
tomreynMr_Cyclops: you can run "apt show PACKAGENAME" to get information on a given packane named PACKAGENAME00:00
allquixotictomreyn: I just found https://linoxide.com/linux-how-to/create-custom-live-cd-image-cubic-ubuntu/ -- "Cubic" looks to be current at least as of 18.04, and it's working well so far; here's hoping it'll boot00:03
abdulkarimhey guys00:04
abdulkarimi need help ubuntu is taking me to grub menu en they telling me to download b43 something00:06
tomreynallquixotic: i can't comment on it, have seen it before but it's not supported here.00:06
tomreyn!details | abdulkarim00:07
ubottuabdulkarim: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.00:07
Person341I just partitioned my /dev/sda2 drive with gdisk and now when I boot it goes straight to grub terminal00:08
Mr_Cyclopstomreyn, tx00:09
tomreynPerson341: /dev/sda2 would be a partition, not a drive00:10
tomreynmaybe you wrote a new partition table into a partition, thus overwriting some of the data previously stored in this partition?00:11
tomreynbut that's just guessing, need more details-00:12
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allquixotictomreyn: I'm aware that Cubic isn't supported here, but the good news is it actually works -- generates a successful Live hybrid ISO that can be `dd`ed to a USB stick, with custom packages! I think the Wiki article you linked is several years out of date and way harder to use. Might want to tell folks in the future to try Cubic if they want a GUI but say it isn't supported here. Anyway, thanks.00:24
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tomreynallquixotic: thanks for reporting back. i'll try to remember about cubic. we could discuss this more in #ubuntu-offtopic if you like.00:27
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LinuxGuy2020I'm looking for a way to store Steam backups instead of using the slow built in backup in the steam client. I know that simply copying the folders of the installs is the fastest but I would like to have a single file for each game. Tar is way too slow when opening, ISO has a filesize limit. I dont care about compression at all. Any other formats that might fit the bill?01:29
kecthuphow can I install kubuntu on a second drive inside of windows 1001:30
kecthupa stupid fucking game just BSOD'd  windows FUCKING 1001:30
kecthupand without overwriting the windows bootloader01:32
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kekchupjesus are you all fucking in a coma or something01:37
tonytit is a holiday in the USA01:38
tonytsome people also actually have lives and dont spent all their time on irc lol01:38
kekchupwhy dont they just make every day a holiday01:38
kekchupand be done with it01:38
kekchupIRC also has a command called /part01:39
ryuo!language | kekchup01:41
ubottukekchup: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList01:41
kekchupI dont care about religion son01:41
pepeehey, can someone tell me what the hell is canonical trying to do with ubuntu? why are they trying to impose snap at all costs?01:41
kekchupim 28 and will use whatever words I want. I have not insulted anyone here01:42
pepeealso, do ubuntu devs don't even care about the users anymore? why do updates keep overwriting my system stuff and not even leaving backups?01:42
kekchuphow can I download the ISO01:43
kekchupwhat I have here is some folders01:43
kekchupoh wait it did01:43
kekchupwindows just mounted it01:43
kekchupok ok01:44
kekchupbut I still dont see an exe to click to install01:45
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guiverckekchup, after seeing your language I stopped reading what you wrote.. it may be the same with others (didn't your Mum tell you get more with honey, not vinegar)01:54
kekchupyeah then I fucking stabbed her to death01:54
ec0pepee, have you considered articulating any problems you've had with Ubuntu into a bug report against the relevant packages, so the developers are aware of them?02:05
pepeeec0, have you thought that I'm not criticizing any specific packages, but rather, the direction canonical is trying to give ubuntu?02:07
ec0Ubuntu is a community project02:08
pepeeAFAIU, canonical is a private company02:08
ec0Canonical funds a lot of the infrastructure behind Ubuntu, and pays a bunch of the developers02:08
ec0You don't need to work for Canonical to contribute to Ubuntu however02:09
pepeeand I don't think users asked for, say, snap, or to stop supporting 32b applications, or to stop using unity...02:09
ec0Unity is open source, you can pick it up as a side project if you want02:09
ec0apt remote snapd02:09
pepeeI mean, I don't care about unity, but, say, why not use KDE?02:10
ec0like, kubuntu say?02:10
ec0I think if you need specific help with something, there's a ton of people here happy to help02:10
pepeeyou know snap will become the default package manager in the future, right?02:12
pepeeec0, you don't need to defend stupid decisions like that just because you like ubuntu02:12
ryuoand where did you read that?02:12
pepeealso, kubuntu is NOT kubuntu, which is why I said unity could have been replaced by KDE02:12
pepeeerr, *kubuntu is NOT ubuntu02:12
ryuoit sounds like a proposal... that doesn't mean it'll be implemented.02:14
pi123is there any reason to prefer installing ubuntu 19 over 18.04?02:14
ec0I don't think they're stupid decisions ¯\_(ツ)_/¯02:14
ec0pi123, 18.04 will get support for longer02:14
ec0being an LTS02:14
pi123is that good or bad?02:15
pi123i'm just a humble user02:15
ryuopi123: LTS if you have no reason to have major upgrades twice a year.02:15
ec0so for a server system or similar where upgrading the OS might be disruptive, you may consider using the LTS02:15
ryuopi123: that's how i look at it.02:15
ryuopepee: though really, this is nothing new. they've been pushing ubuntu specific software for ages. most of the time it ends up being abandoned. upstart, mir, unity to name a few.02:17
pi123also are any of the kubuntu, lubuntu, XYZbuntu things officially ubuntu or no?02:17
ryuopi123: only if it's an official flavor. anything else are 3rd party derivatives (Mint, etc).02:18
pepeeI mean, judging by how the system suggests using snap instead of apt...02:18
pepeealso, this seems to be a really old idea http://www.webupd8.org/2015/04/ubuntu-desktop-to-eventually-switch-to.html02:18
ryuopepee: i only saw a proposal from one person. it doesn't mean they'll actually do it. notice it hasn't been approved and appears to have been dormant for the last 6 months.02:19
pepeepi123, what I meant is, ubuntu could use KDE as default DE instead of GNOME02:19
ryuothough i guess a few ubuntu projects have survived (apparmor)02:20
pi123wikipedia says Kubuntu is an officially sponsored by Canonical ubuntu02:20
pepeeit is, after some drama canonical had with the leader of the kubuntu project02:21
pepee(the one that left some years ago)02:22
Thr0rI belive these are the offical Ubuntu flavors: https://ubuntu.com/download/flavours02:25
gimmelHi guys, just trying to check if I'm making an error or not. I'm trying to follow the installation guide here (https://www.home-assistant.io/components/snips/). I've added the source list, updated through apt-get update, but the line "sudo apt-get install -y snips-platform-voice" says there's no package available. Should I have changed anything in the third step for Ubuntu?02:25
tomreyngimmel: which ubuntu release are you running?02:32
gimmeltomreyn: 19.0402:34
tomreyni don't see any indication that they provide Ubuntu packages02:39
gimmeltomreyn: indication in the tutorial? Or have you checked elsewhere?02:40
tomreyngimmel: the tuorial you pointed to seems to target raspian.02:44
gimmeltomreyn: The snips developers have this page -> https://docs.snips.ai/articles/other-platforms/linux-amd64. The intro paragraph says Ubuntu 16 and up, but then the source list added seems debian specific. Would I need to change the source that is added in step 3?02:47
