
wxli'm on 2.7.0+bzr6622-15 on 19.10 and trying to do a `bzr fast-export` as part of the conversion to git described here https://help.launchpad.net/Code/Git and i get 'bzr: ERROR: unknown command "fast-export"'03:33
wgrantwxl: bzr fast-export comes from the fastimport plugin; on Ubuntu, try installing bzr-fastimport.04:01
wxlnext question: outside of removing all the bzr branches, how does one change their user to be git by default?04:43
wgrantwxl: https://code.launchpad.net/~USER always shows Bazaar branches by default, at present. Is that what you meant?06:38
wxlwgrant: yep06:39
wgrantThere's no way to configure that.06:40
wxloh well i tried XD06:44
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