
DiebuntuOn another note, is there a way to run a script right as my session is loading. In order for me to use my volume keys I need to run this command every time I logi  killall xfce4-volumed && xfce4-volumed00:02
DiebuntuWait, don't answer, need to reboot00:07
DiebuntuI'm back. I'm trying to install the new drivers and I'm getting this error fatal: destination path 'rtlwifi_new' already exists and is not an empty directory.00:12
DiebuntuI assume I have to delete that directory, right?00:12
DiebuntuAnd I guess that's the directory on my /home folder00:13
deltabyes, delete the directory00:16
DiebuntuHi! Just to report that it's working fine! Thank you!00:32
n4chtokay, i've got the Noto Color Emojis font installed on 19.04, and the emojis will show in chrome, but 1f1313 refuses to show up anywhere else. (or any of the moon phases for that matter) has anyone else had that problem?00:39
deltabDiebuntu: glad to hear it :-)00:46
OerHeksrebuild font cache perhaps? sudo fc-cache -f -v   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts#Manually00:50
OerHekssudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig would be an other tool00:51
wahdizzitAfter a reboot, I can't mount my external drive to its Mount point. I can mount it anywhere else but where I want it to be. It just fails silently.00:53
wahdizzitI think it might have to do with having done a bind mount from there to another location.00:54
wahdizzitBut I don't know how to see or fix that00:54
OerHeksoften mount failures are due to bad blocks/sectors, run a fsck utility?00:58
wahdizzitOerHeks, even if it mounts fine to another location?00:59
OerHeksoh, you want to mount it in 2 places?01:01
wahdizzitNo, I want to mount it to /mnt/J, but it refuses to mount there01:02
wahdizzitIf I mkdir /mnt/Q I can mount it there fine01:03
deltabdoes  mount  list anything else at /mnt/J ?01:03
deltabis the bind mount there at present?01:04
wahdizzitI don't think so, but it's hard to read01:04
deltabgrep it or pipe into column -t01:05
wahdizzitI can delete J, and make it again, and still can't mount there01:05
deltabif you have a bind mount it could be mounting on the hidden directory beneath, perhaps?01:06
deltabdon't delete anything01:06
wahdizzitI don't know. I just learned about bind mounts today. When I try umount on the dir where I had the bind mount it says nothing is mounted01:08
deltabwhat's listed by mount?01:08
wahdizzitA ton of stuff, but nothing at /mnt/J or at the bind locations01:09
deltabdoes it list a bind mount?01:10
wahdizzitNot that I can see01:10
deltabooh, just discovered findmnt01:12
deltabfindmnt displays a tree01:14
EickmeyerDiebuntu: The issue with xfce4-volumed is bug 1291855.01:14
ubottubug 1291855 in xfce4-volumed (Ubuntu) "After pulseaudio restart, volume keys no longer work" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129185501:14
wahdizzitdeltab I ran it, but don't see anything that looks relevant01:14
deltabdoes  findmnt /mnt/J  show anything?01:16
deltabso there's nothing mounted there at the moment01:17
deltabtry mounting the filesystem there01:17
Eickmeyerwahdizzit: Are you running Ubuntu on Windows? (WSL)01:18
wahdizzitBy that u mean the external hard drive? Its not working.01:18
wahdizzitIt just fails silently01:18
wahdizzitUbuntu server01:19
wahdizzitIt's an NTFS drive tho01:19
OerHeksnormally one would mount external drives in /media/01:20
OerHeksand fstab noted partitions in /mnt/01:20
EickmeyerMight be good to ask #ubuntu-server if you haven't done so already, wahdizzit01:20
deltabwahdizzit: check the kernel message log for errors, with  dmesg01:21
wahdizzitI deleted the folders it had been bind mounted to, and rebooted. Seems to be working now.01:31
mouseshi all - have 18.04.02 running on a Lenovo Ideapad y510p - everything works, but something is frustrating me - I don't want any auto lock screens or any behavior beyond 'turn display off' when I close the lid - however I can't find any advanced settings to actually control any of that behavior01:33
mousesam I just missing something silly here?01:33
OerHeksmouses, and check out systemsettings > power01:38
mousesOerHeks: you'd think, but nothing there01:38
mousesas in, no setting I can find anywhere to change lid closed behavior01:39
OerHekslaptop mode tools, perhaps?01:39
OerHeks!info laptop-mode-tools01:40
ubottulaptop-mode-tools (source: laptop-mode-tools): Tools for Power Savings based on battery/AC status. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.71-2ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 83 kB, installed size 378 kB01:40
mousesoh thanks01:40
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OerHeksoh, gnome-tweak-tools gives laptop lid option suspend or not, too01:41
OerHeks!info gnome-tweak-tool01:41
ubottugnome-tweak-tool (source: gnome-tweaks): adjust advanced settings for GNOME - transitional package. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.28.1-1 (bionic), package size 1 kB, installed size 12 kB01:41
mouseslol gnome-tweak-tool had one button under power01:43
mouses'suspend when lid closed' - I set it to off01:43
mousesthat works :)01:43
mousesstill not 100% perfect, would like screen to turn off with lid closed, but whatever01:44
mousesthanks so much OerHeks01:44
OerHekshave fun!01:44
mousesOerHeks: yeah, my couch computer just upgraded from a cheap 1.6 GhZ celeron with 2 GB ram netbook to a ideapad with 16 GB fast RAM and a i7 and nvidia 755m x2 :)01:47
mousesinsane upgrade01:47
emelHello all. Ntmu. I've installed Pypy3 using snap on Ubuntu, but I'm having trouble installing PIP (read only error). I would apreciate any suggestions.01:56
emelIs it safe to change file permissions within the SNAP dir, or is it best to install Pypy without snap. (sorry for the newbie question)01:59
