
=== nickv1985_ is now known as nickv1985
didrocksgood morning06:05
dufluMorning didrocks06:27
didrockshey duflu06:43
seb128goooooood morning desktopers07:09
didrockssalut seb12807:09
seb128lut didrocks, comment ça va aujourd'hui ? c'est fini la caninule ? ;)07:10
didrocksoui, enfin! Pour la première fois, on passe sous les 25.8 à la maison :)07:10
dufluGood morning seb12807:13
seb128hey duflu, how are you?07:13
dufluAt least it was till I noticed the Nvidia driver isn't working on eoan07:13
seb128oh, what changed?07:13
dufluseb128, not sure. Investigating...07:13
dufluHow are you seb128?07:13
seb128not working like not giving you a session? or going to software rendering?07:13
seb128I'm good, a bit tired but working on it with coffee :)07:14
dufluThe kernel driver is never built/installed at least07:14
dufluAnd there are no /dev/dri/*07:14
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seb128tseliot, ^ hey, is that a known issue do you know?07:20
dufluLet me purge and reinstall it07:21
dufluThis might be a problem for early adopters only07:21
dufluseb128, tseliot, looks like nvidia-430 can't build the kernel driver with gcc-9 on eoan :(07:22
seb128right, that was going to be my guess, new gcc07:22
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:23
dufluoSoMoN, Morning07:23
dufluseb128, oh, umm, that's a DKMS bug someone else reported today and I mostly glossed over07:24
duflulet me find that07:24
seb128bug #1835540 ?07:25
ubot5bug 1835540 in dkms (Ubuntu) "Confusing "modinfo: ERROR: missing module or filename." during normal operation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183554007:25
dufluseb128,  bug 183576407:28
ubot5bug 1835764 in virtualbox (Ubuntu) "Multiple DKMS kernel drivers fail to build with gcc-9 [error: ‘-mindirect-branch’ and ‘-fcf-protection’ are not compatible]" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183576407:28
seb128ah, that's the same issue the n-m autopkgtest are hitting that I just mentioned on #ubuntu-devel07:29
dufluNow bug 183096107:31
ubot5bug 1830961 in virtualbox (Ubuntu) "Kernels & kernel drivers fail to build with gcc-9 [error: ‘-mindirect-branch’ and ‘-fcf-protection’ are not compatible]" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183096107:32
dufludoko, since you're uploading in that area :) ^^^07:33
dufluGive me a couple of minutes to verify and I'll paste a workaround07:37
marcustomlinsonmorning all07:37
dufluMorning marcustomlinson07:37
seb128hey marcustomlinson, how are you?07:38
marcustomlinsonseb128: bit tired from repeatedly not going to bed at a reasonable hour :P but still good. Yourself?07:40
seb128a bit the same, yesterday was a bit cahotic as a day07:41
seb128but should be alright after that coffee :)07:41
marcustomlinsonhmm, that's a good point, my wife switched us all to decaf... That could explain things07:42
marcustomlinsoneven the tea is decaf07:43
didrockshey marcustomlinson, oSoMoN07:44
oSoMoNhey didrocks, marcustomlinson, duflu, seb12807:46
seb128lut oSoMoN, en forme ?07:48
seb128marcustomlinson, that doesn't help much to kick a start of day kick :p07:48
seb128jamesh, kenvandine, weekly summary post?07:51
oSoMoNseb128, on fait aller… et toi?07:54
seb128oSoMoN, ça va !07:54
seb128oSoMoN, "on fait aller" doesn't sound great, I hope you are fine07:55
oSoMoNyeah, I'm fine, but I have a whole family conspiring to prevent me from working, that's frustrating07:56
seb128I know the feeling, good luck!07:56
didrockshey Laney08:03
dokoduflu: please see the announcement from amurray and contact the security team for the hardening changes08:03
seb128hey Laney Trevinho08:04
dufluHi Trevinho08:04
oSoMoNGOOD MORNING Laney AND Trevinho08:04
dufludoko, any hints where?08:04
Trevinhohiiiiii seb128, duflu and oSoMoN!08:04
dokoduflu: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2019-June/040741.html08:05
* duflu wonders why he doesn't get those emails08:06
seb128duflu, not surpribed to the list?08:07
Laneymoin didrocks Trevinho doko seb128 duflu oSoMoN08:07
Laneyhope you are all well08:07
dufluYeah it looks like something I used to be on, but apparently not08:08
Trevinhoyes Laney and morning you too08:08
dufluStill, it would have been easy to ignore that email. Wouldn't have changed anything about today's issues08:09
