
Sven_vBwith "Windows 2013" and "Windows 2012", I can't find the microSD at all. =)00:46
Sven_vBI'll try even older ones00:46
bilb_onoon ubuntu 18.04 in my system settings I have “automatic suspend” set to “off”. However if I wait 10 minutes or so, it still suspends (the screen goes blank, when I touch something I have to sign in again)01:09
bilb_onoI want this to never happen ever.01:10
bilb_onowhat else do I do?01:10
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pragmaticenigmabilb_ono: "automatic suspend" is a power saving feature for the computer as a whole. There is also a display power saving setting, which triggers a session lock, which is what you are seeing01:13
bilb_onook. so bigger picture , I am trying to install plexmediaserver on my comp. I am picturing that every time a machine wants to access it (to stream a video) it will need to be awake and running01:15
bilb_onowhat do I need to do to make sure its awake and running01:15
pragmaticenigmabilb_ono: those settings are all availble in the "power" applet in the settings control panel. If you have disabled those features there, the computer will remain on. The behavior your describing I believe is located under the "screen" applet in the control panel, those settings will not turn off the CPU/Computer as a whole01:17
bilb_onook thanks01:24
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makeyanybody around02:24
Svetawhy do you ask?02:24
leftyfb!ask | makey02:25
ubottumakey: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:25
makeyi'm trying to iso boot ubuntu 18.04 lts server off grub...in case anyone here knows02:26
makeyokay tks leftyfb02:28
Bashing-ommakey: See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot .02:28
makeybeen there Bashing-om . desktop iso works as advertised but not server. i am hoping to achieve loading ubuntu server entirely in ram from a usb stick...02:30
Bashing-ommakey: Sorry, not been there myself - can not say :(02:32
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jpuntuHello everyone... I have a few questions, please let me know if this is not the place.05:27
jpuntuI have 2 HP DL360 server with Dell MD3000i. I installed Ubuntu 18.04 LTS into one of them and able to connect to MD Storage with iscsi initiator...05:28
jpuntuwhat is the best practice to have shared storage between servers?05:28
jpuntunop? nada? nothing? nneeeeee05:32
yhm12345mount a common dir ?05:49
yhm12345i am sorry , i made a mistake05:50
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Svetahi MRD36506:57
MRD365Am from Indonesia are you?06:58
Svetano, i speak russian and english only06:59
Svetai haven't been to indonesia before07:00
Svetajoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia07:00
MRD365 ok07:09
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kadzHi. I have a Dockerfile that uses Ubuntu 14.04 as the base image. I have a python package that depends on me using Python 2.7.10 but the system Python for Ubuntu is 2.7.6. How would I go about installing a newer version of Python? Ideally I'd like to do apt-get install.07:34
gde33my touchpad is driving me insane trying to type.07:40
gde33the laptop is pretty slow, I cant tell if the inpt field lost focus or if the box is frozen07:41
gde33Im on lubuntu07:41
gde33I have a mouse hooked up07:41
ayekatkadz: update to a supported version of ubuntu - 14.04 isn't supported anymore07:45
ayekatkadz: and more generally, you typically can't upgrade to newer versions of software in the same release - that's just the concept of stable releases :-)07:46
geirhaAlso, why not base it on a python image instead?07:49
gde33the web pages I found about disabling the trackpad are all very old, I tried to install an app that autodetects if a mouse is plugged in but it refused to install07:51
gde33what is the right lubuntu way to do this?07:52
gde33o well, ill just put tape over it like the webcam07:55
ayekatgde33: does your laptop not have a key to disable the touchpad?07:59
ayekatalternatively, some laptop models can also disable the touchpad in the firmware (EFI/BIOS)08:00
tomreyngde33: as always when asking such questions, it is very useful to discuss which ubuntu version you're using, and which graphical desktop. this can tell both:  nc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version,cmdline};echo "$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE)";)08:03
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kadzpogeirha I'll check if there's a python image that uses ubuntu as a base. Thanks.08:43
geirhaIf not ubuntu, there's probably a debian based one08:44
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Bob-OboTransfer rate is extremely slow, at only about 3mb/s. I thought USB 3.0 was supposed to be very fast, why is mine so slow? Is there any way to make it faster transfer speed? [SATA SSD, formatted as NTSF, connected via USB 3.0 external enclosure, transferring to Msata SSD, NTSF, installed in internal secondary drive bay, storage only, no OS]08:58
