
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
xubuntu91whi everyone.  can i install more themes on xubuntu 16.04.04?01:43
Unit193I'd likely go with something in the repos instead.01:47
xubuntu91wxangua and Unit193 thanks01:47
Unit193Xubuntu 16.04 is sort of EOL though.01:48
odranysaHello, everyone. Is anyone here alive? I don't know how to install a .tar.xz file, it's bugging me.04:28
diogenes_odranysa, that's an archive.04:30
odranysaI meant installing a program/application from a compressed .tar.xz file. Is there any file manager that can do it automatically for me?04:31
odranysaI mean, like Synaptic.04:32
diogenes_odranysa, only in manjaro uses tar.xz as package format (afaik), in ubuntu you only install packages that end in .deb, if you get an archive then most likely it has a source and instructions inside that you have to compile, so first step is to extract the archive and see what you get there.04:34
Unit193Well, a bunch of things could come in tarballs.  Precompiled applications, source (this is very common, Ubuntu uses it)04:34
diogenes_Unit193, right but you can't install any archive format with gdebi for instance, only .debs04:35
Unit193That sort of presumes gdebi is the only way to install something, but sure.04:36
diogenes_i brought gdebi as an example sicne i'm not gonna list all the available installers, they all do the same thing.04:37
odranysadiogenes_ Look, I want to install Sway but it comes in .tar.xz only, the same happened with Toxic and a lot of other programs I want installed. It's frightening me out because the YouTube tutorials I follow don't solve anything. In fact, it's worsening my migration process...04:37
Unit193!info sway disco04:38
ubottuPackage sway does not exist in disco04:38
Unit193!info sway eoan04:38
ubottuPackage sway does not exist in eoan04:38
Unit193Huh, it's only in Debian experimental?  Unfortunate.04:38
diogenes_odranysa, the first thing is to extract the archive, you gonna get a folder, open the folder and tell me what's in there.04:38
odranysaOkay, I'm going to redownload it.04:38
Unit193Note: sway requires a newer version of libjson-c than what is in Ubuntu.04:40
odranysaSo what do?04:40
odranysaadd-apt-repository ppa:samoilov-lex/swayapt updateapt install sway04:40
odranysaadd-apt-repository ppa:samoilov-lex/sway - Got a "must be root to execute"Next ones are apt update and apt install sway, which I didn't even type04:42
Bashing-omodranysa: system call - in ubuntu got to "Super-User-Do" i.e. ' sudo add-apt-repository ppa:samoilov-lex/swayapt ; sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo apt install sway ' . :)04:48
diogenes_and pray for not breaking anything :) ^^04:52
Bashing-omodranysa: ^^ +1 :D04:54
odranysaThank you Bashing.04:54
odranysaI'll do it now.04:54
technolostLet's see if I can't "break" Xubuntu as badly as I seem to be able to Winblow$04:55
Bashing-om!ppa | odranysa04:55
ubottuodranysa: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge04:55
odranysaThank you.04:56
technolostIs there any chance a PPA could break the system?04:59
odranysaNo se ha podido localizar el paquete sway (Couldn't locate sway pack)05:03
odranysaBig F.05:03
Bashing-omodranysa: Yup , onlu for disci release - see: https://launchpad.net/~samoilov-lex/+archive/ubuntu/sway .05:07
Bashing-omdisco* sheesshh L(05:07
odranysa1So, there's nothing I can do nor do I have the will to do it05:08
odranysa1BTW, is there any other useful WM as Sway that doesn't require the same amount of time to cry over?05:08
odranysa1I've been trying to rice Xfce to nearly no avail, not being able to play with the windows whenever needed is bugging me a bit05:09
Bashing-omodranysa1: Well, depends on the need - release upgrade to disco <- Maybe UNgood as that leaves the LTS path.05:09
Bashing-omodranysa1: For developments .. might be a good thought to dual boot.05:11
odranysa1Alright, Bashing-om, I am going now. See you sometime later, you're awesome. I'm going to have to stick to this channel a bit, I'm still a hard newbie. XOXO05:13
friendlyGoati dont quite need help as its grown on me but i am confused about something that has happened. i got things fixed and all that on xubuntu which im really glad about but i updated and nothings broken but one things weirdly different. my splash screen when im first booting up is very simple with 4 loading dots and a tiny almost plain text xubuntu logo. and when i shutdown, theres the normal splash screen. what happened there an06:04
friendlyGoat i go about fixing it/generally knowing what happened?06:04
friendlyGoatits grown on me a little bit but part of me still wants it fixed.06:05
diogenes_friendlyGoat, it has to do with early KMS failing to load.06:16
friendlyGoatahh, what would i have to do to get KMS to work again?06:16
diogenes_friendlyGoat, run: cat /etc/default/grub | nc termbin.com 999906:17
diogenes_paste here the link.06:18
diogenes_everything seems fine there, first thing to try is to run: sudo update-initramfs -u and reboot afterwards, if that doesn't help then re-install plymouth, if that doesn't help then re-instaling the graphics driver.06:22
friendlyGoatalrighty thanks06:23
odranysahttp://i.imgur.com/atpfRFk.png - Do you like my ricing? ^^12:59
odranysaHello, everyone.14:24
intensityfunction key + f9 does not change brightness anymore. How do I fix it for xubuntu 19.04?17:16
intensityfunction key + f9 does not change brightness anymore. How do I fix it for xubuntu 19.04?17:41
intensity+join #ubuntu17:44
patek2404Hi there! Im using Xubuntu 18.04.2 on my MacBook Air 2017 13 inch. I have got a problem when I close my MacBook open the laptop is turned off. Do I can get help?20:06

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