
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== CrazyLikeAFox is now known as Wayward_Vagabond
the-ermHi, I'm having a problem with xfce ... not sure if this is the right channel but here it goes.  https://pastebin.com/L262SvzK14:48
the-ermThe screen flickers & and I get kicked back to lightdm.14:48
the-ermI had the same problem the other day, moved .config and was then able to log in.14:49
the-ermIf I'm reading this right it's trying display :1.1 and then :1.3 but I'm using ... 0:0 - I think.14:50
GridCubethe-erm: try renaming .Xauthority and .ICEauthority files from your ~/14:50
GridCubeand relog14:51
the-ermok I'll try that.14:51
the-ermI had to create a 2nd account just to get in here.  So I have to log out.14:51
GridCubeyou can do that from a tty :P just mv oldfile newfile and they would rename14:52
the-ermYes however in order to test I have to log out of this X session.14:52
GridCubeyes, but a tty doesn need x14:52
the-ermUnless you know the command off the top of you head that'd start a 2nd Xfce on a different display.14:53
the-ermWell this is odd.  I managed to log back in, but I had to unplug my monitors to pull it off.15:00
the-ermVery odd.15:00
the-ermAt any rate thanks for your help.15:01
the-ermHave a pleasant day.15:01
the-ermI'll have to play around with this and figure out which monitor is giving me grief.15:02
=== the-erm is now known as not_myself
xubuntu64wHi all.  I installed xubuntu 18.04 and all works but num lock auto comes on.  anyway to turn off?17:26
Kumoolxubuntu64w: maybe Settings > keyboard > restore numlock state17:33
Kumoolxubuntu64w: if its not that, then its fiddling with the console17:33
xubuntu64wKumool, thanks, will try numlock state..17:34
Unit193Kumool: Starting with 18.04, Xubuntu ships numlockx so removing that or disabling it in /etc/default/numlockx *should* turn it off.20:57
Unit193numlockx is supposed to be smart enough to know whether you're using a laptop or desktop, according to laptop-detect.20:57
Spassunless your "fancy" Logitech mouse (G700) is presented/detected as an external keyboard and the numlockx thinks it's a good idea to enable NumLock :) that was my corner case21:02
Unit193Wow, well that's quite the odd quirk Spass!21:05
Spassyeah, and I think it was you who helped me diagnose that issue then21:06
Spasssome commands showed that this mouse is presenting itself as a keyboard21:06
Spassor "mouse + keyboard" as one device, sort of21:07
brainwasha webcam can too21:10
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 12694 in Keyboard Settings "Num lock state changes when UVC webcam is plugged in." [Normal,New]21:10
Wayward_VagabondXubuntu isn't detecting my display correctly due to a KVM switch. Is there a way to force it to output the montior's native resolution?21:17
Wayward_VagabondIt's at 640x480 73Hz, it should be 1280x1024 76Hz21:19

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