mjaykBob-Obo: everything in the chain must be able to suppor the speeds, you should try to locate your bottle neck08:59
Bob-Obomjayk: thanks for the reply. How would I troubleshoot that? [still a novice here]09:04
mjaykBob-Obo: basically replace things. I.e. do you have a USB 3.0 memory stick that you can test. Can you try a different port can you try a different enclosure etc etc.09:06
Bob-OboSo there's no commands to run any kind of tests, etc?09:07
mjaykBob-Obo: What would you be wanting to test though09:09
EriC^^Bob-Obo: you could check "dmesg" for any errors or run a smart test on the ssd i guess09:10
tomreynNTFS will make things slow (though not necessarily this slow, unless it's many small files), consider using a better supproted file system.09:10
EriC^^i'd try a usb3 device to make sure the port works right, and then get another usb3 enclosure or something or just put the ssd straight into the sata09:10
Bob-OboOk so I just ran 'dmesg', gave me a rather large result, not sure how to decipher it. How do I share the result here? [pastebin?]09:15
EriC^^Bob-Obo: what's the name of the ssd? /dev/sdb etc? check "sudo parted -ls" for the name then try "dmesg | grep sdb" or whatever name you get09:15
thsnrBob-Obo: just to be sure, can you double-check that the enclosure is connected to a usb3 port?09:16
tomreynBob-Obo: dmesg | pastebinit09:22
tomreynthis will submit the full (though possibly shortened, if longer than the websites' limit) kernel log to paste.ubuntu.com09:24
jizzlehi is this also a channel for ubuntu server users?09:27
lotuspsychjejizzle: its allowed, but there are also alot of experts in #ubuntu-server09:27
jizzle /msg NickServ IDENTIFY jizzle-con m4r154##09:27
Bob-Obothsnr: yes, all ports on here are 3.009:27
jizzleso.. changed the pw09:29
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Bob-Obotransferring from sdc to sda09:36
Bob-OboResults of "dmesg | grep sdc" = http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6D2D54RBnS/09:37
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EriC^^Bob-Obo: try googling an error to see what comes up09:44
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Bob-OboEriC^^: what do you mean? Can you be more specific please?10:28
tomreynBob-Obo: your log showed error messages regarding /dev/sdc which will cause serious data transfer problems10:31
Bob-Obohmm.. I dont know how to read any of that data. Im just a new linux user, non-programmer. Just an avg joe.10:33
tomreynBob-Obo: we enither, we can just search the web as well. it would be good to have more information, such as how this drive identifies itself.this may provide this information:   disconnect what was connected to usb and became the sdc drive. then run     udevadm monitor -k    in a terminal, then connect this usb device. then wait a few seconds and press ctrl-c to return to the shell. then post any output printed there.10:40
juanonymousi have a quick question, how do you grant file permission in ubuntu?10:40
juanonymouslike this one - Tcl error [::DuckHunt::update_nickchange_tracking]: couldn't open "scripts/duck_hunt/database/pending_transfers.db": permission denied10:40
juanonymousi need to grant permission on the folder database10:41
juanonymousi did chmod +x scripts/duck_hunt/database10:41
juanonymousbut it did not solve the problem10:41
roryjuanonymous: you are running CloudBot right?10:43
tomreynjuanonymous: the user executing this script must be able to do so. if this is *your* user, then you already solved this part. however, the user executing this script must also be allowed to enter the directory this script is stored in. that's the other condition which must be satisfied.10:43
roryjuanonymous: the user who is running CloudBot needs to have permissions to write to that file. Changing the executable bit won't sort it. You probably want to run "chown -R username: /path/to/cloudbot" where "username" is the name of the user running cloudbot10:43
tomreynoh right, that's a database, not a script, sorry.10:44
roryjuanonymous: if you're in doubt, share the output of "ls -l /path/to/scripts/duck_hunt/databases" in a pastebin10:44
juanonymouswill do10:45
tomreynstill the need to be able to access the directory still applies.10:45
juanonymousone moment10:45
rorywhat user is running the cloudbot process? "ps aux | grep -i cloudbot" - first column is username10:45
tomreyni think it's  "ls -l /path/to/scripts/duck_hunt/database"10:45
rorywell whatever10:46
tomreyn(singular, not plural 'database'10:46
rorybut yeah you are right10:46
roryjuanonymous: "chmod +x scripts/duck_hunt/database" will only set permissions on the directory, not the files within it. So it would allow listing the directory contents only.10:48
