[14:50] │14:06:20 Spads | looks like the log bots are back [14:51] a total of about 15 minutes gap [14:56] we can live with that :p [14:58] mi logs ... [14:58] oh my logs! [14:59] :p [14:59] probably ready only cola cola cola here [15:00] i hope you broke all the rules in that 15 minute window ;) [15:00] lol [15:01] nice releases those amzn daftykins [15:02] erm [15:09] uu [15:09] oops [15:35] hmm new apache on bionic without anything on USN, what would that mean... [15:42] daftykins: openssl1.1.1 update [15:43] oh o0 [15:44] I mean, one more update relating to issues after new openssl [15:44] ah right [15:44] thanks! [18:43] !info linux-image-generic disco [18:43] linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (disco), package size 2 kB, installed size 15 kB [18:49] re. snap updates, there is https://docs.snapcraft.io/system-options (System Options/snap refresh), but it seems to be limited to 60 days [19:15] i feel strongly reminded of $other_os