
IrcsomeBot<zparihar> @Aristide, do a 'ps faux | grep -i kontact' on the Konsole and then look for the risidual PID that are still running and the Kill them with 'kill -9 #PIDNumber"00:06
IrcsomeBot<zparihar> or press 'Ctrl + Esc' to bring up the 'System Activity UI' and then type 'kontact' in the search bar and then send the 'KILL' signal to all the risidual Kontact Processes00:07
=== jorge is now known as Guest11145
AristideI don't have kontact process00:56
AristideI try again after kill akonadi00:56
AristideNo... Crash again :(00:57
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
magic_ninja_workwhat do you guys use for a system monitor as opposed to ksysguard02:35
=== Mrokii_ is now known as Mrokii
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> some people liek command line "top"02:43
magic_ninja_workwhat does ircsomebot do02:47
magic_ninja_workI want a general system monitor. Top alone doesn't do it.02:47
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> ircsomebot is an IRC bridge to Telegram..02:48
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> what do you find lacking in ksysguard?02:51
magic_ninja_workper process network usage. It is available in other utilties, but I would rather have one tool that includes that functionality.02:51
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> were you aware you can add a new tab to ksysgard and then add deseired resources to the tab?02:56
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Additional columns IO columns can also be added to the Process Table (right click on the table's title bar)02:58
CheetahPixieMorning folks.04:15
CheetahPixieI need some help, specifically with Jack.04:16
CheetahPixieI can start it, but doing so silences my system.04:16
CheetahPixieNo audio in, no audio out04:16
=== jaafar_ is now known as jaafar
valorieCheetahPixie: you might get more help in a jack or audio channel04:41
valoriejack isn't standard in Kubuntu04:41
CheetahPixieWhat would be such a channel?04:41
CheetahPixie#jack ?04:41
valoriealso #ubuntu-studio might help04:41
valorieyes, #jack exists and is for the audio connection kit04:42
valorieubuntu-studio allows the use of jack04:42
valorieplus they are good people04:42
Eickmeyervalorie: For future reference, #ubuntustudio (one word).05:03
valorieaha, thank you05:16
lordievaderGood morning06:12
=== rynot is now known as cart_man
k_szeI'm undecided whether I should try kubuntu disco or kubuntu LTS.07:31
diogenes_k_sze, if you got recent hw then go for the latest.07:52
k_szedefine "latest". :P07:53
k_szesorry, I meant "recent"07:53
diogenes_new gpu new cpu07:53
k_szeI have a Core i5-4590 with 16 GiB RAM, no discrete GPU.07:54
diogenes_then either will work, lts 3 years disco 9 m.07:55
k_szeusing the integrated Intel HD Graphics 460007:55
katnip`disco is nearly EOF, LTS is good 3 yr07:55
justneedforthathello may i ask something if there is anyone who uses skype in kubuntu 19.04?07:57
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:57
IrcsomeBot<bauchhaus> Yes07:57
justneedforthatsorry o.o so i was using manjaro kde and lately in skype there is a notification says there is a new update,but in pacman ts updated already.Is it same in kubuntu ?07:58
justneedforthatand it seems same in opensuse kde already which i installed yesterday,but i didnt like how it handles software center :/ and i need a lovely kde so i was checking kubuntu07:59
k_szejustneedforthat, you need to nag Microsoft about that.08:00
k_szeThey are building the packages for the various Linux package managers.08:01
k_szeIt's the same situation for the package on Snap.08:01
justneedforthatahh that MS and its crap -.-08:01
justneedforthatdid you guys experinced kernel panic or system break on kubuntu 19.04?and which kernel are you using already?08:02
justneedforthati was quite happy with memory usage of manjaro and pacman but these kernel panics and time to time system breaks became a pain in back :/08:04
justneedforthatlast time i used ubuntu 14.04 for one year and it was rock solid about performance and stability but i have no idea about how it handles with kde and non-LTS versions08:05
justneedforthatso please share your experince is you are using 19.04 and it would be great if you used arc-based kde so you can compare each other :D08:06
justneedforthatplease :)08:07
=== rynot is now known as cart_man
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
