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sahidsil2100: o/09:20
sahidverification done https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1808951, if you can have a look when you have a moment09:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1808951 in tripleo "python3 + Fedora + SSL + wsgi nova deployment, nova api returns RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object" [High,Triaged]09:21
sahidthen we should be able to unblock for testing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/neutron/+bug/183175409:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1831754 in nova (Ubuntu Disco) "[SRU] stein stable releases" [Undecided,New]09:22
sil2100sahid: hey! Thanks! Let me try looking at that, but if I don't find time today I'll do it for sure tomorrow during my SRU shift09:25
sahidsil2100: ok thank you, feel free to ping when i can start testing the SRU09:25
LocutusOfBorgUnit193, hello, can you please forward the patch to this bug report? https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=90466010:36
ubottuDebian bug 904660 in src:opensips "opensips FTBFS with json-c 0.13.1" [Important,Open]10:36
LocutusOfBorgbtw, the real last blocker is syslog-ng, and there is an open Debian RC bug10:37
LocutusOfBorgmaintainer should deal with it soon(TM)10:37
Unit193Well, the Debian maintainer is an upstream maintainer, seems there's new versions too...Also I'd kind of prefer to test a patch more before forwarding to Debian, but I guess I could..10:40
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dokotkamppeter: re cups ftbfs. of course this is still relevant. the test rebuild was done *after* the build in the archive13:35
dokoso citing the archive build doesn't help13:36
ckingany idea why  autopkgtest is failing with 'Can't exec "gcc": No such file or directory at /usr/share/perl5/Dpkg/Arch.pm line 126.' ,  see https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-eoan/eoan/amd64/z/zfs-linux/20190703_123021_5234a@/log.gz14:08
seb128juliank, hey, could you look if we can maybe sync lz4 from Debian? It's unclear if the O3/s390x changes are still needed (and if they are, could we sent that to Debian?)14:16
juliankseb128: I'd be more concerned with the other changes14:21
juliankNot sure what V=1 does, it seems useless14:22
seb128juliank, building with V=1? (why does that need to be an Ubuntu delta?)14:22
juliankBut the patch to the examples Makefile is not in Debian14:22
seb128shouldn't it be upstreamed/sent to Debian?14:22
juliankI'm very confused14:22
seb128so we can get back in sync14:23
juliankseb128: Well, we can just sync it, and if it FTBFS, we'll see what changes are still needed :)14:24
juliankor rather, if changes are still needed14:24
seb128that's one way indeed :)14:24
seb128I prefer to ping before doing that though14:25
seb128in case you wanted to have a look14:25
juliankI synced, let's see what happens :)14:25
didrockscking: hey! thanks for following up on zfs 0.8 upload btw ;)14:26
juliankI mean, with gcc 9 coming soon, things will probably break again anyway14:26
ckingdidrocks, it would be even better if I can figure out why it's no passing the autopkgtests14:26
didrockscking: yeah, the error is puzzling, with your second upload, it should have been ok…14:27
ckingdidrocks, exactly. and it works fine when I run the tests locally14:27
didrocksofc :/14:27
seb128juliank, gcc9 is coming? good to know :)14:28
didrocksmaybe modifying the postinst to cat make.log, but an upload for this if it can't be reproduced (even in an autopkgtests vm)14:28
julianks390x built successfully, woohoo14:33
juliankthe arms are still testing, but hopefully succeed as well14:34
Laneycking: This failure happens for me locally14:47
LaneyI don't think it's that 'Can't exec "gcc"' thing - that was present in the successful runs too.14:47
Laney...but rather zfs-dkms not being installable14:48
ckingLaney, message that concerns me is "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" - not sure if that's a tool chain thing or not14:49
LaneyI dunno, but for me the make.log contains:14:50
Laneyubuntu@autopkgtest:/tmp/autopkgtest.4RB7XA/build.QMj/src/debian/tests$ more /var/lib/dkms/zfs/0.8.1/build/make.log14:50
LaneyDKMS make.log for zfs-0.8.1 for kernel 5.0.0-17-generic (x86_64)14:50
LaneyWed 03 Jul 2019 03:46:22 PM BST14:50
Laneymake: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.14:50
ckingah, ok, that's useful14:50
Laneyautopkgtest-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud and the qemu runner should get you here14:50
ckingLaney, any hint on how you use that?14:51
Laneythe second to last example, but replace all package names with zfs-linux14:52
Laneyand add --shell-fail probably14:52
=== Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray
ckingLaney, so inside my autopkgtest environment, when I compile "int main(void) { return 0; }" - gcc x.c I get: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find Scrt1.o: No such file or directory /usr/bin/ld: cannot find crti.o: No such file or directory - this is on Eoan with the gcc 8.3 compiler16:31
ckingdoko, any ideas why gcc 8.3 on amd64 is failing like that? ^^16:32
dokocking: which binutils is this, the one from -proposed?16:35
ckingit was from the daily autopkgtest eoan cloud image, so I guess it may be old, not sure what to check16:37
dokothat one should be fine. 20190701 was bad16:39
ckinghrm,ok, let me dig deeper16:40
Laneycking: missing libc6-dev?16:42
dokoof course!16:42
ckingyep indeed16:43
Laneysurely something should have pulled that in16:43
ckingone would have thought so, but apparently not16:44
Laneyok, I'll leave it up to you to work out where the right place to insert that is ...16:45
