
anastasiamaca review plz https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/10439 :D01:46
hpidcockanastasiamac: looking01:50
anastasiamachpidcock: \o/ tyvm01:50
hpidcockanastasiamac: LGTM just added a few comments https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1043902:14
anastasiamachpidcock: thnx, i've addressed these minor comments. could u plz actua;lly +1 the PR?02:51
anastasiamachpidcock: LGTM on irc but not the PR is not enoigh :D02:52
hpidcockanastasiamac: LGTM for real this time02:54
anastasiamachpidcock: haha ! thnx ... :)02:55
hpidcockanyone know how I can get access to the model type/cloud type from the uniter? Is CloudSpec on the uniter facade the only way?07:52
stickupkidhpidcock, are you wanting to know exactly the type/cloud, or do you not care?07:53
hpidcockjust want to know if it's running in CAAS or IAAS07:59
stickupkidhpidcock, look at the remotestate package in uniter, you may have to thread an API call to get the information you want08:02
hpidcockstickupkid: thank-you08:50
stickupkidjam, https://github.com/juju/python-libjuju/pull/321 - can you look over this as i've re-writen code generation in pylibjuju13:37

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