
mrgoodcatneed to figure out auto identify13:36
mrgoodcatsomehow dropped server connection and auto join failed because +r on channel13:36
cmaloneyGood morning13:39
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Which client are you using?13:39
mrgoodcati just haven't set up sasl yet13:44
=== danny1 is now known as mrgoodcat
mrgoodcatseems to have worked13:45
cmaloneyYou'll also want to update your version of Weechat13:46
mrgoodcatwrong nick though13:46
cmaloney1.9.1 is from 201713:46
Scary_GuyI'm on 2.3 though some distros use an older version for whatever reason in their repos.15:38
cmaloneyYeah, I moved to the PPA for weechat15:58
cmaloneyI'm on the 2.5 series15:58
mrgoodcatsuppose i should same16:46

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