
fredzzreturned. can u help me now?00:21
fredzzhow to Create text file with LF line feeds????????????????????????????????????00:21
fredzzplease help00:21
sarnoldfredzz: vim, emacs, pico, nano, joe, jed, ed, gedit, whatever00:23
Svetafredzz: context please?00:23
fredzzim stuck on installing ubports on N500:23
geniifredzz: Most editors will already do this by default ( as opposed to DOS convention of Carriage Return - Linefeed )00:24
geniifredzz: If you need to convert back and forth use dos2unix and unix2dos00:24
fredzzto continue I need... Create a new text file with LF line-feeds called "commandfile" with the following content:00:26
fredzzformat system00:26
fredzzload_keyring image-master.tar.xz image-master.tar.xz.asc00:26
fredzzload_keyring image-signing.tar.xz image-signing.tar.xz.asc00:26
fredzzmount system00:26
fredzzupdate ubports-420bfa80c833e7736e0197d969b5cd981f18eee1215ad3bfae6d82aab9105f03.tar.xz ubports-420bfa80c833e7736e0197d969b5cd981f18eee1215ad3bfae6d82aab9105f03.tar.xz.asc00:26
daxsounds like you could probably just use any normal ubuntu text editor in default settings, then00:27
daxthe instructions make it sound more complicated than it is00:27
fredzzin installing ubports and stuck here...00:28
fredzzwhat do i have to do? please really easy. this new to me and trying not to brick00:28
fredzzhttps://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/device/hammerhead# is where I get this doubt. Im on manual instalation option ans stuck at " Create a new text file with LF line-feeds called "commandfile" with the following content:"00:34
Svetammm fredzz are you OK? is your keyboard working for you? the question marks make your question a tad harder to read00:35
fredzzsorry for pushing but I need to solve this. can u help me?00:36
tomreynnot on this channel, which is just about ubuntu00:38
ubottuInformation about the mobile port of the Ubuntu platform (formely Ubuntu Touch) for Phone and Tablet is available here: https://ubports.com/. Support and discussion in #ubports00:38
fredzzthe question is about ubuntu.00:38
fredzznot ubports00:39
Sven_vBI'm creating a boot partition because I want to be able to use encrypted LVM some day. how big should I make my /boot?00:39
Svetafredzz, did you try using the dos2unix and unix2dos commands someone mentioned above..?00:39
tomreynfredzz: so which ubuntu version are you running then?00:39
fredzzCreate a new text file with LF line-feeds called "commandfile" with the following content:00:39
fredzzthx for your answer but thats too tech for me...00:40
tomreynfredzz: all you posted so far clearly pointed to ubports.00:40
fredzzrunning 18.04 LTS last version00:41
Svetafredzz, after creating the file in your preferred editor, write 'unix2dos', then a space, then the full path to your file00:41
Svetafredzz, what this command does is replace all line feeds in your file with LF line feeds00:41
Svetafredzz, this should be perfect, and easy00:41
fredzzcan you name an editor? I never did this , so no favorite00:41
Svetafredzz, did you edit a file before?00:41
Eickmeyer!info gedit bionic00:42
ubottugedit (source: gedit): official text editor of the GNOME desktop environment. In component main, is optional. Version 3.28.1-1ubuntu1.2 (bionic), package size 425 kB, installed size 1926 kB00:42
Sven_vBfredzz, emacs ;)00:42
Svetafredzz, ok, are you in ubuntu now? are you using ubuntu or kubuntu?00:42
fredzzlubuntu lts 180400:42
tomreynSven_vB: 1 GB is probably future proof for a while.00:42
Sven_vBtomreyn, thanks!00:42
Eickmeyer!info leafpad bionic00:42
ubottuleafpad (source: leafpad): GTK+ based simple text editor. In component universe, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 87 kB, installed size 453 kB00:42
Svetafredzz, in lubuntu, take a look at leafpad00:42
Svetafredzz, you should have an icon for it in the start menu somewhere00:42
tomreynSven_vB: you don't actually need to have a separate /boot, though00:43
fredzzopenin leafpad00:43
Svetafredzz, cool, thanks for your patience with this00:43
fredzzpaste the code here?00:43
sarnoldSveta: btw why unix2dos? I thought fredzz said he wanted standard LF endings?00:43
Eickmeyer!paste | fredzz00:43
ubottufredzz: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:43
Sven_vBtomreyn, can it store a bootloader inside the encryption container nowadays?00:43
fredzzCreate a new text file with LF line-feeds called "commandfile" with the following content:00:44
fredzzthis is the place im stuck.00:44
Svetafredzz, copy/paste that content into your file ?00:44
tomreynSven_vB: yes, if you enable grub support for it, and are okay with entering the passphrase / key twice.00:44
fredzzopened leafpad and paste the code there, right?00:44
Svetabut you can skip the unix2dos or dos2unix thing for now, i think leafpad will do it correctly00:45
Svetajust save your file and proceed to the next step00:45
fredzzsaving as commandfile, right?00:45
Svetasarnold, on leafpad it will be standard LF endings right?00:45
Sven_vBtomreyn, nah that would be too cumbersome. but nice that I get to choose.00:45
Svetafredzz, yes00:45
fredzzsveta done!!!!00:46
Svetagood luck with your further steps00:47
sarnoldSveta: sorry, I don't know leafpad; if it's a standard unix text editor, it'll probably do the right thing00:47
Svetasarnold, yes, it is; thanks for your help00:47
Sven_vBmeh, I forgot a partition earlier. is there a way to tell gdisk to move all partitions that are after #4 (or start after sector 44566527) 20 GB farther? there's no data on any of them yet.00:51
fredzzI just created the LF file called commandline. Saved on desktop. Now I need to send the instalation files to device but it doesnt relate to the new created LF file.00:55
Sven_vBfredzz, wasn't it called command"file" earlier?00:55
tomreynSven_vB: not sure about gdisk (well possible), i'd use gparted from a live / installer iso00:56
fredzzfor more info on my problem check https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/device/hammerhead# manual instalation00:56
Sven_vBtomreyn, how do I tell gparted to just move the start/end sectors and not care about file systems and their content? usually gparted won't even offer resize for partitions that don't (yet) have a recognized fs.00:57
fredzzthats the name of the LF file saved on the desktop00:57
tomreyn"If you need help with the installation, you can ask members of the community on telegram, matrix or the forum."00:57
Sven_vBtomreyn, also it's 12 partitions, I'd prefer to click less than the traditional gparted resize UI ;)00:57
Sven_vBI guess I'll just use some ninja sed action to convert gdisk's list into gdisk-compatible input.00:58
fredzzstuck on the last step of install00:58
sarnoldSven_vB: there's an sfdisk or similar that's intended for sed-ish kind of use; it *might* work out okay00:59
fredzzplease help conclude this00:59
sarnoldfredzz: the last time I moved files to an android phone was using the adb command line tool00:59
Sven_vBsarnold, now that you mention it, I have a vague memory of sth. like sgdisk, but apt can't find that.01:00
sarnoldSven_vB: oh, I'm sorry, sgdisk -- some examples are on https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/wiki/Ubuntu-18.04-Root-on-ZFS01:00
sarnoldSven_vB: aha, gdisk package01:01
fredzzin the tutorial it calls for a LF file wich I just did and the shows some adb commands for console01:01
Sven_vBoh wow nice I already have it. :D01:01
fredzzbut no reference to the new LF file01:01
Sven_vBfredzz, adb sounds like you have some android as the target platform?01:02
fredzzyes. soon to be ubports01:02
fredzzstill android01:02
Sven_vBis android supported by Ubuntu nowadays?01:02
OerHeksthere is #ubports too01:03
fredzzin using ubuntu desktop to send ubports to N5. using the site's manual instalation01:03
Sven_vBfredzz, ah I see.01:03
Sven_vBI seem to have missed the tutorial URL. where is it?01:04
Sven_vBoh found it01:04
fredzzjust found the ubports irc channel bau maybe you can help me finish this and celebrate with me...01:04
sarnoldalas it's not just a blob of text on the page but hidden behind some javascvript and cliocking01:04
fredzzmanual instalation01:05
tomreynclearly the best way to make documentation available01:05
sarnolda README would have been silly :)01:05
Sven_vBindeed I can't read that tutorial easily.01:05
Sven_vBmight be optimized for reading on android :)01:05
fredzzI have already bricked 2 phones using the app.01:06
fredzzmanual may do the work for me01:06
sarnoldI can't blame them too much for going the Choose Your Own Adventure route -- that may reduce confusion. it just makes it way harder to see the wholepicture01:06
Sven_vBthey could d CYOA with plain links01:06
Sven_vBand maybe even upgrade their UI once their JS manages to get ready01:07
Sven_vBfredzz, I guess the adb command knows a default file name which happens to be the filename they told you to use for the NL file.01:08
Sven_vBif you can find a directly hyperlink-able version of the tutorial, I could try follow along and see myself01:09
tomreynthe last lne of the adb code block (on the very bottom of the android guide) is actually where the commandfile is transferred to the phone. but for this to work, fredzz would need to install + configure adb first of all, and connect a non-bricked android device.01:13
Sven_vBoh ok01:20
Sven_vByeah acquiring enough sacrificial devices is a core problem of most hardware colonialization projects.01:21
Sven_vBwow niiiice an official driver for Fresco Logic USB VGA "cards" https://github.com/FrescoLogic/FL2000 . I hope ubuntu adopts official support for that soon.01:28
sarnoldnot a promising start01:29
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Sven_vBerr, yeah.01:32
Svetasarnold, err, since you're helping others, i'd like to send you a privmsg.. there's a helpers channel available. please let me know if you're OK with this01:32
sarnoldSveta: sure01:32
deltab"Distribution in any form to unauthorized parties is strictly prohibited. [...] NOTE: THIS FILE MAY BE SENT OUTSIDE OF FRESCO LOGIC."01:34
Sven_vBI noted it in https://github.com/FrescoLogic/FL2000/issues/29 , if you want attribution for finding it, query me.01:46
Sven_vBwhere did you find the "Distribution in any form"? git grep can't find it in master01:48
naptasticIs it possible to remove EVERYTHING that tries to manage the network for me, and just configure things with /etc/network/interfaces like the good old days?02:16
KiraNot Ubuntu specific, but is Bluetooth Low Energy basically a required, integral part of Bluetooth 4 and newer?02:17
sarnoldnaptastic: try apt-get install ifupdown netplan.io- network-manager-02:19
sarnoldnaptastic: that'll install ifupdown, and remove netplan and NM02:19
naptasticsarnold, thanks very much!02:20
pizzaiolodoes anyone know what this left-most icon is? https://imgur.com/a/cc8AC0y it appears for a split second before disappearing02:22
amosbirdHi, why does "sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-8 60" not have any effect?02:24
sarnoldamosbird: try /usr/bin/g++-8 --version and see what it reports?02:27
BiessieIs it just me or does 19.04 run alot smoother on older devices?02:28
Biessiein comparison to 18.0402:28
amosbirdsarnold: it's 8.302:29
sarnoldamosbird: alright.. is that '60' a large enough value? (forgive me I never use this interface, I usually just manage /etc/alternatives links directly)02:30
sarnoldamosbird: (or small enough?)02:30
sarnoldpizzaiolo: I've had some luck finding unknown indicators on https://material.io/tools/icons/?style=baseline02:30
amosbirdsarnold: not sure02:31
amosbirdyeah, using 80 works02:31
sarnoldamosbird: odd indeed. but hooray :)02:32
magic_ninja_workwhat do you all use for a system monitor?02:34
sarnoldtop and vmstat 1  are my usual first go-to tools02:35
magic_ninja_workI was looking for something that has more of the functionality of the windows system monitor. It is actually quite good.02:38
sarnoldwhat does it do? what specifically are you looking for?02:38
naptasticmagic_ninja_work, gnome-system-monitor maybe?02:39
pizzaiolothanks sarnold!02:39
sarnoldpizzaiolo: any luck? I couldn't spot it on that giant list of icons..02:40
sarnoldpizzaiolo: hmm... android's also got a "manage notifications" item when you drag down from the top, that shows which applications did notifications recently -- any chance it's listed there?02:41
magic_ninja_worki don't think gnome-system-monitor shows cpu usage.02:42
magic_ninja_worksorry, I mean network usage02:42
pizzaiolosarnold not yet, although i suspect it's related to usb-c/thunderbolt being connected02:43
sarnoldpizzaiolo: ohho, what's *that* do? :)02:43
pizzaiolosarnold for connecting my two displays, have them daisy chained with displayport02:45
sarnoldpizzaiolo: d'oh. sorry. I thought those were android indicators. it must be quittin time :)02:46
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kernelpanicHello! I'm making an embedded device with an SDCard, which shall automount. When users plug in an exfat card, I want to use the "nonempty" mount option, but when they use vfat mount fails using "unrecognized mount option 'nonempty'". How can I tell mount to use whatever options make sense for the detected filesystem, and silenty ignore the others?03:39
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GoopHow do I make sure my Ubuntu install USB stick can run on older computers.04:21
GoopI know there is some sort of difference between Legacy and (whatever the other one is)04:22
GoopEFI or UEFI or something like that.04:22
