..... other than that browser works fin13:58
ayekat"blocked" how? by the website operator?13:59
fairfax112233‏by an internet provider or router13:59
fairfax112233‏not sure13:59
hugoAgogovutral, pastebin the error (blocking message) you get .. and do 'wget -v <yoursite>' and pastebin the results of that13:59
fairfax112233‏when i connect to diffrent wifi spot it works fine14:00
ayekatfairfax112233: yes, but what do you mean with "blocked"? what are the symptoms you are seeing? does the website give you an error message? do you have problems resolving the host IP address? ...?14:01
fairfax112233‏ayekat .... no data coming from it .... its hang only14:02
fairfax112233‏httppie too blocked14:03
fairfax112233‏thats why i want to try fetch14:03
ayekatwhat kind of things are you trying to download, though?14:04
fairfax112233‏http fetcher .... won't make install ..... got error14:04
ayekatrandomly trying out obscure tools nobody's ever heard of is not going to resolve your problem14:05
fairfax112233‏had to set up http fetch before fetch14:05
fairfax112233‏http fetcher*14:05
ayekat... alright, until you decide to actually explain us your goal and the exact problems you are facing, I'm going to assume you're doing some shady things, and I won't help you further - good luck!14:06
fairfax112233‏any ways will try the ‏--user-agent tomorow when i am back to that wifi spot14:06
fairfax112233‏its simply wont load in data from any web site14:07
fairfax112233‏got it ?14:07
fairfax112233‏load any*14:08
ayekatfrom *any* website?14:08
fairfax112233‏now i am in diffrenty wifi spot ...every things works fine14:08
fairfax112233‏i dought its the user agent ... because all wget , curl and httppie ...got the same trouble ,,,, and the website is not blocked14:10
tewardthat you know of, fairfax112233.  Upstream from you there could be ISP-level blocking or some other type of issue with websites being unreachable unrelated to 'content filtration' or 'blocking'14:12
ayekatso the websites are accessible through your webbrowser, but curl/wget/... hang?14:12
ayekatwhat web browser are you using?14:12
fairfax112233‏i would try firefox tomorow too to make sure14:13
tewardif it works on one wifi location but not the first one, then the issue isn't Ubuntu related most likely, it's related to that network.14:13
tewardjust saying, but this might be an issue "beyond your control" and beyond our ability to assist with fixing14:14
ayekatyeah, but it's weird that the web is accessible with one tool but not with another14:14
fairfax112233‏yea exactly14:14
fairfax112233‏scare shit of me14:14
ayekatfairfax112233: have you checked with something like tcpdump or wireshark, just to see if your HTTP requests actually leave your machine?14:15
fairfax112233‏i dun know what tcpdump is14:16
ayekatboth are tools for listening to traffic going through a network interface - they can help you see what is going on network-wise14:18
gimmicAnyone have a preferred ssh connection manager for 19.04? Recently upgraded from LTS and everything seems to use the old python-vte package14:19
fairfax112233‏it probably packge filtering from the net provider or router firewal14:19
tewardfairfax112233: which is why it would work on one network but not the one you're having issues with, yes.14:19
tewardfairfax112233: packet-level sniffing would be a good example of how they might block things, or some other type of filtration activity.  Esp. if it "just works" on a different network14:20
tewardbut you wouldn't be able to see that 'filtering' happening necessarily from your system14:20
fairfax112233‏used to work fine just few days ago ... because its a coffe shop... i am hanging there alot14:20
fairfax112233‏just today had the issue14:20
ayekatthey won't be able to do packet-level filtering for user agent information for encrypted connections, though14:21
ayekatfairfax112233: is it the same for https websites?14:21
fairfax112233‏i tried many website ... none of working14:21
tewardayekat: they could be if they're doing some type of MITM for HTTPS connections14:21
tewardfairfax112233: what error do you get if any?14:21
fairfax112233‏didn't tried firefox14:22
Cheezteward: any decent browser would detect that for sites like google that use key pinning though14:22
fairfax112233‏just chrome14:22
fairfax112233‏i didn't modified any thing ... just changed the wiwspot ... and every thing back to normal14:22