seb128changing location, brb08:09
dufluHi Laney08:09
amurrayduflu: best workaround for this is to add -fcf-protection=none to CFLAGS (I was planning to have this ready in the eoan kernel Makefile but got diverted onto other things)08:11
dufluI was thinking that would be the place08:11
amurrayduflu: is dinner time here now but I'll be back later to take a closer look08:12
dufluamurray, no problem, it will be dinner time here soon08:12
* duflu remembers to go defrost things08:12
TrevinhoLaney: want me to propose https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/mutter/merge_requests/40 for disco or you'll handle that?08:14
gitbotGNOME issue (Merge request) 40 in mutter "Teardown and Focus fix patches" [Closed]08:14
Trevinhohowever since that hang is a bit annoying for people using it, I'd like to get the fix on ASAP, as it was blocking the SRU anyways, so...08:15
Trevinhoimho it makes sense to release faster a fixed version and then care with calm on 3.33.4 (as we don't know when will really be out) since is often quite delayed08:17
Trevinhonot being a crash that recovers but something taht stops the session and you need to kill it, is a bit more important to fix sooner imho.08:17
Laneyk, whatever, I think it's OK on the development release but I am not going to be bothered to argue with you08:22
Laneyre-open the MR and comment on it there then08:22
TrevinhoLaney: I mean, if we can have it uploaded quicker enough imho is nicer. You're the one uploading so you decided, I just mentioned my POV08:24
Laneyyeah sure, feel free to open it08:25
LaneyI'll give you my review comments 😈08:25
Laneyit would have been nice to include 60008:25
Laneybut looks like that is delayed now :(08:26
dufluWhy would an app start ignoring XDG_DATA_DIRS ?08:27
Laneythe APIs cache the value on first access so if you setenv later on then it won't be noticed08:27
Laneyotherwise, no idea08:28
Laney(in GLib that is)08:28
tseliotduflu: oh, I haven't updated to the latest gcc.08:30
Trevinhoduflu: although nvidia isn't working for you, I think it would make sense to use the detach vfunc intead, no?08:30
TrevinhoI noticed this a bit late08:31
dufluTrevinho, I won't make changes till I can test them08:31
dufluI have Nvidia working now, but not mutter in general08:31
Trevinhoduflu: how isn't starting?08:31
dufluTrevinho, (mutter:19545): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: 16:32:45.779: Settings schema 'org.gnome.mutter' is not installed08:33
dufluBut it is installed08:33
Trevinhoduflu: did you recompile the glib dir?08:33
Trevinhoduflu: and in the right prefix...08:33
dufluYes that progressed. Now a new error....08:34
dufluWeird. I do this every day and today everything breaks for varying reasons08:34
dufluNope. Even recompiling I still have missing schemas that are not missing08:36
dufluAlright. My ssh login somehow lost the default system XDG_DATA_DIRS. Now back to a nice simple mutter coredump (which is also new)08:39
dufluWhat a fun afternoon08:39
TrevinhoLaney: sooo... snapshot :P08:39
Trevinhoouch... :P08:40
dufluTrevinho, https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/issues/672 :)08:46
gitbotGNOME issue 672 in mutter "mutter on X11 segfaults in meta_get_overlay_window on startup" [Opened]08:46
Trevinhoduflu: yes, i already noticed that08:46
dufluOK, maybe I need to just rebase on something a bit older then08:47
Trevinhothis is initialized berfore teh compositor, need to fix the oredering08:47
dufluWhen everything goes wrong at once you assume it's related08:49
dufluBut it's not08:49
Trevinhoduflu: but comment out that call and you get it working at least :P08:49
Trevinhonot dnd, but you might not care08:49
seb128hey gnome-shell maintainers08:53
seb128I didn't follow details of those landing conversations08:53
seb128but what's the status of unblocked the bionic/disco SRUs which are stucked due to e.u.c regressions reports?08:54
Laneybeing uploaded today08:54
Laneydisco anyway, dunno about bionic08:54
seb128thx Laney08:55
dufluTrevinho, yeah git bisect agrees with you08:55
seb128Trevinho, duflu, what's the status of unblocking the bionic SRU?08:55
dufluseb128, which SRU?08:55
Laneythere's a merge proposal, but I didn't review it yet08:55
