
coreycbsahid: jamespage: fyi i had to add the following for bionic-train backports14:08
coreycbjamespage: fyi i think sahid's will need that to build on bionic-train14:14
jamespagewhy is that required?14:14
jamespageI did not do that for any of the 30 or so I did this morning btw14:14
jamespageI've just been leaving in the python-* BD's - enough todo the clean step at least14:15
sahidi followed your pattern jamespage14:16
coreycbsahid, jamespage: it's needed if you drop Build-Depends on python-setuptools as those will run the py2 build/clean. if you keep python-setuptools it'll succeed.14:26
coreycbi'm not picky. i've been dropping all the py2 deps.14:26
coreycbsahid: jamespage: just want to make sure they build successfully on b-t though before we upload14:26
sahidcoreycb: ok i will make a second pass14:32
sahidjamespage: i can take care of yours too if you want?14:32
coreycbsahid: you can just add the py2 python-setuptools back. try it on one package maybe and make sure it builds ok on b-t14:32
sahidcoreycb: how to enable UCA with pbuilder-dist?14:38
coreycbsahid: there's an sbuild-train cmd you can run on top of a bionic sbuild chroot. or you could add-apt-repository cloud-archive:train to a pbuilder chroot. or you could just create a ppa that is based on the bionic-train staging ppa.14:39
coreycbsahid: jamespage: ok py3-only swift uploaded. there were a bunch of failing py37 unit tests but they were fixed after a new snapshot. upstream is only running a subset of py3 functional tests but there's a lot of action on the py3 front upstream so that's promising.14:43
sahidhum... yeah ImportError: No module named setuptools14:51
sahiddh_auto_clean: python setup.py clean -a returned exit code 114:51
jamespagecoreycb, sahid: my take was dh-python needed to be more clever about what it did - so I left the python-setuptools dep in place and just dropped the BDI's python-*14:53
jamespagewhy it runs a py2 cleanup step with --with python2 is not provided...14:56
jamespagecoreycb: its odd because we have both debhelper and dh-python backported to bionic-train14:58
coreycbjamespage: hmm interesting14:59
sahidok... i wanted to follow james's pattern but in fact i did not :/15:07
ruben23hi there guys, what version of php do we have as package on ubuntu server Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS19:05
blackflow!info php bionic19:07
ubottuphp (source: php-defaults (60ubuntu1)): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (default). In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.2+60ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 3 kB, installed size 12 kB19:07
sarnold!info php7.2 bionic19:08
ubottuphp7.2 (source: php7.2): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 7.2.19-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 (bionic), package size 9 kB, installed size 84 kB19:08
sarnoldthere we go :)19:08
ruben23also there is no apache2-mpm-prefork package anymore..?19:08
sarnoldI don't see any mpm packages any more https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache2/2.4.29-1ubuntu4.619:10
sdezielruben23: mpm modules are shipped in apache219:12
sdezielmpm_{event,prefork,worker} are available19:12
ruben23so i dont need to install it like this.? ---> apt-get install apache2 apache2-mpm-prefork19:13
ruben23just install apache219:14
ruben23also guys one more thing i cant install libcurl3 --->19:18
tomreyndoes you hand slip off your keyboard when you try to type it then?19:18
tomreynthis outout was generated by which command (be sure to always show both the command you ran and the output it produced)?19:19
ruben23apt-get install libcurl319:20
tomreyndid you run    sudo apt update    before you ran the command which created this output?19:20
sarnoldI don't think you can have both libcurl3 and libcurl4 installed at once19:20
ruben23yes i run update so libcurl4 is already built on Ubuntu server 18.0419:20
ruben23 sarnold: what this do.?19:21
sarnoldruben23: it shows the reasoning why I think you can't have both packages installed at once19:21
ruben23 sarnold: libcurl4 is already installed on UBuntu server 18.04.?19:22
ruben23so i cant install libcurl319:22
tomreyndo you need it, though? if so, you can probably replace libcurl4 by libcurl3?19:25
tomreyni think there must be another issue if the dependency resolver fails to calculate this19:26
ruben23 tomreyn: libcurl4 would do19:26
tomreyn!info libcurl4 bionic19:26
ubottulibcurl4 (source: curl): easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library (OpenSSL flavour). In component main, is optional. Version 7.58.0-2ubuntu3.7 (bionic), package size 232 kB, installed size 689 kB19:26
tomreyn!info libcurl3 bionic19:26
ubottulibcurl3 (source: curl3): easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library (OpenSSL flavour). In component universe, is optional. Version 7.58.0-2ubuntu2 (bionic), package size 232 kB, installed size 688 kB19:26
tomreynhmm libcurl4 is in main, so this would seem to be the default indeed19:27
tomreynruben23: so you already have libcurl4, don't need libcurl3, then you can just keep things as they are, right?19:28
ruben23tomreyn and  sarnold:  thanks a lot for the help19:28
tomreynpersonally i have libcurl4 and libcurl3-gnutls installed on 18.04.219:29
tomreynso you can even have both versions if you don't mind using a different ssl lib19:29
ruben23what this mean guys im lacking for upgrade.? https://pastebin.com/0DKUqy6N19:32
tomreynruben23: there's a pending update from one of your 3rd party apt repositories19:33
tomreynruben23: can you post the output of this    sudo /bin/true && cat &>/tmp/aptlog < <(sudo apt-get -qqy update 2>&1; apt-cache policy 2>&1; sudo apt-get -syV full-upgrade 2>&1;); nc termbin.com 9999 </tmp/aptlog; rm /tmp/aptlog19:34
ruben23tomreyn:  it works after i do apt-get upgrade19:34
tomreyni assume you have some 3rd party repositories configured which are cuasing the depedency resolver to fail the way it does.19:36
ruben23guys we dont use eaccelerator anymore to optimized apache2 right.?20:01
tomreynfrom my memory, 'eaccelerator' was a php opcode cache and source code encoder20:02
ruben23i mean php sorry20:02
ruben23tomreyn: with ubuntu 18.04 we dont used anymore this eaccelerator.?20:04
tomreynruben23: we? no. maybe you do, i don't.20:04
ruben23 tomreyn: :) sorry for the we20:04
tomreynno worries, ruben23, i notice this is common amongst ES and PT native language folks, i just like to make silly jokes. see this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EAccelerator20:06
ruben23they said thie eacellerator is depricated and they used OPcache instead20:10
=== lol768_ is now known as lol768
tomreynruben23: yes, this seems to be the most common opcache since php7. if you also want memory caching there is also memcached and apcu20:20
hashwagonDoes anyone know why an ubuntu 16.04 server would change from a statically set IP address? I'm not finding anything online about this. Is there a failover mechanism?22:57

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