=== ross_ is now known as NarcolepticSheep === NarcolepticSheep is now known as ross_ === ross_ is now known as NarcolepticSheep [06:03] So I've got a laptop with Kubuntu on it. I just use for watching movies / series in bed. Whenever it goes in standby I have to enter the password when I wake it up. Is there anyway to make it so that I don't need to enter the password every time? [06:05] yes [06:05] power management [06:07] I did change in XFCE, can't realy check it, but, press the super key, and type power [06:07] check settings, if you don't find it, try lock and you will find it [06:07] if you don't want to have to login, you can make it autologin [06:08] not smart if you use it for travel though [06:09] The setting is in the screen locking preferences [06:10] https://i.imgur.com/j1MGGWY.png [06:11] Good morning [06:20] hi [06:41] eyo? === himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf [11:50] Hey folks === Exterminador- is now known as Exterminador === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [16:06] iojipokop [16:06] [ [16:06] [;; [17:27] hello === himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf [18:52] HI! I have 4 virtual desktops/Workspaces or what you like to call it.. I had named them all with names that explained what they should contain. But now the names have been reverted by the OS or something and is just called "desktop 1-4" .. Why!? [18:57] ..actually - The first workspace has kept it's name - the rest has been renamed.. [20:41] hello everybody [21:32] hi everybody === marcofe is now known as Marc0F3 [22:03] Hey there, My Laptop is shutting down when I open the lid. Where yould the problem be? [22:04] that sounds opposite of what you want! [22:04] @bauchhaus [22:04] I would check the power settings [22:04] perhaps they got changed somehow [22:05] It works fine if I switch it off, but If I don't switch it of but just close the lid it kind of suspends (i think), but then instead of waking up it will switch off once I open the lid. [22:06] (Photo, 875x1007) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/5uaHkRpv/file_16268.jpg [22:06] crazy [22:07] could it have low battery? [22:07] are there any logs or so which could help me finding the issue? [22:07] some have said that it doesn't really suspend for them, so it runs down the battery [22:07] I'm sure there are but I don't know where they might be [22:08] could be a problem as well. I have it connected to AC most of the time [22:08] I just want it to be quiet at night [22:09] and it would be nice to just open the lid and continue working.... [22:10] I usually just right-click on the desktop of my travel lappy to suspend when I'm done, because I want to unplug if it's plugged [22:10] but I never have a problem waking it [22:11] this big laptop is almost always plugged in and I basically never turn if off [22:13] Just tried it. Right click on desktop: suspend. [22:13] Works [22:13] Closing lid: nothing happens. Good [22:13] Opening lid: fans go nuts! Computer reboots [22:14] oh dear [22:14] that sounds very wrong [22:14] buggy, actually [22:14] but I don't know what might be buggy [22:15] systemd? [22:15] in dmesg if have a million of those lines: … cma: cma_alloc: alloc failed, req-size: 1 pages, ret: -12 [22:17] You have to update your firmware on your laptop - it's working the opposite way of what is supposed to do.. The "close lid" signal is out of order it seems.. [22:22] good point, Thr0r [22:22] @bauchhaus -- how old is your install, and do you regularly update/full-upgrade ? [22:22] or via Discover, whatever/however [22:26] I have seen this "IrcsomeBot" all over the place here on IRC - I don't know if it's a fake account or not.. I have only been here for a short time thogh.. [22:57] it is the bot that carries messages from Telegram groups that are connected to various IRC channels and back again [22:58] quite useful if you are away from your keyboard since telegram works well on phones [22:58] so not a fake account but another bot [22:59] in *buntu channels you will see bots like ubottu, logbot, etc. [22:59] !info discover [22:59] discover (source: discover): hardware identification system. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.2-8 (bionic), package size 23 kB, installed size 88 kB [22:59] ubottu answers queries like above [22:59] valorie: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [22:59] ha [23:00] logbot logs the channels which you can find on the web [23:00] some look for spammers and stop them spamming [23:00] etc. [23:20] valorie: Thanks for his lesson - much valued. I am SO new to all this an learning. Right now I was searching for the word "appriciate" to send to you - but not regonized in my dictionary. [23:20] well, I appreciate the good questions! [23:20] so thank you [23:21] there are some that may be too shy to ask so you help them too [23:25] Ok - "recognize with gratitude; be grateful for" --was what I was looking for.. Thanks (And yes - 265 nicks here logged in so you would be pretty busy if everyone asked as much as me :) ) [23:55] ha