EickmeyerGoop: All Ubuntu ISO images are capable of both.04:24
asphyxiaanyone know where I would find where I've stored my app images?04:25
GoopEickmeyer, I made a Ubuntu LTS 16.04 install stick, but it's not showing  up on an old laptop (Dell/Inspiron  1721/AMD/made in 2008) one-time boot menu.04:25
GoopI know the laptop support USB boot, because there's the option in the BIOS.04:26
lotuspsychjeGoop: F12 to bring up the boot choose menu perhaps?04:27
lotuspsychjeasphyxia: 'app images' ?04:27
EickmeyerGoop: Also, verify you wrote the image to the USB drive correctly (in addition to what lotuspsychje mentioned)04:28
Gooplotuspsychje, I tried it again. This time, I put in the flash drive while it was loading, instead of before system power on.04:28
GoopThe computer found it.04:28
asphyxialotuspsychje: I can't find it ugh04:30
lotuspsychjeasphyxia: elaborate please, wich apps are you looking for?04:31
asphyxialotuspsychje: looking for joplin appimage, pretty amauteur with the whole linux filing system04:31
lotuspsychjeasphyxia: contact the joplin maintainer04:33
asphyxiapretty sure it just depends on where I unpacked it04:34
asphyxiawhich I can't find/remember04:34
lotuspsychjeasphyxia: from a terminal you can find things in ubuntu with: whereis foo04:34
readyready15728If you do sudo updatedb and then locate <part of filename> you can find files pretty much anywhere in the file system instantaneously04:36
readyready15728The sudo updatedb part is build the index for locate so it can be fast04:36
readyready15728For example if I remembered that I downloaded a pdf with "Clojure" in the title I could do locate Clojure04:37
readyready15728It is case-sensitive though so if you want that turned off you specify locate -i <search query>04:37
xrandrHello, I just installed Ubuntu 19.04 on a laptop. It keeps freezing after bootup. I think there's an issue with the graphics driver. I am not sure what graphics card is on the laptop. Any suggestions? It is currently using the noveau driver.04:39
readyready15728Can you check what graphics card you have in the BIOS screen?04:39
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | xrandr04:40
ubottuxrandr: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:40
CheetahPixieGood morning, folks.04:41
CheetahPixieI'm stuck trying to enable Jack.04:41
CheetahPixieMostly looking here for people's anecdotes and experiences, in an attempt to get my Jack to actually produce audio.04:43
asphyxiareadyready15728: you're a legend, thanks, I'm saving that command for future use04:43
lotuspsychje!chat | CheetahPixie for experiences04:43
ubottuCheetahPixie for experiences: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:43
readyready15728asphyxia, :D04:44
CheetahPixieI'm asking here out of desparation mostly.04:47
readyready15728CheetahPixie, do you have any diagnostic info?04:48
xrandrok, nomodeset got me in. But now my display is rather...small...04:51
xrandrAre there 3rd party drivers I need to install for my graphics card?04:51
lotuspsychjexrandr: now to see wich drivers your card needs, ubuntu-drivers list04:52
xrandrnvidia-driver-418   and nvidia-driver-390  are what appears04:53
CheetahPixiereadyready15728 nothing remarkable; just that Jack says the transport is off, and that audio literally refuses to work.04:53
lotuspsychjexrandr: wich card chipset do you have please?04:53
xrandrlotuspsychje: I'm not 100% sure04:54
lotuspsychjexrandr: sudo lshw -C video04:54
CheetahPixieMessed with the patch bay, apparently the correct IO for audio is playback_7 and playback_8.04:55
xrandrlotuspsychje: nVidia Quadro M2000M04:56
lotuspsychjexrandr: try 39004:56
CheetahPixieHow do I make those defaults?04:56
readyready15728CheetahPixie, I can't really help you unless I have more info but you can try this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure04:57
CheetahPixieThis is ALSA specific.04:58
xrandrlotuspsychje: reboot after installing those drivers?04:58
CheetahPixieI'm trying to set up Jack.04:58
lotuspsychjexrandr: yes please04:59
Eickmeyer!jack | CheetahPixie05:00
ubottuCheetahPixie: The JACK Audio Connection Kit is a sound server meant for professional applications, allowing different audio protocols and applications to interconnect in nearly unlimited ways. This is the core of Ubuntu Studio's audio workflow. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/What%20is%20JACK for more information on JACK in general.05:00
EickmeyerCheetahPixie: Are you using qjackctl to start Jack?05:00
SoItBeginsI have a PC that runs both Ubuntu and Windows. The problem revolves around the way the two OSes store the real-time clock.05:00
SoItBeginsIn Ubuntu, the clock is set correctly. In Windows, it’s 7 hours head. (I am at GMT-7)05:01
EickmeyerSoItBegins: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2016/05/time-differences-ubuntu-1604-windows-10/05:01
SoItBeginsThank you!05:01
CheetahPixieso only certain applications seem to produce audio when jack's up.05:11
za1b1tsuhave you folks ever encountered this error: ValueError: Namespace GtkSource not available for version 3.0 ?05:12
za1b1tsupip package05:12
CheetahPixieSolved it; pavucontrol, switch applications over05:13
lotuspsychjeza1b1tsu: its better when you ask questions, you also mention the complete story, what exactly are you trying to do?05:14
mr_louHow come, running diskpart on Windows I can successfully set read-only mode on a drive (USB stick). But running hdparm on Ubuntu, doesn't seem to have an effect?05:17
mr_louhdparm -r1 /dev/sdx05:18
mr_louIt says it sets read-only mode, but take out the USB and re-insert, and it's gone.05:18
xrandrlotuspsychje: Thank you it worked!!05:18
lotuspsychje!yay | xrandr05:19
ubottuxrandr: Glad you made it! :-)05:19
mr_louHave tried with NTFS and UDF filesystems.05:19
CheetahPixieNow, I've got new problems.05:21
CheetahPixieHow do I forward my microphone to Jack?05:21
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Triffid_HunterHi all, where do I tell ubuntu server 18.04 to issue DHCP INFORM packets when configured with a static ip?06:02
lotuspsychjeTriffid_Hunter: #ubuntu-server for likeminded volunteers06:03
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AscavasaionHello there, I have an 8 x 4TB RAID... best filesystem to use?  Ext4?06:04
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blackflowAscavasaion: ZFS.06:10
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Ascavasaionthank you blackflow06:14
AscavasaionIn an ubuntu installation.  I am partitioning.  How large does the Efi partition need to be, and what size?06:59
aavarAscavasaion, I don't know, but mine is 209MiB07:02
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OerHeks250 mb would do07:02
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI07:02
AscavasaionAavar, Thank you, much appreciated.07:02
OerHeksbut the installer should do this automaticly07:02
AscavasaionOerHeks, I am installing Lubuntu, and the installer warned me that I do not have one and that I would be proceeding at my own risk.07:03
OerHeksclean the disk, choose partitioning GPT..07:03
AscavasaionThank you OerHeks07:14
Smokiehi, quick question, when im in terminal and i do 'sudo passwd user' it takes me to the root user instead of giving me the option to change the passwd, is that normal?07:19
cart_manHi everyone. Yesterday my Ethernet controller just disappeared and it wont come back on. Why would it just disappear?07:20
Svetadoes rebooting help?07:21
Svetait shouldn't be required, but i would suggest doing it as a troubleshooting step07:21
lotuspsychjecart_man: sudo lshw -C network07:21
Svetaunless you know the time (hour and minute) when it disappeared - then it could be correlated with the logs..07:21
blackflowSmokie: "takes you to"?  passwd takes one argument (and options) and that argument is the username you're changing password for. If you change your own, you don't need sudo or arguments, just type `passwd`.07:24
Smokieblackflow, i tried that too, it didnt do anything07:24
Smokie'passwd user' does nothing07:24
cart_man@Sveta Ok so it says network DISABLED... I never did that07:25
blackflowSmokie: then you have a broken system there. Which Ubuntu is this?07:25
Smokieits an old system, let me check the version07:26
Smokieblackflow, 14.0407:27
blackflowSmokie: for starters that version is no longer supported unless you're paying for ESM. You should upgrade ASAP otherwise. But as for this, what does `which passwd` say?07:28
lotuspsychjecart_man: can you share us more details of your system please? ubuntu version? system up to date? when did network vanished?07:28
Smokieblackflow, gives me /usr/bin/passwd07:29
blackflowSmokie: so when you type just `passwd` it doesn't prompt you for current password?07:30
Smokieblackflow, no, it doesnt07:30
cart_manSveta:  lotuspsychje: -> https://pastebin.com/YP8YVx9707:31
Smokiehmm something is messed up.. 'exit' is not doing anything now too...wtf07:31
cart_manlotuspsychje: Its Ubuntu Bionic07:31
blackflowSmokie: anything in the logs about that? I don't remember which log is teh default on 14.04, /var/log/messages or .../syslog, and passwd should also log into /var/log/auth.log07:31
lotuspsychjecart_man: uname -a please?07:31
blackflowSmokie: dmesg | tail   ?07:31
cart_manlotuspsychje: It vanished about 2 days ago... unplugged it and replugged it.  -> Linux hpnote 4.18.0-22-generic #23~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 6 08:37:25 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux07:32
lotuspsychjecart_man: your kernel sint up to date, please update before asking support issues07:32
lotuspsychje!uptodate | cart_man07:33
ubottucart_man: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`.07:33
Smokieblackflow, dmesg tail shows a lot of UDP bad checksum from different IP's07:34
Smokiei think im taking this server offline07:35
Smokieblackflow, i logged out, started a new terminal session with my sudo user and when i typed 'passwd' it took me to the root user without asking for a password07:35
Smokiei think this server is a gonner07:36
blackflowSmokie: you typed passwd and you became root?07:36
Smokieyes :/07:37
Smokiein my sudo user07:37
blackflowSmokie: by "sudo user" you mean the user with sudoer rights?07:37
blackflowSmokie: you don't perchance have an alias or something in your shell rc that would mess with usage of passwd?07:37
zambai have a system with 12 GB RAM and 12 GB of swap (on SSD). the root fs is running on SSD.. when moving a large file from the / partition to an external hard drive (hdd), the system is virtually unusable..07:37
Smokieblackflow, no, i never did07:38
zambathe pointer lags across the screen.. switching workspaces takes several seconds..07:38
blackflowSmokie: sounds fishy and compromised then.07:38
zambalaunching new terminals takes up to 10 seconds - with graphic lag07:38
Smokieblackflow, dumb question, give me a command can only be run using root user07:39
blackflowSmokie: ideally try to figure out how it got compromised. Nuke & Pave to 18.04 is the way to go forward, but if you don't know what happened, it migth happen again.07:39
blackflowSmokie: dunno.... parted07:39
Smokiei donthave the expertise to diagnosed a linux system that way07:40
lotuspsychje!details | zamba07:40
ubottuzamba: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.07:40
cart_manlotuspsychje: BTW yesterday my Chrome just removed itself. Couldnt find it anywhere and I had to reinstall it. Also a couple other apps. I am upgrading now07:41
lotuspsychjecart_man: we dont really support chrome here, but self-uninstalling packages sounds fishy..07:43
=== imsurit_ofc is now known as imsurit
blackflowSmokie: figured out if you can run privileged commands with no sudo?07:44
PronoeHi all, is there a way to update some system information in the BIOS (specificaly the serial number) from Ubuntu directly? Or I don't have a choice but to do it from the BIOS?07:44
lotuspsychje!biosupdate | Pronoe07:45
ubottuPronoe: To see how to update your bios on Ubuntu visit the community collected methods here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIOSUpdate07:45
ryuothat's not what they were asking for, lotuspsychje.07:45
ryuoPronoe: updating the asset information is likely only doable from the BIOS or vendor specific tools.07:45
OerHeksPronoe, dmidecode should give that info: dmidecode -s system-serial-number // baseboard-serial-number // chassis-serial-number07:46
geirhaSmokie: what does ''type sudo'' output? "type" is a shell command that tells you what type of command it is, in particular whether it is an alias or function, or just an external command07:46
Smokieblackflow, yeah, it doesnt run root commands on my normal user, but as soon as i type 'passwd' it logs me in to root user and i can run what i want07:47
Pronoeryuo Thanks I was afraid of that.07:47
PronoeOerHeks This info is missing from there, hence my question.07:47
geirhaok same with ''type passwd'' then07:47
ryuoPronoe: strange. dmidecode always contained my serial numbers.07:48
Smokiegeirha, gives me this 'sudo is /usr/bin/sudo07:48
Smokiegeirha, 'passwd is hashed (/usr/bin/passwd)07:48
geirhaok, so no aliases or functions that alters the behaviors then07:49
Pronoeryuo I've got the board serial number but I need the system one. I believe dmidecode is pulling its info from the BIOS.07:49
Smokiegeirha,  when im in root it gives me this 'passwd is /usr/bin/passwd07:49
ryuoPronoe: "system"? How is that different from the board?07:49
ryuoPronoe: the serial number on the case?07:49
ryuothis is usually only needed if the board was replaced.07:50
