
=== Conan_Kudo is now known as Pharaoh_Atem
mborzeckisuper trivial PR https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/705706:26
zygagood morning06:30
mborzeckizyga: hey06:30
mborzeckizyga: super simple PR to start your day ^^06:30
zygaalready +106:30
mborzeckizyga: thanks!06:30
zygamborzecki: I merged the master version of https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7056 a second ago06:31
mborzeckizyga: yay ;)06:31
zygashould I just merge the 2.40 backport?06:32
mborzeckizyga: did mvo look at it yet?06:33
zygaat the original yes +106:33
zygathe backport is the same for 2.40 branch06:33
zyganobody looked at the backport06:33
zygabut it's just cherry-pick of a range06:33
mborzeckizyga: looks like nothing was missed there06:42
mborzecki_mvo: hey06:46
=== mborzecki_ is now known as mborzecki
zygamvo: hey, 2.40 backport of base migration is merged06:56
zygamvo: as is the master version06:56
mvohey mborzecki  and zyga06:59
mvozyga: excellent07:00
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
mborzeckipstolowski: hey07:18
mvohey pstolowski07:18
mvozyga: re 7053> I updated the description, feel free to update as you want, just wanted to do a draft to give an idea what I had in mind with my comment07:22
zygamvo: sure, I'll look shortly, just making a commit message07:22
mvozyga: no rush07:22
zygamvo: this is what we discussed on Monday https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/705807:30
zygamvo: not sure if you want it in 2.40 - but at least now it is up and we can discuss it07:30
pedronissounds it needs a jdstrand review anyway07:31
pedronisalso I heard the motivation but not the details of what it entails07:32
zygapedronis: this is based on the discussions in lyon and montreal, jamie was +1 on this07:33
zygapedronis: how should I proceed on that?07:33
pedronismay recollection of lyon wasn't so clear that jamie was +107:34
pedroniswe need a meeting with him next to go over the consequences of this again07:34
pedronis*next week07:35
zygapedronis: we discussed this more in montreal07:35
zygaah, right, he's off this week07:35
pedronisI was not there07:35
pedronisso, I fear, you'll have to bear with me07:35
zygasure no worries :)07:35
mvoI can setup a meeting, early next week?07:36
mvogustavo as well?07:37
pedronismvo: not in the first meeting, he was mostly +1 in lyon07:38
mvozyga, pedronis meeting setup07:38
zygathank you!07:39
mvo(and now even added conferencing - oh I wish there was a way to make this default)07:39
diddledanthat one caught me out in Montreal - I'm using a mainline kernel for Microsoft Surface out of tree patches07:41
diddledanI've filed a PR on the linux-surface repo to hopefully add the required bits for their kernel to support snaps out of the box on Ubuntu07:42
diddledanI think the bit missing was the apparmor patch for "legacy network" stuff (apparmor uses the feature flag "network" as opposed to their new "network_v8")07:43
zygadiddledan: thanks, that's interesting07:46
diddledanspecifically apparmor in mainline exposes network_v8 not network. the patch re-adds network so Apparmor exposes both feature flags07:46
diddledanthis is the patch that Apparmor carries out of tree: https://gitlab.com/apparmor/apparmor/commit/aa42e338600ab6b5a1368dc5c4920974192adfd107:47
zygadiddledan: I'll discuss this with jdstrand when he is back07:49
Chipacano wonder you all were quiet :-)08:40
mvoChipaca: how do you mean?08:48
Chipacamvo: irc client had quietly disconnected08:48
Chipacaor quietly never connected?08:49
mvoChipaca: haha - now it makes sense :)08:49
diddledan"accident" my foot!08:55
Chipacadiddledan: I'll have you know I have no IRC clients in my foot.09:01
Chipacadiddledan: I'll have you know I have no *IRC* clients in my foot.09:02
Chipacadiddledan: I'll have you know I have no IRC *clients* in my foot.09:02
Chipacadiddledan: I'll have you know I have no IRC clients *in* my foot.09:02
Chipacadiddledan: I'll have you know I have no IRC clients in *my* foot.09:02
Chipacadiddledan: I'll have you know I have no IRC clients in my *foot*.09:02
* Chipaca stops before doing combinations09:02
