
ghostnik11hi i have a question about snap and getting firefox updated to the latest version? how can i, b/c apt and snap don't talk to each other and i want to have firefox updated to version 67 but in snap its only at 6603:31
ghostnik11okay i found the clue was to run command: sudo snap refresh03:39
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mborzeckibrb, new kernel05:39
mborzeckiand back05:42
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zygamwhudson: perhaps, though I haven't seen any lately06:36
zygagood morning mborzecki06:38
mborzeckizyga: hey06:38
* zyga dog walk and coffee06:59
zygahey mvo06:59
zygamborzecki: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/709107:01
mborzeckimvo: morning07:01
zygamborzecki: shall I split that ;D07:01
zygaand with that, I'll be back in 2007:02
zygamborzecki: perhaps I should add one sub-variant first?07:04
mvogood morning mborzecki and zyga07:06
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mborzeckipstolowski: hey07:09
zygagood morning mvo, good morning pawel07:15
zygamborzecki: perhaps I should really split the PR into something people won't run away from07:16
mborzeckizyga: hmm maybe start with core16 or 18 first and drop qemu07:16
zygamvo: *the* test https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7091/files07:16
zygamborzecki: +107:16
zygamborzecki: good idea on qemu07:16
zygait's x2 the data with qemu07:16
mborzeckizyga: the tool doesn't support comments in mountinfo dumps, wonder whether it'd be useful to add some annotation to the expected outputs07:17
zygamborzecki: hmmm, that would be pretty easy07:17
mborzeckizyga: prbably the test should include backends: [-autopkgtest] too ?07:21
zygagood idea, I was thinking about how to block backends for qemu07:21
jameshzyga: could you restart this CI run for me?  It looks like it got stuck some how.  https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapd/builds/55712700407:24
jameshit'd be nice if Travis let regular users restart jobs associated with their own PRs07:25
zygamborzecki: done, only google is used now07:28
* zyga does reviews07:56
mborzeckipedronis_: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7087 is probably harmless to land, the gadget code uses noop updaters, so we'll at least have the edition and checks logic executed at this point08:44
mborzeckipedronis_: i can tweak the existing spread test for gadget update to only go through updating the snap, without verifying whether the content was updated, and add it to the PR08:46
pstolowskimvo: re what we discussed yesterday evening - https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/709208:47
mvopstolowski: thanks, looking08:48
mvopstolowski: I'm reviewing your patch PR now btw08:48
pstolowskimvo: no pressure, this needs to wait for other stuff anyway08:48
mvo(finally, sry for the delay)08:48
pstolowskino worries08:48
* zyga fixes leaky tests08:54
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pedronismborzecki: sorry, not sure I follow, anyway chasing other things atm08:57
pedronismvo: pstolowski: seems we all forgot about this code:  https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/snap/info_snap_yaml.go#L24308:57
mborzeckipedronis: ok, np, we can sync later08:57
zygabut must me my "lucky" time, I ran this many times on all the suites and it didn't fail08:58
zygaI propose my PR and WHAM08:58
zygabut that's ok :)08:58
zygaone test seems to leak netns mount08:58
zygashould be easy08:58
pstolowskipedronis: i removed it in 7083 with the assumption that it's either set correctly by us or comes correct from the store, does it make sense?09:00
pedronispstolowski: I think it will should be removed when we add type: snapd to snapcraft.yaml09:01
pstolowskipedronis: so maybe #7092 should land first (once new snapcraft is in stable)?09:02
ackkjdstrand, hi, would it be possible to get a new deb (or snap if it's easier) for the patched snapd with users support, based on the current master? it'd help us testing the fixes to interfaces you recently landed (like running systemd-detect-virt and accessing /proc/sys files)09:02
pedronispstolowski: maybe,  it would avoid this: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7083/files#diff-556bb7431481e375713ea3e0883a771a09:03
pstolowskipedronis: indeed09:03
pedronisbut I don't want to block John either09:04
pstolowskisergiusens: hey, what's the timeframe for "snapd" type support in snapcraft to hit "stable"?09:15
popey_pstolowski: what does that mean?09:22
pstolowskizyga: woah @ 709109:22