rbasakvorlon: opinion on bug 1595358 please? I don't see any dep8 tests, so does that disqualify me from approving the SRU without a TB member's approval?16:45
dokoit's intended that gcc doesn't depend on libc6-dev, because you don't need it to build the kernel ...16:45
ubottubug 1595358 in lyx (Ubuntu Xenial) "[SRU] Update to maintenance release 2.1.5 in Xenial" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159535816:45
rbasakvorlon: on balance it seems reasonable to me (subject to review)16:46
ckingdoko, so i need to explicitly require it for building a dkms module now? the dkms build does some autotool sanity checks, so it needs libc6-dev16:47
Laneymaybe dkms ought to have it?16:47
cjwatsonIt has Depends: make | build-essential which is a bit WTF16:48
* cking blinks16:48
cjwatsonI can't follow the chain of reasoning that would lead to doing that16:48
rbasakMake has Build-Essential: yes.16:49
rbasakNot that it makes a difference, but perhaps there's some inverted reasoning there?16:49
cjwatsonNot using build-essential is fair enough but what's the point of the alternative?  Should be make, libc6-dev | libc-dev anyway.16:49
cjwatson(It shouldn't have build-essential since it doesn't need g++, and build-essential isn't really a good thing to depend on anyway.16:50
dokoyep, make, libc6-dev | libc-dev looks like the right thing16:51
vorlonrbasak: I don't think you need a separate TB approval to approve that SRU.  I do know that I looked at that SRU in the queue briefly and punted on it because it looked like a lot of work16:54
rbasakvorlon: I mean the "For upstreams who have...it is also acceptable to upload new microreleases with many bug fixes without individual Launchpad bugs..." part of the policy. What would you expect to review in this case? That it all seems sensible, maybe the upstream notes of the changes, but not the code changes themselves, presumably?17:03
rbasak(I'd also check the upstream tarball matches upstream's published one)17:03
vorlonshrug, again, when I peeked at it it looked like too much work17:03
vorlonto my understanding the TB has blanket delegated these questions to the SRU team17:04
rbasakThat's not how I read the policy17:04
rbasak" In other cases where such upstream automatic testing is not available, exceptions must still be approved by at least one member of the Ubuntu Technical Board"17:04
rbasakWhere "such upstream automatic testing" is the bulleted list of four items.17:05
rbasakWhich I see as "and"-ed.17:05
vorlonI'm not sure the delegation got captured on the wiki page when it was done17:05
rbasakHowever as you are a TB member, I consider this conversation good enough :)17:05
infinitycjwatson, doko, Laney, cking: There's no reason dkms should depend on build-essential *or* on libc6-dev.  Kernel modules don't need libc6-dev to compile.  If zfs-dkms needs it, it should depend on it, but that's unique to that build system, not generic for all dkms modules.17:17
infinity(agreed that the dkms alternat dep makes no sense, but it just shouldn't be there)17:18
ckinginfinity, sounds fair to me17:19
infinitycking: Though, I will say that autotools tests that rely on libc6 when setting up a kernel module build which will ultimately use kernel headers that are subtly different from userspace headers sounds daft. :)17:22
infinitycking: (Or maybe the problem is just that they're using a few of the "does the compiler work" type tests and they should remove those and make it kernel only?)17:22
infinitycking: Anyhow, simple downstream solution is to depend on libc6-dev.  A more comprehensive upstream solution to not actually need libc headers might be nice though, cause it clearly doesn't (or better not) need them to build the kernel module.17:23
ckinginfinity, i believe it's a "is the compiler sane for this build" kind of check that is required because the driver is build on lots of diverse systems17:23
infinitycking: A third (again, downstream) option would be to preseed the autoconf values for any userspace tests because we know our compiler works and don't want to force everyone to install libc6-dev, but that point's vaguely moot since we ship zfs pre-built anyway and don't expect people to use the dkms package.17:30
infinitycking: Which leads to the fourth option of not producing the dkms package at all on Ubuntu.17:30
infinitycking: Pick one. :)17:31
ckinginfinity, the dkms package is kinda useful for users to use their own kernels17:31
infinitycking: Though, in Debian, it definitely looks like it should have the libc-dev dep.17:31
infinitycking: Fair enough on the custom kernel thing.  So the dep it likely the path of least resistance, unless you feel like preseeding the poop out of autoconf or rewriting upstream's stuff to use kernel headers and -nostdlib17:32
ckingit's just easier if i add the deb, it's an explicit no-brainer17:33
infinitycking: If you're pushing this back to Debian, remember that "libc6-dev" is spelled "libc6-dev | libc-dev" because it's not libc6 on all arches, irritatingly.17:33
infinityIt is on all of ours, though.17:34
ckingnice to know, thanks17:34
vorlonI thought all the archs that were libc-dev instead of libc6-dev were also non-Linux17:35
vorlon... not counting those Linux archs that were libc6.1-dev17:35
mithrisonhi, I want to customize ubuntu server packages and create a bootable image for rasberry pi that includes those custom added packages in it19:19
CarlFKmithrison: /j #timvideos and I'll point you to something that may be what you are looking for19:20
tewardLaney: alive?22:00
=== Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray

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