
mithrisonI'm having problem running snap and snapcraft on ubuntu 18 server on raspberry pi.. details and logs --> https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/multipass-on-raspberry-pi-3b/12162/204:34
amurraymithrison: looks like this is a known issue https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/multipass/issues/77004:40
mithrisonamurray Is it an issue with Ubuntu 18 specifically?04:42
amurraymithrison: the ubuntu 18.04 raspberry pi kernel does not support kvm - see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-raspi2/+bug/1783961 for more info04:42
mithrisonSo use 16? amurray04:44
mithrisonthe proper way to enable KVM support on any pi is to set:dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3din the config.txt file of the bootloader, the kernel is specifically set up for this via the included raspberry pi foundation patches.04:45
mithrisonThat's exactly what I did BTW04:45
amurraymithrison: hmm ok - sorry I am not sure (am not a rpi expert) ogra ^^^ ?04:46
mborzeckizyga: hey hey06:01
zygamborzecki: I have an errand in the morning06:53
zygaI sent a small python PR06:53
zygaI have more on GH but after this one06:53
zygaI will be online in about an hour06:53
mborzeckizyga: i reviewed 2 python prs from you, is that something new?06:53
mvohey hey, what did I miss yesterday?07:00
mborzeckimvo: hey, probably not much, thursday felt a bit slow07:01
mvomborzecki: 'k07:01
mvomborzecki: I think I owe you a review, what was the PR again?07:02
mborzeckimvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7041 :)07:02
mvoaha, yes07:03
mvodoing that now before anything else gets in the way07:03
mborzeckimvo: thank you!07:10
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
mvohey pstolowski, good morning07:27
mborzeckipstolowski: hey07:27
mborzeckimvo: about post staging callback, for instance i'm using it to copy bootenv files generated by snap prepare-image to the structure that contains system-boot data07:48
zygamborzecki: looking now, sorry, some stuff took longer than we expected08:05
zygamborzecki: replied to both https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7065 and https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/706808:09
zygahey mvo08:09
mvohey zyga - in a meeting right now08:11
zygamvo: hey, nothing urgent, just wanted to say hi :)08:12
zygapstolowski, mborzecki: if you guys +1 https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7068 I will open a small follow-up and then we have the path towards those namespace tests :)08:12
zygathere are two more python changes needed but they are much simpler than even this simple pr :)08:13
mborzeckimvo: https://github.com/bboozzoo/snapd/blob/bboozzoo/gadget-update-wip08:26
mborzeckimvo: https://github.com/bboozzoo/snapd/blob/bboozzoo/gadget-update-wip/c08:27
mborzeckimvo: 3rd time's the charm: https://github.com/bboozzoo/snapd/tree/bboozzoo/gadget-update-wip08:27
zygapstolowski: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/183534208:36
zygawhat do you think?08:36
pstolowskizyga: woah, let me take a look08:37
zygapstolowski: I guess that now with snap connections we  just show something we  always had and did08:38
pstolowskihmm, our parsing errors aren't very nice: error: cannot pack "/home/gopath/src/github.com/snapcore/snapd/tests/lib/snaps/snap-failing-interface-hooks": cannot parse snap.yaml: yaml: unmarshal errors:08:40
pstolowski  line 3: cannot unmarshal !!seq into map[string]interface {}08:40
zygawhat is !!seq?08:42
zygahttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7065 is green, just needs reviews08:43
zyga+52,-1, all python test code08:43
pstolowskizyga: probably the array: "plugs: [home,network]"08:45
pstolowskizyga: re that bug, i suspect on refresh we don't remove obsolete plugs from conn state (only from the repo), and 'snap connections' shows conns from state; reloadConnections bites again08:48
zygapstolowski: that's correct08:50
zygapstolowski: on rollback we'd not restore connections otherwise08:50
zygapstolowski: perhaps we should allow snap disconnect to remove stale connections that are not represented in the repo?08:50
pstolowskizyga: +1. also, i wonder if restart cures it (stray connections cleanup logic)08:51
zygapstolowski: hmm, indeed08:51
pstolowskizyga: and maybe that's the explanation of entire stray connections issue that this cleanup was made for08:52