Smokiegeirha, when i type 'sudo us' it asks for the password as usual07:50
ryuowell, just try it from BIOS I guess. It shouldn't be a problem if you only have a small number.07:51
Smokiething is, if its compromised (which im sure it is) why would the hacker use a common command like passwd ?07:51
Smokieso many ppl use this command and can easily find out its screwed up07:51
sub526HI All, what's the difference between Ubuntu mini.iso and full iso image?07:54
blackflowSmokie: because it's a suid bin. If there's a vuln, it's easy gateway to root. BTw, what does `file /usr/bin/passwd` say?07:55
akem-lnvoHi, i tried to load a module at bootime from /etc/rc.local with /sbin/modprobe msr, but for some reason it's not loaded after boot, i can load it with no problem manually from a terminal, how can i check what's going on, why it does not log?07:56
blackflowakem-lnvo: to manually load modules just list them in /etc/modules07:56
Smokieblackflow, /usr/bin/passwd: setuid ELF 64-bit LSB  executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, corrupted section header size07:56
blackflowSmokie: Nuke & pave time.07:57
akem-lnvoThanks blackflow, i will try that.07:57
Smokieblackflow, i assume its risky to know what to back up and not to back up? :s07:58
blackflowSmokie: absolutely, this system cannot be trusted any more.07:58
Smokiedamn it08:01
Smokiethanks blackflow08:01
Smokieblackflow, out of curiousity, is it the "corrupt section header" that gave it away?08:01
ryuoSmokie: that and it's statically linked.08:01
blackflowSmokie: no, statically linked08:01
ryuothe one ubuntu ships is always dynamically linked.08:02
ryuosomeone tampered with it.08:02
ryuoplus they usually have a checksum thing.08:02
blackflowthat's in the (corrupt) header methinks, yea08:02
ryuo/usr/bin/passwd: setuid ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/l, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=7842b6fc0e39aceb47814351fc187ef18fa8e14a, stripped08:02
ryuofor 18.0408:03
Smokieis this just an ubuntu thing or linux systems in general like centos etc?08:03
ryuoSmokie: Ubuntu thing. How other distributions provide or build passwd is distribution specific.08:04
ryuoBut it should be the same for all debian family distributions.08:04
Smokieone last thing, whats the differences between dynamically and statically linked?08:05
ryuoSmokie: statically linked has everything linked into a single binary. dynamically linked has to load the external shared objects (libraries) to run first.08:06
blackflowSmokie: statically linked include all the code that would otherwise be in separate .so libs, mostly provided by other packages.08:06
Smokiein this case, a compromised package i assume08:06
ryuomost likely vector, yes. installing a malicious package.08:06
ryuobut it could be anything if it uses a privilege escalation exploit.08:07
Smokiehow can someone protect self from these types of stuff?08:07
blackflowI wouldn't mark that as most likely vector. Is this server running PHP?08:07
ryuokeep yourself patched and perhaps be more wary of what you install from 3rd parties.08:07
Smokiebesides ssh port, disabling passwords and using keys08:07
Smokieblackflow, no, it doesnot08:07
blackflowSmokie: what public services is it running?08:08
blackflowSmokie: and are you using third party code, PPAs, ... ?08:08
Smokieryuo, nothing i have from a 3rd party except webmin.. but yeah, its an old system and missing some patches08:08
blackflowah webmin.... thta thing is a security swiss hole08:08
lotuspsychjealways keep your system up to date08:08
Smokieblackflow, no 3rd party code or PPA's besides webmin, insatlled it from scratch08:08
blackflowswiss cheese lol08:08
Smokieah, an ZNC, from scratch too08:09
Smokieit is?08:09
blackflowSmokie: so the most likely vector I _think_ would be an RCE through webmin, then second-stage payload through a suid vulnerability, or a kernel vuln.08:09
blackflowSmokie: that's why it's important to figure this out, because if you just reinstall 18.04 but put webmin (or whatever was vulnerable) again, it'll just happen all over again.08:10
Smokieok.. well.. that sucks... i like webmin cuz it makes it easy for me to manage a linux system08:10
Smokieor 'liked' -_-08:10
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.08:10
blackflowSmokie: There's a few things you can do with newer 'buntus to protect yourself in the future. Run all services locked down through systemd security options (namespace isolation, seccomp), dont' run them as root, and give them capabilities instead (most likely to bind to port <1000)08:12
Smokiei need to do a lot of reading08:12
blackflowSmokie: That way at least you can protect services from write access to places they don't need to write, even if they become root through a vuln .  Also I run an AppArmor as a secondary layer in addition to systemd mitigations.08:13
blackflowSmokie: in general do as much as you can to keep a W^X system: where services _can_ write, they must NOT execute from.08:13
Smokieill keep that in mind08:14
lotuspsychjeSmokie: and nmap your own ip, see how the public sees your (open) ports/services08:14
Smokieyeah, i did a quick online scan actually just a few mins ago hehehe08:15
ryuoand if you're really paranoid, you can use port knocking to hide services that don't need to be accessible to the general public, like ssh.08:16
Smokiefound my SSH port, webmin port and another port i dont know, 3277408:16
blackflowSmokie: so webmins, cpanels, and other relics from the past are just that -- relics from the past. They make things easier but they are programs with elevated privilege having tentacles in all parts of the system, with ability to update themseleves (write and change their own code then execute it). Worst, worst kind of application one could be running, in 2019.08:16
ryuoyet they're still super common on shared web hosts.08:17
ryuoparticularly cpanel.08:17
blackflowSmokie: ss -4lnp | grep 3277408:17
Smokieyeah, i do have 2 sites that use cPanel08:17
blackflowryuo: yeah, btu shared hosts are cesspools of illicit activity these days, primarily due to that.08:17
blackflowone-click PHP app installations, wordpresses and others with super bad security track record, that auto-update (and bring in monsters too) with one click.08:18
Smokiehmm it says its irssi08:19
ryuoirssi should only be making outgoing connections...08:19
blackflowirssi listening?08:19
Smokiewait.. what? i like wordpress :(08:20
ryuoor am i missing something?08:20
blackflowthere was a RCE bug in irssi few months ago... did you keep this system updated?08:20
Smokietcp    LISTEN     2      1                      *:32774                 *:*      users:(("irssi",21849,3))08:20
lotuspsychjeblackflow: yeah a recent irssi bug came out08:20
blackflowSmokie: it's okay to run WP, but you have to lock it down tight, its files owned by root, and never allowed to update itself.08:21
blackflowthe problem with WP is not WP itself as much as various badly written module.08:22
blackflowlotuspsychje: yes that's just the latest one, but there was a nastier one few months ago, can't remember the deets now.08:22
lotuspsychjeSmokie: apt-cache policy irssi08:22
Smokielotuspsychje, this system is not patched08:23
Smokieits been a while08:23
Smokiesome time last year08:23
blackflowbut anyway, seems like the attacker have root on this system so anything could be compromised, trojaned, and not due to their own vulns.08:23
=== imsurit_ofc is now known as imsurit
Smokieblackflow, yeah08:23
lotuspsychjeyou know what to do Smokie :p08:23
Smokiewill read moer how to secure ubuntu before reinstalling to the latest LTS version08:24
blackflowformat C:    :)08:24
ryuoSmokie: doesn't require a lot of work to get some decent gains.08:24
blackflowSmokie: https://gist.github.com/ageis/f5595e59b1cddb1513d1b425a323db0408:24
cart_manlotuspsychje: Ok so the upgrade didnt work for my network card :*(08:24
ryuoSmokie: i mostly rely on regular maintenance and locking out SSH for my server.08:24
Smokiethis is a server on SoYouStart08:25
ryuoSmokie: I see. My server is on KimSufi.08:25
Smokiei dont remember if they give the option to isntall from an OS or must use their own08:25
lotuspsychjecart_man: you are on kernel -25 now?08:25
blackflowSmokie: https://medium.com/information-and-technology/so-what-is-apparmor-64d7ae211ed      and these three are good starting points for you.08:25
ryuoSmokie: you can install your own, but you need to know what you're doing. i've done it.08:25
cart_manlotuspsychje: Yes -> Maia Transparent08:25
cart_manLinux hpnote 4.18.0-25-generic #26~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 27 07:28:31 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux08:25
lotuspsychjecart_man: ok great, can you pastebin us your dmesg please?08:26
blackflowSmokie: I use OVH too (but enterprise servers, not SYS or Kimsufi). I prefer installing from a debian resuce env with debootstrap. Primarily due to ZFS on LUKS but also due to maximum control of what gets installed and how.08:26
lotuspsychjecart_man: you sure you did not disable network card in bios right?08:26
blackflowjust a word of caution with ZFS on OVH, they alter their kernels and keep an older ZFS module in their rescue env.08:26
blackflowSmokie: join #ubuntu-discuss if you need more tips about this.08:27
Smokiethanks for all the tips08:27
Smokieits been really helpful08:27
cart_manlotuspsychje: -> https://pastebin.com/39cqYH8408:28
lotuspsychjecart_man: do you dualboot on that machine?08:31
cart_manlotuspsychje: No I dont08:31
lotuspsychjecart_man: ok, dont see network related issues in there, just alot of acpi issues08:33
cart_manlotuspsychje: acpi issues?08:33
lotuspsychjecart_man: lets try a journalctl -f and plug out/plug in your network cable please and pastebin us the output08:33
lotuspsychjecart_man: you got a firewall?08:35
cart_manlotuspsychje:  https://pastebin.com/XVaSGDsg08:38
cart_manI am sure we have a firewall but nothing has changed since this stopped working regarding the firewall08:38
lotuspsychjecart_man: did you plug out your network cable and plugged back in there?08:39
cart_manIt doesnt seem to do anything though. The green light goes on08:40
cart_manand thats about it08:40
cart_manand I tried two different ports08:40
cart_manI mean08:40
lotuspsychjecart_man: [   14.623459] bridge: filtering via arp/ip/ip6tables is no longer available by default. Update your scripts to load br_netfilter if you need this.08:41
cart_manlotuspsychje: If I need ipv6?08:42
lotuspsychjecart_man: is this a direct connection from your modem/router to pc please?08:42
cart_manlotuspsychje: No I connect through a server that handles traffic. also a Proxy. But nothing changed on it though08:43
cart_maneverybody elses machines seems to be working fine08:43
lotuspsychjecart_man: its weird we dont see network card errors in your logs, maybe as a test try direct cable from modem to pc08:44
lotuspsychjecart_man: or reboot some devices08:44
cart_manlotuspsychje: This is very strange indeed! Especially since Chrome and some other apps just vanished and now this.08:45
cart_manlotuspsychje: Seems like a format is coming my way -.-08:45
lotuspsychjecart_man: well, not updates systems are a security risk, who knows what happened08:45
lotuspsychjecart_man: you running some kind of services?08:46
cart_manHmm yea but the servers mostly.. not really my dev machine08:46
cart_manwhich this is08:46
lotuspsychjecart_man: maybe also check your auth logs08:48
lotuspsychjecart_man: and dpkg logs, as you say packages vanished08:48
cart_manlotuspsychje: Sorry for my ignorance but how do I use dpkg --logs ?08:57
SoItBeginsOK, this is probably a stupid question, but...09:29
SoItBeginswhy hasn’t someone made an open-source tool that can change a drive’s filesystem format in place, without erasing the data?09:29
=== sad_ is now known as sanroot
sanrootHi should i udgrade to 19 as my current LTS is very stable. Will it break anything .09:30
SoItBegins(Or: I formatted a flash drive as FAT32 when I meant to format as exFAT)09:31
lotuspsychjecart_man: /var/log/dpkg09:38
jonssonsThe docker.io package was updated recently to 18.09.7-0ubuntu1~18.04.3. This package now has a dependency on "containerd" and installs version 1.2.6-0ubuntu1~
jonssonsI am regularly getting following error: failed to start shim: exec: "docker-containerd-shim": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown09:41
jonssonsAs far as I could trace back, this is due to containerd being installed together with docker.io09:41
jonssonsI want to roll back the unattended update which installed containerd and updated docker, but it seems the previous version of the package is unavailable09:42
jonssonsE: Version '18.09.2-0ubuntu1~18.04.1' for 'docker.io' was not found09:42
cart_manIs it possible to install REInstall Ubuntu without losing any data?09:44
cart_manliterally just do a fresh install ontop of my alreadt existing OS09:44
cart_manwhich is also ubuntu09:44
jonssonscart_man: the installation wizard will format the disk. you can saveguard the /home directory if you wish09:45
lotuspsychjecart_man: /home also contains config files of packages, not sure its wise in your case09:49
lotuspsychjecart_man: perhaps make a data backup from your /home to an external, then fresh install again09:50
=== imsurit_ofc is now known as imsurit
no_gravityWould it be possible to add my own key handler to bash, so that pressing ctrl+, will expand to the last file in the current dir?10:36