SignalsOutWhat What!02:06
amazoniantoadI'm running system monitor to monitor the how resource intensive a program I wrote is, but I none of the programs listed in it show how much cpu is actually being used. is there a way to fix this?03:02
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kinghatis there a dir/filename convention in nix?04:15
kinghatspecifically around spaces?04:15
kinghatthis-is-a-dir-name? this_is_a_file_name?04:16
kinghatis that correct?04:16
kinghatim guessing should always be lowercase?04:16
rwpThe only real convention is that traditional systems do not use spaces or other whitespace in filenames.  Other than that anything goes.04:18
Bashing-omkinghat: spaces are delimiters in linux, and also linux is case sensitive, in that - Case does not equate to case.04:18
kinghatalso didnt know if there was some convention for how to treat spaces w/o using spaces.04:22
Bashing-omkinghat: Once can escape "space" .. or \space .04:28
kinghatya I just didn't know if there was some convention that the nix cool kids club follows.04:33
Bashing-omkinghat: The cool thing is not use spaces :)04:37
geirhanah, the cool kids got filenames with spaces and act like they don't care05:54
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misterspoonmanguys is this the main channel?07:04
misterspoonmanim new to IRC07:04
wtigermisterspoonman: main channel for?07:04
misterspoonmanlike the most active channel?07:05
wtigerthis is ubuntu main channel..07:05
misterspoonmanhahaha okayy07:05
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AntiochI'd like to transfer a bunch of files and folders from one linux machine to another, what is the best tool to use for this?07:43
AntiochI imagine rsync will be suggested, but isn't rsync more than just a file copy tool? Doesn't it also have to create a bunch of metadata in order to track changes so it can do differential updates? I'd like to avoid any data other than the files being created on the recipient machine.07:45
thsnrAntioch: rsync does not create any extra files, it is clever enough to do the differential updates using only the file itself and its filesystem information07:59
Antiochthsnr, a clever tool indeed! Final question: would it be better to "push" from the source machine or "pull" from destination?08:02
blackflowdoens't matter08:02
AntiochGreat! I'll give it a try. Thanks a bunch, everyone. :)08:07
EoflaOEViceCityI got a brand new PC, Dell Optiplex 7060, and can't seem to run Ubuntu 19.04 without freezing on VirtualBox. I click on Try, or Install, mind my own business by exploring Ubuntu, until it freezes after few minutes. I can't even go to TTY1. I checked the hash, and it was all OK. My processor is an Intel Core i7-8700.08:35
blackflowEoflaOEViceCity: that on Windows host?08:46
ANANDHello. After a recent restart during update, sudo isn't behaving properly - I get the following error:08:49
ANANDNo protocol specified08:49
ANANDUnable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused08:49
ANANDWould somebody be able to help me?08:49
EoflaOEViceCityblackflow: Yes. Windows 10 October is host, Ubuntu 19.04 is guest.08:50
blackflowEoflaOEViceCity: does your VM have network connectivity when it boots up?08:51
blackflowANAND: what's the sudo command? Can you run just `sudo -i` ?08:51
EoflaOEViceCityblackflow: Yes. Should I try again with the active Internet connection?08:52
blackflowEoflaOEViceCity: yes, but start the guest VM, go to terminal, and run     journalctl -b -1 -n 100 | nc termbin.com 9999        and type in the URL you get, here.  I'm really after those logs.08:53
EoflaOEViceCityblackflow: It says "Data from the specified boot -1 is not available: No such boot ID in journal". This was the Live CD. I haven't installed yet.08:56
blackflowEoflaOEViceCity: then I have no idea how to troubleshoot frozen systems that don't leave any logs to inspect, sorry :)08:57
blackflowEoflaOEViceCity: unless... enable ssh.service and try ssh connection to the VM, run journalctl -f in there and observe what happens when it freezes08:58
EoflaOEViceCityblackflow: Ok. Trying to do that.08:59
ANANDblackflow: It seems like this is a problem with only applications with GUI (e.g. nautilus, gedit, etc.)08:59
ANANDI can run sudo -i successfully09:00
blackflowANAND: so how are you trying to use sudo with GUI?09:00
blackflowANAND: oh I see what's going on here... yeah, you can't use sudo with GUI apps, as that requires user root to have access to the running xorg session, and it doesn't. what exactly are you trying to achieve?09:00
ANANDI use sudo nautilus <path_to_dir> to modify directories that require elevated permissions09:01
blackflowANAND: that won't work.   try   nautilus admin:///path/to/dir/...09:01
ANANDI did try that, but it seems like I didn't really have root access - I couldn't cut, rename, delete or modify the files, all of which had the lock icon on them09:02
blackflowANAND: which ubuntu?09:03
blackflowI guess admin:/// URLs don't work everywhere in GNOME...   ah well... steaming pile.09:04
ANANDIt was working perfectly fine until that restart a couple of days ago though. I thought the problem is on my end.09:04
blackflowANAND: it shouldn't have worked for a regular Ubuntu installation, unless you fiddled wiht ACLs or permissions to allow root access to xorg09:05
blackflow.... or there was a bug that allowed it, that was now fixed.09:05
EoflaOEViceCityblackflow: Everything went fine until I wanted to connect to VM. When I did "ip a," it returned the weird 10.0.x.x and Windows can't connect to it09:05
ANANDThat's strange09:05
blackflowEoflaOEViceCity: how is your VM networking set up? bridged?09:05
