
tsimonq2cjwatson, wgrant: Are the PPA queues okay? I uploaded something close to 20 minutes ago and it's not showing up anywhere.04:21
tsimonq2I'll retry, perhaps LP decided to randomly eat my upload.04:22
wgranttsimonq2: Where did you upload to?04:23
tsimonq2wgrant: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tFN2fjQm5b/04:24
tsimonq2Wait a minute, 05538B5334B8401E isn't my GPG key O_O04:24
wgrant05538B5334B8401E is not :)04:25
wgrantI was about to say04:25
tsimonq2Yeah, that's probably it. Sorry, next time I'll consult my rubber ducky first. :P04:25
wgrant2019-07-12 04:22:14 INFO        GPG verification of /srv/launchpad.net/ppa-queue/incoming/upload-ftp-20190712-042148-000900/~altispeed/kiosk/altispeed-kiosk-meta_20190711-0~ppa1_source.changes failed: Verification failed 3 times: ['GPG key 05538B5334B8401E does not exist on the keyserver.', 'GPG key 05538B5334B8401E does not exist on the keyserver.', 'GPG key 05538B5334B8401E does not exist on the04:26
tsimonq2Now to figure out where that key came from, probably Thunderbird (this is a new machine and I recently screwed up settings for that).04:26
tsimonq2wgrant: This is an even more fun one: https://launchpad.net/~altispeed/+archive/ubuntu/kiosk/+build/1726011605:21
tsimonq2W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net/altispeed/kiosk/ubuntu bionic InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 9143CC19C852422705:21
tsimonq2chroot error on that one.05:21
wgrantOh good, more keyserver sync issues05:21
wgrantOr a race, hm.05:22
=== morphis6 is now known as morphis
wgranttsimonq2: Should be happy now.06:05
wgrantThe build is proceeding.06:05
tsimonq2wgrant: Thank you!06:06
seb128hey there07:21
seb128is launchpad having issues? it keeps timeouting when trying to post a comment on a bug07:21
seb128also unsure what would be the right venue for that discussion, but could be consider increasing the timeouts? those are so frequents nowadays that some days it's quite frustrating to try to get work done on launchpad :-/07:22
wgrantIncreasing the timeout below 15 minutes would unlikely to help with that particular problem07:25
wgrantBest to wait 10 minutes and try again07:25
wgrantWe have a proposal for fixing this, but it's a complicated internal postgres issue.07:25
seb128"pause the work you are doing for 10 minutes" is not a satisfactory solution though07:26
seb128I mean it would be fine if that was once a week07:27
seb128but it's more like several times a day07:27
seb128wgrant, thx for the reply! (still wondering where is the right venue to raise that point at the organisational level, I don't know how many of the engineers using it find it a problem and whether if the feedback could help to get resources allocated to fix the problem)07:31
wgrantseb128: I'm not sure escalating it is going to achieve much, I'm afraid. We're working on resolving the problems, but it takes time.07:33
seb128ok, got it07:34
dupondjeThere is no #canonical channel somewhere ? :)11:31
cjwatsondupondje: What for?11:40
cjwatsonWe have an internal one by that name, but probably not very useful to you :-)11:40
dupondjecjwatson: Can I give you a quick pm? :)11:43
cjwatsondupondje: I guess11:48
tomreyndo you have a policy on how to work with users such as "shane cody perry (theinsanelunatic5934)" on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/base-files/+bug/1836236 ? i imagine this can become very cumbersome as a developer.12:15
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1836236 in base-files (Ubuntu Xenial) "9.4ubuntu4.9: Broken package because of missing "#" @ /var/lib/dpkg/info/base-files.postinst +131" [High,Fix committed]12:15
juliankcjwatson: https://code.launchpad.net/~ddstreet/software-properties/+git/software-properties/+merge/367276 is a bit odd, unmerged commits only shows a few most recent ones, and not all?12:17
cjwatsontomreyn: Usually this is just inexperienced people playing with the web UI.  If they don't respond to Steve asking them to stop then we'll send a warning / ban / etc.12:18
cjwatsonjuliank: Correct12:18
cjwatsonIt's the last 10.  Might be nice for that to be clearer12:18
juliankThis makes it a bit impossible to fully review stuff on the web12:19
juliankBut then again, we don't have per-commit comments either, so it's hard anyway12:19
cjwatsonjuliank: Hardly - you can click through to the source branch to get a more complete list, and you still have the diff12:19
cjwatsonjuliank: In general we can never display unbounded lists, so it would have to be batched somehow12:20
juliankYeah, if your realize that there are more commits12:20
cjwatsonjuliank: Sure, file a bug12:20
juliankI was like: Hmm, seems I'm done, but something felt off12:20
cjwatsonFortunately most MPs are a bit less enormous12:21
juliankTracked in https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/183636312:23
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1836363 in Launchpad itself ""Unmerged commits" has a limit, but does not mention it" [Undecided,New]12:23
tomreynthanks cj12:57
ginggsthe 11:00 auto-sync run failed with a proxy error https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/auto-sync/2019-07-12/13:26
oSoMoNare there known issues with arm* builders? my PPA and snap builds for armhf and arm64 keep failing without a reason/logs, and some of them have been in a running state for 4+ hours without any output14:06
oSoMoNactually not just arm*, looks like amd64 and i386 builds are impacted too14:07
seb128hey again there14:52
seb128I just had a package upload that failed t build but build logs are missing, is that a known issue?14:52
Laneylibrarian's having somekind of outage14:58
seb128so I guess it's "yes, known" :) thx14:59
* tomreyn 's getting a 502 proxy error ("Reason: Error reading from remote server") trying to access https://launchpadlibrarian.net/49558155/64_logo.png (from [2001:67c:1560:8003::8008]:443 specifically, though it seems to affect the others as well)14:59
Laneyis back now15:22
bb00Is Launchpad.net down for everyone?16:48
tomwardillbb00: yep, see #is-outage, routing problem16:49
tomwardillshould be recovering now though16:49
tomwardilloh, sorry, wrong channel!16:49
tomwardillbb00: i forgot where I was, yes, launchpad is down but should be recovering16:50
bb00Alright, thanks16:50
bb00because I've been having trouble getting packages for my rockpro64 board16:50
bb00and wondering if it was my network or not16:50
tomwardillif the packages on ppa.launchpad.net, or similar, then that would explain it16:51
tomwardillI think the main archives are fine16:51
tomwardillyeah, probably related16:51
tomwardillit's back up for me, fwiw16:52
bb00me too16:52
tomwardillexcellent :)16:52
bb00Thanks for the notice16:53

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