sudo18how do i enable updating from a repository that doesn't have a release file?10:55
sudo18E: The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/wine/wine-builds/ubuntu bionic Release' does not have a Release file.10:56
sudo18N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default.10:56
RikMillssudo18: you don't. it means it has no packages for you10:57
thsnrthat PPA does not have packages for bionic10:58
sudo18ok then how do i remove it altogether10:58
sudo18i tried sudo add-apt-repository -r10:59
sudo18and the whole url. nada10:59
k_szeI have two SSDs, I have (GNOME) Ubuntu 18.04 on the primary boot SSD. I just installed Kubuntu 19.04 on the secondary SSD, but the installation process seems to have overwritten the GRUB entry for my existing (GNOME) Ubuntu 18.04 installation on my primary SSD. How can I fix that?11:04
basalthi, i installed network-manager-openvpn-gnome and network-manager-openvpn but still cannot see the "VPN connection" in menu, what do i need ? ubuntu 19.0411:07
k_szeI don't even know how to boot back into my old Ubuntu 18.04 installation now.11:09
sudo18k_sze: do you have a live usb of ubuntu? if so, boot it, run boot repair. should fix the issue11:11
k_sze(the old Ubuntu 18.04 installation is on encrypted LVM2 on the primary SSD, this new Kubuntu 19.04 installation is also on encrypted LVM2 on the seconary SSD)11:11
k_szesudo18, that should also be available on the Kubuntu Live USB?11:12
sudo18never used it but it would be stupid not to11:12
k_szeok, let me try.11:12
=== dakar- is now known as dakar
andybeeI'm having an issue where if I click a link inside slack the firefox window is grouped under slack in the launcher.12:07
andybeeHas anyone else had an issue like this? Any idea how to fix it?12:09
cfhowlettandybee, ONLY in firefox?  have you tried an alternate browser?12:11
cfhowlettalso ubuntu version?12:11
andybeeI'm on 19.0412:11
thefatmaHey guys, how can i make a bootable disk on key with ubuntu 18.04 and ssh and lspci installed on it and make those packages and configurations stay on the disk on key12:12
andybeeFirefox is the default browser.12:12
thefatmais that possible ?12:12
cfhowlettandybee, try chromium-browser12:12
andybeeOkay I'll try making it the default.12:12
cfhowlettthat's not what I said.12:12
cfhowlettbut try it12:12
andybeeI can't choose which browser when I click a link in slack it just uses the default browser12:13
andybeeSame issue with Chromium12:13
cfhowlettseems like it's a slack issue12:14
andybeeCould it be because Slack is a snap?12:14
cfhowlettI don't have enough background to make that guess, but my snaps have not altered global system settings ever12:14
cfhowlettthe test would be a non-snap slack installation12:15
andybeeIs there another snap app I could install and click a link inside in order to see if it has the same issue?12:16
cfhowlettmattermost seems to a slack alternative12:17
pragmaticenigmaThe issue of the firefox window grouping under slack is a known behavior, but I haven't seen if it has been classified as a bug. The issue isn't the Slack app, as much as it is the Snap environment being sandboxed. Because the firefox window is launched in the same process space as Slack, due how Firefox is launched, Firefox appears to be a child process of Slack and the desktop environment groups it with Slack.12:20
pragmaticenigmaandybee: If it bothers you, I think you can disable grouping on the launcher which would keep this from happening12:21
andybee@pragmaticenigma, But if I already have Firefox open and then click a link in Slack it opens under Firefox normally/12:21
pragmaticenigmaandybee: That is because Firefox is already running. Firefox runs in a way that if something triggers it to launch, it checks for an existing process, if it finds it, it sends the command to the already open instance of the application.12:22
andybeeOkay. I imagine this is an issue with all Slack apps then?12:23
thefatmaHey guys, how can i make a bootable disk on key with ubuntu 18.04 and ssh and lspci installed on it and make those packages and configurations stay on the disk on key12:23
thefatmais that possible ?12:23
pragmaticenigmaandybee: It would be an issue with any Snap application that hasn't been configured to request permissions to operate outside of its sandboxed environment12:24
andybeeIs it possible to open firefox properly from inside the sandboxed environment?12:25
pragmaticenigmathefatma: those applications should already be available in the live iso12:25
andybeeIn general. Or does the way snaps work make this impossible12:25
pragmaticenigmaandybee: There is nothing you can do as a user. The idea of a snap is to have a self contained application that does not impact the host operating system.12:26
pragmaticenigmathefatma: those applications should already be available in the live iso12:26
andybee@pragmaticenigma, Would you consider this a bug?12:28
thefatmapragmticienigma : is this iso meant to be as bootable i assume from its "live" name right ?12:28
pragmaticenigmaandybee: I would not, it's a cosmetic issue, the I personally wouldn't be bothered by12:29
pragmaticenigmathefatma: Either of the downloads here: https://ubuntu.com/download/desktop will supply you with a bootable live instance of Ubuntu, that will include the requested applications. If they don't, you can follow the instructions for creating a bootable USB drive with persistance which you can install packages and they will remain available with the USB drive.12:31
andybee@pragmaticenigma, I've just had a look at the pstree command and it doesn't look like firefox is a child of slack.12:35
andybeeYet they are still grouped in the launcher12:35
andybeeAnd when I quit slack the firefox window stays open but is still under slack in the launcher.12:37
pragmaticenigmaandybee: Here's a solution, if this isn't what you want there is nothing more anyone can really offer you. It's a cosmetic issue, and even filing a bug it's likely to just go stale and be forgotten: https://askubuntu.com/a/105267312:39
pragmaticenigmaYou can use the Dash to Panel extension to ungroup the icons12:39
pragmaticenigmaandybee: It's already lost traction: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/slack-opening-file-browser-firefox-and-chrome-in-the-snaps-context/896912:40
andybeeOh well, one can dream!12:41
andybeeThanks for your help. This sounds like it would be relatively easy to fix but I'm not a Ubuntu/GNOME developer :)12:42
andybeeSo I have no idea how difficult it would be.12:42
WNDj24What would be the best channel to ask about conjure-up stuff?12:55
cfhowlettprobably best to go to conjure's homepage12:57
pragmaticenigma!alis | WNDj2412:57
ubottuWNDj24: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"12:57
yesiHi, i met recently a problem to mount nfs from a client (ubuntu 16.x) to a nfs server v3 (isilon) : it displays "mount.nfs : protocole not supported". I wonder if it is a problem with the version from the client to try to connect with nfs v4 althought i forced it to use v3. Hae someone already met ths problem ?12:57
pragmaticenigmayesi: That might be a question better suited for the #ubuntu-server channel12:58
thefatmapragmticienigma : Thanks, alot man, could i do with only those following installation as far as you know :  linux kernel , initramfs, dhclient, sshd, lspci ? and also maybe ubuntu server will be better then desktop as it comes with less instllation anywyas\13:00
=== Riviera_ is now known as Riviera
sub526Hi All, I've two Ubuntu machines with different configs(kernel, tools, distro version ,,, etc). With the dd command is it possible to have the same contents of host1 on host2? Both hosts are in network.. if so how to do this?13:02
pragmaticenigmathefatma: Ubuntu server is for servers, not desktop. I would not recommend installing server edition as it will not include components commonly used in a desktop environment (sound/audio being one component not intially installed and a pain to do later)13:02
=== dreamscrypt is now known as strive
thefatmapragmticienigma : Yup they don't need sound/audio and desktop environment at all, really really minimal instllation with only kernel , dhclient , lspci , sshd ,lspci13:04
pragmaticenigmathefatma: for minimal installation, look into the mini.iso installer. Which allows you to install just the core Ubuntu, and select potential roles for the machine13:09
pragmaticenigmathe minimal installer will also install an up-to-date system as it downloads the packages from the online repositories instead of from a disk. meaning you won't have to sit through updates after installation.13:10
thefatmapragmaticenigma : thanks, and after the installation is done, i can still do the persisteance thing for certain packages right ?13:10
pragmaticenigma!mini | thefatma13:10
ubottuthefatma: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD13:10
pragmaticenigmathefatma: I was operating under the impression that this was an install to the computer, not flash media13:11
pragmaticenigmaUbuntu server has a live offering as well13:11
pragmaticenigmathefatma: https://ubuntu.com/download/server13:11
thefatmaoh no my bad, i meant as a qucikboot thing, so i need the "live" version i guess, download it right now13:12
pragmaticenigmathefatma: you only need a persistence enabled disk if you need specific package not provided with the live instance. Ubuntu is not intended to be run indefinitely from the live versions. Live versions are intended for installation and/or temporary troubleshooting and repair.13:13
thefatmapragmaticenigma : will im not sure lspci comes defaultly on ubuntu in general13:14
thefatmaill check13:15
thefatmaCan you send me a guide of how to burn it to be bootable?13:15
thefatmaI have rufus already maybe it can work there also13:15
cfhowlett!usb | thefatma13:15
ubottuthefatma: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:15
pragmaticenigmathefatma: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu#013:16
sub526Hi all, i'm having hard disk /dev/sda: 120.0 GB. Is it possible to clone the entire hard disk to another system? If so how to do this one?13:29
this_selfHi there. What's your favourite IRC terminal client ? I'm using irssi, but maybe there's available something better?13:35
Picithis_self: weechat is the other popular one.  I personally am too used to irssi to switch to anything else though.13:37
blackflowthis_self: irssi here too.13:37
pragmaticenigmasub526: Cloning drives can be accomplished with the "dd" command. Easier tools exist. You might want to look into Clonezilla13:41
Sven_vBhi! any ideas why %c won't work in bash's printf? printf 'bash: %c\n' 64; perl -e 'printf "perl: %c\n", 64'¶ bash: 6 ¶perl: @13:44
MalibucolaHello everyone, i started learning bash scripting today, and i've made a small script (https://pastebin.com/hM0aSiFv) that should resize images when they exceed a certain file size but the issue that i have is that is does all the images and not only the ones who are larger then 2000000 bytes13:50
leftyfbMalibucola: you might be better off asking in #bash13:51
Malibucolaoh thanks leftyfb ill go ask there13:51
parak0vskyhow to remove time display from the top of the screen?13:54
hggdhparak0vsky: you can use gnome-tweak-tool14:04
parak0vskywhere is it there? can't find anything in top bar that can remove it there14:05
hggdhparak0vsky: on the left-side list, select "top bar"14:06
parak0vskyyes and?14:06
cfhowlettparak0vsky, you have to install it14:06
cfhowlettoh, wait, nvm14:06
parak0vskyi did14:06
hggdhparak0vsky: ah, yes, you are correct. You *cannot*. time will still be displayed14:07
parak0vskyhide clock did it for me14:08
parak0vskyfrom software centre14:09
hggdhparak0vsky: thank you for the pointer to it :-)14:10
thefatmapragmaticenigma : Hey, i've made ubuntu server live, bootable, how do i make certain packages persist on it ?14:19
raidghostIs there any option i can add to tell NetworkManager in ubuntu to LEAVE THE resolv.conf file ALONE? Abit FED UP have to modify the resolv.vonf file and remove the 127.0.0.X adress it suggest me14:19
pragmaticenigma!persistant | thefatma: Have you looked that this?14:20
ubottuthefatma: Have you looked that this?: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:20
pragmaticenigmaraidghost: You're not supposed to modify those files, you make your changes in Network manager or netplan, and those propagate into the appropriate areas.14:21
raidghostpragmaticenigma: so what i set in netplan would override the resolv.conf file??14:22
thefatmapragmaticenigma : not sure which one overthere i need to look at?14:25
pragmaticenigmathefatma: I provided links, I suggest you read through those articles. There is no way that you read both of those in 5 minutes from top to bottom14:26
pragmaticenigmaraidghost: depends on what you are trying to do14:26
raidghostpragmaticenigma: i wantu to keep my as dns and not remove it and add 127.0.0.x instead14:29
raidghostwant ubuntu,14:30
pragmaticenigmaraidghost: Ubuntu since 16.04 sets up an internal caching DNS server, that is why it points itself in resolv.conf to localhost. It is still using your preferred DNS assigned by your home router.14:31
raidghostpragmaticenigma: it is not using my preferred dns server assigned by my home router14:32
raidghostTHATS the issue14:32
pragmaticenigmaraidghost: How can you tell?14:32
raidghostCAUSE dns resolving does not work when ubuntu sets 127.0.0.X in resolv.conf and remove my search raid.lan thingy14:32