Trevinhoseb128: I've pushed yesterday the MP with it08:55
seb128thx Trevinho :)08:56
Laneyso we're handling it basically, thx for poking08:56
Laneygo hassle about network-manager :p08:56
seb128yeah, I plan to08:56
seb128though that got hit by gcc-9 now :/08:56
Trevinhowaiting for next regression to come then :P08:56
seb128adding fun on top of the fun!08:56
* Trevinho keeps his dev-schroot at disco :P08:57
seb128duflu, https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/phased-updates.html has the details, see the bionic table08:57
Trevinhoah I didn't notice https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/1c0574227234a67ba5e85409206b4bd9e548bcdb no clue what could be08:57
Trevinholooks like gtk though08:58
seb128oh, ISO build failure emails!08:58
seb128nice, my warning on top of http://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/desktop-packages.html works too :-)08:58
Laneypretty sure that one can be ignored08:58
dufluseb128, I am only aware of bug 1834583 blocking a disco SRU08:59
ubot5bug 1834583 in mutter (Ubuntu) "[eoan][regression] GNOME Shell hangs when closing a Java dialog; hung in (varying functions under) meta_stack_get_default_focus_window() from meta_window_x11_focus()" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183458308:59
seb128+1 to ignore that one, email bdmurray telling him so08:59
Trevinhonot to speak about https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/f3924a5dca1b19927d593f3726be1ad8fed0574808:59
* duflu looks at the rest08:59
Laneyright this is getting confusing now08:59
Laneyso just let me know when it's ready to be looked at again09:00
TrevinhoLaney: is fine to look at it, those other issues aren't nor really present nor anything debuggable. They look more like memory errors crashes09:03
dufluI've been a bit concerned lately. Can we set some minimum maturation time for all changes before backporting them?09:10
dufluOne of those things I thought was obvious, but maybe not09:11
dufluTrevinho, finally got Nvidia back up and running. At least I will be able to test those changes for you today09:21
dufluIf nothing else09:21
Trevinhoduflu: yeah, although the master/3.28 changes are getting quite a lot with the time, so might happen that testing a backport isn't complete sometimes, although the test-suite passes, might not be enough09:22
dufluTrevinho, that conversation you started yesterday in https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/merge_requests/600 is suddenly gone!09:45
gitbotGNOME issue (Merge request) 600 in mutter "Fix background texture corruption when resuming from suspend on Nvidia" [Opened]09:45
dufluI knew something was wrong when gitlab failed to count it as an open discussion09:46
dufluBut I did reply in it so check your email09:46
thumperpopey: hey, is there a minecraft snap? I seem to find conflicting information09:52
thumperdaughter on holiday wants to play, and not sure what I should be installing09:52
dufluthumper, from memory it was a Jar09:53
willcookethumper, I think it was Wimpress who made it.  There were, erm, issues with it being in the store from what I can remember.09:53
thumperso the deb instructions are probably the best then?09:54
willcookeSuch a shame, the snap was super super easy09:55
thumperthanks duflu09:59
willcookedestoppers - please update this wiki post with the current status of your release bugs:  https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/release-bugs-as-of-monday-8th-july-2019/1175611:01
willcookeLaney, should I be able to create a branch on the canonical desktop team team?  Or, put differently, is there a better place for the rls-bugs script than my junk?11:04
Laneywillcooke: yeah you should be able to, or the Github team11:20
LaneyIIRC you need a Launchpad project to be able to have merge proposals11:20
willcookeoki, github wfm11:24
kenvandineglib CVE... oh joy13:25
kenvandineyet another round of snap refreshes13:27
oSoMoNkenvandine, I expect a chromium stable update any time, so I'll hold off on the USN refresh until then13:27
seb128bah, it's not obvious how to recommit changing the commiter email on github :/13:28
willcookeLaney, ^13:29
willcooke#startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting 2019-07-0913:30
