
=== morphis2 is now known as morphis
mborzeckizyga: hey06:15
mborzeckirebooting, brb06:52
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mborzeckipstolowski: hey07:05
mborzeckipstolowski: can you take a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6939 ? got +1 from pedronis, needs a 2nd review07:05
mborzeckipstolowski: thanks!07:06
zygaHey Pawel07:18
* zyga goes for breakfast07:18
Chipacazyga: in NewAtomicFile there isn't a 'no chmmod' because there is no chmmod, there is a mode for the mode to create the file with08:22
Chipacawhich is the 0644 in the code you commented on08:23
mborzeckihm foobar seems to be getting some attention in the forums08:24
Chipacamborzecki: you mean two posts by the same person? :-)08:25
mborzeckiChipaca: yeah :/08:26
mborzeckiChipaca: 2 posts and i still don't know what the actual problem is08:27
Chipacamborzecki: in the first one, the fonts are too small (not picking up hidpi)08:28
Chipacamborzecki: in the second one, it's the WRONG VERSION08:28
Chipacamborzecki: completely UNUSABLE what is even the POINT08:28
mborzeckiChipaca: basically like any other windows app running under wine08:31
Chipacamborzecki: is that what it is?08:31
mborzeckiChipaca: foobar2000? it's a windows app08:35
Chipaca¯\_(ツ)_/¯  ok :-)08:35
Chipacastep 1. get a proper music player08:35
Chipacastep 2. quit yer complainin'08:35
mborzeckiChipaca: foobar2000 is an opinionated music player ;) superior sound quality on them crapphy on-board DACs08:36
* Chipaca hugs his onboard DACs to his chest and screams like a banshee08:36
Chipacamborzecki: do you recognise the distro / wm they're using?08:37
mborzeckiChipaca: is that mint?08:38
Chipacaje ne sais pas08:38
Chipaca(je ne sais rien, aussi)08:38
* Chipaca runs out of french08:38
mborzeckiChipaca: the icon looks similar https://linuxmint.com/08:39
Chipacamborzecki: indeed08:39
Chipacamborzecki: if you had told me it was limewire I would've believed you also08:39
mborzeckiChipaca: looks like crap on 4k https://i.imgur.com/JM5gapb.png08:49
Chipacamborzecki: and clementine?08:49
ChipacaI'll be getting 4k sometime soon (there's a queue of big-ticket things... :)08:50
pedronismborzecki: hi, does my comment about symmetry of call patterns make sense, or do we need to chat about it?08:51
mborzeckipedronis: yup it's clear, i missed that in your previous review, i'll be pushing out patches soon08:52
pedronismborzecki: basically, except that they are kind of like push pop, I would expect to see calls to those *Prefix helpers in roughly the same place/numbers in the rollback and backup flows08:53
mborzeckiChipaca: https://i.imgur.com/rQsOcCm.png window in the left is clementine from the snap, right one is distro packages, also snap version seems to use qt 4.8 (?)08:59
Chipacahmm, ok09:00
mborzeckipstolowski: updated https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6939 please take a look09:20
mborzeckipstolowski: yay ;) will land it once it's green09:23
ChipacaI'm going to take a break, take a couple of pills and see if I feel better09:32
* Chipaca feeling blagh09:32
* Chipaca will bbl09:32
zygatake care Chipaca!09:33
* zyga goes to do reviews09:33
pstolowskimborzecki: can you take another look at #7052? needs 2nd review09:44
mborzeckipstolowski: sure09:45
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jameshzyga: re. https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6959, do you have any feedback on my responses to your earlier review?10:49
zygajamesh: hey10:49
zygajamesh: let me look10:49
=== ricab|bbl is now known as ricab
jameshzyga: I agree that it would be good to do something about "directories matching the glob pattern".  I'm just not sure exactly what that should look like10:50
zygajamesh: I think we should not just execute the logic as is10:51
zygajamesh: and instead error or panic10:51
zygajamesh: I think this one is also actionable: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6959#discussion_r29658487210:51
jameshzyga: the problem is that the directory blacklist glob is not the same as the glob for files we want to update10:52
jameshthe first needs to be a glob that will match any other globs that might be used for this directory10:54
zygajamesh: what is the use case of the function?10:56
* zyga re-reads that fragment10:56
