
ubptgbot<Sconio> (Photo, 1920x1080) https://irc.ubports.com/2jBAy0iw.png00:01
ubptgbot<Sconio> (Photo, 1920x1080) https://irc.ubports.com/p19Fn0Cz.png00:01
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Sconio [<reply to media>], looks to that rdnis is activated correctly00:41
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> is your rdnis ip00:41
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> if you do ip addr show on your pc you should see an ip of 10.42.0.x00:42
ubptgbotjohnnie fujita was added by: johnnie fujita01:43
ubptgbot<johnnie fujita> hi people i am a developer of solutions for democratic virtual identity. Which i believe can only  be achieved, if regular people can check if the algorithms and systems that they use to interact with the surrouding world are not tampered with some biased instruction on behalf of other parties that have exclusive access to the code01:47
ubptgbot<johnnie fujita> i am new to ubuntu touch, but as i got deeper developing my platforms of end-to-end transactions and such, i always have to trust the underlying layers for some activities. At least, if i wish to keep the usecases to feel normal at some extent.01:49
ubptgbot<johnnie fujita> i will read more now in the website, but does the ubuntu touch is really connected to the kernel level instructions, or does it run as a subsystem over some other layer that is provided by google for example?01:51
ubptgbot<johnnie fujita> if anybody could give me this info straight ahead before i dive into the manuals, it would be neat!01:52
ubptgbot<johnnie fujita> thanks guys01:52
ubptgbot<johnnie fujita> already got to the good stuff guys, thanks. ubuntu touch is what i was looking indeed.01:57
ubptgbot<hadrianweb> Hello guys06:39
ubptgbot<hadrianweb> A manual to get Spotify up un running on Ubuntu touch devices06:40
ubptgbot<hadrianweb> https://forums.ubports.com/topic/2925/how-to-use-spotify-on-ubuntu-touch06:40
ubptgbot<hadrianweb> 😜06:40
ubptgbot<hadrianweb> [Edit] A manual to get Spotify up and running on Ubuntu touch devices06:53
ubptgbot<Coolomatics> πŸ‘πŸ˜€08:55
ubptgbotshafiqmustapa was added by: shafiqmustapa10:11
ubptgbot<LittleBoy8506> Loading module: 'libubuntu_application_api_touch_mirclient.so.3.0.0' … library "libubuntu_application_api.so" not found … dlsym failed: library handle is null … dlsym failed: library handle is null … Segmentation fault13:16
ubptgbot<LittleBoy8506> ?13:17
ubptgbotAlexandre Milani was added by: Alexandre Milani15:47
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @hadrianweb [https://forums.ubports.com/topic/2925/how-to-use-spotify-on-ubuntu-touch], cool, i like the idea of running it local15:52
ubptgbot<MaxKerst> @hadrianweb [https://forums.ubports.com/topic/2925/how-to-use-spotify-on-ubuntu-touch], Nice one πŸ‘15:55
ubptgbot<hadrianweb> Thanks for the messages16:08
ubptgbot<mofota> Hi guys, in UT 16.04, is anyone able to run the desktop apps, I installed the latest available scope for the desktop apps, but non is appearing after installing in the container, any thoughts?16:25
ubptgbot<iamjackscompletelackofsurprise> @mofota [Hi guys, in UT 16.04, is anyone able to run the desktop apps, I installed the la …], Go to the app screen and then swipe up from the bottom, do you see them then? If you can press the star to then make the scope 'swipeable' from left on the apps screen,16:29
ubptgbotxixian was added by: xixian17:09
ubptgbot<mofota> Apologies for the late reply, yes I did it already, feels as the scope is not reading the apps17:40
ubptgbot<mofota> Is there a way to read the log related to the scope?17:41
ubptgbotMarius S was added by: Marius S17:46
ubptgbot<iamjackscompletelackofsurprise> The only other thing I can think off is to drag down form the top to see if that refreshes the app list. Failing that have you rebooted?17:47
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> @mofota [Apologies for the late reply, yes I did it already, feels as the scope is not re …], what are you trying to install?18:18
ubptgbot<YougoChats> @mofota did you by any chance make the libertine container and/or scope in UT 15.04 and then upgrade to 16.04? That might cause the problem. Are there any apps you can’t afford losing? If this mismatch is the problem, then removing the scope, and removing the container and start fresh. Latest libertine on 16.04 does have a few problems18:26
ubptgbot though18:26