diddledanyou have other clients in your foot?09:02
ChipacaI can't comment09:04
* zyga is sleepy09:15
Chipacazyga: amen09:15
Chipacamy watch reckons i got 5h of sleep09:15
Chipacai think it's about right09:15
pedronisyou merged some things fairly late, I saw09:17
Chipacaand then rebased the followup09:17
Chipacawhich was fun09:17
Chipacaand then did the bi-weekly supermarket shop while waiting for spread09:17
Chipacaamazon linux is sad :-(09:18
Chipaca# github.com/snapcore/snapd/cmd/snap09:19
Chipacasrc/github.com/snapcore/snapd/cmd/snap/cmd_info.go:93:13: undefined: strings.Builder09:19
Chipacaerror: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.wKuf9u (%build)09:19
zygaChipaca: too old go09:19
zygacannot use strings.Builder yet09:19
* zyga takes a 15 minute break09:20
Chipacawhy aren't the unit tests catching this :-(09:20
Chipaca… because they're run on 1.1009:20
Chipacawhy are we running the unit tests on 1.10?09:21
mvoI thought all our downstreams now are on go-1.10 is this not the case? if so we need to go back to 1.9 there :/09:21
ChipacaI thought so as well09:22
zygaChipaca: which os was this on?09:23
Chipacait's on 1.9.4 apparently09:24
pedroniswe run on 1.10 because fmt changed I think09:24
pedronismborzecki might remember the exact reason09:25
mborzeckihm hm?09:25
ChipacaBuildRequires:  %{?go_compiler:compiler(go-compiler)}%{!?go_compiler:golang >= 1.9}09:25
Chipacawe're just asking for 1.9 in amazon09:25
Chipacawait that's fedora spec09:25
pedroniswe can run the static tests on 1.1009:25
pedronisand the unit on 1.9 ?09:25
Chipacamborzecki: it seems #6799 was premature09:26
zygaancient linux09:26
mborzeckihm let me check something09:26
Chipacapedronis: mborzecki: I'll push a pr to bump it down to 1.9 unless mborzecki finds something interesting :-)09:27
pedronisChipaca: I remember we had a reason09:27
pedronisbut I don't think it applied to all tests09:27
mborzeckipedronis: yeah, there's a pr from jdstrand mentioning 1.1009:28
Chipacabut it's ok09:28
Chipacait uses something that's there from 1.709:28
pedronisanyway my vague recollection is that go fmt output changed at some point09:29
Chipacai can easily split static and unit tests09:30
mborzeckipedronis: gofmt too, though it's 1.11 i belive that broke it09:31
mborzeckiheh so centos gets a newer golang than amazon linux 2 now?09:32
mborzeckicentos 7 via epel - 1.11, amzn2 via amazon core repo 1.9 :/09:38
mborzeckiChipaca: so, switching back to 1.9?09:38
zygamborzecki: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1726382 do you understand what this is about?09:40
mborzeckizyga: doesn't make any sense09:42
pstolowskipreliminary results of optimization of connects wrt setup-profiles, with lxd snap that connects 4 interface: old snapd - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5ZVNkBxVqQ/ ; new snapd - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/F69TGbWWtg/ ; almost 3x faster (sum of connect+final setup profiles timings)09:43
Chipacapstolowski: try something beefier, like vlc09:44
mborzeckizyga: i'll check what's going on there09:44
Chipacapstolowski: just to show off :-)09:44
pstolowskigood idea09:44
mvopstolowski: woah, thats sooo nice09:46
pstolowskiyeah, install of lxd snap feels much faster now09:46
pstolowskiand this is what we had in the past before, cough cough, interface hooks09:47
pedronispstolowski: are you moving setting up profiles to one call to setup-profiles after the connects ?09:58
pstolowskipedronis: yes, final setup-profiles after connects (but before connect-plug|slot hooks). existing setup-profiles after link-snap remains untouched.10:00
Chipacapedronis: have you seen https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/bug-1809708-allow-snaps-to-query-interface-connection-status-directly-from-snapd/9147?u=chipaca ?10:01
pedronispstolowski: ok, it's important to know because the plan was to drop setup-profiles10:01
pedroniswhen is merged with link-snap10:01
pedroniswe need that anyway10:01
pstolowskipedronis: hmm wrt what Chipaca was about to do?10:01
pedronisbut it's orthogonal issue10:01
