
Gonerihey! could you take a look at: https://code.launchpad.net/~goneri/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/36850713:46
Goneriand https://code.launchpad.net/~goneri/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/365641 too14:17
FIuxthey didn't have ahosman, call me flux'=D18:30
samgilsonhey blackboxsw , did any more conflicts come up in my MP? Just checking in cause I know the next release is coming on Monday.20:59
blackboxswsamgilson: thanks for the ping. nothing in my mind, I think it looks good and works well. I'll click  approve here, I was waiting to chat with the other upstream devs on Monday to confirm we can pull that into 19.2 release21:00
samgilsonokay perfect! thanks so much for everything.21:01
blackboxswsamgilson: that MP is marked work in progress. Do you have anything else that you have yet to push?21:01
blackboxswif not, I'll set it back to 'Needs review'21:01
samgilsonblackboxsw No I don't have anything left on my side to push.21:01
blackboxswok marking it to make sure we review it before 19.221:02
blackboxswExpectation is Tuesday EOD21:02
* blackboxsw needs to fix the topic21:02
=== blackboxsw changed the topic of #cloud-init to: Reviews: http://bit.ly/ci-reviews | Meeting minutes: https://goo.gl/mrHdaj | Next status meeting July 8 16:15 UTC | cloud-init v 19.1 released (05/10) | pending 19.2 release (07/16)
blackboxswmarked approved on my side21:03
blackboxswwill land the branch monday if no other concerns21:04
Odd_Blokeblackboxsw: Are you not landing it because you want a second review?  If so, gimme a pointer. :)21:05
blackboxswOdd_Bloke: excellent, I just wanted a secondary review on that. I covered functionality pretty well there, and I feel like it is in pretty good shape for functionality that is not-risky to cloud-init default logic paths.https://code.launchpad.net/~samgilson/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/36894321:07
blackboxswnew subcommand == low risk in my mind, just wanted to run it by you gents too to see if there was something significant that I missed.21:08
Odd_BlokeYeah, I haven't reviewed it fully, but worst case scenario this new command doesn't work.21:08
blackboxswOdd_Bloke: right. leaving it unusable for getting 'metrics' for some corner cases.21:09
blackboxswbut not related to cloud-init config,setup, deployment21:09
Odd_BlokeBut it wouldn't be a regression, right?21:10
blackboxswno regression potentiall21:10
blackboxswcompletely new feature21:10
Odd_Blokesamgilson: blackboxsw: I haven't done a full review (as my plane meal is being served right now), but I did have some comments that I've posted up.21:28
samgilson87my client just crashed, but thank you Odd_Bloke, I'll go through those now.21:31
samgilson87Odd_Bloke I agree with all your changes you put forth and pushed them up to the mp.21:53
Odd_Blokesamgilson87: Thanks!  Apologies, I wasn't clear, but I did intend my docstring comment to apply to all of the docstrings that could use some extra whitespace.21:56
Odd_BlokeBut once that's done, I think we can land this.21:56
samgilson87oh okay! I'll propagate that to all the docstrings then re-push22:01
Odd_BlokeThank you!22:02
samgilson87alright, just pushed up those changes.22:07

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