pstolowskipopey_: i've landed a small enhancement in snapcraft to support "type:snapd", we need it in stable to proceed with symmetric changes in snapd code09:23
zygapstolowski: it's half the size as in the morning :)09:23
pstolowskizyga: nice. i finally get the big picture of all the python PRs i looked at recently ;)09:25
zygapstolowski: it's not over yet, now to combat leaky tests09:26
pstolowskizyga: looking at it, this looks super nice (i hope it's not going to surprise us with unexpected failures)09:29
zygapstolowski: I'm sure it will a little, I just fixed a leaky netns test09:29
zygabut I hope not that  many09:30
zygaI'm looking at changing spread.yaml to ensure leaky tests are "caught"09:30
zygabut yeah, took some pain to get to the point where it generally works okay and when it fails, it can be reliably said to show something being wrong elsewhere09:30
zygapstolowski: the only "late" addition is classic, since we want to start changing classic confinement I thought those extra tests would be useful09:32
pstolowskizyga: i see, indeed, sounds like a good plan09:33
sergiusenspstolowski wrapping up a couple of uc20 related PRs and doing a release. I am off today and tomorrow, so most likely next week and once tagged and in candidate the speed depends on how fast people respond to the call for testing (and how out more exhaustive tests go)09:37
pstolowskisergiusens: sounds good, thank you. fwtw i tested yesterday's snapcraft from edge with snapd and type:snapd09:38
pstolowskizyga: reviewed09:57
zygapstolowski: thanks!09:59
pstolowskizyga: replied10:05
zygaI'm running all tests in a loop and just got another clean pass, hopefully the netns one was a one-off10:13
zygaand having fixed that test we will not see other tests resurface10:14
* pstolowski early lunch & an errand10:18
mvopstolowski: silly question, in an ideal world where we have all the information, when would we do the reset of the sublevel for level60? the old code checked for revno 5332, does that mean (in an ideal world with all the data) we would only reset the sublevel if we come from something older than 5332? if we are on a newer revno, would we ever need to reset the sublevel?10:21
mvopstolowski: replied in the pr, if you don't mind I would like to squash 7016 and cherry pick to 2.4010:35
zygaI'm merging the mount-ns test with the MS_SHARED branch locally, on very quick inspection the mount namespaces actually look good!11:36
zygaI haven't moved to core yet, just classic for now11:36
zygaI will probably write a new test as well, to show how specific things are set up (e.g. /home across all three) to show that propagation is good (in a manner more readable then the full dump)11:37
zygainterfaces-contacts-service test failing https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/LoVplaZj/11:51
pedroniscachio mentioned there's a timing issue there and was looking into that11:54
jdstrandackk: sure. I'll be spending some time on that pr today so will give it to you after that11:58
ackkjdstrand, thanks!12:00
mborzeckizyga: this PR from cachio: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7088 through i'm not certain about the fix12:02
zygamborzecki: interesting, looking12:04
zygahey jdstrand12:04
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zygathe new test is fantastic12:37
zygaMS_SHARED causes quarter of mount points to go away12:38
zygaon core1612:38
* zyga goes to analyze why12:39
Eighth_Doctorzyga, mborzecki: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/O4CMUKPHMMJ5W7OPZN2E7BYTVZWCRQHU/12:44
Eighth_Doctorzyga, mborzecki: this is kind of a crappy thing to wake up today12:45
mborzeckiEighth_Doctor: heh12:45
mborzeckipedronis: mvo: ^^12:45
Eighth_DoctorI didn't know you guys were planning on discontinuing effort on g-s-snap12:45
Eighth_DoctorI wish I had been told about this ahead of time so that I could have had a contingency plan for this...12:46
pedronisWimpress: willcooke: ^12:46
mborzeckiEighth_Doctor: thanks for the heads up anyway!12:47
Eighth_Doctora number of my friends and colleagues actually use snaps through g-s, since Fedora Workstation is the main variant people use12:47
willcookeWe are going to continue to maintain the g-s snap plugin12:47
Eighth_Doctorand whenever folks installed snapd in Fedora, it would auto-install the plugin, giving people a seamless experience :(12:47
willcookekenvandine, ^12:48
Eighth_Doctorwhat am I supposed to do for GNOME people now?12:48
Eighth_Doctorwillcooke: can someone _please_ reply to this thread on devel@ so that they know that, because right now this looks kind of bad... and I just started working on my presentation for Flock on snaps too :(12:48