pedronisbut we need to know if we need to merge the logic into the other as well10:01
pedronisbut keep it around otherwise10:02
pedronispstolowski: yes, Chipaca's work10:02
pedronisChipaca: we have had similar requests already, I think it's in our backlog but not scheduled, needs also a final design10:03
pstolowskivlc installation: 4300ms vs 1600ms (connects+setup profiles only)10:08
pstolowskithat's on a vm10:10
mborzeckizyga: added needinfo from the reporter, things seem to work fine on my end10:14
zygamvo: I created https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/injecting-snapd-tools-into-base-snaps-and-keeping-them-up-to-date/1213910:16
mborzeckiChipaca: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7060 is failing unit tests due to build ID10:17
mborzeckiChipaca: so the details are coming back a bit, iirc 1.10+ adds Go BuildID by default10:18
mborzeckiearlier versions would only get it iff built with external linker that was configured to add it (didn't we have question about that regarding gentoo in the forums?)10:19
* zyga spawns a pair of spread runs and goes to make coffee10:19
zygamborzecki: another fedora fun https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=167502310:24
mborzeckizyga: golang-github-gosexy-gettext? haha10:26
mborzeckizyga: i'd like to see people behind corporate filters trying to access github page of that package10:27
zygahttps://www.tomshardware.com/news/india-shakti-cpu-processors-sdk-risc-v,39781.html <- maybe more risc v boards soon?10:27
Chipacamborzecki: an easy & lazy fix would be to tag the build id checking tests as not-short10:29
mvozyga: we don't use gosexy-gettext anymore, do we?10:32
zygamvo: but I am the package maintainer10:32
zyganeed to do something about it10:33
mvozyga: oh, ok10:33
diddledanRISC-V is intriguing. I'm curious how soon we'll see someone try to make a workstation with one10:34
diddledanI kinda think though that x86(64) is too entrenched for consumer migration in any meaningful numbers10:36
diddledanin terms of IoT though I can see it breaking through10:36
mborzeckiChipaca: i think the problem is actually osutil dropping the need for import C more than go version switch, that's just a side effect10:37
Chipacadiddledan: what is the talos workstation10:37
diddledanthat's powerpc IIRC10:38
Chipacaah, yes10:38
diddledanit's suffering an off-by-one ;-p10:38
Chipacahmm, i'm going to go lie down for a bit10:42
* Chipaca not improving with time10:43
* zyga has coffee now10:46
zygamvo: let me know when you have a chance to look at https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/injecting-snapd-tools-into-base-snaps-and-keeping-them-up-to-date/1213910:48
pedroniszyga: I'll have to look at it too11:00
zygathank you11:00
zygapedronis: any more ideas are welcome, this captures what we discussed during the call on monday11:01
zygaperhaps there is an easier way to fix it that we did not think about11:02
pstolowskimvo, pedronis: long overdue - https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snap-debug-timings/1214111:05
zygaI made some small typos/formatting changes11:06
zygamainly commas11:06
pstolowskiwill ask Graham for proof-reading as well when he is back11:06
pstolowskizyga: thanks, re-reading myself again11:06
pstolowski 56455ms            -  Save data of snap "lxd" in automatic snapshot set #111:07
mvozyga: yes, I have a look once I am finished with my current uc20 part11:12
mborzeckihttps://forum.snapcraft.io/t/segmentation-fault-running-snapcraft-on-arch-linux/12142/2 hm python3 segfaulting on arch11:12
zygamvo: super, thank yuo11:12
* pstolowski lunch11:16
pedronisChipaca: there is something strange in the diff of 6878, it seems to be adding back (again)  maybePrintType etc ?11:34
pedronissome merge artifact?11:34
Chipacapedronis: merge artifact indeed11:43
Chipacapedronis: I'll clean it up, and address your other points11:43
Chipacapedronis: indeed at some point i forgot we meant health to be multi-line in info11:44
pedronisChipaca: I don't have a strong opinion about not-verbose, but for verbose it should be11:44