tomreyngimmel: i suggest you get help from them, since this is outside the scope of what we support here02:51
tomreynif you have questions about ubuntu itself, or even about adding thrid party apt repositories in general, we can help02:51
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gimmeltomreyn: Thanks, I'm aware of the scope of this channel. I'm simply trying to confirm I'm applying their instructions for Ubuntu correctly.03:14
cfhowlettprops for courtesy!03:16
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JonHanDinHello Ubunuts, Just a quick question... I like my bash scripts (they just make life easier);  one i cant get my head around... I'm forever using Files to explore some sftp and samba share through the UI... Am i just being lazy or is there a way to call a windows from a tmerinal commmand? Many thanks03:33
p0ahow can I use the latest version of emacs?03:58
p0aI thought about downloading the dependencies and compiling it instead03:58
mithrison'm having problem running snap and snapcraft on ubuntu 18 server on raspberry pi.. details and logs --> https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/multipass-on-raspberry-pi-3b/12162/204:34
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mdemoApparently the OVA from http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/ isn't meant to be used on local VirtualBox without modification?05:29
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Snorghmaas anyone here install ubuntu on an asus rog gu501gm -07:54
lotuspsychjeSnorghma: best to ask your specific issue, where are you stuck exactly?07:55
Snorghmaoh right, so I'm having a few issues.  I can rarely get the installer to come up.  I was able to get ubuntu installed once but b/c of the graphics chip the os crashes when it boots.  I want to reinstall ubuntu with the driver preloaded but I don't know how to do that and I am having issue getting the installer to load.  When I get the installer the `try kubuntu` option crashes.07:58
SnorghmaI've read that I have use `acpi=off` and `nouveau.modeset=0` in grub to be able to boot07:59
lotuspsychjeSnorghma: what kind of graphics card chipset do you have there?07:59
Snorghmathe chipset is geforce gtx 106007:59
lotuspsychjeSnorghma: ah, those need a !nomodeset to get in, then reccomended after the ubuntu graphics ppa to install a newer driver08:00
SnorghmaI can boot into windows fine but I'd like to purge windows08:00
lotuspsychje!nvidia | Snorghma08:00
ubottuSnorghma: For nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing » For the latest Nvidia drivers see https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa08:00
Snorghmaok cool08:00
lotuspsychjeSnorghma: if you dualboot, some uefi settings can also block your hardware/graphics08:01
lotuspsychjeSnorghma: that would show in your dmesg logs, if kernel is locked due to uefi or not08:02
Snorghmaso if I'm seeing things like `stdin:  Invalid argument` in verbose mode when booting before hitting busybox.... what does this mean08:02
SnorghmaI don't want to have a duel boot but so far I've only been able to get windows on this thing08:02
Snorghmais there anyway to easily boot into bash?08:03
SnorghmaI should clarify that I've been seeing that `stdin` message when trying to boot my bootable usb iso of kubuntu08:04
lotuspsychjeSnorghma: is that kubuntu 18.04?08:05
Snorghmai've been considering making a custom iso but i really don't want to as i have no idea how08:06
OerHekstons of howto's, asus rog gu501gm08:07
Snorghmayea I've been trying to follow https://medium.com/@bakytn/install-configure-linux-ubuntu-18-10-on-asus-gu501gm-783d00c19b5b but it hasn't worked well for me08:08
OerHeksno, you need to disable nouveau, to get nvidia working08:09
Snorghmayea i did that08:09
SnorghmaI can't get the installer to boot atm, I'm getting `stdin:  Invalid argument` over and over before it hits busybox08:10
OerHekscheck the iso?08:10
SnorghmaI guess remake the bootable?08:10
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM08:11
Snorghmaok thanks I'll check it08:11
jojeroHello, I just realize that my dvdrw is not working. Please help me, I cant see anything in nautilus08:12
jojerooh man08:15
jojeroits fixed08:15
jojerolmfao I just put my charger plug, I really dont know what happened thank God I didnt do anything in the process like mounting lols08:15
jojerosee yah!08:16
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hortielIn practice, settable tab stops were rather quickly replaced with fixed tab stops, de facto standardized at every multiple of 8 characters horizontally, and every 6 lines vertically.08:41
hortielwhat is 6 lines veritically meaning in \v vertical tabs ?? unable to understand \v08:41
vlthortiel: Source?08:42
hortielwikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tab_key#Tab_characters08:43
hortielwhich channel is there to ask such question about these strange control characters. ...08:44
hortielI can understand horizontal tables, but how could a table be vertical.08:44
OerHeksvertical tabs would be lines? this is not on ubuntu, ctrl k08:45
hortielOerHeks: yes but wikipedia says 6 lines down, but \v gives only one line down08:46
H0Phey guys i got problem with WSL ,nmap doesn't work.it can't find wifi008:50
thsnrH0P: check out https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/134908:53
OerHeksalias nmap=nmap.exe   grinn08:57
ubottuWindows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide08:57
H0Plsusb doesn't work on WSL!!!09:00
OerHeksinteresting ..09:00
OerHeksH0P, try in #ubuntu-on-windows , wsl is not supported here09:00
MudchainsHello all. Our ubuntu servers has joined Active Directory by this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/sssd-ad.html#sssd-ad-join . Instead of Administrator i used a other account. But what if change the password of that account? Will the kerberos tickets still work?09:30
funabashihi general linux quetion, does linux has anythng like windows RDP to remote a pc?09:33
ducasse!vnc | funabashi09:36
ubottufunabashi: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX09:36
Mudchainsfunabashi yes09:36
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funabashiX-forwarding it called09:38
vltfunabashi: There's also rdesktop or xfreerdp to connect to RDP servers and xrdp to provide one. We actually use this from Ubuntu client to Ubuntu desktop server after several software products (LibreOffice or Firefox) became less and less usable over "remote X" protocols.09:41
lotuspsychjehey cfhowlett09:51
cfhowlettyowza^3 lotuspsychje09:51
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vltHello. I have several printers of the same model. The CUPS driver provided by the manufacturer seems to use a file /opt/brother/Printers/mfcl8690cdw/inf/brmfcl8690cdwrc for default values like "BRMonoColor=Mono" in a "[mfcl8690cdw]" config section. Any idea how I can specify the defaults I need for my various printers with their CUPS names?10:18
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ramsub07Hi, I am trying to install a docker image with "software-properties-common". Since I am installing from the dockerfile, I am unable to press "Y" for yes at the time of installation and hence the installation aborts every time. How do I mitigate this?11:08
OerHeksinstalling from the dockerfile ??11:18
thsnrramsub07: you can use apt-get with --yes, which will answer "yes" to all prompts11:20
OerHeksi think he has an other issue than just installing from apt..11:21
hortielWhy does ubuntu install itself on DELL but not arch !11:25
cfhowletthortiel, you'd have to ask arch.  this channel is for UBUNTU support.  please stay on topic.11:25
hortielubuntu figured something out, as in bios I see ubuntu name... not why would dell recognize ubuntu OSS?S how11:25
hortielno, it's ubuntu question- what did internally ubuntu do... that Dell can recognize it11:26
cfhowlettso ubuntu installed correctly??11:26
hortielyes, but why11:27
hortieldo you use dell?11:27