jameshconsider the case that I call EnsureTreeState with a glob of "snap.foo.*", asking to put a create a file "snap.foo.file" in a directory "snap.bar.dir"10:57
jameshthe passed in glob won't have any problem with the directory, but it will cause a problem for a second EnsureTreeState call with a glob of "snap.bar.*"10:57
jameshzyga: the use case is allowing a snap to export icon theme icons10:58
jameshessentially we want to create a merged /usr/share/icons style tree with data from multiple snaps by only letting the snaps create icons prefixed with the snap name10:59
zygajamesh: what's the rough structure there?10:59
jameshzyga: the first level of directories is the icon theme name.  Directories after that is "whatever is defined in the index.theme file"11:00
zygaso /usr/share/icons/$theme/$anything?11:01
jameshwe don't let snaps install an index.theme: they'd need to match the layout of the icon theme they're providing an icon for11:01
jameshyes.  We're installing icons to /var/lib/snapd/desktop/icons though11:01
jameshit all gets merged via $XDG_DATA_DIRS11:02
zygaI see11:02
jameshso the directory tree is under snapd's control, but we don't have full knowledge of its structure11:02
zygaI wish we had set $XDG_DATA_DIRS to /var/lib/snapd/export/desktop11:02
zygait would play nicely with the idea to export other kinds of content11:03
jameshor export/share11:03
zygajamesh: would it be okay to iterate over keys of "content" and error if it matches any of the globs? similar to what this does: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/osutil/syncdir.go#L6911:04
zygaI'm really trying to avoid the situation when this executes in unexpected ways11:04
jameshzyga: as I said, I think it would need to be a second glob (or set of globs)11:05
jameshto avoid one snap poisoning a second snap11:05
zygajamesh: wait, perhaps I'm missing something11:06
zyga(I might as well be, it's hot and there's no air conditioning here)11:06
zygajamesh: I'm not talking about the directory walk11:06
zygajamesh: just about the input arguments11:06
jameshI'll try expressing myself in code in a comment on the PR11:07
* Chipaca still bleugh but trying to work11:09
jameshzyga: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6959#discussion_r302010405 <- I think this demonstrates the problem11:13
zygajamesh: and what will actually happen if you do this pair of calls?11:15
zygawhat will happen to disk and what will the function return?11:15
jameshzyga: at the moment, we don't protect against it, so there will be an EnsureDirState call for "$baseDir/somedir" that will fail when it tries to remove "snap.bar.directory"11:16
jameshIf the first call is done on behalf of snap A, and the other on behalf of snap B, then the source of the problem is going to be fairly far removed from the symptom11:17
zygare, net failure11:19
zygacould we detect that in the dir walk and bail out, doing nothing?11:20
zygaI'm just trying to make this function fail in a well-defined way11:20
jameshyes.  The second call could bail out when it detects the trap the first call set11:21
zygathis one is also related https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6959#discussion_r29658487211:21
zygasince when something fails it will rm -rf all matching content11:21
zygaand this is surprising because one has to consult the documentation of EnsureDirStateGlobs to know that11:22
jameshI guess for the tree version that should cover all the subdirs it successfully synchronised11:24
jameshbefore the failure11:24
zygajamesh: indeed, I though about just documenting it but now that you mention it, it seems actual code is needed11:27
jameshcombinging with the previous issue, it would fail to remove the "somedir/snap.bar.directory" trap since it isn't empty11:33
jameshI'll have a look at this again tomorrow.11:34
zygajamesh: thank you!11:34
pedronismvo: could you review 7016 ?11:55
* zyga small break from heat11:56
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mvopedronis: yes, after lunch12:08
tartleyo/ Morning all13:15
tartleyoops wrong channel13:16
=== ricab|lunch is now known as ricab
* zyga hammers spread and grabs a cofee13:34
mborzeckistill spamming with new PRs: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/708713:39
zygamborzecki: looking13:41
roadmrzyga: it's easier if you... spread it around with a knife. Hammering it will just crush your bread.13:50
roadmrcontext-dependent jokes are the best 😉13:51