tomreynthefatma: are you saying you booted from an ubuntu server ("live") installer and installed to some other (possibly removable) storage, and now you would like to be able to boot from that other storage and be able to have some package installations persist but not others?14:33
thefatmatomreyn : no, i need the packages to be on the bootable aswell , not on some other storage that the USB was connected 2, is that possible?14:35
pragmaticenigmaraidghost: Are you certain you have "raid.lan" configured in the router as an available search domain? (Depending on your router it may be listed under a different setting)14:35
raidghostpragmaticenigma: YES14:36
tomreynthefatma: probably, but i would not know how. you're effectively trying to "respin" / rebuild the ubuntu 'live' server installer then. ask in #ubuntu-server14:37
pragmaticenigmaraidghost: Add: "dns-search raid.lan" to your /etc/network/interfaces ... then restart network services14:38
raidghostits allready there14:38
pragmaticenigmaraidghost: Then it should be working, failing that, you have some other configuration that is conflicting14:40
raidghostSo ubuntu figured out that they needed a dns cache local server thingy for desktop?14:40
raidghostWhy cant it just be like in windows. It asks for Ip. It gets IP. DNS is dedidcated. Case closed;)14:41
pragmaticenigmaraidghost: All modern OS's locally cache DNS queries, even windows. They just have different approaches14:42
pragmaticenigmaraidghost: You came here with an approach that was valid for Ubuntu a few years ago. Things have changed in that time, and the attempt now is to give more friendlier interfaces for managing the network, instead of the oldschool three different tools and a config file approach14:44
pragmaticenigmaas for why this isn't working for you. I would propose that you spin up a new instance of ubuntu, with this being the only change you make. If that doesn't work, then you know it's an Ubuntu problem. If Ubuntu is working with the setting, then you have a configuration somewhere that is preventing the dns search from working. For me personally, I disable dns search on my routers as it creates too much noise and I've seen the dns14:45
pragmaticenigmasearch queries get forwarded to the up stream provider (Which should NEVER happen)14:45
tomreynthefatma: i can maybe provide a good solution if you can explain why you are trying to do this, how it will be used.14:46
thefatmatomreyn : our product is a PCIe GPU proccessor, there's a test that runs 1000 times a day on a few machines , what makes this slow is that the machines go into full power cycle and then checks if ir recognizes the GPU and then overagain, what they thought of as solution is to make a live usb which will be only used for this test (the machines themslves are used for more then this ) and it will boot faster becasue of very minimal installations14:48
tomreynthefatma: you wrote "checks if ir recognizes the GPU" - is "ir" mistyped?14:49
thefatmatomreyn : it*14:49
thefatmatomreyn : when the machine boots the script checks with lspci if the GPU is recognized14:50
Stateles2i love fedora14:50
tomreynthefatma: i see. do you *want* the reboot cycles, or have you considered just a pci bus reset / reloading the driver?14:51
thefatmatomreyn : nope, we want it to cycle14:52
pragmaticenigmaStateles2: Welcome, please feel free to join us in #ubuntu-offtopic and tell us all about why you enjoy using Ubuntu. We'd be happy to chat with you there. Thanks! ( /join #ubuntu-offtopic )14:53
tomreynthefatma: do you have a higher number of test systems there? if so, have you considered a network storage backend, so that you can centrally change how all systems boot / test at once?14:53
pragmaticenigmathefatma: Sounds like an opportunity to leverage PXE booting, and sending a minimal boot environment. Also, surely there are other distributions out there that would be faster at booting and launching lspci for you than Ubuntu14:54
tomreynthefatma: my understanding is that so far you're using local storage on each test system, which, with a larger number of test systems, would be tedious to maintain (unless you have some form of central OS deployment, which would also work)14:55
thefatmatomreyn : pragmaticenimga : the requirement of the company/product are very specific and everything is thought through, PXE might be a good option but not right now, i need to deliver it14:57
thefatmaDo you guys know how can manage it ? also from windows that is (installing the DOK with the persistent packages)14:57
thefatmaOr im not sure how it works, do you boot the os first and then install the packages you need and after that they're saved "persistently" or whatever?14:58
mr_louWhy - when I do hdparm -r1 /dev/sdx - to set read-only on my USB stick - isn't it read-only on Windows too?15:01
tomreynthefatma: i don't understand how windows is involved there, yet. your best approach to achieve what i understand you need (so far) is probably preseeding with mini.iso or the *alternative* server installer ("debian installer"). https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/amd64/apbs02.html15:03
AbortRetryFailmr_lou: I doubt it.15:04
tomreynthefatma: this doesn't provide you with persistent local storage, but you can always export the data you gathered over a network link.15:04
AbortRetryFailIf you want a drive with a real write protect, use a SD card or try to find one of the USB drives that has a switch.15:04
thefatmatomreyn : I meant as i want to create it from my windows (the disk on key) , about the pulling from network link that's not an option right now atleast, i need it to have just 3 packages or 4 if kernel is considered a package, dhclient , lspci , sshd , kernel thats all15:06
pragmaticenigmamr_lou: that command only flags the device in the OS as readonly, it makes no changes to the physical device. to make a physical usb drive readonly requires a hardware switch on the device's controller board15:08
tomreynthefatma: if you want sshd, this suggests you want to transfer commands and / or data over a network, though?15:11
mr_loupragmaticenigma, So..... even on another Ubuntu PC it won't be read-only either?15:13
tomreynthefatma: see the    d-i preseed/early_command    and    d-i partman/early_command    options in https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/example-preseed.txt for a way to run your custom commands on the preseded installer. there is also a way to install udeb packages, such as an ssh server, and probably a better shell than busybox.15:14
mr_louAbortRetryFail, I would also prefer that. But those are difficult to come by nowasdays.15:14
mr_louSomeone should manufactor a USB stick that sets firmware read-only by copying a file onto it. Like...  usbsettings.upd   plain text file to contain new settings that would take effect...  readonly=115:15
Stateles2pragmaticenigma: ok. /join #ubuntu-offtopic . Can i join using another distribution ?15:16
pragmaticenigmamr_lou: Since you've been on this topic for a couple days, what is your end goal? What exactly are you trying to acomplish, perhaps there is a different approach someone can offer you15:17
pragmaticenigmaStateles2: Anyone and everyone is welcome to the #ubuntu-offtopic channel. Just remember that community guidelines apply to all Ubuntu affliated channels.15:17
mr_loupragmaticenigma, We make videoalbums on Blu-ray Discs and also a USB version. We just wish to make it more difficult for people do accidentally delete their videoalbum on the USB version.15:18
mr_louIt's supposed to be stored for 50-100 years.15:18
mr_louI found out today that Sandisk apparently made the "Sandisk SD WORM" about 10 years ago. Unfortunately it seems to be discontinued.15:18
mr_loupragmaticenigma, and yea... I've spent a lot of time on this...    I don't know how to give up.15:19
mr_louIt's a flaw I have......15:19
pragmaticenigmamr_lou: If a consumer of your product doesn't take care to back up their copy, that is on them. You shouldn't feel responsible for their decision. While a "switch" is not always present, there are only a few manufactures of the controllers. You probably could find a model that you can take apart and with some soldering, probably set the drive readonly after you imaged it.15:21
mr_loupragmaticenigma, I know it's not my responsibility as such. But it would be a nice service to provide.15:22
pragmaticenigmamr_lou: I think what you need to do is find a manufacture/supplier of drives that can source the materials you need. A software solution simply doesn't exist.15:23
thefatmatomreyn : i see, one more thing i forgot to mention, it that i'll probably need to strip down anything unneccesary from the DOK and leave only this 4, how will i save the DOK in this state?, seems to me like its not so possible/convinient , what do you think?15:24
tomreynthefatma: what is a DOK?15:24
mr_loupragmaticenigma, Yea I've thought about that too. Ask some China supplier to create what I'm after.15:24
thefatmatomeryn : disk on key :) ,sorry15:25
kyenteiIs font hinting broken in Ubuntu 19.04? I'm using an external display on a laptop (with hidpi), hidpi laptop screen is disabled, but I changing font hinting on the external display (in gnome-tweaks) does absolutely nothing15:25
DOSfanhelp : can anyone perhaps show/tell me a way to increase my screen resolution?  I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 and it's saying 'unknown monitor', so my max resolution is 1024x768. How can I increase it?15:26
tomreynthefatma: what'S the purpose of stripping this down as much?15:26
thefatmatomreyn : to make it boot as fast as possible15:26
thefatmatomreyn : the whole idea bottom line is to make it boot as fast as possible?15:27
DOSfanWhen I run xrandr, it only shows as 1024x768 as the max possible anyway :\15:27
tomreynthefatma: those are different categories. the amount of files or package son a boot media doesn't define how fast or slow it will boot.15:27
tomreynthefatma: do you have a requirement to run your tests on a specific version of ubuntu or just a requirement to test on some specific linux version?15:28
luna_Firefox 68 is now out and starts rolling out to everyone in 29  minutes15:31
akem-lnvoHey, Is there any changes between Ubuntu and LUbuntu if i run in terminal mode?15:32
akem-lnvoI mean regarding system process and resources needed.15:33
pragmaticenigmaDOSfan: what happens when you disconnect the monitor from your KVM switch?15:35
lordcirthakem-lnvo, you mean if you switch to a tty at the login screen? The login managers will run, and Ubuntu's might use a bit more RAM.15:35
DOSfanpragmaticenigma: Well yes this connection was running at a higher resolution before ... hmm it would take a few minutes to try that .. the reason for the KVM switch is the computer is further away from this 1920x1080 monitor.15:36
akem-lnvolordcirth, I see, if it's just the login manager i guess it's not much.15:36
DOSfanpragmaticenigma: I am going to try installing the actual video card driver, which is a ATI 4200 (older onboard video) .. and see if that helps.  OR are you saying if it CAN recognize my monitor it might allow for that screen resolution to be selected?15:37
pragmaticenigmaDOSfan: Okay, I tried helping you with this the other day. You have to retrieve the supported modes from the monitor directly. The KVM switch prevents this because it does not support the correct PIN outs. Once you have the supported modes, you can then manually create them after reconnecting the KVM switch15:38
DOSfanpragmaticenigma: Sorry I did not see you message yesterday .. I came back late and tried looking , my fault.15:38
DOSfanpragmaticenigma: ahhh ok I understand that.15:39
pragmaticenigmaDOSfan: that's okay. I didn't know you had stepped out. that should get you going though :-)15:39
thefatmatomreyn : actually i went now to the software guy and asked him, and he said whatever OS that will boost most fast with initramfs, dhclient, sshd, lspci, linux kernel thats all15:39
DOSfanpragmaticenigma: Ok I will reconnect direct to the VGA out ... I wanted to try a different video card but the darn computer doesn't boot for some darn reason.15:39
thefatmatomreyn : could be whatever OS you know of that can boot fastest if thats how it works even15:40
DOSfanok I have to rewire then reboot ...15:40
tomreynthefatmaask in ##linux then. you can definitely find a different distro that is both smaller (storage) and boots faster15:43
=== jeffrey is now known as kyentei
AbortRetryFailmr_lou: that sounds monumentally more complex than a USB device with a write-protect switch...15:43
Lost_Goative been dealing with an issue when my laptop goes to sleep and i log back in again it will go back to sleep after a few seconds , does anyone have any ideas ?15:45
thefatmatomreyn : thanks bro :)15:46
pragmaticenigmaAbortRetryFail: The industry doesn't produce USB drives with a switch anymore15:46
thefatmatomreyn : but as far as you know, is saving a OS in a state after you modified it, is possible? ( to the bootable usb)15:46
sub526how to install libreadline6 in Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS?15:48
tomreynthefatma: i don't even know what you mean by "saving a OS in a state after you modified it". there is snapshotting, memory dumping. but discussing these concepts is way beyond standard ubuntu support.15:48
tomreynsub526: if this exsted in any standard package, running    apt-file update && apt-file find libreadline6   would tell you which package provides it.15:51
pragmaticenigmasub526: libreadline6 is not available for Ubuntu 18.0415:51