tewardCheez: ehhh, not really, we have MITM in line with web proxies here that between system <--> proxy it uses its own internal CA that's trusted, and between proxy <--> Google it verifies14:22
fairfax112233‏wifi spot*14:22
tewardCheez: so I'm not sure it 'preloads' all the key pinning bits14:22
ayekatteward: you'd need to install your internal CAs on the client machines to pull that off14:23
tewardlet's stop talking about what I already *know*14:23
gimmicwhat a masturbatory statement14:23
tewardayekat: the reason I asked if they see an error is because if they DON'T have that CA cert14:23
tewardit will not function and error for them14:23
tewardjust a thought about POSSIBLE symptoms14:23
tewardbut as they can't test right now and can test "tomorrow" not sure what more we can get from here currently14:24
tewardother than theoretical statements about what COULD be the problem14:24
ayekatteward: well yes, but essentially it would mean that that coffeeshop would make HTTPS impossible if they tried that, because no sanely configured machine (and that includes most end-user windows/macos setups) will accept foreign CA certificates just like that14:24
ayekatI mean - we can't exclude it, you're right14:25
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tewardayekat: and therein lies the problem.  (also see my PMs to you, they're relevant but not relevant to this channel at the moment)14:26
fairfax112233‏curl need a random header in every rquest14:27
fairfax112233‏or a new tool must be made14:27
fairfax112233‏i probably have to make it myself then re compile it .... damn14:28
fairfax112233‏we need to use shuf in every linux tool .....damn it protect us uncle linux14:29
fairfax112233‏i probably end up making my own distributor14:34
fairfax112233‏will call it shuntu14:35
fairfax112233‏a kali killer .... shuntu14:36
gimmicso, anyone have a preferred ssh connection manager?14:41
fairfax112233‏gimmic , what u need in it14:42
fairfax112233‏i dun think there is an ssh connection manger out there14:43
gimmicmostly just bookmarking all the hosts. I've used gnome-connection-manager for years14:43
gimmictabbed ssh, saved credentials, etc14:43
fairfax112233‏use last14:43
fairfax112233‏the > file.txt14:44
gimmicI know I can do all that from a plain shell, but having some wrapper around it has been nice14:44
fairfax112233‏last ,,, grep .. sort..sed...cat or prinf ... all you need14:45
fairfax112233‏while do .... run it in background amd on start up14:45
fairfax112233‏make it every 5 scond and you good to go14:47
ayekatgimmic: ~/.ssh/config (see ssh_config(5) for all the stuff you can put in)14:47
gimmicI know all about ssh core options. Just a UI preference14:47
ayekat`ssh`? or what do you mean with UI?14:47
ayekatwell yes, ssh_config does most of the (reasonable) things there just fine14:50
ayekat... alright, "logging" (I guess they mean session recording or something?) might be something you'd need an external tool, perhaps14:51
pragmaticenigmagimmic: There is no "best" ssh manager, what works "best" for you is what you should consider. If you are looking for software recommendations or ideas of other applications, it is preferred that you ask in #ubuntu-offtopic. When you have difficulty in with the application of your choosing, this is the right place to ask question and get help for that application.15:01
wasanzyI have added this to my sudoers file: mailto "sysadmins@mydomain.com"15:05
wasanzymail_always on15:05
wasanzybut when saving the file, I get syntx error.15:05
wasanzydid I not enter the right syntax?15:05
tewardwasanzy: mailto has to be added to the Defaults entry... did you just put it on its own line or did you add it to the Defaults?15:06
wasanzyI added it on it's own line15:06
tewardwasanzy: up where it says "Defaults" at the top of the sudoers line, add a new line underneath it: "Defaults mailto destinationaddr"15:07
wasanzyok thank you15:07
tewardyou need to put " " around the address as well15:07
tewardsee `man sudoers` and search for 'mailto' for details15:07
wasanzycan't I add same entry at that bottom?15:08
tewardyou can, but it might be better to just keep all the "Defaults" together since they apply globally AIUI15:08
teward(globally for a sudo session I mean)15:08
wasanzyDefaults        mailto "sysadmins@mydomain.com"15:17
wasanzyDefaults        mail_always on15:17
wasanzystill giving me syntax error15:18