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Jul  9 13:30:22 2019 UTC.  The chair is willcooke. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.13:30
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick13:30
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/uEut6bfN/ubuntu-desktop-1910-cycle | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting 2019-07-09 | Current topic:
willcookeRoll call: didrocks, duflu (out), jamesh (out), jibel, kenvandine, laney, marcustomlinson, oSoMoN, seb128, tkamppeter, trevinho, robert_ancell (out)13:30
willcookeHi guys!  Remember me?13:30
marcustomlinsonhaha, het13:30
kenvandinewho's this willcooke guy?13:31
* willcooke looks to see if Cosmic is out of support yet 13:31
willcookeNot quite EOL yet13:32
willcookeso I guess we should still look at it's bugs13:32
willcookeBut lets start with B13:32
seb128I would skip Cosmic13:32
seb128we are not going to SRU any fix at this point for it13:32
willcookeB then...13:33
willcookehrm, I think that might be the wrong link13:33
seb128looks correct13:33
Trevinhono desktop, we're free :P13:33
seb128we didn't have bionic incoming bugs for a few weeks now13:33
seb128keeping the trend :)13:34
willcookethat confused me13:34
willcookewell done team13:34
willcookeD then.. http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-dd-incoming-bug-tasks.html13:34
willcookealso clear13:34
willcookeE... http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ee-incoming-bug-tasks.html13:35
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1835076 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "No open button after installing .deb package" [Low,Confirmed]13:35
willcookeseb128, you nominated.13:35
* marcustomlinson notices the meeting topic is not changing13:35
seb128yeah, it seems annoying and Olivier could confirm13:35
willcookeIf we replace G-S this cycle, do we still need to fix that in older releases?13:35
seb128so I though it would be worth fixing13:36
kenvandinemarcustomlinson: good catch13:36
willcookemarcustomlinson, oh, I forgot about that topic thing.  Thanks13:36
kenvandinewillcooke was just so excited about running the meeting he dove right in13:36
willcookefor that bug I'm zero.  Seems worth fixing, but not release blocking IMO13:36
seb128k, fair enough13:36
seb128just notfixing it then :)13:37
willcookeanyone else?13:37
oSoMoNsame, it sounds nice to have to me, not a release blocker13:37
kenvandinei'm curious why it's a dpg-new file at that point13:37
* didrocks doesn't have an opinion. Would be annoying if this was bionic, but it's not, so…13:37
oSoMoNoh, is that a regression?13:37
kenvandineand why it thinks it's an html file not xml13:38
seb128I've no idea if it impacts bionic as well, I didn't check13:38
seb128anyway, we downvoted it13:38
oSoMoNif so I suggest we at least do a bit of investigation to understand the root cause and see how much work it would be to fix it13:38
willcookemarked as rls-ee-notfixing13:38
seb128we can still discuss it after the meeting if people are interested13:38
seb128oSoMoN, +113:38
kenvandinenot super interested :)13:38
willcookeThat's the end of the rls bugs then.13:39
willcooke#topic AOB13:39
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/uEut6bfN/ubuntu-desktop-1910-cycle | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting 2019-07-09 | Current topic: AOB
willcookeI have one, re: the rls bugs wiki post on Discourse13:39
willcookePlease make sure you edit it :)13:39
willcookeI will try and post it on a Friday so people have time to review and update13:40
marcustomlinsondid we skip excuses? (Laney)13:40
willcookeoops,  hold on a sec, lemme finish this bit...13:40
willcookeLaney added the ability to have it show how long it's been with us but untouched.  We should spot the problems and chase that person for an update when it goes above a week I think13:41
willcookeThe source is now here:13:41
Laney(yes, but it's ok there's nothing there except glib2.0 stuff which I'm looking at)13:41
willcookeplease feel free to add features and fix stuff13:41
willcookethanks Laney, marcustomlinson13:42
willcookeAnyone got any other AOB?13:42
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/uEut6bfN/ubuntu-desktop-1910-cycle