AbortRetryFailpragmaticenigma: That's why I suggested an SD card. I doubt the industry produces USB drives with a quirky, complex, file-based write protect mechanism either...15:52
pragmaticenigmaAbortRetryFail: SD cards also don't have a true readonly feature. The switch effectively asks the OS not to write to the drive. The toggle on the side is not connected to anything internally. An OS can choose to ignore the switch15:53
thefatmatomreyn : sorry i didn't explain myself properly/atall , i mean i need a very light linux distro that will boot fast, and strip and install it to have only few packages which are, initramfs , sshd , dhclient , lspci . make all that into a bootable usb and after we first stripped and installed, save the bootable usb in that state so everytime i plug it in any other computer it will be in the state of only these installation15:53
tomreynthefatma: the "i need a linux distro wtith the following properties" channel is ##linux , not #ubuntu15:55
tomreynbut then you're already asking there, too, so i guess you realized this.15:56
=== longcat is now known as mouses
maeudHi, does anyone know why I can't do "cryptsetup luksOpen" in D-I ?15:58
maeudit just hangs15:59
maeudwaiting on a semaphore15:59
maeudthe command runs, it opens, but it never exits15:59
tomreynprovide more context16:00
maeudHi Tomreyn, I'm installing Ubuntu 18.04 using a preseed file, at the end of the file I'm using di late_command to run an ansible playbook16:00
maeudin the Ansible playbook, I have the command "cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb1 sdb1_crypt --key-file /root/some.key16:01
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Bionic (Bionic Beaver 18.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server16:01
tomreyn^ probably more suitable there16:01
maeudOK, thanks16:01
Lost_Goative been dealing with an issue when my laptop goes to sleep and i log back in again it will go back to sleep after a few seconds , does anyone have any ideas ?16:05
ioriaLost_Goat, razer ?16:06
ioriaLost_Goat, try this : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RazerBlade#Suspend16:06
Lost_Goatioria, i will give that a try thanks16:09
DOSfanpragmaticenigma: WORKS! ... Yes on bootup it recoginzed the max resolution, so I got 1920x1200 back again.  So your saying I have to manually ADD this resolution somehow so I can switch the cable back to the KVM switch?16:11
pragmaticenigmaDOSfan: Yes, there is a way to retrieve the supported modes so you can manually install them when you return the machine back to running on the KVM switch16:14
DOSfanpragmaticenigma: Well I did run xrandr and it is showing that resulition I want, so I was gong to try and add a CUSTOM mode I guess... I'm just reading ubuntu help articles.16:17
pragmaticenigmaDOSfan: If you run "xrandr" on the command line, by default it will list all the supported modes16:17
DOSfanit shows it yes16:17
pragmaticenigmawhat you need from there is the dimensions and supported refresh rates16:17
pragmaticenigmaThen you can follow this guide to install those supported modes when you re-install the KVM switch: https://askubuntu.com/a/18936416:18
=== kyentei_ is now known as kyentei
pragmaticenigmaDOSfan: Then you can add the commands to .xprofile which will re-enable them after a reboot16:19
DOSfanpragmaticenigma: got it ... thanks for the info, so it's abount the pinouts of the KVM? .. actually I am running 2 of them together, anyway if I have to bypass I can, I just wanted to make sure I get this nice and fat screen resolution. :)16:20
DOSfanpragmaticenigma: Well about that .profile / .xprofile?? .. I am reading this page ... http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2017/04/custom-screen-resolution-ubuntu-desktop/16:20
AbortRetryFailpragmaticenigma: depends on the SD card reader, honestly.16:21
AbortRetryFailYou could always rig a floppy drive to write to protected disks. :)16:21
pragmaticenigmaDOSfan: VGA pin 12 is what I believe is how the monitor "tells" the computer what modes it supports (i2c bus line) KVM switches are wired in a way that prevent bidirectional communication (prevents cross talk between the two computers attached to the KVM)16:23
=== beaky_ is now known as beaky
DOSfanpragmaticenigma: Am I supposed to edit the .profile or .Xprofile (which is what you sdain).16:29
DOSfanerrr said16:29
DOSfanpragmaticenigma: Well if I did this right I am adding 2 lines to the .profile.  Which are 2 lines : xrandr --newmode ... and xrandr --addmode. So all changes are done, let me see if I can pick it using the KVM .. brb.16:34
DOSfanpragmaticenigma: Yes it works, but on boot it's selecting the lower resolution, is there a way in the .profile to select the higher resolution as the default.?16:42
DOSfanor perhaps it will remeber that i selected the new setting .. what ever this is working now, thanks. :))16:43
pragmaticenigmayou might just need to add a script to execute at login to run xrandr to set the preferred resolution?16:43
DOSfanYes I probably could do that, this computer doesn't get reboot much anyway, I leave it on, so this is great.  But I do have another question, this one is more machine specific ...16:45
DOSfanI have a Toshiba laptop (M5) that is runing 16.04 just fine, BUT when I put it on suspend, there is usually an 50/50 chance Ubuntu (or the video) is frozen with some bizzare pattern, I always have to hold the power button down and reboot, even on the second time rebooting it's still messed.  Usually on the 3rd try Ubuntu restarts, but like I said it's OLNY when I come out of suspend mode.16:47
algunDoes anyone know how to access skype logs? My /home/user/.config/skypeforlinux/skylib/live/../ doesn't have a main.db in it16:49
pragmaticenigmaDOSfan: I don't run my machines in suspend to ram mode, I either power them down or use the suspend to disk modes (hibernate)16:49
DOSfanI do see FAILED messages on boot about ACPI or the power manager having issues talking to propritary toshiba parts (hard disk power manager failed, etc.) ..I'm thinking iots just the darn laptop (no onboard video, ONLY Nvidia video chip)16:49
algunCan logs be accessed online perhaps?16:49
AbortRetryFailDOSfan: suspend video issues are usually KMS related. Missing any kernel updates?16:49
pragmaticenigmaalgun: you can try logging into the web client, however, it may require using Chrome browser16:49
DOSfanpragmaticenigma: Well I could try that hibernate mode, other computers never do it, just this toshiba laptop16:49
AbortRetryFailHow does hibernate work on Linux these days? I haven't tried in like 10 years. :)16:50
wyseguyso i am trying to rdp into a windows machine from a ubuntu box. been using remmina, but its really slow and glitchy. any other ideas?16:50
algunpragmaticenigma, anything to get the logs. But I need them as files, the infinite scroll thingy doesn't work for me.16:51
tewardwyseguy: remmina's the most compatible RDP client.  You could change your RDP session settings to use a lower bandwidth amount, which also reduces your quality a bit of what you see on your end16:51
digsoutdeep644@wyseguy, are you using the RemoteFX option?16:51
pragmaticenigmawyseguy: try "xrdp"16:51
DOSfanAbortRetryFail: No I check for updates daily, but I guess it's ok, it always reboots and doesn't go thpough some error check process, I will try that hibertane mode though.16:51
wyseguyi saw somewhere where they said to install that, but dont see the option in remmina software to use that16:51
algunpragmaticenigma, Really what I want to do is track time on different project as works (I want to write a program that parses logs and maps skype channels to projects)16:52
algun*different projects at work16:52
digsoutdeep644it's in the "Color deapth" drop down?  I think it defaults to GFX16:53
AbortRetryFailA newer release will have newer will have newer kernels. Try a live USB and see if it works reliably before going through the trouble of updating.16:53
wyseguydigsoutdeep644 checking16:53
pragmaticenigmaalgun: That would be a topic for another channel, app development is a topic this channel is able to help with.16:54
wyseguydigsoutdeep644 ya its on gfx avc444 32bpp16:54
algunpragmaticenigma, I really only need logs16:54
pragmaticenigmaalgun: *is not able to16:54
wyseguydigsoutdeep644 if i go to terminal and type xrdp it is not installed, so even though the color depth is there, i still need to apt get install xrdp?16:55
pragmaticenigmaalgun: Try looking in "~/.Skype/<SkypeUserName>/main.db" instead16:56
AbortRetryFailwyseguy: try xfreerdp, iirc that's what Remmina uses under the hood.16:56
AbortRetryFailbut you get a bit more control with command line options than the GUI shows.16:56
wyseguyAbortRetryFail not installed, ill install it16:57
algunpragmaticenigma, thanks but I use (the old?) skypeforlinux, the other Skype package doesn't seem to work for me. So it's not ~/.Skype for me it's ~/.config/skypeforlinux16:57
pragmaticenigmaalgun: if that doesn't find it... try "find ~/ -type f -iname '*main.db*'" to see if it is anywhere in the home directory16:57
pragmaticenigmaalgun: Did you even look for the directory, or did you just make an assumption that my suggestion wouldn't work?16:58
algunI looked before, yes.16:58
algunI also tried updatedb && locate main.db to no avail16:58
digsoutdeep644change to RemoteFX, and it should work better, if RemoteFX is supported on the windows box16:58
pragmaticenigmaalgun: then try my second option. (locate requires a cache to be built, it will not "find" anything it doesn't already know about)16:59
algunupdatedb rebuilds the cache16:59
wyseguydigsoutdeep644 windows server 201616:59
algunbut it doesn't hurt to try :(16:59
algunoh it's already done. Nothing16:59
digsoutdeep644wyseguy: you do not need xrdp, on the ubuntu machine, if you're just connecting to the windows machine17:00
digsoutdeep644remmia will due17:00
wyseguydigsoutdeep644 okay17:00
pragmaticenigmaalgun: Did you try "find ~/ -type f -iname '*main.db*'"  or not?17:00
algunI did17:00
algunI was genuinely surprised how fast it was17:00
pizzaiolosarnold i think i found out what the mystery icon from last night is!17:00
pragmaticenigmaalgun: Then you either do not have logging enabled, or you are using a version that is not using any of the documented storage locations17:01
algunI guess I didn't think this was my work PC (has hardly any stuff on it compared to home PC) and it uses an SSD17:01
algunpragmaticenigma, I might not have logging enabled, but I couldn't find a way to enable it17:01
algunSettings -> Messaging doesn't have an option for logs, the download directory setting is the closest to it17:02
algunSettings -> Messaging doesn't have an option for logs, the download directory setting is the closest to it there17:02
algunOops, I forgot I can't edit like this XD17:02
algunbtw my version is Skype version
algunpragmaticenigma, say, can you locate your own main.db? If so, which version do you use?17:04
pragmaticenigmaalgun: I don't use skype on linux... I searched the web to offer some basic suggestions17:05
algunpragmaticenigma, I appreciate it, thanks17:05
wyseguyGFX RFX works really well17:08
digsoutdeep644wyseguy: sweet.  glad to hear it.17:11
tehrandomanyone have any best practices regarding ubuntu LVM setup in vsphere?   My question is specifically about whether i should enlarge the existing disk to expand the LVM or just add another virtual disk and use that to extend the LV17:12
AbortRetryFailtehrandom: either one works. Extending the disk can be a challenge sometimes if it's partitioned.17:19
fred1807wificonnection.nmconnection in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections The file name needs to be  = the ssid ?17:45
pragmaticenigma!details | fred180717:50
ubottufred1807: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.17:50
fred1807when manually creating connection files, for wifi, the filename of the keyfile, needs to be the same as the ssid?17:52
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JimBuntufred1807, That's how mine are by default, but I don't think it NEEDS to match, i think that's the connection name that will be displayed though18:01
Tom01Is there a fix for the Firefox 67 audio problems? I could not find anything.18:24
wokemoseHello comrades; I recently installed two GOG games on my Ubuntu computer, and sadly they're somehow locked down for root so I don't know how to play them.  Forgive me if this is not the most exciting problem to solve as I am new to this sort of thing, but I don't know what to do.18:24
bilb_onoim trying to install ubuntu on a lenovo laptop. I made  a bootable usb drive by downloading the ubuntu desktop iso and doing sudo dd of= if= command, waiting till it said x bytes transfered, then plugging it into my lenovo laptop and booting it. Now when I press f12 to enter the startup menu, it shows the disks I can boot from. I press enter on USb HDD but it just re-enters the same menu over and over again18:27
bilb_onoanyone have an idea why this might not be working?18:27
sarnoldpizzaiolo: yay! nice18:32
sarnoldpizzaiolo: now the question, is it a Good Thing or a Bad Thing for it to just appear every now and then? :)18:33
wokemoseGot around it, but thanks for free assistance dear FreeNoders :D18:33
aavarbilb_ono, I am not sure, but have you tried another way of writing the usb?18:33
pizzaiolosarnold only shows up when i plug the cable in, and from what i read it might be a sign of a failing component18:33
pizzaioloso in that regard...very bad :/18:33
pragmaticenigmabilb_ono: You cannot DD the ISO image to the usb drive18:33