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ioriawasanzy, try with the equal sign   :  Defaults mailto="sysadmins@mydomain.com"15:25
wasanzyworks, thank you15:29
cyberpolicehow come there is no system-config-samba package on 19.1015:33
fairfax112233what the heck linux play station https://imgur.com/a/Yee4DY115:33
cyberpolicesorry i mean 19.0415:34
leftyfbfairfax112233: can we help you with something?15:35
Sven_vBdoes Ubuntu have a screen magnifier that does not follow the mouse? I'm trying to align pixels in a layout.15:43
cfhowlettSven_vB, pretty sure I saw this tool under the accessibility options15:43
Sven_vBcfhowlett, in mine (Xfce, xenial), it has a keyboard and mouse tab, but neither look like they have it15:45
BluesKajcyberpolice, try /usr/share/samba/smb.conf15:46
cyberpoliceBluesKaj: no gui tool?15:46
* Sven_vB tries xzoom15:46
Sven_vBoh there's also xmag15:47
Sven_vBlooks like xmag fits my needs perfectly.15:48
cfhowlettit's another ubuntu miracle!  say thank you.15:48
BluesKajcyberpolice, nautlius/network /15:48
Sven_vBah no it's not live15:49
cyberpoliceBluesKaj: oh ok. yeah i forgot about that15:49
mulletmananyone know how to make smplayer show the video inside the player window instead of opening another separate window to play videos?15:51
mulletmanI have tried to delete all smplayer settings and start all over and of course messed with a bunch of settings but nada15:51
pragmaticenigmamulletman: Try this:15:52
pragmaticenigmaLaunch SMPlayer and go to Option > Preferences > General > Video (tab). Then select "x11" for Output driver and click on the "Apply" button. (source: https://askubuntu.com/a/1038367)15:52
Sven_vBxzoom works for me. thanks anyway!15:53
mulletmanpragmaticenigma, thank you!!!! i looked (apparently almost) everywhere and couldnt find anything.15:55
mulletmanquestion though, why does it say that x11 driver is slower?15:55
pragmaticenigmamulletman: Because X11 acts like a middle man between the application and the display. The other modes are able to bypass X11. Sometimes the driver isn't written well and that is when you get an extra window15:57
mulletmanand i just learned two new things today, again thanks!!!15:58
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cyberpolicedumb question about gnome: how do i see the workspaces overview16:06
gofiowhat's the mostly likely reason user/bin/gnome-shell goes nuts with cpu usage? in any ubuntu but ubuntu 18.04 for the matter16:17
tomreyncyberpolice: press the super / logo key, then on the right hand side you'll see your workspaces - mouse over and the drawer will unfold.16:24
cyberpoliceah ok thanks tomreyn . is there a mouse way to do that as well?16:25
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pragmaticenigmagofio: Every machine and setup is different. Note the times when you encounter those issues, and check your logs files.16:27
tomreyncyberpolice: click on activities top left for the first step16:27
cyberpoliceoh thank you so much!!!16:27
gofiopragmaticenigma: I'm guessing it all comes down to being a dual core processor https://i.imgur.com/6lfeYD5.png16:32
gofio"funny" thing though is how it fluctuates16:33
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j0hhey, is there a simple way to test your initramfs script without having to make your system boot into it?17:05
lotuspsychjej0h: didnt you have ubuntu server?17:08
j0hyea lotuspsychje, sorry thought this questions was generic enough for ubuntu17:11
j0hshould I still ask in the ubuntu-server?17:11
lotuspsychjej0h: we usually like to divide the ubuntu version into its channels, because specific volunteers can help you a better way liek this17:12
j0hgotcha, will continue to use that channel, thanks17:12
gofiowhat's what makes a grub crash not to happen after a few minute wait? in ubuntu 18.04. I got problems from the "journals" it seems, could that be related?17:20
gimmicpragmaticenigma: I didn't ask for a "best". I asked for opinions on what people preferred17:21
lotuspsychjegimmic: opinions you can ask/share in #ubuntu-discuss please17:22
gofioalso, what is this process doing? the one in light blue https://i.imgur.com/L6srZRc.png17:22
gofiomaybe some twitter player triggered it17:30
EclipticaI'm looking at potentially installing a desktop environment on my server, however I'm concerned about overhead. Is it known which DE is the most lightweight/least resource-intensive?17:50