EoflaOEViceCityblackflow: It is set up using NAT. My host connects to WiFi09:06
blackflowANAND: sudo isn't supported for GUI apps for long, long time now. you always needed things like gksu or similar. polkit/dbus based auth which sudo doesn't do.09:06
blackflowEoflaOEViceCity: https://bobcares.com/blog/virtualbox-ssh-nat/09:07
blackflowANAND: but lately gksu has been deprecated in favor of URLs, like admin:///...09:07
blackflow(or pkexec)09:08
ANANDblackflow: IIRC, it was a security update, after which I couldn't use sudo. So it probably might've been a bug-fix in that area as you say.09:08
EoflaOEViceCityblackflow: About to finish, but the electricity has failed.09:09
ANANDIs admin access in nautilus not possible without the nautilus-admin extension?09:10
blackflowANAND: try the admin:/// URL in the nautilus' address bar, perhaps _invoking_ it with that URL wouldn't work, but once inside, it would work09:11
ANANDOh I see. I'll give it a try09:11
ANANDblackflow: Entering admin:// in nautilus' address bar doesn't work either09:13
blackflowANAND: then I suppose the extension it is.09:13
ANANDDoes everyone use this extension to open nautilus(/gedit) with root access?09:15
ANANDThe extension does not work either! o_O09:17
TJ-18.04, "mount /dev/dm-5 /usr/local" appears to succeed, and dmesg shows it apparently did, but "ls -latr /usr/local/" shows nothing, not even "." or "..". However, "mount /dev/dm-5 /mnt/usr_local/" and the files show up as expected. Explanation!?09:29
blackflowTJ-: which filesystem? I've had situations with mount and dmesg reporting successful mounts, but nothing would really happen, with ZFS....09:30
TJ-blackflow: EXT409:30
blackflowI attributed that to ZFS bugs09:30
TJ-blackflow: the weird part is, contents show up fine at /mnt/usr_local/ !09:30
TJ-blackflow: this is a boot-time bug; got dropped to emergency shell due to missing device dependency, and triacked it down to /usr/local/ not being mounted; Doing it manually this is what I've discovered09:31
blackflowTJ-: is this manual mount? Not initramfs, or fstab/boot based mount?09:31
blackflowTJ-: but /usr itself is not separate?09:32
blackflow(from root)09:32
TJ-blackflow: correct09:33
TJ-and it gets weirder: "mount --bind /mnt/usr_local /usr/local" also fails (but no error messages)09:34
blackflowTJ-: WorksForMe(tm)     (server tho)09:35
blackflowso I'm guessing there's a unit triggering on /usr/local mount? or an udev rule? gvfs or some similar steaming pile of gnomesense?09:36
TJ-blackflow: this is a server, entries in fstab (so systemd-fstab-generator) ... there are other mounts depending on this one, so when this is failing the others do too, and so drops to emergency shell09:39
TJ-I strace-d mount command cannot see anything untoward09:39
blackflowbut you can mount fine, manually, with no corresponding fstab lines?09:40
blackflowI'd recommend using .mount units directly, expressing proper dependencies, instead of fstab auto-generation. fstab is there just for legacy support, it's .mount units anyway.09:41
TJ-blackflow: no, that's the issue; cannot mount to /usr/local/ but no errors, but the mount just doesn't appear in /proc/mounts and no sign of files09:43
TJ-blackflow: mounting to another mount-point is working though09:44
blackflowTJ-: and if you remove the fstab lines, reboot (so no generators are polluting systemd), can you then mount manually to /usr/local ?09:44
TJ-there's nothing wrong with the generated mount units09:47
TJ-here's an overview https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wRJrMfDY3w/09:47
blackflowTJ-: waitaminute, you have separate /usr/lib , doesn't that cound as separate /usr , for the same issues?09:49
MMYStic_Hi, I have some problems to reset tc rules (traffic shaping).09:51
MMYStic_this is what I've done: https://pastebin.com/TsDT708B09:51
TJ-blackflow: no, don't worry about that one. Because the VPS space has over time expanded, I used up additional space as additional virtual disks. During a recent d-r-u I had to 'move' /usr/lib/ into another (LVM) temporarily to make space in the original root-fs.09:52
blackflowTJ-: sorry, no ideas then. But yes, I've seen that behavior. repots mounted but it isn't.09:53
TJ-blackflow: I *think* I've figure out why /usr/local/ mount keeps disappearing though. the usr-local.mount unit is un-mounting it as soon as it mounts because the job (or its parent) is marked as inactive09:53
TJ-blackflow: and that is due to a dependency failing... its a bit cryptic but it looks like the fsck isn failing (good FS, but fsck failing to run at all)09:55
blackflowTJ-: hence manual .mounts so you don't put After=/Requires= on the fsck service for the block device09:59
blackflow(as generated .mount  will have such requirement)09:59
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blackflowTJ-: you can literally copy the .mount for usr/local from /run/systemd/generator/   into /etc/systemd/system/   comment out Requires=/After= in it, and comment out the correspnding fstab lines. I'm curious now if that will work for you.10:01
TJ-blackflow: a manual run of the systemd fsck succeeds10:07
TJ-blackflow: It looks like the issue is udevd hasn't create a /dev/disk/by-uuid/ node for this LV, and the fsck unit depends on that10:12
TJ-blackflow: the only nodes are for 'physical' devices; no entries for LVs10:13
blackflowTJ-: so a race condition between when the systemd-fsck@.service starts and udev setting up LVs?10:13
TJ-no, it looks like udev has not been creating the symlinks for any device-mapper nodes; they're also misisng under /dev/mapper/10:16
blackflowah I see.10:17
blackflowahem.... manual .mount, force a Requires/After on systemd-fsck@.service as you wish, by uuid or otherwise ;)10:17
