
gedemsomeone can help me? i can't mount my external HD00:35
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chealerWell, you won't believe it, but I found the solution to fix reminders in KOrganizer...05:39
chealerI needed to check the "Enable Reminders" option!05:39
chealerBut, unfortunately, there's another equally bad showstopper - I can't set event start and end times to anything other than midnight. Whatever I enter, after saving and reopening the event both display "00 00" (still Kubuntu 19.04). Do others get the same?05:41
chealerOnly reference to such a problem I found: https://forum.manjaro.org/t/korganizer-not-setting-properly-event-time/1039705:44
chealerAh, at least I may have a hint from console: "org.kde.pim.incidenceeditor: free slot calculation: invalid range. range(  0 ) / mSlotResolutionSeconds( 900 ) =  0"05:53
chealer900 representing 15 minutes, surely, though not sure which05:54
chealeroh yeah, the time options in the dropdowns are every 15 minutes.05:55
lordievaderGood morning06:17
IrcsomeBotAkshay Gichuki was added by: Akshay Gichuki07:53
IrcsomeBot<Akshay Gichuki> ✋ Good news!  … 🚀 Binance is pleased to announce the launch of its Margin Trading platform. … 🚀 Margin trading is the latest development in Binance’s effort to push the industry forward and toward the freedom of money, expanding its trading offerings … 🚀 To сеlеbrаtе thе opеnеd mаrgin trаiding, tеаm hаvе сommittеd а totаl of  5000 ВTC & 50000 ЕTH to givе аwаy to our fаns worldwidе. .07:53
ernie_hi there08:03
ernie_is it possible to switch to another active user, without logout ?08:06
ernie_it seems this "feature" is broken, can someone agree this08:06
user|5180goodmorning! How to install KDE ISO Image Writer by terminal?08:16
user|5180I can't found it on discover...08:17
BluesKajHey folks11:26
chealerhi again. re-asking hoping for more luck since ... 1. It is such a simple question. 2. Konversation disconnected after I asked. and 3. My PC lost power.13:20
chealerI can't set event start and end times to anything other than midnight with Kubuntu 19.04's KOrganizer. Whatever I enter, after saving and reopening the event both display "00 00".  The only reference to such a problem I found is the following: https://forum.manjaro.org/t/korganizer-not-setting-properly-event-time/1039713:22
chealerDo others get the same?13:22
pfullerI just tested and was able to enter an event with times.  They displayed correctly before/after save and after re-launching the application.13:30
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chealerpfuller: thank you very much.13:48
chealerthere is no need to restart to notice the bug.13:49
chealer(just to save and reopen the event)13:49
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
chealerwould someone using KDE in French mind doing this same test? I am in fr_CA.13:50
chealerpfuller: do you use Kubuntu 19.04?13:50
chealerUn francophone voudrait-t-il me dire s'il peut créer un événement qui reste aux heures définies avec le KOrganizer de Kubuntu 19.04?13:54
BluesKaj!fr | chealer14:17
ubottuchealer: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:17
chealerAnd if I may ask a third question, about reason #2 above, I just realized this problem has existed for at least 8 years, but I still haven't found any report about it. I have been having it for at least 7 years. I helped another KDE user which asked about it in 2011. He also used Debian. So surely someone else here has seen it.14:24
chealerBasically, after probably 2 hours of idling, connection to an IRC channel is lost, notably in Konversation. Where idling may constitute in simply working in another tty. I had this on several Debian installs and now, on my first Kubuntu install.14:25
chealeron different PC-s.14:25
chealeractually, on Kubuntu it takes less than 1 hour.14:26
chealerand when you come back, Konversation automatically reconnects, but you lost activity.14:26
chealerthe only common point between the at least 3 affected installs I know is they use(d) X's radeon driver.14:33
[Relic]don't think I used Konversation for irc, hexchat never seems to disconnect on any irc channel ever, I let it idle pretty much all day14:34
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chealerthanks [Relic]. the guy I helped also had the issue with irssi. which X video driver do you use?14:37
chealerpfuller: in what format does the time display? here it displays as "00  00" to "23  45".14:38
[Relic]chealer, I use the nvidia drivers15:00
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pfullerchealer: Yes I am on Kubuntu 19.04 - I am in en_US locale and my time displays like 10:00 AM15:14
chealerthanks [Relic]16:45
chealerwell, I just noticed that merely idling doesn't trigger this disconnection bug (anymore). maybe it's just switching session now.16:46
chealerAh-ah. Setting the time locale to en_US in the Formats subpanel of the Regional parameters control panel works around.16:51
chealerAh, and I might see why that could be relatively specific to fr_CA too. It's set to translate to "23 h 59" times, while fr_FR translates to "23:59".16:57
chealeroh, the "org.kde.pim.incidenceeditor: free slot calculation: invalid range. range(  0 ) / mSlotResolutionSeconds( 900 ) =  0" error is actually not specific, it happens with en_US too.17:02
chealermeh, my taskbar just crashed, and I have the feeling it won't be the last time (I've seen it in a bad shape recently). what's the program I need to restart under Plasma 5?17:07
chealer(if I want to avoid restarting the session)17:07
user|93191Tried to clone Kubuntu 18.04.2 LTS 64 bit with clonezilla. Get extfsclone.c:biterror at 39 group error.17:08
chealerYeah, so fr_FR works around too, which is surely a better workaround than en_US.17:09
user|93191Never had a problem cloning Linux Mint 18.2 KDE 64 bit with clonezilla.17:09
chealerI'm guessing the code only expects "11:59 PM" and "23:59".17:10
chealerNow, I wonder why fr_CA is set to use "23 h 59". which component would define such formats?17:10
chealerhum, so Quebec's Office Québecois de la Langue Française does favor "23 h 59": http://bdl.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca/bdl/gabarit_bdl.asp?id=151617:20
chealer... certain contexts. not sure KOrganizer is one where that format is preferable.17:22
phpwarriorHow to add a keyboard model in system settings? I have Logitech K800 and it is not on the list. Is there any possible way to add this model?18:19
chealerah, crap. the taskbar just crashed again. sorry to ask again, but...19:11
chealerwhat's the program I need to restart under Plasma 5?19:11
chealer(it's not plasma, nor kwin)19:12
chealerThe answer was plasmashell.19:14
chealerBesides, is that a known issue? Just before the crash, I clicked Firefox's window group, and instead of offering the 4 Firefox windows, it painted a super narrow rectangle which is 4 entries high, but which is only black and contains no text. it's done that several times already.19:15
valoriechealer: what Kubuntu release are you running?20:23
valorieI've not had plasmashell crash or freeze for .... long time20:24
* valorie is running Plasma 5.16.320:24
valoriealthough I did updates yesterday and should re-login20:25

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