rorythat is a special meaning of +x executable bit, that applies to directories. since executing a directory doesn't make sense.10:49
roryjuanonymous: OK so it's all owned as root.10:51
roryjuanonymous:  what user is running the cloudbot process? "ps aux | grep -i cloudbot" - first column is username10:51
roryjuanonymous: (assuming it is cloudbot)10:51
juanonymousit's hoy10:52
juanonymoususername is hoy10:52
rory"hoy" is the username? If so, you need to just make all those files owned by "hoy" like so:10:52
rorysudo chown -Rv hoy:hoy /path/to/cloudbot10:52
roryas, by design, "hoy" user usually can't modify files owned by root10:53
juanonymouswhat does -Rv means btw?10:53
rory-R means recursive, enter all subdirectories10:53
rory-v just menas verbose, print what it's doing10:53
rorybe careful youdon't typo the path10:53
juanonymousoh i see10:53
rorybecause "sudo chown -R" will happily go over your entire filesystem if you accidenally tell it to10:53
roryafter you run that, you can run "ls -l" again and you should see the directory "database" owned by hoy now10:55
roryyou can test by trying to create file in that directory as "hoy" user using "touch" command. prior to running chown, you would have got permission denied error.10:55
roryor just run cloudbot of course10:55
rorychown shouldn't take that long10:57
ANANDHello! I'm afraid this one's trivial, but I just wanted to double-check that my guess is right - the mv command can move *and* rename at the same time, right?11:00
ANANDe.g. mv image.png ../renamed.png11:00
EriC^^ANAND: correct11:00
ANANDOk, thanks! :)11:00
ANANDHave a great day11:01
juanonymousit's all good now11:16
BluesKajHi folks12:35
Shibeis ubuntu on kernel 5.1 yet?13:31
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jilhow do I ensure that my clock is synced with NTP ?14:18
mgedminjil: service systemd-timesyncd status ?14:20
tomreynjil: on a default ubuntu installation, this should already be the case. if you disabled it,    timedatectl set-ntp true14:20
jilI get an error with a programm make resquest to a rest sever.  one git issus suggest to check the clock syncronization and to set the time server to time.nist.gov14:25
jilbut I see that ntpdate should help14:25
B|ack0pubuntu launches some apps very slow. it takes 20-30 seconds to open14:25
jilno, I get the error from a python function making a request to an only service.14:26
pragmaticenigma!details | B|ack0p14:28
ubottuB|ack0p: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.14:28
B|ack0pfor example vscode and spotify is launching very very late14:29
B|ack0pmaybe snap apps launching slow?14:30
jadaxDo you know how I can get notepad++ for Ubuntu 18.04?14:30
B|ack0pjadax: search in ubuntu store14:30
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: Both of those applications operate inside of Snaps, which is a containered environment. Performance issues would have to be addressed by their respective development teams.14:30
tomreynjil: i assume B|ack0p was not responding to you there, but stating a separate issue they're trying to get help with.14:30
mgedminB|ack0p: a 20-30 second delay screams "DNS problem" to me14:30
mgedminbut don't take it as gospel14:30
B|ack0pjadax: https://snapcraft.io/notepad-plus-plus14:31
tomreynjil: which ubuntu version are you using, are all updates installed, are you running a recent kernel?14:31
B|ack0pmgedmin: hmm14:31
jadaxB|ack0p I normally use just apt-get, snap is alternative to apt-get, right?14:31
B|ack0pjadax: yes14:32
jadaxI don't want to maintain two separate package managers14:32
jadaxis that how people do it these days?14:32
tomreynjil: and does the time reported by     timedatectl status     seem correct?14:32
EriC^^i try to use apt only14:32
mgedminyes and no: both can be used to install software, but they install from different package archives so the selection of things (and versions) you can install with apt vs snap is different14:32
ioriaB|ack0p, snaps are slow  due to a font-caching issue (but should be fixed soon)14:32
mgedminwhen something is not available through apt-get, I'm quite happy to install it via snap14:33
B|ack0pioria: well today i received some updates about font-caching issue..14:33
B|ack0palso i got an error while opening firefox14:33
B|ack0pvs code and spotify killing me really waiting to open14:33
ioriaB|ack0p, should be fixed soon (not right now :þ)14:34
B|ack0pand i dont understand if i clicked properly because circle doesnt turn when i click14:34
B|ack0pnormally when i click on an icon circle suppose to turn to show the process :p14:34
B|ack0pioria: ok i wait14:34
B|ack0pi prefer to use apt but some doesnt have that.. so i had to install via snap14:35
B|ack0pi think ubuntu should find a way to make it only 1 installation type14:36
B|ack0psnap with store or apt-get without store14:36
B|ack0pwith store it feels commercial line iOS or Google play14:36