Chipacafor some reason i thought git would do a proper job of merging things given I started from the thing that then caused conflicts everywhere11:44
mvocmatsuoka: I hope I will have the updated recovery dir layout ready by the standup, mostly fyi, fighting with the last small issues11:59
ograChipaca, just switch to bzr11:59
cmatsuokamvo: great, I'm running some tests to check the stability issues with the updated core20 snap12:00
mvocmatsuoka: thank you12:01
mvocmatsuoka: is it updated already? iirc I just proposed a pr. anyway we can talk after my lunch :)12:01
cmatsuokamvo: not updated, I'm building it locally12:02
Chipacaogra: alias git='bzr --rotated-90-degrees --extra-complicated --zippy'12:04
ogra(so true)12:06
mborzeckiis glibc locale archive a memory dump of structures?12:07
cmatsuokamvo: but my build just failed, this snap seems to be a bit tricky to build12:07
=== ricab is now known as ricab|ricab
* zyga goes for lunch12:28
Chipacapedronis: wrt health's position in the struct, it seemed like the sensible place to put it, looking at the types of the things12:34
pedronisChipaca: I shall look at the full struct then12:34
Chipacapedronis: txs12:35
ijohnsonhey mvo, could you add me to the SU meeting invite? I don't have it on my calendar yet12:41
zygaI'm online but having lunch with family at the seaside12:54
zygaand sending updates to spread.zygoon.pl12:54
zygaover that uncapped LTE12:54
ijohnsonmorning zyga12:56
zygahey ijohnson :)12:56
zygaijohnson: I'm semi afk but I can read updates once in a while12:57
mvoijohnson: sure, done12:57
zygamvo: and perhaps the github team, if not done already12:58
ijohnsonzyga: ok, np. did you see my post at https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/mount-namespace-walkthrough-wip/12127 ? it's still a wip but I've gotten most of the way through snap-confine at least12:58
zygaijohnson: I did not, queued12:58
mvozyga: I think I did that, hope added to all the right places :)12:58
ijohnsonthe only thing I'm still missing I think is spread access12:58
zygalooks good12:58
zygaI will read the details and comment12:59
ijohnsongreat, thanks12:59
ijohnsonmvo: got it thanks!12:59
zygaijohnson: I'm trying to build a new flow, with snap-boostrap-ns, reusing snap-update-ns, where C does less stuff and snap-update-ns has only one entry point that is stricter than now (from snapd)12:59
ijohnsonzyga: I need to dig in a bit more, but the whole preinit_array thing with cgo I've seen done in pure go with a docker package called re-exec13:00
ijohnson(for bootstrap.c in snap-update-ns)13:00
zygaijohnson: one motivation is to remove C from snap-update-ns as well13:00
zygaijohnson: anyway, that's for later, I'm just sharing thoughts13:00
zygaijohnson: the goal is to streamline snap-update-ns and remove C as much as we can13:00
zygaijohnson: the new binaries would be easier to understand than the multi-purpose one we currently have13:02
* zyga focuses on the food now13:02
ograogra@pi4:~ $ grep ^NAME /etc/os-release13:03
ograNAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"13:03
ograogra@pi4:~ $ snapcraft --version13:03
ograsnapcraft, version 3.613:03
ograoh ... something is broken !13:05
ograogra@pi4:~ $ sudo snap install lxd13:05
ogra[sudo] Passwort für ogra:13:05
ograWarning: /snap/bin was not found in your $PATH. If you've not restarted your session since you13:05
ograogra@pi4:~ $ echo $PATH13:05
ograthast definitely a flashe positive13:06
zygaogra: nice13:06
zygaogra: sudo13:06
zygaogra: sudo changes PATH13:06
ograis debian different here ?13:06
ograi have never seen that on ubuntu13:07
ograogra@pi4:~ $ sudo echo $PATH13:07
zygasudo -s13:07
zygaecho $PATH13:07
zygaotherwise PATH is expanded by the non-root shell13:08
ograah, right13:08
ogranow i wish i had a u-boot tree :( i want core !13:08
zygahow does it boot?13:09
ograrpi firmware boots a kernel.img directly13:09
ogra(and nop initrd at all as far as i can see)13:10
ogra(like all other pi's essentially ... )13:11
zygaogra: that's interesting13:11
ograwhats interesting about it ? it is the same bootprocess they use since day one13:12
