
vorlonUnit193: the problem should be reproducible that HAVE_SYSFS_ACPI is undefined00:18
vorlonUnit193: s/that/anywhere that/00:18
vorlonUnit193: which is the case if /sys/class/power_supply is absent from the build environment; which could be true based on kernel settings or virtualization type, I don't know00:20
Unit193vorlon: Huh, OK.  Thanks.00:20
Unit193Not precisely sure why they'd have it and Ubuntu not, but oh well.00:21
vorlonit's definitely a bug in the upstream source, which means to have this code disabled with HAVE_SYSFS_ACPI unset but misses an #ifdef somewhere00:22
Unit193Makes knowing if you've fixed it a bit more complicated.00:26
Unit193Perhaps related to the dwz issue I was having http://sourceware.org/git/?p=dwz.git;a=commit;h=96eba5d6ffaf57d019287dcf908219e5eff741ab07:51
=== gurmble is now known as grumble
LocutusOfBorgUnit193, I am now, but I'm leaving12:06
tomreyntsimonq2: regarding the calamares + secret key (not just initial but repeat) mkinitramfs umask issue, i noticed there is (also?) https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=93137312:17
ubottuDebian bug 931373 in calamares-settings-debian "calamares-settings-debian: default permissions on initramfs is insecure for full-disk encryption" [Normal,Fixed]12:17
tomreynnow this debian package creates /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/initramfs-permissions whereas upstreams' https://github.com/calamares/calamares/commit/c9b675cbc64ac5aab35ddd86a64311abd50f7720#diff-933952de88b4fa3e887c2f40385fb527 creates /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/calamares-safe-initramfs.conf - hopefully the debian maintainers don't end up with two configration includes now.12:19
cjwatsonxnox: You're TIL on debian-archive-keyring - please could you either merge it or say it's OK for me to do so?  We need to get LP's keys updated for Debian imports12:48
cjwatson(And these days we normally do that by backporting it from Ubuntu devel)12:49
dokohe's away for ten days without laptop12:50
cjwatsonOh, thanks.  Maybe I'll just steal TIL on that then12:52
cjwatson(But tomorrow, probably)12:52
ginggscjwatson: already done by mapreri14:38
maprericjwatson: in case you are interested, there is an open bug on that package asking to do SRUs of it.  maybe somebody could do that as well.15:40
cjwatsonThanks.  I probably don't have the effort (or need) for SRUs though17:06
mwhudsongood morning22:01

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