lordcirthEcliptica, there are too many DEs to get a "most". But LXQT is a good option.17:51
pragmaticenigmaXFCE (xubuntu-desktop) and LXQT/LXDE (lubuntu-desktop) are both considered "lighter" weight alternatives to KDE and Gnome17:51
fradfunction key + f9 does not hange brightness anymore. ubuntu 19.04 64 bits, what do I do to fix it?17:52
EclipticaThanks for the recommendations :)17:53
fradthe rightness bar appears, but does not respond17:53
cyberpoliceif i unmount a drive, its safe to "eject" or remove the usb?17:57
klab1@cyberpolice: probably, depending on how you "ejected17:59
lotuspsychjecyberpolice: on gnome3 you get a warning 'its now safe to unplug'17:59
cyberpolicei did sudo umount /dev/sdd17:59
cyberpoliceoops /dev/sdd218:00
klab1cyberpolice: if it's not a journaled filesystem and there is an open I/O task, that command won't do. You should see what the mount point for your device is. Try "df -h"18:00
cyberpoliceits not there in df -h anymoer18:01
klab1@cyberpolice: and nothing shows up in "lsof | grep /dev/sdd2"18:02
klab1@cyberpolice: if nothing comes up when you run that, you should be good. You might need sudo18:03
cyberpolicei check with sudo lsof | grep "/dev/sdd2" and nothing is there!!18:03
cyberpolicei am going to remove it now. thanks :)18:03
deltabsudo lsof /dev/sdd2  should be enough18:06
klab1@deltab: thank you, yes that's the correct form18:07
deltabjust a bit more efficient18:08
deltabfrad: you could check for error messages in the output of  dmesg  (which shows log messages from the kernel)18:10
pragmaticenigmacyberpolice: in the future, you might want to look into using "udiskctrl unmount --block-device /dev/sdd" ... this is a little safer than calling umount directly18:10
pragmaticenigmacyberpolice: and use the same command with "mount" to mount the drive. The command will mount the drive in the /media folder and set the mount to your current user's permissions.18:11
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fraddeltab, i get a uefi do list error and a usb error, but no brightness ones18:16
amosbirdHi, why does iperf3 give 5MBps bandwidth while curl a file from the same remote server only gives 1MBps?18:27
OerHekslive patch does not work, 18.04 + HWE ..18:28
OerHeks2nd kernel today, 4.14 and now 4,1818:28
lordcirthamosbird, you are using iperf3 in tcp mode?18:28
gofiomy patch is green now. It's like a traffic light18:30
lordcirthamosbird, and what is serving the file to curl?18:30
lotuspsychjegofio: leave the offtopic out if this channel please18:30
gofiolotuspsychje: why haven't you ignored me by now? plz 20:28 <OerHeks> live patch does not work, 18.04 + HWE ..18:31
amosbirdlotuspsychje: iperf3 tcp18:31
amosbirdpython2 SimpleHvt18:32
amosbirdpython2 SimpleHTTP18:32
lotuspsychje!joke | gofio18:32
ubottugofio: You might think your joke is funny, but you may confuse new users who follow your advice or irritate people who attempt to answer your question.18:32
gofioI hope with kiwiirc is easier to ignore than with smuxi18:33
OerHeksgofio, do not highlight me, thanks18:33
gofioi did not highlighted you18:33
gofioi quoted you18:33
OerHeksoke on ignore now18:34
lotuspsychjegofio: why dont you go back to ##linux tell your life there?18:34
gofiolong life kiwiirc18:38
lordcirthamosbird, what is your MTU? Is there a mismatch?18:41
BluesKajthink they banned him at ##linux, and that takes some doing since they're more tolerant of offtopic chat there18:41
sarnoldif it were just offtopic that'd be better; it was also non-sense and pointless18:42
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ash_worksiflash isn't working on chromium20:17
ash_worksidunno why20:17
ash_worksiaccording to the check here: https://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player.html20:17
ash_worksiit says it's installed by default20:17
ash_worksiand should work if you explicitly allow it20:17
ash_worksiwhich I have20:17
ash_worksibut the animation doesn't work20:17
OerHeksmaybe there have been changes int he browser, here that animation does not work either20:19
OerHeksthat page is from feb 27, 201920:19
tewardash_worksi: their site will recognize Chromium as Chrome and say 'it's by default' but unless you've got pepperflash installed it's not actually shipped with Chromium20:20
tewardChrome has flash by default.  Chromium doesn't have flash.20:20
ash_worksiteward: I see... but this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Chromium/Getting-Flash20:24