ograand as usual we have to wait for a u-boot port before we can move on with core13:12
ograi'm sure something will show up within the next weeks13:12
zygaogra: but you can have an initrd, right?13:13
ograyou can hack one into config.txt yeah13:13
ograthere is an option for defining one13:14
zygaand that firmware is still closed-source, right?13:14
ograyup ... it the graphics driver13:14
ograthe pi boots by first firing up the GPU ... the GPU then turns on the arm SoC13:15
ograthats why you for example dont really need an extra graphics driver at all ... just some userspace libs13:15
ograthey interface dircetly with the GPU driver/bootloader blob13:16
ograogra@pi4:~ $ free -m|grep ^Mem13:18
ograMem:           3906         105        3299           8         500        366813:18
mborzecki_ogra: sudo -i should work too13:18
ograi like that one :)13:18
=== mborzecki_ is now known as mborzecki
ogramborzecki_, yeah, i was just not aware that debians sudo is different to ours ... i'm used to sudo not making a mess out of my env :)13:19
mborzeckiogra: fedora's sudo does the same13:19
ograyep ... i bet suse's too13:19
ogra(or upstream FWIW ... but if you are used to userfriendlyness it is confusing :) )13:20
mborzeckiChipaca: maybe we could just skip a test in osutil for go < 1.10 and mock buildid in api and system-key tests?13:23
mborzeckiChipaca: unless there's a way to pass build flags to go test via //go:<somethingsomething>, though I'm no aware of anything like that13:24
Chipacamborzecki: go test -tags=yadda  and then //+build yadda13:26
mborzeckiChipaca: right, we'd need to update run-checks for that hmm13:27
=== ricab|ricab is now known as ricab
mborzeckiChipaca: move the test to separate file with //+build go1.10 so that we don't need to guess the format of runtime.Version()? :)13:36
Chipacamborzecki: I closed the PR, instead. That also worked.13:36
* Chipaca takes practicality to a new level13:36
mborzeckiChipaca: haha ;) ok, i can look into that13:37
Chipacamborzecki: oh, i can too13:37
Chipacabut it needed more work and i didn't have the bandwidth to look so i closed it before wasting people's time13:37
Chipacamborzecki: how full is your plate?13:37
mborzeckiChipaca: gadget updates & random ramblings, but I can look into working around that 1.9 quirk13:39
mborzeckipulseaudio -k a day keeps the insanity at bay13:41
ogrageez ... this snapshot default feature is very annoying13:50
mborzeckimaybe we should ask the user the first time?13:54
ograeither that or make it opt in13:57
ograsnap remove --keep-data ... or whatnot13:58
pedronisit really depends on the size of the data, but yes the current UX is not great in some cases13:58
Chipaca^C should still stop the removal and let you try again with --purge13:58
ograi just installed snapcraft on this pi4 raspbian install ... forgot about the fact that this now needs multipass ... so the forst snapcraft run downloads multipass ... this then fails after creating a VM image for 10-20min ...13:59
ograi then uninstall multipass (and snapcraft since it is uselass in that setup) ... and snapd keeps the rotten multipass VM image around13:59
pedronisChipaca: does it work atm?13:59
pedronisI mean ^C13:59
ograi could ^C out of it and it complained with an error14:00
ograogra@pi4:~/linux-generic-allwinner $ sudo snap remove multipass14:00
ograSave data of snap "multipass" in automatic snapshot set #1                                                    |error: cannot perform the following tasks:14:00
ogra- Save data of snap "multipass" in automatic snapshot set #1 (tar failed: context canceled)14:00
ograogra@pi4:~/linux-generic-allwinner $14:00
ograthats what i got with ^C ...14:00
ograstill, the experience is quite a mess14:01
ograand indeed multipass is still around ...14:01
ograsnap help doesnt really talk about how to not have a snapshot taken on remove ... it only tells about how to manage snapshots14:01
ogra(i guess the info i'd be looking for is in the details of snap remove's help)14:02
Chipacapedronis: it should14:02
Chipacaand yes abort is never pretty to see14:03