pstolowskiwe blamed some unknown bug in old snapd08:53
zygaI think we always knew this  part08:53
zygathat snaps can change interfaces over revisions08:53
zygaand  we don't do anything about the connections08:53
zygawe chose not to remove them early on08:53
zygaand  later on did08:53
pstolowskizyga: ah, we simply never shown them08:54
zygauntil we grew snap connections08:54
zygabrb, moving08:55
pstolowskizyga: i can take this bug after i finish current work on connects09:03
zygayeah, no rush09:03
pstolowskizyga: updated the bug report09:13
zygaondra: thanks for the call, I learned useful things09:28
ondrazyga and thank you for looking into this :)09:29
mborzeckizyga: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1726382#c609:30
zygamborzecki: it is helpful to the  reporter but I think we will eventually entirely do runtime detection or static declaration that must be provided by the distribution09:32
zygamborzecki: in either case it is useful to the reporter, thank you09:32
zygaI need a 2nd review (thanks mborzecki) for simple python function https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/706509:33
zygapstolowski: thank you!09:39
zygaeh, travis has stale state09:43
zygapstolowski: thank you!09:46
zygapstolowski: would you mind doing another one in the same file: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/706809:47
pstolowskizyga: sure. has conflicts though09:48
zygaaww, one sec09:48
zygapstolowski: resolved09:52
zygamborzecki: wow https://github.com/rswier/c409:55
pstolowskizyga: 1-1 in a moment, will take a look afterwards09:56
zygathank you09:56
mborzeckizyga: reads like an entry to ioccc09:56
pstolowskizyga: i'm working on a spread test with a failing connect- hook (just exit 1); what's the reason i see multiple debug messages like this in the failing task log: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/M3J7gVrDjX/09:59
zygayou must have SNAPD_DEBUG=1 or SNAP_CONFINE_DEBUG=yes  set10:00
pstolowskizyga: got it; i think it would make sense to give more context in that message, and if possible show it just once10:31
zygapstolowski: it cannot be shown once10:31
zygapstolowski: each one is a real mount happening10:31
zygapstolowski: it's spread all over the code10:31
pstolowskizyga: ah, got it10:31
zygapstolowski: I lament that we cannot show you what is going on10:31
zygapstolowski: but i fought that battle and lost10:31
zygapstolowski: and we only show what is mounted when we die :/10:31
zygapstolowski: or when we run debug build10:32
mborzeckizyga: hm mountsnoop maybe? it's from bcc10:33
mborzeckizyga: uh, nvm, thought you wanted to track all the mounts ;)10:34
zygaNah, just print a debug message10:35
zygapstolowski: replied, thanks for looking10:43
pstolowskizyga: one more comment10:52
zygapstolowski: fixed! thank you10:56
pstolowskizyga: should we have a simple test for that?10:57
zygapstolowski: main is untested but now we can add actual tests easily, yeah10:57
zygapstolowski: pushed  :)11:07
zygapstolowski: thanks, I'll add more tests in a separate PR11:13
* zyga goes for lunch11:55
vidal72[m]is this being worked on? https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=143807912:20
sergiusenszyga: hye, do you still want review? got your notification as I was taking off flying over to my parents with my eldest for the winter break12:26
zygasergiusens: thank you, it's all good12:31
zygavidal72[m]: checking12:31
zygavidal72[m]: no, not at present12:32
zygavidal72[m]: we don't have anyone idle that can jump into it, we have other commitments first12:32
zygapstolowski: more tests https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/706912:32
zygavidal72[m]: I will likely work on it but I don't control my work queue directly12:33
zygamborzecki, pstolowski: essential but simple https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/707012:36
zygajust use what we've built12:36
zygaI tried to explain why this is useful for the upcoming namespace tests12:38
zygaI only have one more branch to propose for mountinfo-tool (that I know of) for the test branch to be useful12:41
zygabut we are super close now12:41
=== ricab is now known as ricab|lunch
ogramvo, i seem to remember you had a patch to timedated that prevented the symlink issues we had with it ... couold it be that this patch got lost ? (seems abeato is running into the issues we had before that again)13:43
