[14:06] quick :) [15:29] RikMills: Just think of all you could have gotten away with... [15:30] RikMills: And instead, you decided only to call me such a filthy name. [15:59] greg__ called the ops in #ubuntu-packaging () [16:00] ^ i think that was abuse-of-command [16:00] nevermind, just an ops call without any details :p [16:04] * dax grumbles about PM spammers [16:05] * teward gives dax some tea [16:06] * teward then disables PMs globally and solves that problem instantly [16:07] i'd grumble about how i'm generally advised to not set umode +g on myself too, except these PM spammers seem to ignore freenode/staff/* cloaked users ;) [16:07] dax: are these 'spammers' registered? [16:07] (unless i've just been lucky so far) [16:08] 'cause I just use +R and never get that spam lol [16:08] teward: today's weren't, but recent ones have been, but i'm not sure if same person or different [16:11] just disable PMs globally in the IRCd, it'll solve the problem xD [16:11] *shot* [16:29] lol. we set +R by default on connect during the worst of it a year or two ago. it did indeed mostly solve the problem ;) [16:30] Dax, does Freenode have a shared channel pm only? [16:30] RhinosF1: no [16:31] Dax: k , I also use that on another network [16:34] dax: forcing a blood sacrifice on every registration would also help to stem the problem of spammy regs [16:34] :P [16:34] just saying. [21:15] is ubot93 brokeded? [21:18] No? [21:18] broakered? [21:19] i just issued a factoid to which it didn't respond to in the channel but did in a msg [21:20] Seems fine to me. [21:31] Isn't that the default behaviour if other bots in the channel take precedence? [21:31] It's what happens if you call too many things at once, or call the factoid twice in a short duration.