=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [02:57] sorry qa-test of menu items (all items), i have parole playing music in background minimized. if not running it loads on selecting on menu, if inactive window it becomes active, if minimized selecting it at menu does nothing; is this an issue? (I'd suspect not ideal) [02:57] 19.10 daily ^ [07:56] Hey all, long time no see (as in: more than half a decade...). I'm not sure who administers the xubuntu-devel mailinglist, but I just sent an email there that needs approval because I'm not a subscriber anymore - it's about transferring ownership of the Xubuntu subreddit. [07:58] vinze: Approved, as for team members, https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-team [07:59] (Howdy!) [08:05] Thanks Unit193! [08:05] No reddit account here, can't help you with that. [08:05] Actually still quite a few people from way back when, that's good to see :) [08:06] I'd like to think I'm too new for that, but...I'm not. >_< [08:07] Seven years is quite a time - far longer than I was involved, I think. I just checked that I unsubscribed from the mailinglist in 2013, but was probably inactive for a while before that [08:58] Nobody ever gave me a sock... [08:58] good old vinnl [08:59] pleia2, you on reddit? [13:21] knome: no, it's terrible [15:43] replied anyway [16:53] bluesabre: re screensaver - am I right in gathering that to not have it working - you have to enable it and then set when idle to off? [16:53] that's how it seems to work [16:53] rather un-intuitive perhaps [18:14] bluesabre: oh - with light-locker - which I believe chucks you to vt9 or something - screen locks etc - got music playing - it's then not audible - if it's still going, it's on vt8 (I think) [18:15] I just accidentally locked - music still playing [18:15] not sure it'd be a bug per se - just maybe a thing that happens that people didn't get before