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Jul  9 13:43:45 2019 UTC.13:43
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2019/ubuntu-desktop.2019-07-09-13.30.moin.txt13:43
willcookeFast meeting, easy meeting.13:43
willcookeWould meet again13:43
willcookethanks all13:43
* didrocks goes back to code, vscode…13:44
kenvandinecan anyone help me with a seed update for bionic?13:51
kenvandinei added xg-desktop-portals-gtk to the desktop seed in git last month13:51
kenvandinebut running the update script in ubuntu-meta fails because it's looking for the seed in bzr13:51
kenvandinebzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu.bionic/".13:52
kenvandinexnox: ^^  suggestions?13:52
didrockskenvandine: which one is the most up to date, git or bzr?13:57
didrocksI'm unsure for older release, this was suppoed to be changed13:57
didrocks(like the wsl addition was where?)13:58
didrockskenvandine: if you want to switch it to git, it's quite easy, just change update.cfg to point it13:59
kenvandinethe bzr branch it points to doesn't exist, so not sure why nobody has pointed it to git :)14:00
kenvandineso i wasn't sure if i should14:00
didrocksseed_base: https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/14:00
didrocksseed_dist: ubuntu.%(dist)s14:00
didrocksthat should do it ^14:00
kenvandinethe wsl upload was a hand crafted patch14:00
didrocks(ensure the wsl change is in the git one through)14:00
didrocksargh :/14:00
kenvandineyeah, but they hand crafted a debdiff in the bug report14:01
kenvandinemaybe this is why14:01
didrocksbut yeah, otherwise, /vcs takes precedence IIRC14:01
Laneykenvandine: you're going to have to promote it for ./update to work too14:08
kenvandineLaney: promote what?14:08
kenvandineoh to main?14:09
kenvandineah, i thought we needed something to pull it in first14:09
Laneyseeding it does that, but component-mismatches is only run for the development release14:09
kenvandineseb128: can you please promote xdg-desktop-portals-gtk and xdg-desktop-portals in bionic?14:10
seb128kenvandine, I would prefer if you asked Steve, I've no idea how pocket changes are supposed to be handled in stable serie/never handled that and I would prefer to avoid screwing something in the LTS14:11
seb128thx :)14:11
Laneyotherwise https://paste.debian.net/1090933 should do it14:11
tkamppeterCould someone sponsor the upload of my Bionic SRU in bug 1763520?15:50
ubot5bug 1763520 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu Bionic) "after upgrade to bionic, printing fails without explanation / logs / debuggability" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176352015:50
kenvandinemarcustomlinson: gnome-3-32-1804 failed automated review16:01
kenvandinepackage contains external symlinks: usr/lib/vala-current, usr/share/gettext-current lint-snap-v2_external_symlinks16:02
kenvandinemarcustomlinson: oh... maybe you already fixed it :)16:02
marcustomlinsonyeah I saw that16:02
marcustomlinsonI unstaged them in the platform-snap. I'm not sure there's a better way to do this: https://gitlab.gnome.org/Community/Ubuntu/gnome-sdk/commit/b7e19ff7854cec0f673f6f06b43690672795ac7516:03
marcustomlinsonI mean, layouts are a runtime thing right, I don't know of a fancy equiv for build-time?16:04
marcustomlinsonanother snap's build time16:04
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oSoMoNI'm done for today, have a good evening/rest of the day everyone!17:07
tseliotseb128: I've just uploaded a workaround for LP: #1830961 . I had to disable the two new gcc flags for now.17:48
ubot5Launchpad bug 1830961 in virtualbox (Ubuntu) "Kernels & kernel drivers fail to build with gcc-9 [error: ‘-mindirect-branch’ and ‘-fcf-protection’ are not compatible]" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183096117:48
rbalinthi, i'm wondering if there is any better idom for checking if DISPLAY works than env DISPLAY=:0 xvinfo > /dev/null 2>&118:01
rbalinti'd like to set DISPLAY in wsl only if there is X11 server running on windows18:01
sarnoldrbalint: hmm, if someone starts two X11 servers and quits :0, :1 would still be there, and work, but your test might miss it18:55

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