ash_worksiteward: says pepper is deprecated20:24
tewardyou'd still need to install adobe-flashplugin and enable Partners repos first20:25
tewardi try to just not use flash so :p20:25
ash_worksiI did enable and install20:25
ash_worksi(although weirdly, when I attempt to enable Partners (source code) it greys out before not just ungreying and not selecting anything20:26
tewardash_worksi: you don't need the 'source' repo, you just need the binaries / nonsource repo20:26
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ash_worksiwell, w/e that's checked20:27
OerHeks3 steps, sudo apt -y install pepperflashplugin-nonfree To update Pepperflash, use: sudo update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree --install After the installation of Pepper Flash Player on Ubuntu 18l04, make sure Flash is allowed to run in:  chrome://settings/content/flash20:27
ash_worksiOerHeks: so, ignore https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Chromium/Getting-Flash20:27
tewardOerHeks: they may want to instead install adobe-flashplugin rather than the pepper flash20:27
tewardthey still need to enable it of course but20:27
OerHekspepperflash downloads chrome, i believe20:27
ash_worksiI'm confused20:29
ash_worksiso is there a command with adobe-flashplugin I'm supposed to run?20:29
OerHeksstart with checking chromium:  chrome://settings/content/flash20:29
tewardOerHeks: there's no default allow option20:29
teward"ask" or "block" you have to allow manually per site20:29
tewardit's a pain because Flash dies in January20:29
portonI want to access my PC from my laptop. Use VNC or ssh -X (-Y)? I want fullscreen (or a big window) for the PC control on the laptop. WiFi20:30
ash_worksiOerHeks: it's marked as allowed on helpx.adobe.com and xfinity.com20:30
ash_worksiteward: you can turn of "ask first"20:31
ash_worksiteward: and explicitly allow on trusted sites20:31
OerHeksodd, then it would work ..20:31
tewardyou might have to refresh the page again20:31
ash_worksibut it doesn't20:31
tewardash_worksi: yes, but not 'globally' you can't disable the 'ask first' unless you override specifically, i was saying there's no default 'always allow' option anymore20:31
ash_worksiyeah, you can't do it globally, thats true20:32
ash_worksibut anyway... isn't there something in chromium I need to do to get it to pick up the package I just installed?20:32
portonUse VNC or ssh -X (-Y)?20:32
tomboy64i'm running ubuntu on an aarch64 devboard (dragonboard). ubuntu apparently supports it via a dedicated linux-image-snapdragon kernel, which is getting updated regularly20:33
tomboy64however after upgrades it seems to reboot with an ancient kernel20:33
tomboy64can somebody direct me to resources on how to alter that and make the board actually use the new upgraded version?20:33
ash_worksiwell, w/e20:34
deltabdoes it need a change to the bootloader config?20:34
tomboy64this appears to require some non-standard approach via u-boot. e.g. no grub or similar linux bootloader20:34
tomboy64deltab: probably. but /boot/uEnv.txt does not seem to get recognized, which would be my usual approach to u-boot20:36
tomboy64the kernel upgrade seems to update /boot/boot.scr properly, but that isn't getting picked up either20:37
leftyfbshibboleth: can we help you with something?20:42
shibbolethyou know, it *really* wouldn't hurt to do a mercy patch for the most widely used video player out there, even if it's universe20:42
leftyfbshibboleth: sudo snap install vlc20:43
shibbolethyeah, cause that's what's installed by default and 90% of ppl will be using to watch... videos, right?20:44
shibbolethand it's not like snap doesn't open up it's own can of worms20:44
OerHeksvlc is not default, nor in restricted extras20:44
shibbolethi asked a question, please don't beat around the bush20:45
shibbolethneither of us are twelve20:45
OerHeksewrr, i told you snap gives the lates version, by the vlc team20:45
OerHeksok, on ignore20:45
leftyfbshibboleth: if you open the "Ubuntu Software" application in Ubuntu 18.04 and search for "vlc" and install it, it installs the snap. So you answer your question, yes, that is exactly where 90% of people will install from.20:47
leftyfbshibboleth: does that answer your question?20:47
shibbolethalright, put your fingers in your ears and hum real loud. same kind of mentality that left a local/remotable root vuln in gnome on xenial for eight months, just because it wasn't default at the time?20:48
