
len_ovnsEickmeyer: looks like it all made it through that time. I got lucky02:51
len_ovnslets see if I can get into my server02:52
OvenWerksgot into my server... . A text connection really shows the latency.03:05
OvenWerksBecause the host has to echo each chractter03:05
OvenWerksTo the moon and back would be quicker03:05
OvenWerksI have lag of as much as 2 minutes... well longer03:06
OvenWerksit is not as noticable with web based stuff as the editing is local and then the whole page is sent. With text and a busy wifi AP, each char has to wait for no colisions.03:12
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Got your info from earlier. :)04:56
jackfruitanyone using ubuntu studio for youtube channel editing?10:04
mtf8can anyone tell me what theme is used in the latest version? I made some changes and can't seem to find my way back to where I started from15:44
M_aDmtf8: it's if i remember correct it's the materia theme16:13
mtf8thanks M_aD18:28
mtf8I'm actually (back) in good shape now and am exploring other themes18:29
mtf8I'm trying to get https://www.xfce-look.org/p/1267246/ up and running but it's got all these different .xz files. I'm really not sure which of them go in ~/.themes vs. ~/.icons18:30
Eickmeyermtf8: The xz files don't go directly into those directories. My guess is that Nordic, Nordic-bluish-accent, and Nordic-Polar get extracted into their own directories in ~/.themes and the others go into ~/.icons18:37
mtf8yea, that's what I'm doing so I end up with ~/.themes/Nordic18:39
mtf8it's just the icons and folders packages that seem to do nothing18:39
mtf8but I filed an issue in his repo asking the question...18:39
Eickmeyermtf8: Sounds like an incomplete icon package. :/18:40
mtf8more like, an incomplete README.md :)18:40
EickmeyerYep. Poor documentation will do it every time.18:41
* Eickmeyer is slowly fixing that for Ubuntu Studio as he finds the bad docs18:41

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