bilb_onooh well that explains it18:34
sarnoldpizzaiolo: oh :( I'd have thought it appearing momentarily when being plugged in wouldn't be a big deal, but I have no thunderbolt devices, heh18:34
pragmaticenigmabilb_ono: Follow these instructions: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu#018:34
pragmaticenigmalinks for windows and MacOS are also provided on that page18:34
pizzaiolohonestly i think it just shows up because the cable is plugged in, if it was a serious issue it wouldn't work at all or stay in the icon area18:35
bilb_onopragmaticenigma: thanks!18:35
tomreynTom01: i am not aware of a *generic* firefox 67 audio bug, are you? did you file a bug report you can linkt to, or is there one already? how did you install firefox (apt/deb or snap)? which ubuntu release are you running?18:45
tomreyn(it's always helpful to provide such environmental / situational details when you ask your questions here)18:46
Tom01tomreyn: I have not filed a bug report.18:46
tomreynTom01: did you look for one, though? what is the essence of the issue? and your ubuntu version is?18:47
Tom01After playing a video for some time the sound gets distorted. I am using Ubuntu 19.04.18:47
Tom01Restarting Firefox helps.18:47
tomreyndoes this happen with other applications, too, such as a music player?18:48
Tom01only with Firefox so far18:48
tomreynhow is the music played back in firefox / which format is it?18:48
tomreynalternatively, provide example websites which trigger the issue18:49
Tom01Youtube for example.18:49
Tom01But it takes some time until it happens.18:50
tomreynTom01: i think you should just file a bug report then, repeating these details.18:51
tomreyn!bug | Tom0118:51
ubottuTom01: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:51
Tom01tomreyn: ok18:51
tomreynTom01feel free to point me to the bug report later once you created it (i won't be able to fix it, but maybe i can find a duplicate report which may provide a fix or workaround)18:52
Tom01tomreyn: ok18:53
tomreynTom01: also be sure to fully update your system and to re-test it before you report the issue.18:53
tomreynTom01: i.e. run this first:   sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade18:54
Tom01tomreyn: will do18:54
Oderushey all. fresh install of 19.04 and am getting messages during boot time (only concerned with the last two lines) https://pasteboard.co/IndAKYk.jpg  I know it's something to do with my wifi card, but I am nervous to install the driver for it since previously the driver causes frequent disconnection whereas the default one does not.19:06
tomreynmr_lou: this is outside the scope of this channel (we can move to #ubuntu-offtopic, ##linux or #ubuntu-discuss if you like) - but just to get you started, this article should explain some concepts and use terms you can research further, to get you started with your read-only USB storage project: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_CD-ROM_switching_utility19:07
tomreynOderus: please re-post to imgur.com (if it needs to be an image) or paste.ubuntu.com (if text)19:08
Oderustomryn: okay19:10
OerHeksrtl8821ae: Polling FW ready fail!!19:11
Gallomimiai love that error message19:11
OderusI will just type it out here. it says : [    17.166804] rtl8821ae: Polling FW ready fail!! REG_MCUFWDL:0x0007070619:12
Oderuswasn't sure how to get to the message text since it happens before login and the screen quickly disappears19:12
OerHekssome firmware error ..19:13
ioriaOderus, what you mean with 'install  the driver' ?  rtl8821ae is in the kernel19:14
Oderusioria: there exists a driver for it on github that I have installed before, but it causes frequent disconnection19:19
ioriaah, ok19:19
bilb_onook so I created a bootable usb via these instructions: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-macos#6 . Then I plugged it into my lenovo laptop, pressed f12 to enter the boot menu. Then I select USB HDD: USB DISK 2.0 Every time I select it it just refreshes the menu19:21
bilb_onolike that accesses the menu19:21
bilb_onoany idea where I went wrong?19:21
OerHeksthe french friends say something about 5ghrz disabled, or make sure you have the right country setup19:21
Gallomimiacouple things. maybe you need to twiddle UEFI settings19:21
lotuspsychjebilb_ono: refresh menu?19:21
bilb_onolotuspsychje: well its the boot menu. But when I select the usb option, the menu reloads/refreshse19:22
bilb_onodoesn’t go anywhere19:22
bilb_onoGallomimia: how should they look?19:22
lotuspsychjebilb_ono: wich tool did you use to burn the iso?19:22
Gallomimiaevery motherboard is different19:22
tomreynOderus: let's see some more logs:  sudo apt update && sudo apt install pastebinit && journalctl --no-hostname --utc -b | grep ' rtl' | pastebinit19:22
bilb_onolotuspsychje: this: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-macos#6 recommended a tool called balenaEtcher19:23
Gallomimiabut yeah. find out if its actually bootable first. are you sure you wrote the ISO to the disk and not just a partition?19:23
bilb_onoGallomimia: how can I find if its bootable? Yeah I wrote it to the disk using that balenaEtcher tool19:24
bilb_onoI don’t think that tool even lets you write it to a partition19:24
Gallomimianot familiar with that one. i just use dd on my mac19:24
bilb_onolol pragmaticenigma said you cannot DD the iso image to the usb drive19:25
iffraffHi, can anyone recommend a notification aggregator for ubuntu?  something that plugs into the ubutnu notification events but let's you customize the alerts?19:25
bilb_onobut I think he/she left19:25
Gallomimiait works for me.19:25
lotuspsychjebilb_ono: try another usb creator tool perhaps19:25
Gallomimiadd requires extreme caution when creating USB sticks. you can overwrite your hard drive19:26
Oderustomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vy8Xf4q6df/19:26
OerHeks!info inotify-tools19:26
ubottuinotify-tools (source: inotify-tools): command-line programs providing a simple interface to inotify. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.14-2 (bionic), package size 21 kB, installed size 65 kB (Only available for linux-any)19:26
tomreynbilb_ono: if this was system sold with windows either dd or etcher should be fine. balena etcher is helpful in that it can verify the iso was properly written. there may be special tweaks needed to get aroudn the restrictions apple puts in pplace to prevent booting alternative systems.19:27
lotuspsychjeOderus: wich kernel are you on currently?19:27
Gallomimiaew. they did?19:27
sarnoldif you actually *get* to a grub menu, doesn't that mean that the USB image writer worked great?19:27
tomreynoh, i didn't see grub mentioned19:28
Gallomimiasarnold this isn't a grub menu, it's the bios F12 boot selection19:28
bilb_onowhy is the ios disk image that I download 15.51 GB19:29
bilb_onois that normal?19:29
iffraffOerHeks: is that a rec for me?19:29
sarnoldtomreyn,Gallomimia, oh :( thanks19:29
Gallomimiasomething not perfectly clear in bilb_ono's case here is that he's installing/booting a lenovo machine. using a mac to write the iso to USBstick19:29
Oderustomreyn: 5.0.0-20-generic19:29
Gallomimiaand no bilb_ono that is way huge for an ISO19:30
bilb_onohmm maybe I downloaded the wrong one.19:30
tomreynlotuspsychje: Oderus uses kernel 5.0.0-20-generic19:30
Oderustomreyn: thanks sorry I thought it was you who asked19:31
tomreynOderus: so does the device work on 19.04 at all by default?19:31
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic disco19:31
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (disco), package size 2 kB, installed size 15 kB19:31
Oderustomreyn: it actually seems to be working well, although i have not done a speed test19:32
tomreynOderus: so there is no actual issue other than those two errors printed during boot?19:33
Oderustomreyn: correct as far as i can tell. download is 42.09Mbps upload is 4.44Mbps, ping of 20ms (speedtest.net)19:34
tomreynOderus: okay, come back when there is an actual functional issue ;-)19:36
Oderustomreyn: ok, sorry, I thought there was hence the message x.x19:36
ioriaOderus, there was a speed issue time ago19:37
tomreynOderus: yes, something is not right there, but several wireless chipsets vendors provide mediocre linux support, and since this one seems to work ok, let's not worry about it too much.19:38
Oderustomreyn:  ioria: thank you19:38
ioriaOderus, ok, if you're familiar with mainline kernel, you can try 5.2 kern; heard has some realtek improvements19:39
bilb_onoyes! it worked19:39
Oderusioria: alright i will give it a shot, thanks19:40
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lotuspsychjebilb_ono: how did you fix19:42
tomreyniffraff: can't be, since inotify-tools is about something very different19:43
bilb_onoI did try a different tool but also I may have been using the wrong iso - I realized the one I was using says its 15GB...19:43
bilb_onowhich is weird because thats exactly how big my usb stick is19:44
bilb_onobut redownloaded it, made sure it was 2 gb19:44
iffrafftomreyn: ah, thanks19:44
bilb_onoand used a tool called unetbootin19:44
tomreynbilb_ono: i'm not aware of any 15 GB installer iso. do you still have the file name of the iso you used initially?=19:44
sarnoldwow where'd you find a 15 gb iso? :)19:45
bilb_onotomreyn: its called the same thing - and recognized as an ISO by os x19:47
sarnoldwat.. did the SHA256SUM verify?19:48
bilb_onouh oh. I installed it but when I rebooted after the “installed successfully” message it says: error uknown filesystem Entering rescue mode, grub rescue19:51
bilb_onoidk trying to sha256sum now19:51
bilb_onook so sha256sum for the first one (the 15GB iso) is 59cd18a02004c325b3b7ad6b079d5c0321ae3bde2a2099574c7e9eb065944857 and the second 2GB iso is 22580b9f3b186cc66818e60f44c46f795d708a1ad86b9225c458413b638459c419:56
bilb_onoso definitely different19:56
sarnoldthat second one at least matches the sum in http://releases.ubuntu.com/18.04/SHA256SUMS19:59
mr_loutomreyn, Thanks for the link. Was away. Looking now.20:01
bilb_onoyeah idk what happened. maybe I reformatted my usb with diskutil and then flashed it the iso and then the name of the iso became the name of the usb?20:01
bilb_onobut in the same location?20:02
bilb_onoah ok but i did try and install the ubuntu without deleting everything20:03
bilb_onoim gonna try wiping everything - seems to always work better....20:03
mr_loutomreyn, I've read briefly about that before. It doesn't apply to normal USB sticks, but rather a special "U3" stick. But thanks! :-)20:05
OerHeksmr_lou, there is a u3 tool to remove that feature20:07
OerHeks!info u3-tool20:07
ubottuu3-tool (source: u3-tool): tool for controlling the special features of a U3 USB flash disk. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3-3 (bionic), package size 17 kB, installed size 48 kB (Only available for any-amd64; any-i386; alpha; arm64; armel; armhf; ia64; mips64el; mipsel; ppc64el; sh4)20:07
mr_louOerHeks, Yes, that's what tomreyn posted about. But that's not what I'm interested in.20:07
OerHeksmr_lou, oh oke, there is no other way to put an iso on it AFAIK20:09
mr_louOerHeks, I think you're right. But U3 also seems to have lost support, so....20:11
OnkelTemHi all. My system stopped working properly. Xorg doesn't start and I get right into tty.20:36
OnkelTemRunning service sddm start doesn't do anything20:36
tarzeauwhat video card and driver?20:37
OnkelTemI can run 'X' and get just a black screen20:37
tarzeauand X -configure ?20:37
tarzeauat least you get into tty!20:37
tarzeaustartx ?20:37
raidghostI bought some wireless bluetooth dungle thingy (RHA Cl2)20:39
OnkelTemtarzeau: yeah :) Well I see this evil thing: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5rfTvyRrJr/20:40
raidghostIts not showing up when i try to scan for bluetooth devices. But when i add my other bluetooth device. It shows up after 3 seconds.20:40
OnkelTemtarzeau: what the hell is that? (running around screaming)20:40
raidghostCould itr be that the RHA CL2 uses other bluetooth than supported by my HP computer?20:40
OnkelTemtarzeau: that one I get after I run: X -configure20:40
tarzeauOnkelTem: X segmentation faults, it crashes, like guru meditation on amiga20:40
tarzeauyou have ubuntu 18.04 or something else?20:41
tarzeauOnkelTem: do you see anything special in /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?20:41
OnkelTemtarzeau: yeah, exactly it. But Kubuntu which I suppose doesn't matter in this case20:41
tarzeaueverything matters :)20:41
tarzeauOnkelTem: tell me lspci |grep VGA output please20:42
OnkelTemtarzeau: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jr9rwmsV4r/20:43
tarzeauOnkelTem: you're with nouveau or nvidia binary drivers?20:44
tarzeauis that 340(legacy) or 410+?20:44
tarzeauwhat says dkms status ?20:44
tarzeauif it's just a line or two, put it here, not pastebin20:44
OnkelTemtarzeau: I reinstalled drivers just 15 minutes ago using "ubuntu-drivers install". It fetched 43020:45
OnkelTemnvidia, 430.26, 4.15.0-52-generic, x86_64: installed20:46
tarzeauyour card is supported? how old is it?20:46
tarzeaui have some old cards at work, they will NOT work with 430, need nvidia-34020:47
tarzeaubut usally we go with 1080/2080 11 GB20:47
OnkelTemYeah, it's pretty old - maybe 6 years. GTX 980 Ti20:47
OnkelTemIs it possible to "downgrade" using ubuntu-drivers utility? I rather select specific driver20:48
OnkelTemOr rather*20:48
tarzeauOnkelTem: apt-get install nvidia-34020:48
tarzeauOnkelTem: it's supposed to be easy, right?20:48