blackflow(or none at all)10:17
TJ-I want those fsck's !10:18
TJ-the problem here is udev, or one of its rules10:19
blackflowyou can have them. systemd-fsck@.service is a template. you don't have to specify UUIDs10:19
TJ-I'm struggling because I've only for an 80-column remote shell and all the names/paths with UUIDs in make it really hard to see what is going on, or copy entire entries10:20
blackflowTJ-: you can use dev-disk-by-label for the systemd-fsck@.service template in yout .mount10:21
benergyHey guys, having had struggles with unattended upgrades, I set up a cronjob running apt-get update and upgrade every 10 minutes. I was wondering if you see any problems with this approach? Might break when shut down at the wrong moment?10:22
blackflowbenergy: 10 minutes?! what on earth for10:23
benergyblackflow: Yeah, I know it sounds weird. But: I'm setting this up for a family member, and they can do NO config at all. So I figured: When they turn on their computer, they'll leave it on for at least 10 minutes, meaning that I reduce the likelihood of them turning it off DURING an upgrade, which might break the system...10:25
TJ-blackflow: no you can't not if udev hasn't created the symlinks :)10:25
blackflowbenergy: no, that's a broken and wrong approach.10:25
blackflowTJ-: so udev creates no links at all? not just no uuids?10:25
TJ-blackflow: as a workaround I've done "systemctl --runtime mask usr-local.mount" and so I can manually mount now and move on10:26
benergyblackflow: I agree it's not beautiful.10:26
blackflowTJ-: uh so why not just comment out he fsck requirement?10:26
TJ-blackflow: correct; I just did a "udevadm trigger" and it (finally) created the symlinks under /dev/mapper/ but not the others10:26
blackflowbenergy: I wouldn't use that qualifier at all.  Also btw, by default Ubuntu checks and would show a popup a few minutes after login, if there's updates.10:27
TJ-blackflow: why mess with the unit itself when that isn't the problem? The problem is udev has gone wrong somehow - this has worked for years so I have to chase down whatever the udev problem is10:27
blackflowTJ-: so you can "have it mounted and move on" :) no "manually". orthogonal to your safari into the udev rules jungle ;)10:28
TJ-blackflow: simply masking the runtime unit allowed it to move on, system booted. Now to figure out why udev got lost10:29
benergyblackflow: Yeah, I know - I wanted everything done automatically in the background, without bothering them at all. If you think my approach is VERY flawed, I'll resort to this instead.10:29
blackflowbenergy: your approach is VERY flawed.10:30
blackflowfirst of all, unattended upgrades will not upgrade everything, so don't use it at all, or have half-updated system. it wont' reboot on kernel and dbus updates. second, whichever period you choose, you risk them shutting down mid-upgrade.10:31
benergyblackflow: Haha, I like how you speak plainly...10:31
blackflowbenergy: unattended upgrades is really a relic from the past, for servers.10:31
blackflow(third, more frequent apt update will just put unnecessary strain on ubuntu infra which is already struggling, so please don't do it more than once a day)10:32
TJ-blackflow: interestingly, /dev/disk/by-id/ has symlinks for LVM, but not -label or -uuid or -path10:32
benergyI am just wondering why Ubuntu didn't give me more options in their update manager.10:32
benergyI absolutely take your point w/ straining the infrastructure, I see this approach is messy-10:32
gofiohow's the internet connection benergy, good?10:33
blackflowbenergy: what more options would you like? by default, as soon as you log in, the update-notifier will pop up and nag you. it will do so once a day (if you so configure it via Settings) so even if you keep it on all the time10:33
benergyThe internet connection is perfect.10:33
gofiothough I was wondering on the spped part, I guess is not a modem.10:34
benergybenergy: Well, NOT nagging me and like, do security updates - and only those - regularly in the background? THAT option is there, but I can't set "other updates" to "never", maximum is "two weeks"10:34
blackflowbenergy: you can disable the ubuntu-updates repo if you want just security10:35
blackflowat leats I think... in theory....10:35
blackflowgofio: please stick to ubuntu support questions and move idle chat to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.10:35
gofioblackflow: wasn't talking to you. thanks.10:36
d0tsun7backflow: you don't like unattended upgrades?10:36
d0tsun7i was thinking about setting that up on my system10:37
blackflowd0tsun7: it's incomplete, and definitely not for interactive workstations. keyword "unattended"10:37
d0tsun7i run a vfio win10 system and my ubuntu as a host, so my ubuntu system is up for a month or so before i reboot usually10:37
d0tsun7i was thinking about setting that up, but have been just updating and upgrading when i reboot about once a month10:38
benergyThat's interesting, maybe I misinterpret the upgrade manager settings. There's a distinction between "security upgrades" and "other upgrades" there, and once you set the first, the second only gives you the options "show immediately/weekly/every two weeks"10:38
benergyMy understanding is that updates had best be managed by someone who understands what they're doing, but there should be a way to keep a machine safe for an unskilled user... I'm sure there is.10:39
blackflow"other upgrades" are non-critical, bugfixes, SRUs, etc...10:39
d0tsun7benergy: i feel that is the case for a dist-upgrade, but not for an apt update or apt upgrade10:40