hortieldell optiplex11:27
cfhowlettbecause you told it to.11:30
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OerHeksif this is an UEFI thingy, yes, the ubuntu brand is in there.11:31
hans_got this far then the system froze, it still responds to pings but it doesn't respond on ssh and it doesn't respond on the local terminal, https://i.imgur.com/3LAcTVW.png11:31
hans_think i should give it some mroe time or should i try restarting it?11:32
hans_(18.04 server edition)11:33
OerHekshans_, just wait, those calculations can take minutes11:33
hans_oh now something hapepned, i got https://i.imgur.com/BtlH34p.png11:33
hortieldoes ubuntu use mbr on bios legacy and gpt on uefi ? the default installer I mean...11:33
OerHekshortiel, with UEFI, ubuntu uses GPT11:34
OerHeksif not, you did not boot in uefi mode :-D11:34
hortielso if I booted in bios and then installed ubuntu it uses MBR? can I make ubuntu use GPT in legacy bios?11:36
hans_OerHeks, maybe, but it is running on a very strong 16-core 2.3->3.7 turbo Xeon Gold CPU11:37
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:38
jeremy31hortiel: to use GPT with BIOS boot, you need a special partition, do a search to find the specifics11:39
neuredoes ubuntu come with dynamic version of asan library?11:46
OerHeks!find libasan11:48
ubottuFound: libasan4, libasan4-arm64-cross, libasan4-armhf-cross, libasan4-dbg, libasan4-powerpc-cross, libasan4-ppc64el-cross, libasan5, libasan5-dbg, libasan0, libasan0-dbg (and 588 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libasan&searchon=names&suite=bionic&section=all11:48
hans_why is /usr/bin/unatteded-upgrade still running AFTER running `sudo apt remove --purge unattended-upgrade`  ?11:48
hans_apt.systemd.daily, i guess11:49
OerHekscron indeed, reboot to stop the unattended madness :-P11:49
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talinhello. i am running 18.04 and connecting to it via xrdp. how can i change the default window manager?12:17
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vlttalin: Have a look at /etc/xrdp/sesman.ini13:04
RyviusHello, has Mesa been updated to 19 today? My system wants to update to it, but I have bad experience with it13:10
RyviusIn ubuntu-bionic--main13:10
paul1usHello, I am looking for help.  I restarted my computer and found myself in the login loop. I suspect that this is due to me changing the graphics drivers. I created a new .Xauthorities file but after a restart nothing changed13:14
talinvlt: thank you :)13:16
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pragmaticenigma!info mesa13:25
ubottuPackage mesa does not exist in bionic13:25
pragmaticenigmaRyvius: You will have to be more specific about the package information. I don't know what Mesa is13:26
Ryviuspragmaticenigma: It's the open source GPU drivers for AMD and Intel13:34
RyviusThey have lots of packages, https://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package_metas/list?name=mesa13:34
OerHeksRyvius, LTS versions hardly get such update, i think you want 19.10 for the latest MESA?13:36
paul1usis there someone who could help me with my login loop problem?13:37
RyviusOerHeks: Yeah that's why I'm puzzled that bionic has seemingly been updated to Mesa 1913:38
OerHeksoh, wait, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/19.0.2-1ubuntu1.1~18.04.113:39
RyviusSo I'm wondering if anyone knows why13:39
RyviusAs it ran like shit for me13:39
OerHeksthere must have been a SRU request13:39
ubottuStable Release Update information is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates13:39
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RyviusAlright, guess I can't avoid it forever. Thanks13:41
shonhadowNeed help with sound settings?13:58
tomreynno, thanks, works here.14:00
tomreynoh you mean *you*'re* looking for help?14:00
shonhadowvolume button and bar is disabled14:02
tomreynrun   /usr/share/alsa-base/alsa-info.sh    in a temrinal and follow its instructions14:03
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Wayward_VagabondCan anybody offer some help with the finch messenger/libpurple frontend, or know a more appropriate channel to ask?14:05
Wayward_VagabondI can't seem to figure out how to interact with check boxes, and it isn't catching the alt+[key] based shortcuts14:06
shonhadowtomreyn, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fTHhHKJzT7/14:06
tomreynshonhadow: run this:   cd; wget https://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh14:08
tomreynshonhadow: this downloads the newer version of the alsa-info script, a shell script which gatheres some system information, and either stores this info in a file on your computer or uploads it, depending on your choice14:08
tomreynshonhadow: i guess uploading is fine, we'd need to see it anyways.14:09
pragmaticenigmaWayward_Vagabond: Please provide the channel with the version and flavor of Ubuntu that you are running. A lot of terminal emulators intercept the shortcut keys14:09
Wayward_Vagabondxubuntu 18.04lts, and irssi uses the shame shortcuts without issue14:09
Wayward_VagabondFinch's help page doesn't seem to explain much14:10
bombshould i install Chromium from snap or apt?14:11
lotuspsychjebomb: the users choice14:11
bombthat doesn't answer my question14:12
lotuspsychjebomb: should volunteers choose what you need?14:12
lordcirthbomb, I would install it from apt.14:12
Wayward_Vagabondbomb: the programs are equivlent in function, and after it's installed the end result is the same14:13
tomreynnot exactly the same, but similar14:14
pragmaticenigmabomb: What the volunteers here are trying to say is, this is a support channel, for getting support with applications you are currently used. If you're looking for recommendations and opinions about software, asking in #ubuntu-offtopic is more appropriate.14:14
shonhadowtomreyn, i have uploaded it to alsaproject14:15
tomreynshonhadow: any luck with this?14:15
tomreynoh, good, can you paste the url?14:15
pragmaticenigmaWayward_Vagabond: What keybindings are you trying to access?14:15
bombit's not off-topic at all pragmaticenigma14:16
shonhadowtomreyn, http://alsa-project.org/db/?f=d51d30f2810d135968645c2ce601e9afcdd4925414:16
Wayward_Vagabondalt+1-9 to cycle through windows14:16
pragmaticenigmaWayward_Vagabond: I never got those to work, I used the Alt + n to cycle through the windows14:17
Wayward_VagabondI can't seem to figure out what key I'm supposed to use to interact with check boxes though14:17
tomreynshonhadow: thanks, i'm reading, this can take some minutes14:17
pragmaticenigmaWayward_Vagabond: Spacebar14:17
shonhadowtomreyn, okay14:17
Wayward_Vagabondpragmaticenigma: ohh, the one thing I didn't try14:18
Wayward_Vagabondand it does capture n/p14:18
tomreynshonhadow: hmm so this suggests your audio chipset was properly detected, mixers and sufficient sound devices were setup, and are not disabled. so i'd expected those to also show up on your gnome settings app. does    sudo apt update && sudo apt install pavucontrol && pavucontrol    show anything?14:23
puradawid-proHey, did someone try to connect Magic Mouse / Magic Keyboard to Ubuntu by Bluetooth? I guess that might be a kind of a challenge :-(14:29
tomreynshonhadow: and do you happen to know which of these you have? it probably says on the bottom of your computer close to the screen hinges in extra small print, or on a sticker on the bottom: https://support.hp.com/us-en/products/identify?q=HP%20Pavilion%20dv614:29
lotuspsychjepuradawid-pro: i have a bug for that, holdon please14:29
* DanDare takes a can of pesticide14:32
shonhadowtomreyn, Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.27-3ubuntu1) ...14:33
CaptainNrm -r pesticide14:33
tomreynshonhadow: is it usually this slow?14:33
lotuspsychjepuradawid-pro: seems like launchpad is currently offline, see the github directly please: https://github.com/robotrovsky/Linux-Magic-Trackpad-2-Driver14:34
shonhadowtomreyn, i will send a screenshot14:34
