
aienaHi I am just starting to learn kernel driver development.16:27
aienaI built a 5.0 kernel from kernel.org with the ubuntu .config file and the modules along with a test module I made.16:28
aienaI was following a talk from 2005 at the linux australia conference where one Rusty talks about driver development. There he uses a debian image file without drivers and kernel for QEMU but with the rest of the basic linux system in it.16:29
aienaI had resized this debian image file system so that I can install the built modules into it to run with the compiled kernel 16:30
aienawhen I do `make INSTALL_MOD_PATH=/mnt/qemu modules_install` it seems to install modules from previous kernels too into the image16:31
aienais this normal my image is 1GB but runs out of space because of this16:31

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