blackflowbenergy: that's a very good understanding. in fact, all the upgrades should be inspected, preferably changelogs consulted.    unfortunately for general consumers, the ecosystem is not stable enough to offer really unattended upgrades with no side effects. _especially_ in Ubuntu that often changes stuff mid-release.10:40
benergyblackflow: Sure. If I could disable the popup window for those, while keeping "install security updates automatically" (which exists), that'd solve my problem entirely.10:40
blackflowso you get a lot "I upgraded my system and now I can't boot" questions here.10:41
blackflowbenergy: you can disable the popup if you uninstall the notifier10:41
blackflow!info update-notifier10:41
ubottuupdate-notifier (source: update-notifier): Daemon which notifies about package updates. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 56 kB, installed size 259 kB10:41
blackflowI think that's the package, lemme check...10:41
benergyAwesome. If I can get rid of just that, while keeping the update-manager intact, that would do the trick10:42
blackflowbenergy: yes, update-notifier but that also remove "ubuntu-desktop" metapackage which may or may not be a problem for you (it won't affect functionality, just remove the metapackage)10:43
blackflowsilly ubuntu10:43
benergyBingo. I think that's spon-on! I'll look into this.10:43
blackflowbenergy: also one important note, kernel security upgrades have recently moved into "other updates" first, and only after 24 hours will they land to "security". this is because the security repo is strained, so the first hit is to CDN. So, if you disable "other updates", kernel security fixes will lag 24+ hours10:45
benergyHmm, uninstalling update-notifier will also remove update-manager for me...10:46
blackflowdo you need it? that's just the GUI10:47
benergyAh, okay! :)10:47
benergySo after removing it, I'll have to configure apt via /etc/apt/apt.conf.d, right?10:48
blackflowhowever, I'm still convinced that what you're doing is wrong. if a dbus update comes, the system will break without reboot10:48
blackflowbenergy: /etc/apt/sources.list(.d) most likely (I doubt you need to alter apt itself)10:49
blackflowbenergy: also, xorg updates, and other updates to the (gnome, gtk3) framework, might often result with unstable or visually broken system, without a logout/login10:51
blackflowthough I suppose the chances for that are slightly less for security only fixes. it's just that "security only" sometimes involves other changes.10:52
benergyUnderstood. I'll leave it up to them to decide: Either they get a popup window or their system may occasionally look weird, in which case they have to reboot.10:54
parak0vskyguys, did I install java bad? https://0bin.net/paste/kq2XJcUHG0A6A1s+#yBd7syMLYF+Us22efiHQjU1v7s8-wUhSML/zwxAU/1T10:54
blackflowthe popup window is the best. it also tells them when they need to reboot.10:54
blackflowbenergy: ^^^10:54
benergyYep, convinced! Thanks a bunch, blackflow!10:54
benergyThat was super helpful.10:54
blackflowbenergy: you're welcome10:55
EoflaOEViceCityblackflow: When the electricity comes, I will follow the steps about SSH in VirtualBox to get the journal data when it freezes11:00
blackflowEoflaOEViceCity: k... though I have to ask... how are you online now then :)11:00
EoflaOEViceCityblackflow: I accidentally turned off WiFi on my Android, and that is the device that I am connecting to this channel.11:01
blackflowI see.11:02
EoflaOEViceCityblackflow: Since I got other things to do, including lunch, I will try to get the journal log. When I got it, I will send the URL to you.11:07
blackflowEoflaOEViceCity: you can ping me here, if I'm around11:08
EoflaOEViceCityblackflow: OK.11:11
afidegnumhello, after upgrading ubuntu 16 to 18, my cursor kept jumping while typing, the wireless network kept disconnecting randomly11:21
afidegnumwhat can i do to fix it ?11:21
linux8_659hi everyone ,anyone knows how to move /boot on luks encrypted /root ,(19.04) ,I don t succeed in uefi mode11:57
DanDareHi. There's a way to disable all animations? I have Ubuntu 18. I dont want window zoom animation while maximizing.The strange part is if I go to CompizConfig the "Animations" box isnt even checked12:07
DanDareIf I try to check it says I need openGL plugin. Should I try installing this plugin to try disabling the maximizing zoom etc?12:07
BluesKajHi folks12:15
blackflowDanDare: Ubuntu 18? You mean 18.04? Compiz? What flavor of ubuntu?12:22
DanDareblackflow, 18.04 LTS. Not sure about compiz, I just installed Ubunutu and didnt changed any settings. Running this on virtualbox if it matters12:30
ioriaDanDare, default 18.04 uses gnome-shell and not unity ; you use Compiz on the latter not on the first12:32
DanDareAnd, using 3D accel anyway. '/usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p' says it uses openGL12:33
DanDareioria, I see. Its possible to disable animations in this case?12:33
ioriaDanDare, are you using unity ?12:34
DanDareioria, I dont know. how to check?12:34
ioriaDanDare, ps -A | grep gnome-shell$12:34
tomreynDanDare: echo "$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE)"12:34
DanDareps gives me "1221 tty1     00:00:14 gnome-shell" and the echo gives me "ubuntu:GNOME (x11)"12:35
tomreynyou probably want to install gnome-tweaks and manage desktop effects there.12:35
DanDaretomreyn, nice! I will try it, thanks12:36
ioriaDanDare, yes, that ^ you're using gnome-shell, so compiz is useless12:36
DanDareOk thanks12:36
ioriaDanDare, but that file /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p  is in Unity, i don't get how you have it12:37
tomreynit's in "nux-tools"12:37
DanDareioria, well I had to install unity-tools, or something like this to be able to run that command. Was just checking https://blogs.oracle.com/scoter/3d-acceleration-for-ubuntu-guests-v212:38