lotuspsychjepuradawid-pro: when i tested it, i had to install blueman, and that git method14:34
lotuspsychjepuradawid-pro: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-signed-hwe/+bug/182277014:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1822770 in linux-signed-hwe (Ubuntu) "Apple magic mouse 2 does not work by default" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:35
shonhadowtomreyn, hhttps://imgur.com/FArDdDj14:37
shonhadowtomreyn, it shouldnt be this slow.on fresh install of ubuntu ,pavucontrol worked in seconds14:39
tomreynshonhadow: maybe something is generally wrong on this system, then. can you post   journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999914:40
puradawid-prolotuspsychje: cheers, very appreciate, will let you know how it goes :P14:41
lotuspsychjepuradawid-pro: if it solves for you, can you mark yourself affected to the bug please?14:41
OerHeksshonhadow, installing pavucontrol and have the window opened?14:41
OerHekstime to close that columecontrol first14:42
tomreynright, that's be a good idea14:42
tomreynshonhadow: ^14:43
shonhadowtomreyn, its same as the image i sent\14:43
tomreynshonhadow: closing the volume control window may enable the installation to complete, though14:43
tomreynyou seem to have someonehow managed to open pavucontrol while it was still installing.14:44
tomreynor maybe it just looks as if, due to how i queued the commands i provided.14:45
shonhadowtomreyn, terminal ended at "Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.27-3ubuntu1) ..."14:45
shonhadowon opening the pavuvontrol via terminal it says establishing connection14:46
tomreyneither way, close the "volume control" window, then do the    journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 9999    and post the url it returns, then run pavucontrol again14:46
OerHeksshonhadow, no, it did not ended .. i see no prompt14:46
OerHekshow odd, still not closing that window..?14:47
tomreynOerHeks: here's what i had asked shonhadow to run earlier:   sudo apt update && sudo apt install pavucontrol && pavucontrol14:47
tomreynso there would be no prompt14:47
OerHeksoh missed that part, && pavucontrol14:48
shonhadowtomreyn, https://termbin.com/ob7114:49
tomreynshonhadow: thanks, unfortunatley it's not complete. can you run:   dmesg | tail -n 500 | nc termbin.com 9999      and post this url as well14:50
shonhadowtomreyn, https://termbin.com/wd6y14:51
OerHekssystemctl status pulseaudio.service14:51
tomreynthis doesn't exist on my system, OerHeks14:53
shonhadowtomreyn, volume control is of no use.closing it for now14:53
tomreynshonhadow: please post:   pactl list | nc termbin.com 999914:55
tomreynshonhadow: also this:   pactl info | nc termbin.com 999914:56
shonhadowtomreyn, Connection failure: Connection refused   pa_context_connect() failed: Connection refused15:05
tomreynshonhadow: by the way, your ufw (firewall) seems to be configured to block its own DNS queries.15:05
tomreynwell, the systems'15:05
shonhadowshould i switch it off for that15:05
tomreynyou should configure it not to block those if you intend to use it.15:06
tomreynand yes, it may help to temporariyl disable the firewall while you're trying to make pulseaudio work15:06
shonhadowstill the same result15:08
shonhadowdoes it require sudo?15:08
tomreynwhat is "it"?15:08
shonhadowsudo pactl list | nc termbin.com 999915:09
tomreynshonhadow: can you reboot the system with ufw off?15:10
Helenah2Hi, I installed alsa on Ubuntu Server get this from my mpv output. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FZVPZbhC3F/15:11
Helenah2there is alsa-utils which i installed too15:11
Helenah2alsamixer can't find a mixer15:11
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tomreynHelenah2: you wrote this in #ubuntu-server: "I'm use Ubuntu Server even for desktop systems." - this may mean you're lacking some required packages. which (graphical) desktop environment are you using there?15:15
shonhadowtomreyn, still the same output(Connection failure: Connection refused  pa_context_connect() failed: Connection refused)15:17
stonedI installed ubuntu 18.04 on my desktop at work and it says dummy output for sound, but I'm sure there is onboard sound chip15:19
tomreynshonhadow: okay but let'S try this now:   journalctl -kb | nc termbin.com 999915:21
tomreynstoned: i won't be able to help right now but this is how you can gather more information:    cd; wget https://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh15:23
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Helenah2tomreyn: I'm not using a DE.15:32
Helenah2I'm using i3wm15:33
Helenah2Why would I install Ubuntu Desktop when I would have to purge unity and install i3wm when I can just install Ubuntu Server and install what i need?15:33
tomreynbecause it would ensure you have all the packages installed you'd need for audio.15:35
Helenah2tomreyn: I also don't want to be using display manager?15:35
tomreynbut other than that i'm surel ynot planning to push you towards anything15:35
Helenah2I'm pretty sure we can get to the bottom of this on just Ubuntu Server.15:36
tomreynpersonally, i did enough sound debugging for today, but you may well be able to find some other volunteer who'll help out. i suggest you start by posting the output of a current alsa-info.sh15:37
Helenah2Okay :)15:38
tomreynshonhadow: nothing from you, and i need to take a break, ttyl15:40
Helenah2tomreyn: Cya soon! :)15:41
MannyLNJHelp please. I did apt-get update and apt-get upgrade fails. The error is "Errors were encountered while processing: udev xserver-xorg-core smapd " Can I get assistance fixing my errors?15:49
Helenah2MannyLNJ: apt-get update only updates your package cache, the error you got from upgrade is unrelated to the cache.15:51
DOSfanQuestion ... my computer here is running Ubuntu 16.04 and works quite well, however my monitor is not being detected (Unknown monitor) ... so my resolution is low (1280x768).15:54
DOSfanIs there some advice on how to increase the size, a web page or some tips?15:55
DanDareMannyLNJ, thats the only error/warning you get after trying apt? I suspect that it helps people to help if you pastebin the entire apt output lines.15:55
stonedtomreyn: ok, I got the info, which matches alsamixer info as well. I installed pavucontrol but no luck yet. Do I need to reboot?15:59
pragmaticenigmaDOSfan: If you know what your monitor's native resolutions and timings are, this article may help you in setting them manually: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2017/04/custom-screen-resolution-ubuntu-desktop/16:04
shonhadowtomreyn, thanks for assist till now.problem not solved yet.would you like to proceed further?16:06
stonedI rebooted after pavu control and now sound is ok i think16:09
stonedYes, sound is okay now!16:09
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MannyLNJDanDare, https://pastebin.com/rnRgZs5216:12
ioriaMannyLNJ, apt-cache policy udev16:22
Helenah2stoned: I wish my audio was fixed :(16:23
designbybeckis there a way to install Ubuntu in bulk via network like Windows is done for large installs?16:26
compdocthey need a program named the bulkinator16:27
OerHeksmetal as a service, maas.io16:28
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seanrdevdoes anyone know how to install from command line?16:44
seanrdevHow to start installation of Ubuntu 18 desktop from the command line16:44
seanrdevOnce ISO is loaded and I switch tty and login with 'ubuntu' and get a shell prompt.16:45
OerHeksseanrdev, why? the iso gives a graphical installer16:45
seanrdevOerHeks: I understand but the cheap crappy system I am installing it on seems to make the OS thing there is multiple screens connected. So I only see the left side of the screen and the installer is on the right.16:54
seanrdevSorry.. I only see the right side of the screen and the installer is on the left16:55
pragmaticenigmaseanrdev: Remove the extra monitor connections ... you can add them later16:55
