
Unit193I suppose I should mention it here too, for the time being at least, there will be no Xubuntu Core builds.  It currently drops to busybox and not sure why.01:08
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
albinardEoan ISO of 06/28 installs and runs really well, but first Live screen flickers before settling down.16:33
albinardAfter some more use, I'm finding the 06/28 ISO installed runs like a really solid ditro.  No problems yet.19:36
albinardEven runs like a distro.  Oops.19:36
jphilipzbluesabre: hi21:35
jphilipzsaw the latest meeting minutes and wouldnt mind assisting with your task of additional keyboard shortcuts, if you havent already completed it21:36
jphilipztried to see the old meeting minutes archive, but got an internal server error - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings/Archive21:40
pleia2yeah, the ubuntu wiki is the bane of our existence :\21:41
jphilipzworking now, but not showing any of the 2019 meetings21:41
pleia2that page is generated by searching, so the back end probably timed out before it could find the most recent ones21:42
Unit193We've only had one 2019 meeting.21:42
pleia2oh, there we go21:42
pleia2it's sweet that you all took off for baby adam's birth with me <321:43
jphilipzare meeting less important these days and everything is in the mailing list?21:45
pleia2no, I think everyone just got busy and they slipped for a few months :\21:47
pleia2we're down a few team members this year21:47
Unit193Heh, everything is on IRC.  We had to have some meeting at the end of last cycle I would have thought, but perhaps not.  It tends to be pinging specific people unless it's a question as to direction, that's more meeting stuff.21:47
Unit193All that too.21:47
jphilipzwould like to be a team member. i've contributed to libreoffice for 4+ years21:49
Unit193Dang, I owe Emery an email too..21:49
jphilipzhave already started filing bugs in launchpad and bugzilla21:50
Unit193so with the keyboard shortcuts, it's one line edits in an xml file so pretty basic.21:50
jphilipzis it a git repo?21:51
Unit193https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/xubuntu-default-settings/import/changes/711?start_revid=711 bzr it seems.21:51
jphilipzis the team looking only for new shortcuts to add or also to modify existing ones21:53
pleia2just adding, have you seen the mailing list thread?21:53
jphilipzno havent seen the mailing list21:54
pleia2"New Keyboard Shortcuts for Xubuntu"21:54
pleia2I'd suggest signing up for the list, and welcome :)21:54
jphilipzokay will do21:57
jphilipzjoined but not sure how to reply to an existing email thread22:03
pleia2there's no easy way, you can just create a new one with the same title, people will see it22:04
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: thunar 1.8.7 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-thunar-1-8-7-released-tp54376.html (by Alexander Schwinn-2)22:29
bluesabrejphilipz, Unit193: git repo... had to have a bzr import repo to cover some lp features missing with git (probably translations)23:40
jphilipzbluesabre: so no git repo :(23:44
bluesabrejphilipz: yes git repo? `git clone -b master https://git.launchpad.net/xubuntu-default-settings`23:45
jphilipzbluesabre: currently testing alot of distros in order to make recommendations23:46
Unit193bluesabre: ...Miiight want to set the git repo to be default, then. :323:49
bluesabreUnit193: I think it is though... https://code.launchpad.net/xubuntu-default-settings goes to the git repo23:49
Unit193I likely pulled up code.l.n/~xubuntu-dev. :/23:50
bluesabrejphilipz: I was working on something similar, if this helps out https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gtdJ8ZzPt2Rfnih6aC-fIl8eYjcO1lcDmeXvdB6WQs8/edit?usp=sharing23:51
jphilipzbluesabre: nice :D23:52
bluesabreBasically determined that nobody has the same keyboard shortcuts, which is lame for users23:52
jphilipzi was just limiting mine to the basics23:52
jphilipzthere are alot of similarities23:53
jphilipzthere is a wiki page with alot of this listed in it23:57

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