
amurraydoko: thanks for the heads up on those bugs but they don't look related to the hardening changes, plus looks like sforshee is on top of it :)00:24
Unit193bryce: Re: ruby2.5/openssl bug.  This is my nick on IRC if you want to poke here as well.02:00
bryceUnit193, oh heya :-)02:37
bryceUnit193, I was just doing a triaging pass through yesterday's bug activity, but feel free to ping me on that bug.02:37
bryceI'm at EOD now, but will check back tomorrow02:38
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
dokosforshee: so the powerpc cross succeeds, with linux-libc-dev-powerpc-cross built from the 5.2 sources. I'm not that that keen to further investigate, as we only need the powerpc cross compiler to build some firmware for ppc64el07:51
dokosforshee: so once gcc-8-cross and gcc-9-cross migrate, you should have cross compilers again, matching the native compilers07:52
dokoand the alpha fix was the only thing needed07:52
cpaelzerrbasak: (and other SRU folks) thanks for having a discussion on the 1829823 case09:06
Unit193(LP 1829823)09:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1829823 in Ubuntu Cloud Archive mitaka "libvirt-bin: during shutdown libvirt-bin is stopped before libvirt-guests causing hang" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182982309:07
cpaelzerrbasak: I know it is not a common case, but if at the end of this we can come up with a clear guideline how to handle those that will benefit all of us09:07
dokosforshee: all cross compilers now in the release pocket10:41
seb128paride, hey, I just got an email about the eoan/desktop iso job failing with that error11:28
seb128  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/libvirt.py", line 1035, in create11:29
seb128    if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainCreate() failed', dom=self)11:29
seb128libvirtError: unsupported configuration: append not supported in this QEMU binary11:29
seb128paride, is that a known issue on the utah side?11:29
parideseb128, I just updated utah on venonat, in part because it was due time, in part to allow mwhudson's last changes to land11:30
cpaelzernot sure what it is worth, but qemu-system-* in eoan still has the -append parameter11:30
parideseb128, I knew it would probably explode, and it did :(11:30
parideseb128, trying to fix it now, anyway I backed up the old packages, so if it turns out more complex than expected I should be able to downgrade it again11:31
rbasakcpaelzer: I added to the agenda of our next meeting. We have been talking about staging SRUs that we don't think are worth the cost of landing, so this can add to that discussion.11:43
paridecpaelzer, seb128, I think I found it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/utah/+bug/154849911:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1548499 in UTAH "Newer qemu versions define a serial append capability but do not yet support it" [Undecided,New]11:58
* paride fingers crossed12:09
seb128paride, thx for looking at it!12:11
parideseb128, seems to be working again. if you notice anything unusual do not hesitate to ping me12:29
seb128paride, wiil do, thx for responding and for fixing it!12:30
=== ricab is now known as ricab|lunch
LocutusOfBorgtjaalton, FYI https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/intel-compute-runtime/19.13.12717-0ubuntu2 :)13:24
LocutusOfBorgI did that because intel new driver transition was stuck...13:24
LocutusOfBorgand now a build failure, probably due to new intel, or new gcc or whatever... can you help?13:39
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LocutusOfBorgI don't want to upload intel-graphics-compiler to new releases....13:47
LocutusOfBorgbetter force gcc-8 and leave the update to you if you agree13:47
DanyChi, i'm new around and so please accept my apologise for a silly q: i'm trying to understand how the ubuntu cloudimg ova image is being built? I'm trying to understand the mechanics done around the cloud-init and the user-data PropertyMapping present in the ova spec file. Any help much appreciated13:49
tjaaltonLocutusOfBorg: i don't have time for that until next month, most likely15:01
LocutusOfBorgtjaalton, it migrated, so on the next upload you will probably want to drop the hack15:02
tjaaltonnext one should be to sid15:11
tjaaltonassuming the deps go through NEW some year15:12
seb128cpaelzer, hey, the Debian maintainer pointed out for usbguard that the lib is private/shipped in a subdir and that upstream consider it non-stable so it doesn't make much sense to have a .symbols, I commented back on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usbguard/+bug/1816548 , would be nice if you have a +1/-1 about that point as a follow up since you did raise the issue in your review15:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1816548 in usbguard (Ubuntu) "[MIR] usbguard" [Undecided,Incomplete]15:40
=== tmhoang1 is now known as tmhoang
Unit193...So where exactly *is* casper's vcs? https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/casper/trunk points to a dead url and nothing else I'm finding is right.22:48
Unit193...Having Vcs-Browser would most certainly help here.22:48

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