seanrdevpragmaticenigma: There are no extra monitor connections guys. It's only one HDMI connection16:55
seanrdevWhy.... Is it impossible to install via command line?16:56
pragmaticenigmaseanrdev: The Desktop ISO does not come with that ability, the assumption is that if you are installing the Desktop ISO, you have graphical capabilities16:56
OderusHi guys. Recently my HDD had some bad clusters and sectors causing me some trouble. I ordered a new 2tb sata drive for a replacement. What would you all recommend I do with it? Just format it with the installer or is there other things I should do?17:02
acetakwasMy speakers don't work until I run `pulseaudio -D` or `pulseaudio -k` all the time.17:02
pragmaticenigma!nomodeset | seanrdev: maybe try booting with nomodeset ?17:02
ubottuseanrdev: maybe try booting with nomodeset ?: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:02
acetakwasWhat can I do to avoid this?17:02
lordcirthacetakwas, silence or static?17:03
acetakwaslordcirth: What does that mean?17:03
lordcirthacetakwas, sorry, when you say it "doesn't work", are your speakers totally silent, or full of static?17:03
acetakwasOn the Pulse Audio Volume Control interface, I see: "Establishing connection to PulseAudio. Please wait..."17:04
acetakwaslordcirth: silent.17:04
acetakwasNo sound.17:04
rfmseanrdev, also maybe check the bios setup screens to see if there's some config for active monitor ports.17:04
acetakwasIt happens every time I startup my computer, then I have to run `pulseaudio -D` before sound starts working.17:05
acetakwasAlso, I use i3.17:05
OerHeksoh, tons of howto's  for i3wm howto start pulse propperly17:07
OerHeksexec --no-startup-id i3-msg 'exec /usr/bin/pulseaudio --start'17:07
acetakwasOerHeks: Many thanks.17:08
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seanrdevThanks guys I will look at all the above.17:11
sentimentwhat the heck?17:13
sentimenthow can I restart the xinput system?17:13
sentimentoccasionally I can't type a letter and have to reboot the whole damn os17:14
tomreynOderus: there's nothing else you need to do to prepare it. you can run a short or long !smart self test on it, but you can still do that later (and it actually makes more sense later). an ssd might have been a better choice than a hdd, unless you need much storage for cheap.17:16
OderusI heard ssd do not last as long17:17
tomreynthat's not really true. data on it might perish if not rewritten every couple of years.17:18
lordcirthOderus, all storage devices fail and should be redundant if they hold anything important.17:18
sentimentis this os a wacko or what17:18
sentimenthow can it randomly make a key unresponsive17:19
OderusLordcirth that they do... i was just under the impression that refular drives last longer17:19
OderusTomreyn interesting I did not know thay17:20
lordcirthThat's also true of magnetic disks, but that's like 15 years17:20
tomreynsentiment: if you have support questions, please ask them and provide context. if you would like to discuss your experiences while using your computer, this support channel is not the right place.17:20
Oderus15 years is about how long this magnetic drive lastes me17:21
sentimenttomreyn: ok. I thought I mentioned the problem17:22
tomreynOderus: if you'd like more details on hardware options, you could also ask the folks in ##hardware17:22
OderusOh ok good idea!17:22
sentimenta given key in my national layout randomly stops responding and I'll have to reboot the os17:22
sentimentspecifically it's the s key (in the national layout it types another letter)17:23
lordcirthsentiment, that sounds like it could also be a hardware issue?17:23
sentimentoh come on17:23
tomreynsentiment: it would probably help if you added conext, though, such as the ubuntu version and variant you're running there, whether it's installed, yet, or happening during installation, whether this is a new behaviour or happened before, etc.17:23
sentimentwell it certainly happens randomly on daily usage17:24
sentimentI'm running 18.10 btw17:24
seanrdevLol I can't even see a bios screen after changing settings. Dammit....17:24
sentimenttomreyn: not sure how it started though17:24
tomreynsentiment: ubuntu 18.10 is supported for another 13 days, i suggest you upgrade soon.17:24
sentimentwell that's another matter17:25
lordcirthsentiment, what if you unplug the keyboard for a few seconds, and re-plug it?17:25
tomreynsentiment: maybe upgrade first and try to solve the keyboard issue later, if it's still present then.17:25
sentimenthmm, are you sure? because it happens just with a certain layout17:25
sentimentit sounds like a rather simple 90s problem17:26
seanrdevI would like to take fuel and fire to this system. Stupid chinese cheap boxes. Thanks anyway for your help.17:26
sentimentgonna replug now17:26
tomreynseanrdev: i'm not sure this was suggested, yet, but there are two ubuntu server installers, and a mini.iso, and debootstrap, all of which offer a text based installation method.17:27
tomreynand you can convert server installations into a desktop installation, too.17:28
sentimentno go17:28
seanrdevtomreyn: Should have just done a server install. That's ok. I have about 23 more of these mini boxes. Just need the install to work on one.17:29
tomreynseanrdev: which device is it?17:29
other_rickHi, I need to catch the kernel traces from my laptop during the boot load, but I haven't a serial port interface, someone has an approach?17:31
tomreynactually this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Debugging17:32
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OderusWhen installing fresh on a new hdd, is ot safer to have seperate partitions for root, home, swap, boot, and file storage? That is what I have done in the past17:32
tomreynother_rick: netconsole is an option, but wont catch everything.17:32
Eickmeyer!crosspost | Oderus17:34
ubottuOderus: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.17:34
OderusSorry ubottu17:34
DanDareOderus, how safer? You mean if a partition get corrupted you isolate that problem? I think this is very relative, for my personal usage I just have everything in one partition and make regular backups of stuff that matter.17:37
OderusDan: Unsure, i just heard that doing so was a safer bet17:38
DanDareFor me it makes more sense if its a multi user system, so having it in different partitions help on disk quota, avoid filling 100% disk on the system partitions etc17:38
OderusDanDare: ohh okay17:39
tomreynOderus: having separate file systems for system paths on ubuntu trades flexibility against potentially improved operational / service continuity. it's mostly used on servers and multi-user systems, for desktops there's little to gain this way.17:39
DanDareWell my personal way of viewing this thing is: If youre unsure your probably go better having everything in one partition17:40
tomreyni guess Dan already explained it, and better than i did. :)17:40
OderusTomreyn: so a single partition would be quicker?17:40
DanDareThere are caveats about partitioning: Like if you want more space on /home, then you discover you have unused space in other partitions, then got lock there, etc17:40
tomreynnot noticeably quicker, no.17:41
OderusJust not particularly necessary huh17:41
DanDareSometimes i choose where I put swap on the disk though, among partitions, for less disk seeking time etc. But I think is more related to neurotic behavior than anything else :p17:45
tomreynunderstanindg what the eventual benefit of compartmentalizing certain OS direcotry tres onto separate file systems could be takes a certain level of experience, such as / running full, and seeing how that affects your overall operation, versus just one of those paths running full. it's not something you should concern yourself with if you're rather new to linux or just running a desktop system. you can choose to enable LVM, though, which will17:45