zygaEighth_Doctor: I wasn't aware of this until a few days ago12:49
Eighth_Doctorthe worst part is I'm finding this out because of Phoronix12:49
ChipacaEighth_Doctor: FWIW I found out because of askubuntu :-|12:50
Eighth_Doctorwtf 😕12:50
* Chipaca always reads that as "as kubutu" and then is disappointed12:51
ChipacaEighth_Doctor: sorry i meant omgubuntuwtfbbq12:51
ChipacaEighth_Doctor: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2019/07/devs-want-to-drop-snap-support-from-gnome-software12:51
Eighth_Doctorah that site12:51
ChipacaEighth_Doctor: frain bart12:51
Eighth_Doctoroh god12:51
ChipacaEighth_Doctor: don't read the comments12:51
ChipacaEighth_Doctor: just, don't12:51
Chipacazyga did and he is lost to us now12:52
pedronisChipaca: zyga: mvo and me have a different meeting that clashes with the standup today12:53
Chipacaholidays for everybody \o/12:53
Eighth_DoctorChipaca: damn it, I hate people now12:54
* Chipaca hugs Eighth_Doctor 12:54
zygapedronis: ack12:54
ChipacaEighth_Doctor: when did we promise sandboxing support, btw?12:56
willcookekenvandine, can you ask Robert to reply to that thread? ^12:56
Eighth_DoctorChipaca: from the beginning, I think? though it hasn't worked in Fedora until very recently12:57
Eighth_Doctorthough non-Ubuntu snap sandboxing is much more rudimentary than Ubuntu snap sandboxing12:57
zygaChipaca: are you coming?13:01
kenvandinewillcooke: Will do13:01
Chipacazyga: nah, i'm good13:05
jdstrandhey zyga :)13:21
cachioChipaca, hey, about the snap pack option, what is that?13:28
* zyga quick lunch13:30
Chipacacachio: which is the test in question?13:31
cachioChipaca, failover13:31
Chipacacachio: tests/main/failover, or tests/core18/snapd-failover?13:32
cachioChipaca, tests/main/failover13:32
Chipacacachio: so, to see if it fixes the issue, we'd change the 'snap pack' to a mksquashfs13:33
cachioChipaca, ah, ok13:33
Chipacacachio: if it does, we can then look into a low-mem 'snap pack'13:33
cachioI'll try it13:33
Chipacacachio: you know all the mksquashfs flags needed?13:33
cachioChipaca, no13:33
Chipaca1 sec :)13:34
Chipacacachio: it's packing core, yes?13:34
cachioChipaca, ~13:41
Chipacacachio: give me a bit13:41
cachioChipaca, sure13:42
zygaChipaca: we repackage core in tests13:44
zygaChipaca: in prepare13:44
zygaChipaca: just don't pass -comp xz13:44
Chipacazyga: exactly13:46
Chipacacachio: /snap/core/current/usr/bin/mksquashfs "$BUILD_DIR/unpack" "./core_<something something>.snap" -noappend -comp gzip -no-fragments -no-progress13:48
cachioChipaca, perfect, thank you very much13:48
Chipacacachio: I *think* the "./core_<...>.snap" is just "failing.snap" (and you skip the mv)13:49
cachioChipaca, yes13:49
Chipacacachio: following zyga's lead, note you could also instead load lib/snaps.sh and use mksnap_fast13:50
cachioChipaca, nice, I'll try that also13:52
cachioand see which works better13:52
cachioalso I need to velidate that on the boards because there we have just 1 gb of RAM13:52
zygare, back from calls14:53
* cachio afk15:12
ijohnsonhey zyga are there any more mountinfo-tool PR's you need me to look at? or is the MS_SHARED PR ready to use those changes?15:25
zygaijohnson: no, that's all15:25
ijohnsonzyga: ack I'm just gonna focus on the snapctl netplan-apply stuff today then15:26
zygaijohnson: ack, thank you15:26
mvoEighth_Doctor: hey, sorry I am in meetings but I was unware of what was happening I will figure out what happend15:54
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roadmrjdstrand: the tools update from yesterday is now in prod \o/16:35
Eighth_Doctormvo: thanks16:55
jdstrandroadmr: thanks! :)17:48
jdstrandroadmr: that was fast :)17:48
* zyga goes to debug leaky test18:01
mvosergiusens: I get ""snapcraft-josm:/var/cache/snapcraft/snaps" is already mounted" when running snapcraft pull - how can I fix this? any suggestions? I tried to stop the multipass machine but that was not enough18:13
sergiusensmvo might need to Snapcraft clean first but would appreciate if the state before that is discussed with Saviq or ChrisTownsend18:18
cachiozyga, hey19:45
zygacachio: hey21:01
cachiozyga, quick question21:06
cachiorunning the test base-migration21:07
cachioI run test-snapd-core-migration.sh -c "cat /usr/lib/os-release"21:07
cachioand it is not creating the file /run/snapd/ns/snap.test-snapd-core-migration.info21:07
cachioon ubuntu core on rpi21:07
zygais the version of snapd in sync with the test?21:08