shibbolethwas meant for the other guy, obviously20:48
leftyfbshibboleth: This is a support channel. Not a place to air grievances. I feel your question was answered and you concern was put to rest.20:49
shibbolethi asked a question, made a suggestion.20:49
leftyfbshibboleth: your question was answered. Your suggestion is to make a patched version of vlc easily accessible to Ubuntu users running supported versions of Ubuntu. That has happened.20:50
shibbolethyeah, we must be talking about the same thing. anyway, i said my piece, both of you would rather answer a diff question. thanks20:51
shibbolethmaybe if i "sign in with facebook" i'll get an even more recent version, amirite?20:52
ayekattechnically, you didn't ask any question - you simply complained20:52
leftyfbshibboleth: feel free to not ask for help in #ubuntu-offtopic. Good luck.20:52
Thr0r..Are all these strange entries here today come because alot of "bans" where lifted/deleted yesterday? It's kind of strange to read some of them..20:56
ayekatmy bet is school summer holidays20:57
b1ack0pwhy thunderbird is sending twice my mails?20:57
b1ack0pon ubuntu 18.04.220:57
hans_18.04 and /etc/default/grub is missing! but in it's place is 3x files: "grub.merge-error" and "grub.ucf-dist" and "grub.ucf-old"20:58
blackflowshibboleth: business as usual in #ubuntu  :)20:58
hans_how do i get /etc/default/grub back?20:59
shibbolethblackflow, in ##windows both of us would've been kb-ed for such un-thoughts/un-opinions. silver lining, i guess20:59
leftyfb!ot | shibboleth21:00
ubottushibboleth: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:00
b1ack0pshibboleth: i got kb-ed in ##windows several times without reason :p21:01
deltabhans_: if you want to keep exactly the old version, rename "grub.ucf-old"; if you want to replace it with the new one, "grub.ucf-dist"; if you want to combine them, look at "grub.merge-error" and fix the conflicts listed21:01
Thr0rhans_: I am really new to linux and should not really give advice. But I had problems with Grub, becuase of some installes and re-partitioning etc. Don't know if that's your issue but.. I was asked to contribute here and here is a link to what helped me - very useful to me:  https://askubuntu.com/questions/192621/grub-rescue-prompt-repair-grub21:12
shibbolethhopefully on-topic (fingers crossed): https://usn.ubuntu.com/3977-3/21:13
shibbolethi checked, on haswell (more recent than sandy) still running older microcode21:13
shibbolethwas the fix supposed to be => sandy or = sandy only?21:14
leftyfbshibboleth: apt-cache policy intel-microcode   # what version are you running?21:16
shibboleth[    0.000000] microcode: microcode updated early to revision 0x27, date = 2019-02-2621:17
leftyfbyou are up to date21:17
leftyfb"Add MDS mitigation support for Sandy Bridge server and Core-X21:17
leftyfb      processor families.(LP: #1830123)"21:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1830123 in intel-microcode (Ubuntu) "intel-microcode 20190514 does not provide Sandy Bridge (sigs 0x000206d7 and 0x000206d6)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183012321:17
shibbolethehm, my skylakes and kabys are running more recent microcode?21:18
shibbolethsandy, ivys and haswell all running microcode from before mds went public, unless specifically provided through a bios update21:19
tomreynhans_: grub.ucf-dist should contain the default /etc/default/grub for the ubuntu release you're running now.21:41
tomreynhans_: i.e. you can rename this file. what happened there is that the upgrader tried to apply the new configuration file (template) to your system, keeping local changes you had previously made to it (your old locally changed configuration file, based on a previous configuration file template, should be in grub.ucf-old). however, this failed, and the error was recorded in grub.merge-error and... you just got disconnected.21:44
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eelstrebori'm having a problem with sending encrypted e-mail using thunderbird and enigmail - gpg signing is OK but can't send an encrypted e-mail. the only clue in the logs is this and a web search has turned up nothing: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/DRcF39V7MT/22:10
sarnoldeelstrebor: I'm surprised that error has 'compiz' in the lines..22:23