tomreynenable you to rearrange things later to your liking without a need to reinstall.17:45
sentimenttomreyn: any clues?17:45
tomreynsentiment: on what?17:45
sentimentat least tell me plz how to restart xinput?17:46
sentimentthat might sort it out17:46
tomreynsentiment: restart x17:46
sentimentI ran a search and found a command xinput disable17:46
tomreyn+ any clients using it17:46
sentimentbut that would disable the keyboard17:46
sentimentok, I thought it might be a better idea to just restart xinput17:47
pedrocrrecently my 19.04 install on a Lenovo T460s has started having noticeably distorted sound even at low volumes17:47
pedrocranyone noticed something similar?17:47
OderusTomreyn: ive been usuing ubuntu since 8.04 so not new, but I certainly do not know everything. Mostly I use my pc for videos, playing audio, and ripping high quality .flac from vinyl recordings17:48
tomreynsentiment: there#s no "xinput" process you could just restart to reinitialize X's input handling.17:49
tomreynOderus: if you do video (and, to a degree, music) editing, it would probably make sense to place this on fast physical storage (such as ssd, maybe mirror RAID for faster reads), whereas the rest doesn't ened to be as fast (could be hdd, for example)17:51
tomreynfor the average user, you just need one large chunk of space for /home though, and the rest is pretty irrelevant17:52
OderusTomreyn: great info, thank you17:52
tomreynand home can also be part of / then17:53
OderusTomreyn: okay17:53
sentimentthis sucks17:57
sentimentI'm going to reboot the damn thing17:57
x000DO IT17:57
xibalbafix it like it's windows18:00
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aroonican i stop my laptop [18.04] from displaying a clock after an extended period of time18:55
amineraldisable shield18:56
amineralor disable screen shield18:56
amineralthere is a package as i remember18:56
arooniwhich is it?19:01
arooniname of package ; didnt mean to sound snarky ;P19:01
OerHeksthat is old, gnome 3.22 https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/672/disable-screen-shield/19:01
ioriaan extension, https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/672/disable-screen-shield/19:01
OerHeksyou might want to make font size 0px https://askubuntu.com/questions/1107000/removing-clock-from-the-lock-screen19:02
mdemothat's a funny hack-ish solution19:03
diskinarooni, what is the problem you are trying to solve?19:05
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barretjhello, i just got a 15 inch 2019 Macbook Pro and am trying to install ubuntu on it, but the internal SSD is not recognized. I tried the steps here to edit the grub config but it didnt work https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2408864&page=2&p=13826489#post1382648919:21
barretjwhat else should I try?19:21
lotuspsychjebarretj: i think for an nvme, you need the advanced partitioning in setup19:24
pragmaticenigmaarooni: There is a setting for screen time out, in there should be an option for locking the screen, which you can turn off19:26
OerHeksAFAIK the T2 Chip inside Macbook Pro, prevent you from writing on encrypted internal drive, use vmware or virtualbox?19:26
lotuspsychjebarretj: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2018/11/apple-t2-chip-cant-boot-linux19:28
barretjthanks Xard19:30
Xardseems like the T2 encryption preventing rw seems to be completely false claim and it's more like that the Apple is just using some proriatery NVMe protocol instead19:31
Xardbecause why not...19:31
AlexP11223Is there any Gnome extension or something to show weather on the desktop (like Windows Vista-7 widgets) or in the application menu (Win key) instead of the tray?19:31
barretjit's frustrating because not long ago macs played real nice with linux19:32
lotuspsychjeAlexP11223: conky can do widgets19:32
Xardbarretj: I know, i've been using Apple laptops since the ppc times19:32
lotuspsychjebarretj: they still do, but not all models19:32
OerHeksAlexP11223,  i think i have openweather extention, install gnome-tweak-tool and gnome-shell-extension-weather19:32
barretjXard: did you apply that kernel patch?19:33
XardI have a 2013 mbpro, no need to do any of that19:33
FirefisheHow do I determine if the Android Debug Bridge and Fastboot are working in Ubuntu 18.04?19:34
lotuspsychjeFirefishe: are you trying to flash a phone?19:34
OerHeksXard, experimental... not worth looking into19:35
AlexP11223OerHeks: afaik it's only in the tray. Also it failed to auto detect my location and looks like it cannot search by city/country, only by coordinates19:35
Firefishelotuspsychje: Yes.  My os has tanked and I need to reinstall the stock firmware.  I'm aware of that process, I'm in fastboot on the phone, but the puter/adb doesn't seem to be detecting it.  It's worked before.19:36
XardOerHeks: probably, but it still invalidates your statement :)19:36
OerHeksAlexP11223, search on location works fine here19:36
Firefishelotuspsychje: And my adb/fastboot skills are rusty.19:36
lotuspsychjeFirefishe: is your phone in dev mode?19:36
OerHeksXard, as that phoronics post says it is unstable, and the end mark " he will be able to get it working." i think it does.19:37
lotuspsychjeFirefishe: after installing all the adb tools, try adb devices from terminal with phone branched via usb19:37
OerHeks+  he isn't sure ..19:38
Firefishelotuspsychje: My phone has developed a curious issue.  Although fine, yesterday, it is now asking for a password to access the os at boot time.  The os is LineageOS 14.1 (no longer supporting this device so I'm winging it), and what's weird is that this seems to think the device is encrypted.  I never encrypted it.  I can't boot into TWRP Recovery, it just boots back to that screen again.19:39
Firefishelotuspsychje: Ubuntu is what I've used to flash before, using fastboot/adb, but it won't even detect the phone in usb mode now.19:40
lotuspsychjeFirefishe: can you still enter your phone Os to enable dev mode?19:40
Firefishelotuspsychje: Developer Mode is enabled, but I can't boot into the phone.19:41
lotuspsychjeFirefishe: until adb devices doesnt show a number/letter combo, something isnt right yet19:41
lotuspsychjeFirefishe: after that device is recognized you can also adb fastboot19:42
Voltrix /help -l19:42
lotuspsychjeFirefishe: sure you also have all the adb tools installed too?19:43
Firefishelotuspsychje: Device is a moto x pure edition (xt1575)19:43
Firefishelotuspsychje: Yes, for some time now.19:43
Firefishelotuspsychje: Do I have to turn something on before the system is sensitized to detecting my device?  Something I've forgotten to start?19:44
Firefishelotuspsychje: A daemon or something?19:44
OerHeksmake sure the phonescreen is unlocked, before inserting usb19:45
lotuspsychjeFirefishe: i dont think so, just installing the tools should do the trick i think19:45
Firefishelotuspsychje: They are installed.19:45
lotuspsychjeFirefishe: you could try a reboot19:46
Firefishelotuspsychje: Here's an example.  I get an error:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZQjRXGCGMr/19:46
lotuspsychjeFirefishe: wich ubuntu please?19:47
Firefishelotuspsychje: Multiple times.  My phone is in fastboot mode.  USB shows connected.  I'm stuck in a reboot loop, wherein I cannot access TWRP or any of the other modes available in fastboot.  Something is corrupted, and I'm trying to hard-flash a stock firmware I have.19:47
Firefishelotuspsychje: I'm justing wanting to get ubuntu to recognize my device so I can access adb19:48
akem-hpFirefishe, What phone model is it?19:49
lotuspsychjeFirefishe: other then a reboot, usb debugging and phonescreen unlocked, that should be recognized19:49
Firefishelotuspsychje: I'm thinking I may have to have it jtagged by a service group at this point.  The thing is in need of replacement anyway, I just dont' have the funds to do it right now.19:50
lotuspsychjeFirefishe: doublecheck your settings here perhaps, https://computingforgeeks.com/install-adb-fastboot-on-ubuntu-mint/19:51