k_szeI just installed Kubuntu on a second SSD, but the installation process seems to have overwritten the GRUB entry for my existing (GNOME) Ubuntu installation on my primary SSD.11:02
lordievaderk_sze: Reinstall grub to the primary SSD and let is scan for all installed OS-es.11:20
k_szelordievader, how exactly do I do that?11:27
k_szehonestly I'm not even sure where grub is right now.11:27
lordievaderDo you have a workable install?11:27
k_szeI'm currently in the Kubuntu.11:28
lordievaderDo you use uefi?11:29
lordievaderIs your efi partition mounted to `/boot/efi`?11:33
k_szeIt's /dev/sda111:34
k_szewhich is my primary SSD11:34
lordievaderRun `sudo grub-install --efi-directory=/boot/efi`11:35
lordievaderAnd follow it with a `sudo update-grub2` (assuming here ubuntu didn't change these things)11:35
k_szethis is what Boot-Repair's BootInfo Summary says about my current state: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HsjKb2xZ8M/11:37
k_szelordievader, update-grub2 still haven't found my old Ubuntu for some reason.11:40
k_szeI think it's because the old "/boot" of my primary SSD hasn't been mounted and so update-grub2 doesn't know about the linux and initrd images in it?11:42
lordievaderThe data is still there?11:42
k_sze*should* be11:42
k_szeshould still be in /dev/sda211:43
lordievaderPerhaps. You could copy the /boot to the root of the other install and try again.11:46
k_szeOr how the easier way is how do I mount my old encrypted LVM2 in this new Kubuntu installation just so I can start working?11:48
k_szeI don't want to waste time fixing grub for now.11:48
lordievaderAh, the other install ins encrypted?11:49
lordievaderGrub doesn't see installs on encrypted media. Bit of the point of encryption.11:49
lordievaderOr am I misunderstanding your setup?11:50
k_szeSo /dev/sda is my primary SSD, /dev/sda1 is the EFI partition, /dev/sda2 is the old /boot, /dev/sda3 is the old root in encrypted LVM2.11:51
k_szeI now also have /dev/sdc as my secondary SSD; sdc1 seems unused, sdc2 is the new /boot, sdc3 is the new root in encrypted LVM2.11:52
k_szenote that the new /boot in sdc2 also seems unused. Even now, as I'm booted in Kubuntu, sdb2 is mounted as /boot instead of sdc211:53
k_szeoh wait11:53
k_szewhat am I talking about?11:53
k_szesdc2 is mounted, not sda211:53
lordievaderRight, yes. That is going to be troublesome to get that into one grub automatically. However, should be relatively easy to do manually. Especially if the /boots are not encrypted.11:53
k_szeok, I just mounted the old /boot in sda2 as /mnt/boot211:56
k_sze(read-only, of course, just so I don't accidentally mess it up further)11:56
lordievaderThe problem isn't the /boot here. Its the two LUKS volumes.11:56
=== igitoor_ is now known as igitoor
k_szeIf I just want to access my old home, I basically just follow this guide?12:04
lordievaderYes, if you want to access a specific LVM volume, that is the way  to go.12:07
k_szeok, at least I can get working tomorrow.12:09
k_szeI'll slowly figure out how to fix grub.12:09
k_szehonestly this is really surprising.12:09
k_szethe (K)ubuntu installer not warning me when it sees an existing LUKS and not warning me that it will overwrite grub entries.12:10
lordievaderSeeing an existing LUKS volume means nothing. There is no way to know if it is just data on there or an OS install.12:19
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
hexacodehello all14:01
hexacodei want to use the command wall in local but it's not working :( ?14:01
=== aleksei is now known as aleksei_
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest20823
Guest20823Hello. I am trying to install Kubuntu. I have Windows and want to duel boot. It's been a few years but the installer always offered me the option to put it alongside windows. However now I only get "guided - use entire disk"  How do I deal with this?14:56
Klindahello I just reboot kubuntu cause the arrow was blocked but I could press it.. what could it be?14:57
Guest20823So I figured it out with some youtube video's I hope. It' s installing now. I am not sure I did not just delete windows or all the data. I think not. But it seems way more hard than just a few years ago where you could just click " put it next to windows" . Am I being wierd or is there normally this option???\15:10
=== aaron is now known as ay_ay_ron
=== tweak is now known as Oderus
=== Red-Sox_ is now known as Red-Sox
veniciusDescubra AGORA o Método ÚNICO e Simples Usado Para GANHAR DINHEIRO Com BITCOIN    http://bit.ly/2TelQUX22:27

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