
lubot<ctisme> @wxl [<wxl> you might want to `dpkg-reconfigure lubuntu-default-settings sddm-theme-lu …], working00:00
sappheirosWhy is Real Name required for phabricator?00:10
wxlask phabricator00:10
sappheirosyou mean you don't require one, it's just default setting from them?00:14
sappheirosbut see? that's another example of how you give me these "noncommittal or confusing" answers lol00:16
sappheirosbut it did match my question00:16
sappheirosi should have asked, "Why do you require one?"00:16
sappheirosis the email publicly visible?00:17
wxlyou can see that /people is not00:19
wxladditionally if you click on a user you won't see their email00:19
* sappheiros opens https://phab.lubuntu.me/ again00:20
sappheirosi'm guessing you mean for example https://phab.lubuntu.me/p/lynorian/00:20
wxlthat would be one such example yes00:22
sappheirosbut maybe if i'm logged in THEN i can see email addresses!! @_@00:23
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK
lubot<Maria Andrea> @The_LoudSpeaker [Just made a encrypted installation last night. It will encrypt only that particu …], Noted, great that another partition will not en Crypt too11:42
lubot<ctisme> @wxl [<wxl> you might want to `dpkg-reconfigure lubuntu-default-settings sddm-theme-lu …], cool  wxl  ... helo from 19.04 with lxqt-core and lubuntu-desktop  installed13:10
Rob-StarKGood morning13:21
lubot<ctisme> morning stark13:54
lubot<ctisme> @Rob-StarK [<Rob-StarK> Good morning], any good news there?13:55
lubot<ctisme> reconf14:08
HunhowGot an issue with the installer on the current AMD64 ISO hosted on the site. I’m trying to install Lubuntu alongside Windows 10 and I’m not seeing that option. I go to install by manually creating partitions, use /boot/efi and check esp, adding another partition for root and all but GRUB fails to install. My drive has the MBR partition table.17:28
HunhowI realize I may be able to format my USB and make its table MBR now after reading the partition manager a few times.17:32
tomreyn^ failed the patience test18:03
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest27839

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