sarnoldeelstrebor: but the trailing end of the thing suggests maybe there's a problem executing something, perhaps gpg.22:23
* eelstrebor found the problem22:23
sarnoldeelstrebor: oh? what was it?22:25
eelstrebora error in gpg.conf22:26
aeyxahow well would you all suspect a 4K resolution works in ubuntu on a 14-15inch laptop?22:26
aeyxaI've read some people have troubles but not sure how accurate they are for today.22:27
sarnoldeelstrebor: aha :) cool. thanks22:28
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lordcirth_aeyxa, you can set 200% scale on the UI. A few programs may not adjust well.22:40
aeyxaOkay, I mostly just need a text editor and a browser, probably should be fine...22:41
MilczarskiVonhi i got problem with amdgpu ...modprobe working but startx not ....xinitrc i got22:42
MilczarskiVoni got firmware22:42
tomreynMilczarskiVon: wrong url?22:42
MilczarskiVonin France in 2014 few synagogs burning22:43
tomreyn!ot | MilczarskiVon22:43
ubottuMilczarskiVon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:43
MilczarskiVoni talk in Polen about WORLD HOLOCAUST 2019-202022:43
sarnoldDrone: botsnack22:44
tomreynaeyxa: maybe related https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/x11-hidpi-scaling-available-for-testing-on-disco/10293/322:47
aeyxathat date scrollbar is pretty cool22:47
parak0vskyhow to persistently make caps lock do home. currently it's doing it but after sleep it back to defaults. am using xmodmap for that22:49
pragmaticenigmaparak0vsky: You have to add an entry so that it will execute you xmodmap settings after sleep. See this post: https://askubuntu.com/a/9223522:54
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pragmaticenigmaparak0vsky: Actually, see this posting from the same article, it will be more up-to-date with Ubuntu 18: https://askubuntu.com/a/111171022:55
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parak0vskypragmaticenigma: works. thanks23:03
pragmaticenigmacool, you're welcome parak0vsky23:04
Thr0rWhat could be the reason for Blutooth stops working during a day? - - I get "No adapters available" -- It worked just fine and then stopped. I have searched and found no tips that works.. Is this a Kernel thing? What can I check?23:11
pragmaticenigmaThr0r: syslog is typically the best place to start looking, or journalctl as well23:14
jeremybThr0r: It could be USB power management23:15
Thr0rjeremyb: I Don't have a separate USB power management, and in Power mangagement the settings seems ok23:23
pragmaticenigmaThr0r: you would need to look in your log files to know for sure... very common to see power issues with USB causing those issues23:24
Thr0rpragmaticenigma: Ok - As I know this is not USB, It's some build-in thing. And how do I examine those logs if I may ask? I don't even know where they are located...23:25
pragmaticenigmaThr0r: Bluetooth internally is often attached to the USB Bus... you can't make wild assumptions like that23:27
pragmaticenigmaThr0r: journalctl is the primary means that Ubuntu logs system events, errors, and information. You can read up on how to use the interface here: https://www.linode.com/docs/quick-answers/linux/how-to-use-journalctl/23:28
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pragmaticenigmaThr0r: you can also look at syslog by using the command "less /var/log/syslog" or using other tools like Grep to search the file more easily23:29
cyberpolicewhat will happen if i disconnected the usb ubuntu live usb is running from23:34
compdocarmageddon begins23:35
pragmaticenigmacyberpolice: if you have to ask, you probably shouldn't do it23:35
Thr0rpragmaticenigma: Ok - I will read that.. I don't understand why you peoble are so strickt with answers to me but others get replies that help them I see all the time. Maybe I have done something wrong in the past.... I will start finding out things myself. Thank you!23:36
sarnoldcyberpolice: if any of the running programs need to use code that isn't in memory, either because those pages weren't used yet, or because those pages were thrown away due to memory pressure, or if you try to do filesystem traversal operations on the removed filesystem, you'll have crashes, perhaps even kernel panics. you might get lucky once in a while but sooner or later something will go wrong..23:39
=== Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray
EriC^^sarnold: why do you ask?23:44
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