=== ram is now known as Ramseize [09:50] ab_ovo was added by: ab_ovo === Church| is now known as Church [13:02] @apt-ghetto [ @ctisme I can't help you, because I don't use screensavers and I am …], no worries @aptghetto looks like xscreensaver needed by lubuntu-desktop [13:02] btw is it ok to remove lubuntu-desktop package ? [13:44] you *can* but if you attempt to do future in-place upgrades it may barf [13:45] because the metapackage is how you handle dependency changes between what apps are shipped in which releases, etc. [14:04] I have an Appimage file. How do I run it in eoan? [14:06] @The_LoudSpeaker the same way you'd make any executable run? [14:06] `chmod +x` it [14:06] then execute it as `./AppImageFile.AppImage` [14:06] Okay. [14:07] Thanks! [14:07] https://askubuntu.com/questions/774490/what-is-an-appimage-how-do-i-install-it <— google found this in the top 3 [14:07] (for the future) [20:50] i have 4540s Hp notebook... i have try 14.04 lubuntu and there is a no error when i open the pc.. After i install 19.04 lubuntu, i got error when i open pc.. i have try evertihing on bios... what i shud to do now ? is there any suggestion for me.... (And i m sorry, my english is bad) [20:50] what error? [20:51] operation system not found [20:51] did you do the "check disc for defects" at the boot menu before installing? [20:52] yess [20:52] and result is passed [21:00] i will try again... [21:10] it supposed to be an fresh install, good luck alps [21:11] it *is supposed to be *a fresh [22:45] oiii [23:53] Can anyone here point me to the Linux Mint IRC? [23:54] hi Hunhow [23:54] is not in this network [23:54] Uhm.. hi? [23:54] I know, hence why I’m asking if anyone can point me to that network where Linux Mint is [23:55] https://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/12 [23:55] Server: irc.spotchat.org [23:55] Channels: #linuxmint-help, #linuxmint-chat [23:55] those [23:55] Thank you [23:55] hi wxl, guess what I bought, a raspberry pi have you played with any ? [23:55] a bit [23:55] is amazing [23:55] bought two actually [23:56] Best way to start into Linux, besides maybe a VM [23:56] one is a retropie servern ow [23:56] Hunhow: old laptop :D [23:56] and this one is running raspbian wxl [23:56] is just amazing [23:56] neat [23:57] wxl: and how are you? [23:57] i'm n-iCe :) [23:57] * n-iCe laughs [23:57] nice to see you [23:57] and you [23:57] I was thinking in try de ubuntu rbpi image [23:57] it's my first day with the raspberry so I'm getting used to it [23:58] seen this? https://ubuntu-pi-flavour-maker.org/ [23:59] reading