
mparillomagic_ninja_work: You mean even better than kate?00:13
mparilloNot that I have a need, but some developers I respect like atom or even the editor in an IDE, like intellij00:15
magic_ninja_worknot a huge fan of kate00:18
magic_ninja_worki just saw snap store has notepad++00:18
magic_ninja_workI do happen to be a huge fan of notepad++00:18
magic_ninja_workmparillo, I've heard atom, sublime are good. Heard lots of stuff about VSCode, and it has intellisense, which is great, but seems like a total pain to set up.00:19
magic_ninja_workThen checking into hybrid graphics.00:20
magic_ninja_workNot a fan of the whole having to log out thing.00:20
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=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
ugurata27Hi I am using Kubuntu 18.04 and there is a blank space below the task bar. I want the task bar stick to the screen edge instead06:16
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FelixErnst-M@ugurata27 Maybe show a picture of it. My immediate idea is that you might have an empty panel that needs deleting below your default panel.10:17
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MrokiiHello. I have a new keyboard (DasKeyboard) and for some reason, the 3rd level of keys isn't printed with alt. I Have already activated the option in "Input Devices" to use "Alt" for the 3rd-level, but that didn't change anything. Any thoughts what else I could try?13:04
MrokiiGot it working now.13:30
Klindahi I have kubuntu 18.04 in my laptop and I see that there is the 19.04 version13:31
Klindahow can I upgrade it?13:31
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magic_ninja_workNookey, yo16:26
Nookeyhow to find other channels ?)16:26
magic_ninja_workwhat is your irc client?16:27
magic_ninja_workgenerally you can either /list to get a list of channels or if looking for somethin specific you google it.16:27
magic_ninja_worksuch as "kubuntu official irc channel" and it tells you the network.16:27
magic_ninja_workIt is common if you are connecting to multiple networks to use the /newserver irc.networkname.org or such to connect in a separate tab and keep it all open.16:28
NookeyKonversation - my clients16:28
NookeyKonversation - my client16:29
Nookeylist command worked for me16:29
magic_ninja_workgood deal. I have never tried Konversation. I would also like to suggest hexchat.16:31
magic_ninja_workLots of good clients out there, though.16:31
=== Nookey is now known as user
AlabalisticKonversetion is great16:37
=== user is now known as Nookey
AlabalisticHexchat comes with a bit more defaults like spellcheck and server lists, I find it a bit user friendlier16:38
Nookeyhow to register nick?!16:38
Nookeyalready registered!)16:42
magic_ninja_workhexchat's network list is the bomb diggidy as well16:55
=== lex is now known as Guest72875
carbonzerogot an issue with system settings not opening in daily live of 19.10. Do I need to go ahead and file a bug report?17:47
carbonzerojust did a restart and now the system settings menu's open. Going to do what I need to do and then close it, and try to reopen it.17:51
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> ok. zsync doing17:52
MrokiiKlinda: Did you try this? https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2019/04/how-to-upgrade-to-ubuntu-19-0419:01
KlindaI did all Mrokii19:01
Klindathank you19:01
Klindathis afternoon I got 19.0419:01
MrokiiKlinda: Okay, Great. :)19:01
magic_ninja_workSo on kubuntu is there a hybrid suspend option? I was looking at having the system go into hibernation after being suspended for a while.19:54
magic_ninja_workLooks like it is coming: https://phabricator.kde.org/D1642519:56
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IrcsomeBot<vr00mm> using bdemount, I am able to mount bitlocker USB flash drive in only read mode. It says loop back device is read only. Can I mount it in write mode ?22:55
=== max__ is now known as Guest99731
Guest99731Are people here>23:20
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> yes23:23
Guest99731Hi all23:50

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