ubptgbot<YougoChats> [Edit] @mofota did you by any chance make the libertine container and/or scope in UT 15.04 and then upgrade to 16.04? That might cause the problem. Are there any apps you can’t afford losing? If this mismatch is the problem, then removing the scope, and removing the container and start fresh may help. Latest libertine on 16.04 does hav18:27
ubptgbote a few problems though18:27
ubptgbot<mofota> I installed Ubuntu touch 16.04 using the installer fresh, then I created a container using libertine-container-manager, tried also using Libertine in settings, then installed fresh libreoffice, gedit, I thought the apps will show in the scopes between the apps directly, as the Desktop Apps scope from the store is not compatible with 16.04,19:39
ubptgbot I found a post with a link to the latest version, after installing I swipe up in the scopes apps list and favorite the Desktop Apps to swipe from the right, trying to refresh the list, or adding any new apps in Libertine still doesn't show any apps19:39
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> @mofota [I installed Ubuntu touch 16.04 using the installer fresh, then I created a conta …], That is super weird19:40
ubptgbot<mofota> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/0T6jdk4q.png This is what it shows when I try using the terminal, I'm not sure if there is any other command to use to launch the desktop apps19:43
ubptgbot<mofota> file not found, indeed I'm using the wrong command :D19:44
ubptgbot<dohbee> @mofota [file not found, indeed I'm using the wrong command :D], hi and welcome. yes, you'll need to launch GUI apps in libertine from terminal using `ubuntu-app-launch` command. you can use `ubuntu-app-launch-appids` to see the apps you can launch20:38
ubptgbot<dohbee> @mofota [I installed Ubuntu touch 16.04 using the installer fresh, then I created a conta …], the legacy ([sic] desktop) apps scope does not need to be installed separately in 16.04. you just need to swipe up from bottom edge when looking at apps scope, and then select it from the list. you can tap the star next to it, to pin it to the lis20:39
ubptgbott and swipe left/right at apps screen to switch between the two scopes20:39
ubptgbot<mofota> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/xhFzKh02.mp420:55
ubptgbot<dohbee> what channel did you install? stable, rc, devel, or edge?20:56
ubptgbot<mofota> From the stable channel20:56
ubptgbot<dohbee> hmm, what device is this on?20:56
ubptgbot<mofota> It's the Nexus 520:57
ubptgbot<mofota> Feels maybe I missed up something when I reinstalled the Desktop Apps scope from a click file, also I enabled image write as I needed vim to be in terminal using apt20:59
ubptgbot<dohbee> ah; should work, but libertine is still quite experimental, and many apps don't work. and i think there have been more issues on nexus 5 (though i'm not sure why that would be)20:59
ubptgbot<dohbee> @mofota [Feels maybe I missed up something when I reinstalled the Desktop Apps scope from …], `vi` is already installed, but not full vim. if you really need full vim for some reason, it'd probably be better to install it in libertine too; you can then run it in terminal with `libertine-launch vim`21:00
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> @mofota [<reply to media>], Libreoffice is broken on libertine in the N5 now, you can use gnumeric and abiword as replacement in the meantime21:04
ubptgbot<F C> How many apps are there open store ?21:09
ubptgbot<mofota> @malditobastardo [Libreoffice is broken on libertine in the N5 now, you can use gnumeric and abiwo …], OMG! It's a dream come true! gnumeric worked! abiword had the same behavior as libreoffice apps21:12
ubptgbot<mofota> I will test out more and share my findings here, thanks guys for the help21:15
ubptgbot<mofota> It's amazing to see it work even in basics, I'm excited for the future of Ubuntu Touch21:22
ubptgbot<dohbee> I think there's a thread on the forum about it. And perhaps some issues on GitHub21:36
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> @mofota [It's amazing to see it work even in basics, I'm excited for the future of Ubuntu …], thanks! these encouraging words go a long way for many people.  Don't forget we're always looking for people to help.  there are only a small number of really hard working devs here so if any of you are able to help, please do.  We aren't t22:05
ubptgbothat far away from a victory.  :)22:05
ubptgbot<F C> Date of the next UT launch22:15
ubptgbot<F C> Android developers as we could contribute to Ubuntu touch22:21

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