Firefishelotuspsychje: Thank you.  Reading it now.19:54
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lotuspsychjeFirefishe: it sometimes help to vol up+ vol down on your phone to get in/out some modes too19:55
Firefishelotuspsychje: The adb server is starting now, but fastboot is showing this error constantly:  fastboot: symbol lookup error: fastboot: undefined symbol: ExtractEntryToFile20:06
Firefishelotuspsychje: When I execute the command `adb shell'20:07
Firefishelotuspsychje: When I execute the command `adb shell'  , I get:  error, no devices/emulators found20:07
nordmikeI'm trying to install redmine and get this error:20:31
nordmikeCould not find gem 'render_parent (>= 0.0.4)' in any of the gem sources listed in your Gemfile.20:31
nordmikeWhat's wrong and how can I fix it?20:32
OerHeksubuntu has nightlight installed already,,20:37
tomreynnordmike: how are you installing? which ubuntu release are you running?20:37
OerHeksow redMINE, not redshift, sorry20:38
tomreynnordmike: on 18.04 it should be as easy as    sudo apt update && sudo apt install redmine20:38
nordmiketomreyn: Ubuntu 18.04. apt install redmine20:39
tomreynnordmike: what's the command that outputs the above error, what's the full output? what was the output when installing redmine via apt?20:40
nordmiketomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sR4zzHyjRS/20:44
tomreynnordmike: does    apt update    list pending updates?20:46
nordmiketomreyn: > All packages are up to date.20:47
tomreynnordmike:   ls -l /usr/lib/ruby/gems/*/gems | grep render | nc termbin.com 999920:50
tomreynnordmike: actually, this gem does not seem to be needed, maybe you installed the redmine package from a different apt source? i just installed on ubuntu 18.04 and there was no such error message. however, a LOT more packages were installed than your output showed.21:02
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* tomreyn bbl21:04
nordmiketomreyn: ls shows nothing.21:05
nordmiketomreyn: Dependency list is short because they've been installed already.21:06
TJ-nordmike: it could be affected by other Ruby 'stuff' I guess; I cannot see render_parent listed in a full archive search21:07
pynthonHeya, I just ran fsck on a 3tb external HDD drive. It said that it found 2400 inodes with multiply claimed blocks. Fixing or deleting these files (inodes) just takes hous.21:12
pynthonIs there a faster way?21:12
TJ-pynthon: not unless you can afford to lose the data21:13
pynthonTJ-Thanks! Is there a quick way to see which files are at risk so to speak?21:14
TJ-pynthon: I'm not sure; in most cases tools can be made to be very verbose21:15
pynthonTJ- thanks I will do some Googling! BTW since the HDD is formatted as ext3 which uses journaling AFAIK I assumed that doing all this fsck stuff wouldn't be necessary but I was wrong?21:17
Wayward_VagabondHow would I go about forcing xubuntu 18.04.2 to output 1280x1024 76Hz video, instead of the 640x480 73Hz mode it's stuck in?21:22
pragmaticenigmapynthon: is that machine crashing a lot, or not being properly powered down?21:23
nordmiketomreyn, TJ-: I've removed /usr/share/redmine/plugins/redmine_latex_mathjax/ and apt install worked.21:27
nordmikeThank you for advice.21:28
pynthonpragmaticenigma Not really but I think I pulled out the usb cable once while it was still copying files21:31
blasterHello I am trying to update to Java 11 and I downloaded and installed the JDK 11 from Oracle, and it seemed to succeed but I'm still getting version 9 when I run java --version21:33
pragmaticenigmapynthon: that would do it too21:34
pynthonpragmaticenigma lol didn't know file systems were that sensitive ;p21:34
pynthoneven with journaling like ext3?21:35
pragmaticenigmapynthon: those are all methods to help, but they're not bullet proof. best practices still apply, especially with portable meadia21:35
TJ-Wayward_Vagabond: that sounds like an issue with the incorrect GPU driver being selected21:35
pragmaticenigmablaster: you have to explicitly launch your application with the correct java binary21:36
pynthonpragmaticenigma I see! Thanks a lot!21:36
Wayward_VagabondTJ-: there is a gpu specific driver, but it's also framebuffer and works worse than generic one21:36
Wayward_VagabondTJ-: I think the main problem right now is a kvm switch not passing monitor ID correctly21:37
TJ-pynthon: when you pull the cable out consider the OS may be using a write-behind cache so what is being written to the device is from up to 5 seconds ago, this is one reason amongst others to cleanly unmount/sync before removing21:37
TJ-Wayward_Vagabond: that sounds likely too21:37
TJ-Wayward_Vagabond: you can check in the Xorg.0.log file for what modes the EDID passes, if any21:38
Wayward_VagabondHmm, lemme get irc up on that machine real quick21:40
pynthonTJ- Because when you unmount it flushes the write-behind cache/buffer?21:40
TJ-pynthon: yes21:40
TJ-pynthon: well, actually no, unmount ensures the file-system is closed, but the write-behind still operates, which is why for removable media we have "eject /dev/sdX" or "sync" which specifically flushes21:41
TJ-pynthon: GUI's usually have both "unmount" and "eject" options on removable devices21:42
Wayward_Vagabondsudo xrandr --newmode "1280x1024_76.00"  140.75  1280 1368 1504 1728  1024 1027 1034 1072 -hsync +vsync21:42
Wayward_Vagabondxrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default21:42
Wayward_Vagabondthat was the modeline that 'cvt 1280 1024 76' gave me21:43
pragmaticenigmaWayward_Vagabond: Try that with 60 Hz refresh rate21:43
pynthonTJ- Interesting! Can I eject via CLI? And how long does the OS keep the write-behind buffer? If I mount the HDD later, will it write the contents of the write-behind buffer to the hdd?21:44
Wayward_Vagabondpragmaticenigma: I've had it outputting this exact mode before is what's puzzling me21:44
pragmaticenigmaWayward_Vagabond: another option is to plug the monitor directly into the computer, get the detected modes, then put it back through the KVM21:45
pragmaticenigmaThen you could add the modelines back in21:46
Wayward_Vagabondblah, I already have all the cables dressed >:21:47
TJ-pynthon: some removable devices have the write-cache disabled, but to answer you question, just ensure you unmount and then do "sync" or "eject /dev/sdX" where X is the device letter21:47
Snorghmahi guys, I'm about to install ubuntu, what is the difference between the guided partiion and the guided lvm partion21:53
blasterpragmaticenigma, how can I determine where the binary is located if I installed the oracle JDK from a .deb file?21:54
Bashing-om!lvm | Snorghma21:55
ubottuSnorghma: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto21:55
amazoniantoadHey I'm trying to run ubuntu on my desktop but I can't seem to boot into it. It is an issue related to my graphics card as far as I can tell. It's an msi geforce gtx 1080. I tried nomodeset but it did not work. The symptom is that I get a black screen prior to grub loading21:57
amazoniantoadIf anyone could help me I'd greatly appreciate it21:57
amazoniantoadI got it to run just fine by installing an older graphics card21:58
amazoniantoadbut I want to use my newer one21:58
pragmaticenigmaPrograms not installed by the package manager are often found in /opt or /usr/local/bin ... it's not always in those locations as that would depending on the developer/project teams decision on where they setup their install scripts to install to. You would have to consult the documentation for help with that. Oracle Java 11 is not presently provided in the Ubuntu software repositories which means it's not supported by this21:58
pragmaticenigmachannel. You can use !alis to find a room dedicated to helping you with Oracle Java if you need further assistance21:58
pragmaticenigmablaster: ^ ^ plaese see above21:58
blasterk thanks21:58
amazoniantoadUgh this is such an annoying issue22:04
