[15:09] MOTUs: a question. Is there any precedent for 'diverging' from Debian temporarily to update a Universe package, until such time Debian catches up? [15:29] teward: completely acceptable [15:29] teward: an email to Debian BTS explaining and pointing to the work is nice - then they can pick it up as soon as their archive opens again. [15:30] teward: however, you're on the hook for looking after the package until it is in sync again if you upload that. [15:41] rbasak: considering I use the Universe package daily, I'd be happy to maintain this. I just sent an ITS: bug into Debian as well indicating that I would like to salvage the package in Debian and either become maintainer or become co-maintainer if the MIA team determines the maintainer is still 'active' enough to maintain the package [15:41] it needs some TLC and the packaging is out of date in Debian too (wrong Vcs-Git, wrong homepage, outdated standards, not lintian clean...) [15:43] rbasak: the package in question is a GUI app, xca, which I use to manage internal CA certificate systems for clients, myself, and my employers lol [15:43] and it NEEDS some care lol [15:48] rbasak: once the ITS is up on Debian BTS I'll add in a note about the divergence downstream until the package is either (1) updated in Debian or, (2) I gain access/maintainer roles for it. The tricky part here is that the maintainer seems MIA too, or at least way too inactive to reliably maintain this [15:48] (my opinion) [15:50] i'll prep a divergent package for Eoan then, so we can at least have it up to date in later releases down here. (Though I did this in a PPA already xD) [16:21] rbasak: Universe package in question has been uploaded to eoan-proposed - happy to maintain the xca package until Debian catches up or the Salvage process is successful. [16:21] Thanks! [16:21] (in which case I'll have upload control for it in Debian too xD) [20:07] Careful about that one, I believe he goes off of git tags so last time I got it sponsored in Ubuntu it had to go for a fakesync. Last I knew the guy was taking care of that well enough, just sometimes a bit behind. [20:11] (Scorpi on OFTC) [20:12] ...And freenode, idle time of 40 minutes. [20:12] teward: ↑ [21:06] teward: Err, those depends that you added should likely be recommends...