ioriaDanDare, you are n 18.04 , the guide is for Ubuntu 16/17,12:39
DanDareioria, sorry wrong link, they have it for 18.04 too.12:40
ioriaDanDare, let's see it12:40
DanDareioria, https://blogs.oracle.com/scoter/oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-3d-acceleration-for-ubuntu-1804-guest12:40
ioriaDanDare, it's wrong (i guess just a copypaste)12:41
DanDareAnyway, this part is OK, it's really using 3D here. Actually I dont have any problems with animations just want to disable it as personal preference12:42
DanDareioria, what is wrong?12:42
ioriaDanDare, this : /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p12:42
DanDareweird, I was able to perform this command before lol12:43
ioriaDanDare, that file is for checking Unity compatibility12:44
ioriaDanDare, but 18.04 does not use Unity12:44
DanDareioria, ok. Anyway if I do this command it returns everything marked with "Yes", and "OpenGL renderer string: SVGA3D; build: RELEASE;  LLVM;"12:45
ioriaDanDare, ok12:45
DanDarePretty nice options with gnome-tweaks. Anyway still cant turn window animations OFF. I will just let it be...12:47
DanDareOh wait, im not looking correctly12:48
DanDareYeah, it can be done with gnome-tweaks, theres a button "animations" there. Just set to OFF and all done! cool12:49
DanDareAnd hey, nice to see you blackflow :) Good to see youre around12:51
wtigerHi! I'm experiencing very laggy touchpad scrolling on my ubuntu installation.. any way to debug it? I'm pretty sure it's a drive issue - I'm using a thinkpad x1 carbon13:43
wtiger(5th gen)13:43
SmashcatJust trying latest Ubuntu desktop here - usually only use Linux on servers, WebGL perfoamcne in both Chrome and Firefox seems MUCH lower than Windows on same machine, with Nvidia drivers loaded.14:13
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sevenelevenshould I use WSL or VirtualBox to run ubuntu on windows?14:22
blackflowseveneleven: for whole ubuntu experience, use virtualbox. to run a single process under WSL's bash, you might use WSL (depending on what the process does).14:22
sevenelevenWSL is supposedely faster, but I noticed there is no systemd on ubuntu WSL, so without systemd things go step backwards14:23
blackflowseveneleven: WSL is literally a bash shell. nothing more. you can't run the whole ubuntu distro under it.14:23
seveneleveni thought it's virtualizes the whole ubuntu thing14:24
sevenelevenblackflow, well, I want to use 1) QT Creator 2) ssh14:24
ubottuVirtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox14:24
blackflowno, no. WSL is an emulation of (not all!) linux kernel syscalls, and it gives a shell fro which you can start programs, but there are limits to it.14:24
sevenelevenblackflow, i want to run also an openssh server, thats it more or less14:25
blackflowseveneleven: you're better off with VirtualBox and full Ubuntu experience in it.14:26
sevenelevenblackflow, i believe so14:26
seveneleveni see all kind of errors14:26
sevenelevenwhen I run screen -ls it says "cannot make directoriy /run/screen Permission denied14:27
leftyfbseveneleven: running openssh server within WSL is trival14:27
sevenelevenleftyfb, yeah its installed by default14:27
sevenelevenleftyfb, but it looks like wsl emulation is quiete restricted14:27
sevenelevenwsl requires sudo for screen, that's weird :D14:28
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sevenelevenand WSL is not always faster! for small file i/o virtualbox is faster14:30
blackflowif you ask phoronix, WSL is consistently, always slower.14:30
sevenelevenhehe I didn't know, the way the advertised it it seemed like the quick fox14:30
sevenelevenwell thanks, then Im going to purge it right away and go for virtualbox, saved me some time14:31
blackflowthe marketing is strong on this one. it even advertises as implying you're running the whole distro under WSL which couldn't be more false.14:31
sevenelevenyeah ^^14:31
frisany idea why hostnamectl set-hostname on 18.10 wouldnt keep after reboot, but 18.04 and 19.04 keeps find using hostnamectl set-hostname15:08
EoflaOEViceCityblackflow: I prepared the log for you when it froze: https://termbin.com/l70z Is that the full log?15:43
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bipulBy default few of my interface is down in vm running Ubuntu server 18.04, How to make it up, on boot start?15:54
bipulDo i need to give any changes inside /etc/netplan/ ?15:55
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p0awhen installing ubuntu, the message about the password strength is completely misleading17:24
p0aa 100 lowercase password is weak and 6 digit Aa1!_?. is strong!17:25
ayekatp0a: sounds like it's using a slightly weird metric for determining password strength - but if it doesn't prevent you from continuing, just ignore it and continue :-)17:26
=== Lord-Kam_ is now known as Lord-Kamina
p0aayekat: Not weird - just wrong... It's misleading to newbies17:27
p0aayekat: I ignored it of course but I'm suggesting that it should be fixed -- I can offer a solution if need be17:27
p0aI could dive into the code but if someone could point me out to it that'd be nice17:27
ikanoboriIs the installer code that Ubuntu tends to use.17:33
ikanoboriIt's a Python frontend to Debian Installer (which is C).17:33
ikanoboriI don't know on which side the password checker works but it seems it should be tuned, a normal entropy check should not do that.17:34
ikanoborip0a: ^17:34
p0aikanobori: thank you. I agree, entropy is better17:37
ikanoboriOtherwise I have no idea how to clone a bzr repository and the web interface doesn't allow me to search for it but it's called password_strength.17:38
ikanoboriThere we go, found it.17:38
