
=== nickv1985_ is now known as nickv1985
seb128vorlon, retrying n-m autopkgtests isn't going to work, the log is having those kernels errors that seem the issue/a fallout from the new gcc07:24
seb128 error: ‘-mindirect-branch’ and ‘-fcf-protection’ are not compatible07:24
seb128(e.g https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-eoan/eoan/i386/n/network-manager/20190708_231002_6fa4a@/log.gz)07:24
seb128also dkms/nvidia drivers seem broken now, would be good to have some autopkgtest to prevent gcc migrating if it breaks drivers next time maybe?07:26
seb128doko, ^07:26
seb128vorlon, the n-m warnings look like bug #183576407:29
ubottubug 1835764 in virtualbox (Ubuntu) "Multiple DKMS kernel drivers fail to build with gcc-9 [error: ‘-mindirect-branch’ and ‘-fcf-protection’ are not compatible]" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183576407:29
dokoseb128: please see the announcement from amurray and contact the security team for the hardening changes08:03
seb128doko, what announcement de amurray?08:03
amurrayseb128: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2019-June/040741.html08:04
seb128amurray, ah, thanks, that's some week old and scrolled out from my first page08:05
seb128doko, would have been nice to include a reminder to that one in your gcc transition email, maybe a tip for next time :)08:05
seb128since that only got active with the gcc change08:06
amurraythe best fix for this would be to update the eoan kernel to add -fcf-protection=none I think08:06
amurrayseb128: it *should* have been in gcc-8 already08:06
seb128amurray, doko, it seems a bit backward to have landed the changes before fixing the kernel08:06
seb128now we are in a situation were drivers are broken on eoan archive08:06
seb128nothing even blocked that breakage to limit it to proposed :-/08:07
dokodude, the kernel team is just binary copying kernels to eoan, and yes, they know about that08:07
amurrayseb128: apologies, it slipped off my radar with some embargoed security stuff which just went out the door08:07
seb128what has how they upload to do with that?08:07
seb128amurray, no worry, I just wodner if we need some sort of autopkgtest to avoid having $things  migrated when dkms gets screwed next time08:08
amurraydoko: oh well that fixes my mental model then - I was wondering why the eoan kernel builds weren't failing as well but if they are being done on disco gcc that would make sense08:08
* amurray will look at cooking up something for the eoan kernel and will discuss with kernel-team08:09
seb128amurray, thx08:09
* seb128 brb, need to change location for a meeting08:10
* amurray dinner etc - back later08:12
seb128cyphermox, hey, what's the status of the grub2 buildfix for eoan? any chance that lands this week?08:53
sladenbout time08:58
Unit193Hrm, it seems to me when you select a compressor in /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf, mkinitramfs shouldn't silently bail if the compressor is missing.09:17
Unit193Something like http://paste.openstack.org/show/M6SOlCnADce7eUXS1W4c09:19
seb128powersj, hey, unsure if you are the right person to ping about that but do you know if daily ISO utah test env is having issue? seems like bionic/eoan test are bailing out on an error 709:22
rbasakCould someone review https://code.launchpad.net/~racb/ubuntu-transition-tracker/mysql-8/+merge/369878 please? I've not done this before, and I can't figure out how to test locally (seems that ben can't download from Ubuntu and the go script is a workaround but not suitable for use outside the machine it runs on)10:24
rbasakparide: see seb128's question from about an hour ago please - can you help? ^10:34
parideseb128, oh yes jibel and me were looking at the issue10:36
parideseb128, error 7 is defined as a command line parsing error, but it seems that what's actually happen is that a URLChecker method is failing, probably because of networking issues10:36
parideand the error is deceptive10:36
paride(thanks rbasak for the ping)10:37
seb128rbasak, paride, thx! do you know what needs to be done?11:23
parideseb128, looks like it's back to normal, but let me re-launch another couple of jobs manually11:38
seb128paride, thx11:39
seb128paride, I'm curious but what part of the log hinted out that it was an infra issue? just the knowledge of what is behind error7 ? (can you point me to where those are defined?)11:40
parideseb128, the log wasn't really useful. We observed a couple of things: (1) nothing was changed on venonat, utah, or the job definitions (2) the build didn't always fail, but they were very flaky (3) utah took a long time to parse its arguments, hinting it was trying to do something over the network (4) there is this URLChecker class which the parser11:46
paride uses to check if the URL which are passed to UTAH are valid, but which actually makes things more difficult to debug11:46
parideand so that's what we're blaming and why11:46
seb128paride, k, thx for the details, let's see how the retries goes then!11:46
parideseb128, if you want to have a look, `git clone lp:utah`, grep URLChecker and follow it back11:47
seb128paride, seems it worked, I got 'back to normal' emails for bionic and eoan now ;-)11:50
seb128and the pending ISO migrated to be current11:51
parideexcellent :)11:51
=== balkamos_ is now known as balkamos
rbasakCould someone review https://code.launchpad.net/~racb/ubuntu-transition-tracker/mysql-8/+merge/369878 please? I've not done this before, and I can't figure out how to test locally (seems that ben can't download from Ubuntu and the go script is a workaround but not suitable for use outside the machine it runs on)12:52
=== ricab is now known as ricab|lunch
Laneyrbasak: it looks reasonable, I suggest just committing it and seeing what happens13:37
rbasakLaney: thanks!14:03
cyphermoxseb128: I have the fix staged, I'm finishing up on testing the new grub post-merge14:06
seb128cyphermox, ok, so likely this week?14:07
cyphermoxyes, likely14:08
seb128cyphermox, great :)14:08