mvoogra: possible, I resurrected two patches around this area but maybe I missed one13:58
ograyeah, they are quite old (from pitti originally i think ... around 15.04)13:59
zygamvo: second review for https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7069 pretty please?14:01
zygajust unit tests for python14:02
mvozyga: in a meeting right now14:04
zygamvo: no worries, thanks14:04
zygamborzecki, pstolowski: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7071 one more python renumbering pR14:04
zygathis time with tests up front :)14:05
zygaoh, sergio is off?14:06
zygaah right I remember now14:06
zygaijohnson: can you look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7071 and https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/706914:15
zygaI think you will use this tool a lot14:15
ijohnsonzyga: sure14:15
zygamountinfo-tool is a bit like findmnt, but more tailored to what we do14:15
zygathe context is that I'm extending it to propose a new spread test that measures the configuration of the mount namespace14:15
zygaand the extensions are mainly to build a deterministic view of the mount table14:16
zygawith things like memory size or boot ordering of cgroup mount units neutered14:16
zygathe tool started without any tests so I'm also adding some small unit tests as I go14:16
ijohnsonzyga: interesting yes that sounds very useful I will look into mountinfo-tool today14:16
zygain spread debug shell it is on path14:17
zygaand works on each os14:17
zygawell, each distro14:17
Laneyusing snapcraft, is it possible to natively build for i386 on my amd64 machine?14:19
Laneylaunching an i386 multipass VM or lxd container should work, but I don't see an option for it, only --target-arch which says it's going to cross compile14:19
zygaLaney: I don't know of any option, perhaps sergiusens can help?14:28
zygawow, I just did something cool14:29
zygaI don't know which key I hit14:29
zygabut I got a cool tab completion I never saw before:14:29
zygazyga@yantra:~/snapd/tests/lib/bin> {.m{ountinfo-tool.swp,ypy_cache},M{ATCH,akefile},REBOOT,any-python,cleanup{,-frames},host,mountinfo-tool,not,snap-tool,unshared{,-slave}} ^C14:30
zygahow do I do that?14:30
=== ricab|lunch is now known as ricab
mvocmatsuoka: just fyi, I created a "uc20" branch for snapd and added a PR with your changes. I will do the same for our other git repos and update spike-tools. this way we should have a bit more consistency :)15:01
zygahttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7071 is green15:03
cmatsuokamvo: excellent, this should make things easier15:04
cmatsuokamvo: uc20 meaning the uc20 spike, right? we'll probably have to start over for the "real" uc2015:06
mvocmatsuoka: yeah, for the real uc20 we need a new name :) maybe just 20?15:06
cmatsuokamvo: could be, did we use just 18 for core 18?15:07
mvocmatsuoka: yes15:07
cmatsuokamvo: 20 for the real thing then :D15:08
ograppisati, have you seen https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/how-do-i-add-support-for-a-custom-touch-screen-on-my-raspberry-pi/12148 ?15:45
ogra(i'm a bit out of ideas here)15:45
LaneyI ended up making an i386 VM myself with multipass (passing it the URL to a cloud image!) and then using --destructive-mode or whatever it is, since we apparently don't produce minimal cloud images for anything other than amd64 & snapcraft uses cloud-images.u.c rather than the ubuntu: remote built into lxd15:50
zygahttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7071 anyone?15:52
zygaLaney: I have https://spread.zygoon.pl15:53
zyganot sure if that helps you with an image15:53
zygait's a qemu vm with ubuntu/ubuntu credentials15:53
Laneyzyga: thx, what I needed in this case was the ability to tell multipass and snapcraft to launch i386 images, guess I should be a good citizen and file bugs really15:55
zygaI *think* it should be supported15:55
zygaSaviq: ^ ?15:55
* zyga fires another round of spread15:56
Saviqzyga, Laney: yeah we could certainly launch CPU-compatible images, what we've so far said we did not want to do was emulation (i.e. arm on x86)15:56
Saviqbut we may have to revisit that, especially if that would mean you could run/build arm on x86 Windows/macOS15:57
SaviqI was worried about the state of qemu's emulation support, remembering our phone times and virt Launchpad builders15:58
LaneySaviq: hey there15:58
Laneymy bug's not going to be about emulation or anything, but by all means feel free to do that too :D15:58