ikanoboriSo it's not doing an entropy check. I'd see if they take a pull request for a Shannon one.17:39
p0aikanobori: nice17:42
usilis there any image viewer where i can wiew picture, mp4 and avi file17:57
lotuspsychjeusil: usually a file manager is used to view filetypes you have17:58
p0ausil: konqueror18:00
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p0aI ran "apt-get install libtiff5 libtiff5-dev" on a fresh system (with some previous installations like libpng and libjpg) and I got an error18:19
p0a"Errors were encountered: /var/cache/apt/archives/libjpeg-turbo8-dev_1.5.2-0ubuntu5.18.04.1_amd64.deb"18:19
p0aE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)18:20
p0adpkg --configure -a gives that libtiff5-dev is troublesome18:22
blackflowEoflaOEViceCity: did you fix it?18:23
EoflaOEViceCityblackflow: Did you see above link? https://termbin.com/l70z18:25
mouseshi all!  Could use a hand.  Running ubuntu 18.04 and using openVPN to connect to my VPN.  All of that works fine.  However, there's one process (nzbget) that I want to NOT use that connection and just go direct to internet.  OpenVPN itself does not do per application filtering.  Any ideas/methods/advice for this?18:26
p0aI did `apt --fix-broken instlal`18:27
p0aand it fixed it18:27
blackflowEoflaOEViceCity: it's broken18:28
Lost_GoatIm having issues with a share being only acccessible by root and not a nornal user, when i do a mount command i see the share is rw and i can do sudo but the regualr user can read but not write to the share what is wrong ?18:28
EoflaOEViceCityblackflow: The link is broken?18:29
p0amouses: https://superuser.com/questions/294008/use-vpn-connection-only-for-selected-applications18:29
p0amouses: see the solution upvoted 33 times18:29
blackflowEoflaOEViceCity: yeh, 40418:30
mousesp0a: yeah, was looking that over - was hoping for a bit of a simpler method - I hate messing with routing manually :(18:30
p0amouses: run your openvpn through a vm18:31
TJ-mouses: easiest would be to add alternate specific routes for the NTTP servers nzbget is configured to use. Those would over-ride the default that uses the openvpn tunnel18:40
EoflaOEViceCityblackflow: https://termbin.com/43g118:41
TJ-mouses: e.g. if you've got in nzbget.conf "Server1.Name=nntp.example.com" you could do "DEST=$(dig +short nntp.example.com); sudo ip route add ${DEST}/32 via ${GATEWAY}" where GATEWAY is the local gateway router IP address18:44
TJ-mouses: ^^ if DEST is effectively static then you can add that as an additional route in the connection editor of NetworkManager (-desktop) or as an addition to the netplan/systemd-networkd config (-server)18:45
blackflowEoflaOEViceCity: that's the output made when it froze?18:52
EoflaOEViceCityblackflow: yes18:52
blackflowEoflaOEViceCity: but the ssh session is responsive then? you can use it?18:53
EoflaOEViceCityblackflow: yes, with too many lag18:54
blackflowEoflaOEViceCity: what journalctl exactly did you use? the first one I suggested, or `journalctl -f` ?18:55
EoflaOEViceCityblackflow: journalctl -e.18:55
blackflowEoflaOEViceCity: I'm sorry, nothing screams out of that pastebin. It's possible the guest isn't even aware of those issues which are then host-side.18:59
EoflaOEViceCityblackflow: OK. No pointers?18:59
blackflowEoflaOEViceCity: sorry, none.19:05
EoflaOEViceCityblackflow: OK. Thanks for trying to help!19:05
ioriaEoflaOEViceCity, clay-pigeon, but i bet on keyboard layout/mediakey  (or similar) issue19:07
EoflaOEViceCityioria: Is that related to my issue?19:07
ioriaEoflaOEViceCity, yes19:07
ioriaEoflaOEViceCity, https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/issues/60619:08
EoflaOEViceCity ioria: That ug report explains. Are there ways to fix that? It's on Live DVD19:09
ioriaEoflaOEViceCity, you mean you are on livecd ?19:10
EoflaOEViceCityioria: Yes19:11
ioriaEoflaOEViceCity, you cannot even log in ?19:11
EoflaOEViceCityioria: It logs me in automatically when started, and I can do something for a minute then freezes.19:12
ioriaEoflaOEViceCity, you use autologin ?19:12
EoflaOEViceCityioria: This is LiveCD for Ubuntu 19.04, so as soon as it boots up, it will autologin.19:13
royal_screwup21getting this error when running sudo apt update https://pastebin.com/ZLvSfSRA anyone know of a quick fix?19:14
ioriaEoflaOEViceCity, so ubuntu it's not installed at all ?19:14
EoflaOEViceCityioria: Not installed19:15
ioriaEoflaOEViceCity, may i ask you why ?19:15
EoflaOEViceCityioria: Ok. Because it's on the virtual machine.19:16
ioriaEoflaOEViceCity, i'am not good with VM, sorry19:17
EoflaOEViceCityioria: OK. It is ok. Thanks for trying to help!19:18
ioriano prob19:18
chuunaanyone know when this will be available to ubuntu https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/10755 i mean it is 2019... ?19:29
blackflowchuuna: it was closed 11 days ago...19:35
cmm11i've got a systemd service networkd-dispatcher, just curious to know what uses it ?20:14
cmm11nevermind got answer20:19
ot16.04, which command may be used to launch "the graphical settings tool" from terminal?20:47
* ot changed the sensitivity of the launcher to "Low" from normal and now it does not show, sigh.20:49
otOh! Wonderful. From "Time & Date Settings..." one may switch to "All Settings". Now all good again :)20:51
otThank you very much, ot. You are my hero!20:51
* ot adds these to emergency kit: unity-control-center, gnome-control-center20:56
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de-factoIs there any MPEG-4 AAC Decoder for Gnome Totem? It seems ridiculous to me that it cant play such videos since MPV as well as VLC can play them without any issues...22:07
de-factoMissing plugin: gstreamer|1.0|totem|MPEG-4 AAC-Decoder|decoder-audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)4 (MPEG-4 AAC-Decoder)22:09
