
Thr0rWhat is the difference between OpenGL2,0 - OpenGL3,1 - and XRender?03:52
Thr0rI did not see any change in using one or the other..03:55
valorieI dunno03:55
valorieI just use whatever the software recommends03:55
Thr0rok - I will too then - but would be nice to know since one can choose - someone must have had a purpose putting the choises there in the first place..03:57
valorienewer software to cover newer hardware is my assumption03:57
valoriexrender being the oldest I think03:57
valorieI'm sure google or ddg can give you more info03:58
diogenes_Thr0r, opengl uses your gpu (hardware acceleration) and if it's a good one, you got nice effects and cool performance, xrender uses your cpu for drawing things, thus, higher cpu and no effects.03:58
Thr0rdiogenes_ : Ok Thanks for clearing that up..04:03
Thr0rdiogenes_ :  ok - I will use these settings then: https://imgur.com/a/jjLC3zP04:12
diogenes_Thr0r, if you experience no lags or misbehaviors then of course that's a better way.04:13
Thr0rdiogenes_ :  No Lags here no.. Thanks04:15
diogenes_then you're good to go, you're welcome.04:16
Thr0rIf you ever need someone to test things for You I am always available - I will find things you never was thinking of.. :)04:23
Thr0r..Give me the 20,10 Iso link..04:26
valoriedo you mean this, Thr0r?04:28
valoriethat is the testing site for all the ISOs04:29
valoriehttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/404/builds has the eoan builds04:30
valoriewhich will become 20.1004:31
Thr0rOk - I will read those - (really small fonts there,,) As we spoke about before.. :)04:33
valoriecontrol + makes it all bigger04:34
Thr0rOh - Ok04:36
imac_valorie: you rock :)04:36
valoriethank you04:37
imac_Welcome :)04:37
=== MANIAC is now known as Guest56619
lordievaderGood morning06:11
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BluesKajHi folks12:12
IrcsomeBotmervin christo was added by: mervin christo12:29
IrcsomeBot<mervin christo> can somone please help me how to access iphone in kubunut12:29
IrcsomeBot<mervin christo> *kubuntu12:30
IrcsomeBot<mervin christo> i have tried ifuse......but it is showing not able to mount ....as there is no write permission12:30
IrcsomeBot<mervin christo> please help12:30
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
yuradochello. i'm very angry of kubuntu. I did very impoertant oparation in the background. but also i have firefox and intellij idea opened. I did want to open virtualbox instance - and my computer start freezeing14:09
yuradoci weasn't able move mouse and spent near 40-50 mins to close some programs14:10
yuradocwhy plasma haven't strong priority?14:10
yuradocimportant task didn't finished correctly. it's seemsed to me because network service stopped responding14:11
yuradoci did have such freezes time at time14:11
yuradoci have Intel Core I7-3517, 7.7 GiB of memory14:13
IrcsomeBotpeter_pte was added by: peter_pte14:13
yuradoci remember from windows experience that mouse never freezes there14:14
yuradocand System GUI and services have priorities14:14
yuradocthere are some things that you need to finish in one transaction you know14:16
yuradocwhy there are such riscs14:16
=== jose__ is now known as jarodriguez
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2
user|77635vnc error - problem connecting some problem18:34
user|77635vnc error - problem connecting some problem18:46
user|77635help, vnc error - problem connecting some problem18:46
Jonopolyanyone free to help me with my laptop warming issue20:01
=== julien is now known as Guest20213
Thr0rCTRL+ALT+F11 is a strange command..22:27
valorieoh, what does it do, Thr0r?22:30
Thr0rDon't press it..22:31
Thr0rIt will make you have to reboot.. or something22:31
Thr0rGets you into some console mode..22:32
Thr0rBy a mistake I pressed it instead of CTLF+F11 and had to reboot...22:34
Thr0rNo warning or anything..22:36

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