amazoniantoadI have a buddy with a very similar graphics card and he was able to install/run ubuntu just fine22:04
coz_amazoniantoad, did you check the md5sum for the downloaded image?22:05
amazoniantoadcoz_, no but I could do that now. I don't think that's the issue since I was able to successfully boot into the OS with a different graphics card22:07
coz_amazoniantoad, ah ok,22:07
sixie6eamazoniantoad press e to edit when grub pops up. try adding 'i915.preliminary_hw_support=1' and or 'nouveau.modest=0'22:07
amazoniantoadsixie6e, grub doesn't load - is the problem. Are you saying I should do that while having the old graphics card in and then try with the new one popped in?22:07
amazoniantoadsixie6e, grub loads when I have this old graphics card in. but not when I have the new one in22:09
TJ-amazoniantoad: can you get into the system's firmware setup, before GRUB ?22:10
amazoniantoadTJ-, how would I do that?22:10
sixie6eamazoniantoad interesting. try adding those things to the line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT='quiet splash' with the old card in. run sudo update-grub, pop the new card in and see if anything changes22:10
sixie6eamazoniantoad you would have to go reset grub file to default if it is unsuccessful though22:11
amazoniantoadsixie6e, TJ- I'm going to hop in here on my laptop so I don't lose you guys and then start editting grub with my old graphics card in. currently i'm booted into with windows22:11
amazoniantoadso hold on a second22:11
TJ-amazoniantoad: the motherboard will have some hot-key you press to enter setup as soon as power is applied, usually it's something like F2 or Del22:11
amazoniantoadTJ-, you mean BIOS?22:11
sixie6eamazoniantoad you are not allowed to use windows lol22:11
TJ-amazoniantoad: if the mobo's setup works with the new GPU then at least you know it should work with GRUB22:12
TJ-amazoniantoad: maybe BIOS, maybe UEFI22:12
=== amazoniantoad is now known as amazoniantoad_
amazoniantoadOn my laptop now22:13
sixie6etypo nouveau.modeset=022:14
amazoniantoadsixie6e, TJ- about to reboot into ubuntu22:15
amazoniantoadsixie6e, so currently GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT is set equal to "quiet splash nomodeset"22:18
amazoniantoadYou're saying to set it equal to  nouveau.modeset=0?22:18
amazoniantoadOr append it?22:18
amazoniantoadI am going to permanently add this to grub btw, since I can't perpetuate this edit any other way22:20
amazoniantoadTJ-, what were you going to recommend about BIOS?22:29
TJ-amazoniantoad: just test if the display works - if it does then you've proved the GPU is fine. If GRUB menu cannot be seen when it is *supposed* to be displayed (when you tap Esc key) then it may be caused by one of the GRUB_GFX* options22:31
amazoniantoadTJ-, the graphics card is in another computer right now and the port is working just fine. Does that count as a valid test?22:32
TJ-amazoniantoad: this usually happens on UEFI boot mode due to bad GPU modes reported as valid to GRUB22:32
TJ-amazoniantoad: well sort-of, but it doesn't prove the GPU works in the problem PC *unless* you can confirm that when the GPU was in this problem PC you saw the initial POST messages from the motherboard, before GRUB was loaded22:33
amazoniantoadTJ-, I see. This GPU was also running just fine in this computer prior to me trying to dual boot it with ubuntu.22:34
TJ-amazoniantoad: well, we're not telepathic so its hard to diagnose remotely. I usually have GRUB set to use text mode anyhow, not graphical, to avoid these issues. In /etc/default/grub I have "GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=text" and "GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=menu"22:36
amazoniantoadTJ-, should I go ahead and set that option?22:38
TJ-amazoniantoad: displabling modeset will prevent the native display resolutions being used22:39
TJ-grr, fingers! "disabling"22:39
amazoniantoadTJ-, okay still a black screen after trying sixie6e's advice22:43
TJ-amazoniantoad: are you able to interrupt GRUB at boot-time by tapping Esc key and get the menu?22:43
amazoniantoadTJ-, no22:43
TJ-amazoniantoad: are you seeing anything at all, even flickering as mode changes are attempted?22:44
amazoniantoadTJ-, just a black screen. I see BIOS options before hand and everything. No no flickering22:44
TJ-amazoniantoad: if you cannot get to the GRUB menu that makes me think GRUB isn't even loading22:45
amazoniantoadTJ-, that's what I've been saying, I don't think grub is loading22:45
TJ-amazoniantoad: are you using a USB keyboard?22:45
amazoniantoadTJ-, yes22:45
amazoniantoadTJ-, but why would grub suddenly load when there is a graphics card of another model installed? It makes no sense22:46
TJ-amazoniantoad: right; in the BIOS/UEFI setup options, ensure that "USB Legacy" is enabled - GRUB requires that the firmware provides it with input device services22:46
TJ-amazoniantoad: if that isn't enabled it's possible Esc doesn't work because GRUB is not receiving it22:46
amazoniantoadTJ-, legacy usb support is enabled22:48
amazoniantoadit already was22:48
TJ-amazoniantoad: good, so we can assume GRUB ought to be able to read the keyboard22:48
amazoniantoadTJ-, want me to swap out the graphics cards one more time to test and see if what sixie6e suggested actually results in grub loading with the other graphics card?22:49
tomreynseptian: /join #tests please22:50
TJ-amazoniantoad: there are two stages to GRUB loading; if the first fails (on BIOS) you should see at least "GRUB Read error" or, if it manages to load GRUB core, then "grub rescue>" prompt22:50
amazoniantoadTJ-, it just loaded to grub after I exited bios22:51
amazoniantoadTJ-, wtfffff22:51
TJ-amazoniantoad: nomodeset/modeset only applies to Linux. You're telling us GRUB doesn't start, which is the boot-loader that would load Linux. So if GRUB doesn't start, Linux won't and those settings won't help22:51
amazoniantoadTJ-, ubuntu is starting up now22:51
TJ-amazoniantoad: boot device ordering? are there multiple devices it could boot from?22:52
amazoniantoadIt just booted22:52
amazoniantoadWhat in the world22:52
TJ-amazoniantoad: it's scared of me :)22:52
amazoniantoadTJ-, hahaha22:52
amazoniantoadTJ-, okay should we try to recreate this?22:52
amazoniantoadFirst I went to BIOS and then left and then it went into grubn22:52
TJ-amazoniantoad: as I said, are there multiple devices? you could have affected the boot device ordering22:53
amazoniantoadTJ-, multiple devices such as what? There are multiple peripheral devices sure22:54
TJ-amazoniantoad: multiple *storage* devices, like hard disk, SSD, USB flash22:54
amazoniantoadTJ-, yes there are multiple hard disks from what I recall. I'd have to open the case up and look22:55
TJ-amazoniantoad: if so I'd guess the default is a device without a boot-loader on it, possibly a USB flash data device22:55
amazoniantoadTJ-, how does this play into me exiting bios and it magically going into grub?22:56
TJ-amazoniantoad: right, so ensure the BIOS boot-device ordering is set correctly and if possible remove unbootable devices from the list of devices it'll try22:56
amazoniantoadI understand it interrupted the boot sequence of these devices but why not just restart the entire boot sequence?22:56
TJ-amazoniantoad: usually the BIOS should report a bad boot device though, so makes me think there's something making it think there is a valid boot-loader but then turns out its random bits and not executable code22:56
TJ-amazoniantoad: BIOS code can be weird22:56
amazoniantoadi see22:57
TJ-amazoniantoad: don't expect logic to apply to firmware!22:57
amazoniantoadTJ-, not my form of logic22:58
sixie6eamazoniantoad how long have you used linux23:31
nordmikeI still have problems with redmine. It cannot use redmine-mysql for connecting to db. Here is output of apt install redmine-mysql redmine - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2H3YYNxv2h/.23:54

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