cjwatsonzyga: that's complete-into-braces, M-{15:59
zygacjwatson: thank you!16:10
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
zygamvo: schema anyone https://github.com/cuelang/cue16:20
mvozyga: nice16:20
zyganiemeyer: ^^ cue for schema16:21
zygaand maybe for data too16:21
ograLaney, simply dont use VMs at all ... create a conventioanl i386 lxd container, install snapcraft in it and "export SNAPCRAFT_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT=host" ... then just build (no --target-arch or any other options)16:28
Laneyogra: sure, that seems to be more or less what --destructive-mode does too16:29
ograthats how i (have to ) use snapcraft for arm and arm64 too ... multipass is just getting in the way if you are not always using amd6416:30
ograyeah, --destructive-mode is similar to that16:30
Laneybut I think the situation could be improved a bit, that's what my requests are about :)16:30
ograby making multipass optional ;)16:31
Laneyno way, the multipass exprience is great16:31
ograor rather have it detect if its on non amd64/non-windows/non-macos16:31
ograand fall back to lxd16:31
ograas someone who 90% of the time builds for non x86 i find the multipass experience most awful16:32
Laneythere's no reason it couldn't launch an i386 vm for me (in fact it can if you go find the .img yourself)16:32
Laneydunno if there's any big blockers on arm tho16:32
ograno kvm/qemu would be the first one ;)16:32
Laneyhow do the clouds work?16:33
ograaarch64 ...16:33
ogra(that has kvm and spins up armhf VMs i think)16:33
Laneyoh right, yes, I meant arm6416:34
Laneywe make armhf containers indeed16:34
ograbut most our arm devs dont have fancy arm64 machines at home16:34
ograthey want to quickly build snaps for/on their Rpi16:34
ogra(many of our customers too sadly)16:34
LaneyI think they and you would appreciate a slick experience there too, either great cross compilation support or emulation16:36
* Laney simply hasn't used that himself16:36
ograwe had that with snapcraft 2.016:37
ograeven fancy cross building in lxd16:37
zygamvo: any chance for a review today?16:40
sergiusensLaney: your request seems doable, but perhaps not this cycle as we are really underpowered for any extra load now16:43
Laneyhey sergiusens!16:43
Laneyit's ok, no particular priority from me16:43
sergiusensgreat, there are plans in the air, but nothing that can be done short term and wouldn't be a hack16:46
mvozyga: not looking great, already relatively late - which one is the most important one you need?16:53
zygamvo: this one  https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/707117:05
zygajust test tool tweaks (with tests)17:06
zygamvo: I have some more state on top but it will be in separate PRs, sorting for determinism and small tweak to renumbering that shrinks delta between unrelated options17:07
* ijohnson relocates to coffee shop17:25
* zyga fights non-reproducible output17:43
EickmeyerWith Chromium moving to snap-only in Ubuntu, I'd like to get this issue moved along as quickly as possible for users of Ubuntu Studio: https://gitlab.gnome.org/Community/Ubuntu/gtk-common-themes/issues/1317:57
EickmeyerHow can I get this going? I don't know much about how to work with snaps.17:57
ardaguclu_Could you please review?, https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7050. I made a dummy mistake by sending this PR from master branch and now I can not continue other issues.18:15
zygaardaguclu_: hey18:46
zygaardaguclu_: you can always close it and reopen  anew one18:47
ardaguclu_zyga: hey18:47
zygaardaguclu_: I think this is something for pstolowski|afk to review next week18:47
zygaI'm not familiar with that part to review it18:47
ardaguclu_zyga: thanks, that would be better closing and opening again18:47
zygait's really tricky and I tried recently and spectacularly failed to fix that18:47
ardaguclu_after looking at issues at launchpad, is it ok directly solving or asking here before that18:49
zygaardaguclu_: it's best to talk but trying does not hurt18:50
zygasome issues are harder than others18:50
zygathis one is particularly complex as behavior differs across host system and go version18:51
ardaguclu_ok, thanks18:51
zygait requires careful analysis of behavior to  come up with reasonable patches18:51
zygaI failed at that btw18:51
ardaguclu_I tried it 18.04 and 16.0418:51
zygathank you for contributing though, perhaps  there is something  else you want to look at?18:51