zygatoday I would love to see rain, my mind is melting away at the heat13:51
roadmr"I live in such a hot, tropical place". "Where, Cuba? the Caribbean?" "No - Poland"13:57
zygaroadmr: today it's actually closer to cuba, we're back in Spain14:08
zygaroadmr: poland already has autumn14:09
* zyga took hold shower14:09
roadmrhehe zyga14:09
zygaI needed that14:10
* zyga needs a review on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/708214:10
* zyga continues reviews14:13
ograheh ... it is funny that the reaction in the commenst seems to be "drop GNOME" ... not "drop this snap stuff"14:50
zygaogra: sensationalism, it's just "press" latching onto a story14:52
ograzyga, sure, but usually the comments section has "cnonical should drop that snap stuff, flatpack is so much better" (ignoring the actual difference) or "shitty canonical NIH stuff" (ignoring that snaps are two years older than flatpak)14:53
zygaogra: that's true but I would say that comment sections are in general, horrible14:54
zygaogra: it's just that we are more lucky this time14:54
ograthe article itself is indeed definitely  clickbait14:55
zygaogra: having said that, I'm curious about the snap store app14:55
ograi find comments sections a big source of entertainment ... and after all they reflect a fraction of users out there14:55
ogra(just dont comment yourself ... )14:55
ograzyga, well, ask robert_ancell_ then ;)14:56
* ogra senses a webdm comeback as electron app :P14:57
zygaogra: maybe we will all use enlightenment again ;)14:58
* diddledan peeks in.. sees ogra has op status.. runs out screaming about the end of the world14:58
ograLOL !!14:59
zygaogra: oh, you are *the* op15:00
* zyga spawns lots of spread machines to check a change and takes a break15:20
zygamvo: I would love a review for https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7082 to unblock me15:20
zygaijohnson: ^15:24
ijohnsonzyga: thanks I'll take a look after my meeting right now15:25
zygathanks, I'm really blocked by that15:25
zygait's not super perfect, I know, it could use more testable design, I just really want to move towards the code that uses it :)15:26
mvozyga: meetings :/15:29
* zyga hugs mvo15:29
* cachio lunch15:36
* zyga takes a break for some back pain relief15:39
ijohnsonzyga: approved 708216:03
* ijohnson lunches16:13
zygaijohnson: fantastic, thank you16:27
zygaijohnson: one more if you have time today https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/708916:28
zygaijohnson: treating size= differently because it is not super deterministic even when rewriting16:28
zygaijohnson: also some advice on the upcoming test, it measures mount namespaces of a number of things; the bulk of the test is normalized expected data16:31
zygaijohnson: I wonder if I should propose it all at once and then work on reviewing or split it16:31
zygaijohnson: e.g. qemu vs google could be split easily (separate data sets per backend)16:31
zygaijohnson: I will propose it all-at-once once 7089 is merged, then we can discuss16:45
zygaijohnson: it's is mainly either establishing a baseline16:45
zygaijohnson: so not a sophisticated review16:45
zygaijohnson: or actually reviewing the sensibility of the mount namespace16:45
zygaijohnson: and here I'd argue that some things are silly and warrant changing16:46
zygaijohnson: in either case I have some work on early changes to core legacy to fix things16:46
zygaijohnson: the mount namespace test will be used to sanity check changes to propagation settings and to some corrections to ubuntu-core legacy mode16:56
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* cachio afk19:37
jdstrandroadmr: hi! can you pull 20190709-2230UTC?21:35
roadmrjdstrand: sure thing, will put it in the queue at least21:36
ijohnsonzyga: I looked at 7089 for you and approved with a couple name/description suggestions. I don't quite follow all of what you said about about the future work, but it will probably make sense to me after seeing the full test21:57
zygaijohnson: ack22:41
zygaijohnson: suggestions applied, thank you!22:42
zygaijohnson: I'm slowly heading to bed, I'll open the main PR for the ns test tomorrow22:43
zygathank you again :)22:43
mwhudsonzyga: do you get mail about debian snapd bug reports?23:55
mwhudsonor more generally, does some snapd developer?23:56

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