de-factothe software dialogue just offers me to REMOVE several gstreamer plugins, so i guess thats not what totem wanted me to do here LOL22:10
OerHeksde-facto, did you enable dvd playback, Install libdvdnav4, libdvdread4, gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad, gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly, and libdvd-pkg. ---  https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/video-dvd-restricted.html.en22:14
p0aHello I'm trying to install texlive-full on 18.0422:15
OerHeksvlc has all codecs inside, mpv not, so that is interesting22:15
p0aI'm getting "Errors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/texlive-luatex_2017.20180305-1_all.deb, E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"22:15
p0awhat does this mean? how can I fix it?22:15
de-factoOerHeks, its not a DVD its a mp4 with H264+AAC22:17
de-factoI have ubuntu-restricted-extras and all those gstreamer1.0 plugins22:20
OerHeksi see, but why does totem not accept that file..22:20
de-factogoogling this reveals a lot of bug reports, but it seems i could not find any resolution to it22:20
de-factoi dont know, it seems it thinks its unable to play due to Missing plugin: gstreamer|1.0|totem|MPEG-4 AAC-Decoder|decoder-audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)4 (MPEG-4 AAC-Decoder)22:21
de-factoi cant believe totem is unable to decode AAC22:22
de-factothat is a very common codec22:22
de-factoand since it is the default player in Gnome it must support that22:23
p0agood one22:23
p0aany others?22:23
de-factowell if the standard player cant play standard codeds (AAC is not exotic at all), how can i remove it and replace all file associations with ones to MPV instead?22:27
afidegnumhello anyone online ?22:41
Eickmeyer!ask | afidegnum22:44
ubottuafidegnum: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:44
afidegnumi asked a question earlier,22:45
afidegnum after upgrading ubuntu 16 to 18, my cursor kept jumping while typing, the wireless network kept disconnecting randomly22:45
afidegnumwhat can i do to fix it ?22:45
jeremy31afidegnum: see this for wifi https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2354328&p=13614520&#post1361452022:46
jeremy31afidegnum: is there an option in touchpad settings to disable touchpad while typing?22:56
Eickmeyer!yy.mm | afidegnum22:56
ubottuafidegnum: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle22:56
CrazyLikeAFoxI'm guessing that afidegnum upgraded from 16.05lts to 18.04lts23:01
EickmeyerCrazyLikeAFox: That's a good assumption, but 18.10 is still supported until later this next month.23:01
CrazyLikeAFoxmy old desktop is stuck on xubuntu 18.04lts, as it doesn't look like xubuntu 20.04 will have an i386 release23:03
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EickmeyerCrazyLikeAFox: All flavors have dropped i386 32-bit ISOs.23:04
CrazyLikeAFoxLubuntu too?23:04
CrazyLikeAFoxIt's a bit distant, but unsure what I'll do when 18.04 is deprecated23:05
EickmeyerCrazyLikeAFox: Lubuntu dropped it beginning in 18.10.23:06
CrazyLikeAFoxOh bother.23:06
EickmeyerSee https://lubuntu.me for more information23:07
EickmeyerAlso, let's try to stay on-topic. This is for support, not discussions. :)23:07
afidegnumjeremy31: no option to disable the touchpad but the issue is not from the touchpad23:07
afidegnumit wasn't happening on the previous ubuntu version23:07
CrazyLikeAFoxWell, after I partition up and install an outdated os to do outdated things (I won't connect tat one to the internet, promise :P), I'm throwing xubuntu 18.04.02lts on the machine23:08
TJ-afidegnum: have you reviewed the system log for clues? stuttering sounds like something hanging in the background23:08
CrazyLikeAFoxwill report back when my grapics don't work right23:08
CrazyLikeAFoxat least in bios and g-parted live, both monitors display the same image..23:09
Oderushey guys. i moved a large folder over to a usb hard drive, and some of the file names it did not like, so i put it on auto skip. how can i now tell the difference between the two directories so that i can find the files that did not copy and rename and then copy them23:13
Oderusits a directory with several sub directories that have sub directories of their own and a lot of files23:13
leftyfb Oderus rync23:14
leftyfbOderus: you should be using rsync regardless23:14
Oderusleftyfb: i should? i just used dolphin to copy it over.. x.x23:15
leftyfbOderus: use rsync23:15
Oderusok i will look into rsync23:15
fleabeardhello friends, I have a 500Gb HDD in my pc that's running ubuntu 18.04 server. I got a 1Tb HDD that I would like to use instead. Is there anyway I can just image everything onto that new drive and be good to go?23:42
OerHeksfleabeard, no, you can dd the partitions, and even enlarge it to the full 1 Tb, but you will need to reinstall grub, as UUID changes23:47
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:47
fleabeardOerHeks, thanks! It's my multimedia pc, so I think I'll just reinstall ubuntu server and move the media files over23:48
OerHeksgive it a try, you can always do that23:48
OerHeks* start over again23:49
fleabeardyou're right. I should try it. It could potentially save a lot of time23:50
fleabeardok, so I'm guessing I should first learn how to dd the 500Gb drive to the 1TB drive. Then go on from there..23:50
OerHekssudo fdisk -l # gives a list of partitions, keep bs=4M ( for faster copying with max buffers)23:52
OerHekstons of howto's .. see #4 https://tecadmin.net/drive-and-partition-backup-examples-with-dd-command/23:52
fleabeardcheers! I'll look into it, thanks!23:55

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