zygaardaguclu_: our spread suite runs on centos, amazon linux, fedora and many others18:52
ardaguclu_but you are right, there are lots of different versions18:52
zygasome build with gccgo18:52
zygasome with go18:52
zyga1.9, 1.10, 1.1218:52
zygaetc etc18:52
ardaguclu_yeah definitely18:52
zygathen depedning on what is happening on the host network, the errors are somehow conveyed to go18:52
zygaso (go-version, glibc-version, go-resover-vs-libc-resolver, network behavior) => (error object)18:53
ardaguclu_what is the approaches such problems in our case18:53
zygathe trick is to map the error object to a should-we-rertry flag18:53
ardaguclu_trying at whole versions18:53
zygawe don't have the  set of tuples that  describe possiblities18:54
zygaso changes are kind of ad-hoc18:54
zygawe need data first18:54
ardaguclu_ok, thank you very much18:54
* zyga makes the final coffee of the day to work on another bug18:54
zygaardaguclu_: thank you! :)18:55
ardaguclu_I really like snap, that's why, I will continue contribution :)18:55
zygaardaguclu_: do stick around, it's great to have contributions18:55
zygajjohansen: hey, do you have a second for a quick question18:59
jjohansenzyga: uhmmm, never :)19:00
jjohansenwhat is it?19:00
zygajjohansen: what is the difference beween network and  network_v8/19:00
jjohansenzyga: may I ask why you are messing around in the packed protocol?19:00
zygajjohansen: I'm not but we look for both and some kernels have v8 but not the other one19:01
zygajjohansen: (what I mean by "look  for both" is snapd checks advertised kernel features)19:03
zygajjohansen: is v8 enough if present?19:03
jjohansenzyga: v8 requires the yet to be released apparmor 319:04
zygaI see19:04
zygashould we look for v8 then?19:04
jjohansenits a clean abi break that came about from Linus's revert it 4.1519:04
zygaI recall that, yes19:04
jjohansenyes, upstream and debian will only ever have v819:05
jjohansenwe will carry a compat patch in ubuntu/suse for several years to support old userspaces19:05
zygajjohansen: aha,  I understand now19:05
zygajjohansen: and is the  apparmor_parser in ubuntu today using  network or networkv8?19:05
zyga2.13* AFAIR19:06
jjohansenit is using network19:06
jjohansenyou will require abi rules in policy to get network_v819:06
zygaso perhaps we don't need to check for network_v819:06
zygauntil we do19:06
jjohansensure, looking for it atm won't get you anything19:07
zygathank you, that was what I was curious about19:07
zygaI'll adjust snapd next week when jdstrand can review it19:07
zygajjohansen: speaking of which, is the  packing protocol documented? I tried to "reverse" it at one point by going through the kernel sources and  compiling various crafted profiles but I failed to decompile the packed state machine19:09
jjohansenzyga: I have some documentation started but its certainly not any even close to reasonable shape19:10
jjohansenzyga: there are some tools coming that will help with the whole thing19:10
zygajjohansen: would you be interested if I tried to help in that  in small capacity?19:10
jjohansenThey can handle the unpacking and output in clean text the state machine19:11
zygainteresting, that's what I was looking for at the time19:11
jjohansenzyga: I am always interested in help, as long as the help doesn't take more effort than I get back out19:12
jjohansenzyga: ping me in a couple of weeks, next week is bad for me19:13
zygajjohansen: gladly19:13
zygajjohansen: if you send me any git places to look, I can try to  familiarize myself with what is being made19:13
jjohansenzyga: I have to dig for it, the work is pre our move to git19:14
zygajjohansen: no rush, I mainly follow apparmor from linus tree19:15
zyga(though that's usually "late")19:15
jjohansenah, yeah this is userspace stuff so it will be landing in the gitlab side of things19:15
jjohansenI'll see if I can't get a branch up as a WIP pull request19:16
zygajjohansen: which repo holds the userspace stuff?19:16
jjohansenzyga: and if you want to go a little broader https://gitlab.com/apparmor/19:17
jjohansenwe are going to start moving to doing kernel dev in gitlab side of things and the sync it to the kernel.org tree instead of directly commiting19:18
zygajjohansen: thanks, understood19:19
* zyga found a bug in the ref code, finally19:46
* zyga EOWs22:07

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