mborzeckimvo: got a lead on python3 segfaulting on arch14:03
ograhrm ...14:03
ograand snap remove help doesnt mention --purge at all14:03
Chipacaogra: then you don't have a new enough snapd14:03
Chipacaogra: disable it globally, instead14:03
Chipacaogra: https://docs.snapcraft.io/system-options#heading--snapshots-automatic-retention14:04
mborzeckimvo: when i drop mymachines from /etc/nsswitch.conf it does not segfault anymore14:04
zygamborzecki: time to top sharing /etc/14:05
zygaand provide crafted view14:05
zygabut then classic snaps are ... complex to say the least14:05
ograChipaca, i'm finding my way around (and wont keep that raspbian anyway) ... but i'm trying to take this experimant like a snap-illiterate user ... and now i'm already sitting here with a mess :P14:05
ograbtw ... i have 2.39.3 according to snap version14:07
ogra$ sudo snap remove --purge multipass14:07
ograerror: unknown flag `purge'14:07
ogra$ snap version|grep snapd14:08
ograsnapd     2.39.314:08
ograshould that not have --purge already ?14:08
Chipacathat's an mvo question, i always get lost14:09
Chipacamy snapd here has purge, but it also has set-health and 'snap info' shows health information14:10
mborzeckizyga: mvo: left a note https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/segmentation-fault-running-snapcraft-on-arch-linux/12142/614:11
mvomborzecki: thank you14:20
ograstgraber, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XGmFsskzHK/ ... lxd on raspbian ... do you think we could quieten the errors ? they look scary14:28
ogra(it seems to run find otherwise ... but if the errors ate "ignored" we could as well not show them at all)14:28
stgraberthose messages come from the linker, not much we can do about it14:29
ograhmm, k14:29
stgraberalso we're not seeing those on other arm platforms, so that suggests there's something odd with raspbian14:29
ograthats buster fwiw ... perhaps too new ?14:29
ijohnsonogra, stgraber: I see the same linker messages on stretch raspbian for a long time (since at least last year) so I don't think it's buster specific15:11
ograah ... its my first direct debian contact in years15:20
ogra(well, not true, i used armbian for 1h or so a while ago ... but not significant enough to notice issues)15:21
pedroniscachio: so I tried again, I'm not getting it to fail where I would expect, I'm getting this, notice the PAM errors15:42
pedroniscachio: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FX25MJhHWz/15:42
pedroniscachio: I can push my test changes to the PR if it helps, or somewhere else15:44
pedronisChipaca: I looked at the struct15:50
Chipacapedronis: wdyt?15:52
Chipacapedronis: ah ok15:53
Chipacapedronis: and type?15:53
Chipacaasked there15:54
Chipacagoing afk now for a bit15:54
zygaijohnson: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/injecting-snapd-tools-into-base-snaps-and-keeping-them-up-to-date/12139/215:54
pedronisChipaca: type can stay first field15:58
pedronisanswered also in the PR15:59
pedroniscachio: I pushed my debugging tweaks (on top of my PR) here: https://github.com/pedronis/snappy/commit/9ef3d3b6cd8cd775110472346e5a00e9ecb729da16:03
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
mvopedronis: (for later) - I played a bit in image.go, I wonder if something along the lines of http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TFtXTX9FPz/ makes sense?16:25
mvo http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TFtXTX9FP16:25
mvopedronis: no rush, I have dinner now and we can talk later/tomorrow16:25
cachiopedronis, nice, taking a look now16:56
cachiopedronis, the tweaks seem to be well17:03
cachioare you creating a PR with those?17:03
pedroniscachio: they might be good, but if I try your repeat it doesn't die on the exit 117:26
pedronisbut at other places17:26
pedroniswhich confuses me17:26
cachiopedronis, it is branking on snap pack?17:26
pedronismvo: what about seed.yaml in that code?17:27
pedronisit doesn't exist in the new world17:27
pedroniscachio: it seems to be breaking at random points, sometimes17:32
pedronisbut maybe is just spread not getting the full log back17:32