zygacachio: the .info file is created unconditionally21:08
zygacachio: so I suspect it's just old snapd/core21:08
zygacachio: running against "new" tests21:08
cachiocore from beta21:08
cachiothis fails running beta validation21:08
zygaI don't know if this is recent enough21:08
zygaall I'm saying is that it indicates snap-confine is just  older than the test21:09
cachiozyga, ah21:09
cachioweird because I use the beta branch21:09
cachiofor the test21:10
zygathis is the merge commit for the feature21:10
zygaif you can check that it is present in the build you can know21:10
zygayou can also look for this debug message visible when SNAP_CONFINE_DEBUG=yes is set:21:11
zygadebug("saved mount namespace meta-data to %s", info_path)21:11
cachiozyga, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hQkM4cvXBm/21:12
zygayeah, this looks good21:13
cachiozyga, ok, I'll check if the variable is set21:13
zygayou can run "strings" on snap-confine to check21:13
cachiohow could I run it ?21:15
zygacachio: re21:19
zygacachio: just "strings"21:19
zygait's a command name21:19
zygajust run it on the snap-confine binary21:19
zygaif it shows something similar to the debug message I pasted then that binary has that patch21:19
zygaif it doesn't it is not the right snap-confine21:20
zygamaybe the build system is stuck?21:20
cachiotest@localhost:~$ /usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine strings21:21
cachioUsage: snap-confine <security-tag> <executable>21:21
cachioexecutable name was not provided21:21
zygacachio: the binary is strings21:21
zygastrings  /path/to/snap-confine21:21
zygadon't run strings through snap-confine :)21:21
cachioexternal:ubuntu-core-16-arm-32 .../tests/main/base-migration# sudo /snap/core/7345/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/strings /usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine21:23
cachiosudo: /snap/core/7345/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/strings: command not found21:23
zygacachio: copy the binary to another system?21:23
cachiozyga, no output running in my machine21:26
cachioI copied both binaries21:27
zygacachio: what do you mean no output? nothing at all?21:27
zygacachio: both?21:27
cachiozyga,  yes both21:27
zygacachio: that's unexpected, there are surely other strings there21:27
zygado you mean that nothing when piped through grep?21:27
zygaor entirely nothing?21:27
cachionothing nothing :)21:27
zygacachio: is the file empty?21:28
zygayou can look at the snap-confine binary yourself to assure yourself that it is full of text21:28
zygaso something must be fishy21:28
zygazyga@yantra:~/snapd> strings /usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine  | wc -l21:28
zygahow did you copy strings?21:29
zygaor actually21:29
zygascratch that21:29
zygacan you not copy strings but actually just snap-confine from the device under test21:30
zygaand then run strings on your system against that binary21:30
zygalook at what I pasted above ^21:30
zygait has over a thousand strings recognized21:30
zygaso either your binary is empty21:30
cachiousing the strings comman on my machine21:30
zygaor you didn't run the same strings command I did21:31
cachioand the snap-confine from the rpi321:31
cachioI get 124021:31
zygaah, so it's not nothing?21:31
zygaso what changed, I'm confused21:31
cachioI used the strings command on my machine21:31
zygabut that's what you did before, no?21:31
zygacan you grep for that debug message please?21:31
cachiosergio@cachiomachine:~/workspace/validator/images$ strings ./snap-confine | grep SNAP_CONFINE_DEBUG21:33
zygadon't grep for SNAP_COFNINE_DEBUG21:33
zygagrep for the debug message that was added the merge patch21:33
zygadebug("saved mount namespace meta-data to %s", info_path)21:34
cachiozyga, that one does not appear21:34
zygain that case the build is out of sync with the tests21:34
cachiozyga, ok, that explains everything21:35
cachioI'll talk to mvo tomorrow about that21:35
cachiozyga, thanks for the support21:35
zygahappy to help, good luck!21:36
cachiozyga, the weird part is that it works well on pc-amd64 and pc-i38621:50
zygais that debug message present there?21:50
cachionot sure yet21:50
cachioI am creating the image agin21:50
cachiozyga, I think the problem is that the test was merged into release/2.40 after the beta core was created and before the tests were executed22:12
cachiozyga, I'll continue tomorrow with that one22:13
cachiosee you22:13
jdstrandackk: fyi, https://people.canonical.com/~jamie/snapd-daemon-user/22:24

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