OnkelTemCome on :) I remember recent times when we had to use some utilities like sgfxi for that. Sort of a black magic20:49
OnkelTemwell, at least *I* used20:49
Bashing-omOnkelTem: Nvidia does recommemdt the 430 version driver: https://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/148589/en-us .20:52
OnkelTemBashing-om: I install 340 for now. Let's see if it works20:54
tarzeaunever heard of sgfxi20:57
hypercorewhich version should i use for a production server?21:00
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Bashing-omhypercore: server -> production == stability == LTS release . current is 18.04 latest.21:02
hypercoreBashing-om: thanks21:06
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sneakyimphey there i'm installing Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on a machine that already has windows 10, the idea being to have a dual-boot machine. I have a brand new SSD drive. Questions. 1) do I need to manually create root and swap file partitions? 2) do I need to change the "device for boot loader installation" ?  Ideally, on startup it would default to Ubuntu but I would also have the option in the boot menu to boot up windows 10 instead22:03
Bashing-om!dualboot | sneakyimp22:08
ubottusneakyimp: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot22:08
rorysneakyimp: 1) you can choose guided partitioning which will automatically shrink the windows partition and install root+swap, 2) probably not. you probably want to install to the root of your main hard drive - e.g. /dev/sda not /dev/sda1 - default option should be fine.22:09
sneakyimpBashing-om: thanks for that. However, "Create a swap partition of at least your amount of RAM" doesn't tell me if the swap partition is primary or logical, if i should put it at the beginning or end of the free space, or what mount point I should use for the swap space. Presumably, I format the swap as "swap area"22:11
sneakyimprory: I don't need to shrink the windows partition. i have a fresh SSD drive ready to be formatted.22:12
sneakyimprory: just wondering how to define partitions on the fresh new SSD22:12
OerHeks18.04 uses swapFILE as standard, so ubuntu will be 1 partition22:13
Bashing-omsneakyimp: 18.04 will default to making a swap file - if no swap partition is in existence. The installer will take care of that detail. The option "install alongside" will take care of all details :)22:14
AbortRetryFailswapoff, live dangerously.22:14
Jan-hihi ubuntu people22:16
Bashing-omsneakyimp: ^^ "assumes" installing to a presently installled SSD that also has Windows on it.22:17
sneakyimpOerHeks: i do not understand what you mean22:17
sneakyimpBashing-om: "install alongside" appears nowhere in this installatino window22:18
Jan-what would I do about plugging in a usb device, then having it not appear in lsusb?22:18
Jan-the device is a ftdi ft232rl usb to serial adaptor22:18
sneakyimpBashing-om: Windows is installed on a separate spinning disk (sda) which has several partitions.22:18
Jan-I am using ubuntu 16.0422:18
Jan-device is definitely OK, just worked on a windows machine.22:18
sneakyimpBashing-om: the SSD, which isn't even formatted yet, is sdb, and the installer is complaining that there's no root partition22:19
jeremy31jan, possibly open terminal and watch results when you plug in the device> tail -f /var/log/syslog22:19
Bashing-omsneakyimp: 2 physical seperate hard drives?  Windows installion the 1st and going to install ubunto on the other ?22:20
sneakyimpBashing-om: more than 2 drives yes but one spinning drive with windows 10 already installed (sda) which presumably has the boot stuff on it for windows 1022:20
Jan-oh ok looks like we fixed it22:20
Jan-air gap in cable :/22:20
* Jan- plugs in hoping nobody notices22:21
sneakyimpBashing-om: and an entirely separate, brand-spanking-new, unformatted Western Digital SSD with 2TB of room22:21
sneakyimpBashing-om: so yes. two drives. at least.22:21
Jan-ok so22:22
Jan-I'd like to configure this usb device, baud rate and so on22:22
Jan-in windows I did this with something like "mode COM9 BAUD=2400" etc22:22
Jan-this one seems to be /dev/ttyusb022:23
tomreynyou'll need minicom, gnu screen or similar22:24
Jan-I should be clear I am doing all this over ssh from windows22:24
Jan-does a command "stty" make any sense here?22:24
tomreynstty is not what you want for this purpose22:26
Delphinanyone know how to remove the jail on a user or directory?22:28
tomreyndid you mean to /join #freebsd ?22:29
Jan-if I cat /dev/random > /dev/ttyUSB022:30
Jan-should that just keep sending random numbers forever22:30
tomreynit'd be a bad idea draining the systems' entropy pool this way, but wehenever it wasn't drained, new random bytes would be sent over the serial link, which could also be a bad idea depending on which protocol is meant to be spoken there, and what is connected on the other end.22:31
deltabalthough it'll pause when the system's randomness pool runs empty22:32
deltabuse /dev/urandom22:32
Jan-the result we actually got was that it sent a very brief burst of stuff22:32
Jan-and stopped22:32
Jan-urandom acts as expected22:32
deltabit's waiting for you to do random stuff22:32
Jan-what's going on there?22:32
deltabit collects randomness from timing interrupts etc. and buffers it22:33
deltabwhen you read from /dev/random you drain that buffer22:34
deltabwhen it runs out it waits for more interrupts22:34
Jan-so it's supposed to be a properly crypto worthy random number source22:34
deltabwhereas urandom uses randomness to seed a random number generator22:34
Jan-and this system is doing not very much so it didn't have many interrupts22:34
Jan-so /dev/random was very empty22:35
* Jan- did not know this22:35
* Jan- has not done linux 10122:35
OerHekssome admins see random and urandom both as not suitable22:35
tomreynsome admins see man pages as not suitable22:35
Jan-well it would depend what your system was doing, if it had some sort of predictable interrupt pattern22:35
Jan-but even then sheesh22:35
Jan-that would have to be super predictable22:36
deltabyeah, it's a problem for devices that need randomness so that they can generate encryption keys22:37
Jan-I get what it's for22:37
Jan-is it me or would a normal pseudo random number generator be A-OK for the vast majority of stuff.22:38
deltabyes, hence /dev/urandom22:38
sneakyimpok unbuntu 18 install failed. I was trying to install to sdb to set up a dual boot system (windows 10 installed on sda) and I get "Unable to install GRUB in /dev/sda1" This is a fatal error22:38
Bashing-omsneakyimp: Sorry - phone call. 2TB drive :) How much linux experience do you have. as I would indeed pre-partition for ubuntu, Now depending on the ue case is the partition scheme. And with win10 you do want to install in UEFI mode.22:39
sneakyimpBashing-om: a fair amount of linux experience writing PHP code, almost none dealing with hardware and install issues22:40
sneakyimpBashing-om: I last installed ubuntu 14 around 6 or 7 years ago22:40
sneakyimpBashing-om: I just got "Unable to install GRUB in /dev/sda1" fatal error and am being prompted to choose a different location for GRUB or to canel the install22:41
sneakyimpcancel the install22:41
tomreyn!YY.MM | sneakyimp: Just a side note22:42
ubottusneakyimp: Just a side note: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle22:42
sneakyimpBashing-om: Linux install in this case is for a software dev machine. I like to install Eclipse or some other IDE and apache and develop website backend code locally..22:42
deltabsneakyimp: hmm, that sda1 doesn't seem right; I expect that's the Windows partition22:43
sneakyimptomreyn: thanks for correcting me. i had specified specific version above and hoped it would be clear from prior context22:43
Bashing-omsneakyimp: consider a small ESP boot partition to hold the boot, 50 Gigs for 'root', 100 Gigs for home - and if you do a lot of development work also a seperate /var partition. Then the remainer of the drive - less "provisioning" for what ever data partitions you may want.22:43
sneakyimpBashing-om: I do a great deal of dev work and will be copying 500GB or so of data from the old ubuntu machine once i get this 18.04 machine running. I intend to use the entire drive.22:44
sneakyimpBashing-om: the problem at hand is where to install GRUB. Also, I have no idea if I'm in "UEFI mode" or not22:45
jeremy31sneakyimp: in terminal, what does this tell you> mokutil --sb-state22:45
sneakyimpdeltab: i'm mostly ignorant as to the reason why GRUB would be installed -- presumably as a boot loader so when the machine starts up it knows where to find both Windows 10 and Ubuntu 18.04. sda does indeed contain the Windows 10 operating system, and some other partitions managed by windows also22:46
sneakyimpjeremy31: EFI variables are not supported on this system22:47
jeremy31sneakyimp: now post URL for this command in terminal> sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999922:48
sneakyimpjeremy31: that might be tricky. it's an entirely separate machine that's running the install so the url would not be available to this chat session22:49
Bashing-omsneakyimp: sneakyimp ^^ also Literally running "[ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo UEFI || echo BIOS" will tell you if you're booted via UEFI. Were me I would install ubuntu boot code to the drive that contains the ubuntu operating system - and in the bios choose to boot that drive, ubuntu then can chainload Windows, This way the Window's boot code is not touched.22:49
jeremy31sneakyimp: then see if sudo parted -l shows a EFI system partition on the Windows drive22:50
sneakyimpBashing-om: OK that sounds like what I had done before. the UEFI issue is still unresolved. Evidently I'm not in "UEFI mode?"22:50
sneakyimpjeremy31: it does on sda122:51
ncuxoHello I have some issues with 19.0422:51
ncuxoI have luks on my drive and after entering the correct password22:51
deltabwould lsblk be suitable?22:51
ncuxoi get error message "waiting for encrypted source device"22:51
ncuxoand the device UUID22:52
Bashing-omsneakyimp: You long term really want the benifits of EFI. Make sure you boot the installer in EFI mode.22:52
ncuxoso is there a way to fix it or the easy way is fresh install22:52
jeremy31sneakyimp: reboot, go into BIOS/UEFI settings and set it for UEFI only, no Legacy/CSM/BIOS22:52
sneakyimpJeremy31: OK the bios does have some stuff along those lines. I remember having some difficulty with the BIOS when windows decided to update something.22:53
sneakyimpBashing-om: aw ok will go fiddle with BIOS22:54
Bashing-omsneakyimp: 4096 sector sizes means faster through-put .. and GPT partitioning for 128 partitions :)22:55
sneakyimpBashing-om: lolwut?23:02
sneakyimpBashing-om: aaaahhh i think you meant the benefits of UEFI. I doubt I'll ever need 128 partitions. That sounds like tweaker madness. 4096 sector sizes? I don't follow.23:03
Bashing-omsneakyimp: 2 of the advantages of EFI :P23:04
sneakyimpBashing-om: i was under the impression that you can choose disk sector sizes when formatting a drive23:04
Bashing-omsneakyimp: MBR (legacy) partitioning is a secor size 512 - more blocks from EFI - faster !23:06
ncuxoDo you guys by any chance have an idea about my problem ?23:08
sneakyimpjeremy31: Bashing-om: OK I rebooted (the BIOS had an option for "UEFI-optical drive" or something.23:08
sneakyimpnow the mokutil --sb-state command says "SecureBoot enabled"23:08
deltabncuxo: do you have only the one drive?23:12
ncuxoI have this drive and a second drive as snapshot device for backup23:13
ncuxoduring instalation the snapshot drive was removed23:13
deltabI thought maybe the encrypted drive was not available (e.g. disconnected) but that can't be if it's the same drive you've booted from23:15
ncuxoI've just entered the encrypted drive and transfered the files to the snapshot drive23:15
ncuxoso no the drive is functional23:15
sneakyimpBashing-om: I'm pretty disappointed I was not given the option to encrypt the SSD drive's contents. I understand that it's not possible to wipe an SSD drive if you wanted to sell your computer or something https://ssd.eff.org/en/module/how-delete-your-data-securely-linux##SSDs23:15
ncuxowhit live usb it is working fine23:15
ncuxoI just can not boot from it23:16
deltabso some problem with the boot loader config, I guess23:16
ncuxoyes unfortunately23:17
jeremy31sneakyimp: just remove the SSD then before selling23:17
ncuxoI found simmilar problem on the ask ubunty forums but there was no resollution23:17
ncuxoplus it was for v1223:17
hypercorewhat's the repository url for nodejs v12?23:50
leftyfb!info nodejs23:52
ubottunodejs (source: nodejs): evented I/O for V8 javascript. In component universe, is extra. Version 8.10.0~dfsg-2ubuntu0.4 (bionic), package size 4731 kB, installed size 17586 kB23:52
tomreynwe only know urls where the domain part ends in ubuntu.com23:52
pragmaticenigmahypercore: more to the point, this channel focuses its attention to offical Ubuntu Desktop OS flavors and the default software repositories that are provided.23:54
sneakyimp1Bashing-om: jeremy31: hullo hullo are you receiving? this is an attempt from the new ubuntu 18.04 machine woop woop23:56
jeremy31sneakyimp1: So it works?23:58
sneakyimp1jeremy31: as far as I can tell. i rebooted the machine and saw the purple ubuntu menu to choose the boot -- windows boot was an option which i will test shortly23:59
sneakyimp1jeremy31: any suggestions about how to make sure i have an optimal partition scheme on this ssd drive?23:59

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