pedronisbut I would expect to not break before the install17:32
pedronisbut it seems to17:32
cachiopedronis, ok, I am testing the this17:35
cachioalso there is a spread issue on reboots which I already fixed and I am using to check the failover test17:36
cachioare you merging that change in failover test with the #7020?17:37
mvopedronis: yeah, its a first step, I did not touch seed.yaml just yet. its mostly about how to make this less messy, i.e. having a central place that defines where the snaps/assertions/... go into without springling if/else17:41
mvopedronis: definitely more work here :) will poke more tomorrow17:41
pedronismvo: are you planning to merge this to master? or is just spike stuff'18:04
pedroniscachio: I can merge if it helps or can open another PR, given that is not failing usefully, I'm not sure18:05
mvopedronis: I was hoping to work on something that is master material18:09
pedronismvo: that's ok, my feeling is that we have reached a point where master material should try to fix the FIXME18:10
pedronisalso I fear because of seed.yaml etc, that this too low granularity as the final solution for master18:10
pedronisalso we don't have yet the new model syntax18:10
mvopedronis: yeah18:12
mvopedronis: its a first step only but I think its the right direction (or something like it)18:12
mvopedronis: the seed.yaml will come next, some of seed.yaml will just go away, some will the options.yaml but we can cross that bridge when we reach it18:13
mvopedronis: I can work further and remove the "dirs.SetRootDir" in bootloader config writing, I think that will be straightfoward. anyway, happy to talk more friday, I don't want to burden you in the evening with this stuff :)18:14
mvo(as its not really urgent)18:14
pedronismvo: it's fine, I just feel it might be slightly premature18:16
pedronismvo: my worry is to write something targeting master, think to land it in 2 days and it takes 1week+18:20
pedronismvo: there's a lot of logic about unasserted/local snaps as well18:22
mvopedronis: right, happy to ignore it for now18:26
pedronismvo: unclear why to target master though18:27
pedronissorry, I'm probably misunderstanding something here18:27
mvopedronis: well, I was mostly thinking that we need to refactor this code anyway so I was thinking of doing it now because I was already working in this area for uc20 (so have some context in my head). its a bit fugly right now because of history messiness and now it got more if/else. I was hoping that with some small refactoring it would get a bit better. but if you feel its premature thats fine, I can ignore for now18:31
pedronismvo: let me put this way, I'm not conviced yet that targetDirs is the right level of abstractions for what we need in the end18:32
pedronisit seems we have lots of details that are not just which dirs to use18:32
pedroniscan we refactor 2 or 3 times, yes18:34
pedronisjust not sure it's wise to setup to have to do that18:34
pedronismvo: sorry, I'm not trying to be negative, but so far we discussed not to try to hit master, and now we are considering it, and I have to raise my concerns18:40
mvopedronis: its okay, no worries. fine to learn more first and then try to find the right level of abstraction. its true that there will be more changes needed regarding seed.yaml/options.yaml and the new model assertion so thats fine18:43
cachiopedronis, after 1 hour ef tests with your fix the error is not reproduced anymore18:44
cachiopedronis, that's relly promosing18:44
pedronismvo: for example, I'm not sure the current assertion writing code is using case-insentive names18:47
pedronisfor the files18:47
pedroniscachio: you mean my PR + the test change ?18:47
mvopedronis: indeed, the coming abstraction will need to take this into account for uc20 it will write a stream in a reasonable filename for example. so yes, it seems to be fine to postpone until this is ready too18:51
cachiopedronis, sorry, didn't see your comment, yes that PR20:08
cachiopedronis, or the idea is to have 2 different PRs?20:08

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