seb128cyphermox, oh, also what's the status for the plymouth patches upstreaming/new version update from your side? I had it on my june backlog but failed to got to it, I plan to try again this month!14:09
kenvandinevorlon: can you please promote xdg-desktop-portals and xdg-desktop-portals-gtk in bionic per bug 1750069 and bug 174967214:13
ubottubug 1750069 in xdg-desktop-portal-gtk (Ubuntu Bionic) "[MIR] xdg-desktop-portal-gtk" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175006914:13
ubottubug 1749672 in xdg-desktop-portal (Ubuntu Bionic) "[MIR] xdg-desktop-portal" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174967214:13
kenvandinevorlon: i'm trying to update the seed now, but Laney said i need them promoted first14:14
=== ricab|lunch is now known as ricab
cyphermoxseb128: I have not yet had time to look at plymouth this cycle14:24
seb128cyphermox, do you think you are going to be able to squeeze some time for that in the next weeks?14:26
seb128cyphermox, I will try to have a go at that update since we would like to see the new version in but let me know if you start poking as well so we don't dup work14:34
LocutusOfBorgxnox, hello, your dh-cargo merge il blocking a bunch of rust packages...14:41
=== Foxtrot is now known as foxtrot
ahasenackdoko: dealing with some gcc9 fallout,14:55
ahasenackdoko: stuff like this: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/nSBdGN3xy4/ and https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=8878014:55
ubottugcc.gnu.org bug 88780 in middle-end "[8/9/10 Regression] bogus -Wstringop-truncation for copying as many bytes from a string as its length" [Normal,Assigned]14:55
ahasenackdoko: googling brought up https://bugs.squid-cache.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4969, is that a thing for gcc9?14:55
ahasenacker, switch the bugs, "is that a thing" is the gcc bug14:55
ahasenacklet me refrase14:56
ahasenackdoko: stuff like this: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/nSBdGN3xy4/ and https://bugs.squid-cache.org/show_bug.cgi?id=496914:56
ahasenackdoko: googling brought up https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=88780, is that a thing for gcc9?14:56
ubottugcc.gnu.org bug 88780 in middle-end "[8/9/10 Regression] bogus -Wstringop-truncation for copying as many bytes from a string as its length" [Normal,Assigned]14:56
dokoahasenack: are you seeing this with GCC 9 only? according to the report it should be in 8 as well15:00
ahasenackyeah, the squid build works with gcc815:01
ahasenackthe gcc 9 release notes say that this stringop-truncation check was expanded a bit15:01
ahasenackI'm still digging, for example, it only happened with -O2 or higher15:01
dokowell, -Wno-error=stringop-truncation is your friend ...15:02
ahasenackwith just -Wall -Werror -Wstringop-truncation it works, but if I add -O2 then it fails15:02
vorlonseb128: hopefully the new kernel in eoan-proposed has fixed this - I'm retrying those nm tests with --all-proposed to see16:05
vorlonkenvandine: bionic only, or both bionic and xenial?16:07
kenvandineplease promote both16:08
kenvandinevorlon: i haven't prepared the seed for xenial yet, but i will be this week16:08
vorlonkenvandine: also, it is normally the case that we add things to seeds /first/ and then change the archive, so that we can use component-mismatches as a guide for what needs promoting; we don't generate c-m reports for !devel, but I'm not sure why it should be promoted before the seed change anyway16:09
kenvandinethe update script won't find it16:09
vorlonupdate script?16:09
kenvandineLaney said we need to promote it first16:09
kenvandinein ubuntu-meta16:09
vorlonoh, you do need to promote it before reuploading ubuntu-meta, yes16:09
vorlonbut the ordering is (normally) seed change -> archive promotion -> ubuntu-meta upload16:10
kenvandineright, for devel16:10
seb128vorlon, thx16:19
vorlonkenvandine: the xdg-desktop-portal dependencies look a bit strange on xenial; Depends: default-dbus-session-bus | dbus-session-bus | dbus-x11 but only the third of these exists in the release16:24
kenvandinethere are other packages in xenial that followed that pattern as well16:25
kenvandineso the packaging matched debian, for example16:25
kenvandinei can change it16:26
vorlonanyway, promotions done on both series16:26
GunnarHjbdmurray: Just replied to your question at bug #1834406. Any other idea how to reach out to CJK users willing to help out?18:08
ubottubug 1834406 in fonts-noto-cjk (Debian) "Upgrade Noto Sans CJK fonts to version 2.001" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183440618:08
bdmurrayGunnarHj: I think the ubuntu-quality list used to be used for calls for testing but I'm not sure how active that list is now18:12
GunnarHjbdmurray: I don't know either, but that's an idea. Do you think the statements so far are insufficient, so I should try that way? (Personally, and unlike my last dubious SRU proposal, I feel this is a safe one.)18:17
bdmurrayGunnarHj: I was following along with sil2100's comment.18:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1834406 in fonts-noto-cjk (Debian) "Upgrade Noto Sans CJK fonts to version 2.001" [Unknown,New]18:18
GunnarHjbdmurray: Right, and that's the reason for the efforts so far.18:19
bdmurrayGunnarHj: Okay, I'd asked about the call for testing because I wasn't sure what calls had been made.18:22
bdmurrayGunnarHj: Either way let's give it a bit more time to age though.18:24
GunnarHjbdmurray: Sure, no problem. The new era started May 1, so it's late anyway.. TBH I would have expected some Japanese users to act as drivers to have it tested, so I'm a bit disappointed.18:27
GunnarHjbdmurray: Maybe it would help if you added a comment to the bug about the decision to wait a bit due to few test reports?18:30
Unit193LocutusOfBorg: Ah, you already commented on the opensips report, was just about to do that now.  Very well then.22:25

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