ioriaB|ack0p, gnome-software probably will drop snaps14:36
B|ack0pi prefer apt-get without store14:36
* mgedmin carefully refrains from mentioning that he also installs some tools with cargo install, pip install, and gem install14:37
B|ack0pioria: perfect! hope they drop soon14:37
OerHekswhy only 1 installation type, freedom!14:37
EriC^^snap has some security benefits as well no?14:37
B|ack0pmgedmin: good for you :p i dont know what they are lol14:37
mgedmincans of worms, basically14:38
B|ack0pOerHeks: if u mention about freedom why dont we install .exe too? :p14:38
OerHekssnaps is like a ppa, trust the maintainer14:38
mgedminwine installwizard.exe14:38
B|ack0pnot all14:38
OerHekswell, it is not the right channel for a flamewar, B|ack0p14:38
B|ack0pok ok14:38
OerHekslets get back to support, thanks14:38
B|ack0pi got excited :p14:39
TJ-shame snap didn't :p14:39
B|ack0pbut this is not freedom lol14:39
B|ack0pis vscode snap? i think i installed it via apt-get14:40
B|ack0pi dont remember..14:40
TJ-mgedmin: I think the core difference is, when trying to give support, cargo/pip/gem don't integrate into software centre, so operators shouldn't be mislead into believing what is installed is supported (by Ubuntu community)14:40
B|ack0pubuntu is buggy today :/14:42
B|ack0pi received update "libexiv2-1414:43
B|ack0pwhatever it is14:43
mgedminsounds like a library for extracting the metadata from JPEG files14:45
TJ-!info libexiv214:45
ubottuPackage libexiv2 does not exist in bionic14:45
TJ-!info libexiv2-1414:46
ubottulibexiv2-14 (source: exiv2): EXIF/IPTC/XMP metadata manipulation library. In component main, is optional. Version 0.25-3.1ubuntu0.18.04.2 (bionic), package size 685 kB, installed size 2690 kB14:46
TJ-ha, thought the -14 was the debian package version number14:46
B|ack0pstill no idea .p14:46
TJ-lots of packages reverse-depend on that one ("apt-cache rdepends libexiv2-14")14:47
dbrassI'm trying to find how to fill the password prompt for full disk encryption with LUKS on LVM with the Nvidia driver. I get a low resolution image of the prompt but text appears over the image as I type. Is there a kernel parameter like nomodeset that needs to be used?15:03
dbrassI'm trying to use the VGA port on a thinkpad W530 and I need to switch to discrete graphic only so I need to be able to boot using the Nvidia proprietary driver.15:08
tomreyndbrass: about the dm-crypt/luks prompt, this can be bug 163898315:17
ubottubug 1638983 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-367 (Ubuntu) "Boot splash with luks password prompt broken after nvidia upgrade to 367" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163898315:17
TJ-dbrass: you should just be able to type the pass-phrase blind15:18
tomreynalso GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=text may help https://askubuntu.com/questions/898444/how-to-enable-text-mode-luks-passphrase-prompt-on-boot#answers15:19
TJ-just remove "splash" from the kernel command-line at boot15:21
TJ-dbrass: actually, the plymouth initrd.img scripts look for nosplash*|plymouth.enable=015:22
TJ-dbrass: so add "nosplash" and remove "splash" and you should get a text mode15:22
dbrassThanks, I'll have a look at these options15:23
B|ack0pis it safe to add OpenPGP and SSH Keys in launchpad?15:24
tomreynpublic keys, yes15:24
B|ack0pi hide my email but when somebody clicks on my PGP it shows my email15:25
B|ack0pin my launchpad profile15:25
TJ-good reason to use one email address per target15:25
B|ack0pi cant have many email per target15:26
tomreynnot even with a plus character?15:26
tomreynmyadrress@somedoma,in -> myaddre4ss+launchpadonly@somedoma.in15:27
tomreynand now without the typos: myaddress@somedoma,in -> myaddress+launchpadonly@somedoma.in15:28
B|ack0ptomreyn: it means i have to get another email15:28
tomreynwhether this +something is available depends on your e-mail host and whether they implement such standards, though15:28
TJ-B|ack0p: it depends on your receiving MTA; most mail services support this (it is called address tagging), but if like me you run your own MTA you can configure Postfix etc. to do it too15:29
B|ack0punfortunately i am using common email host services..15:30
TJ-In Postfix the character(s) are set via recipent_delimiter: http://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html#recipient_delimiter15:30
B|ack0pTJ-:  u mean Alias?15:30
TJ-B|ack0p: easy to test; get someone to send you an email at "yourname+testing@yourdomain.com" and see if you receive it15:30
B|ack0pTJ-: even it is gmail?15:31
TJ-B|ack0p: I'm almost certain GMail supports it, in fact it was the service that made it popular I think15:31
B|ack0pwhat about Outlook?15:32
TJ-B|ack0p: I think this covers it, from 2008, https://gmail.googleblog.com/2008/03/2-hidden-ways-to-get-more-from-your.html15:32
B|ack0pi dont have gmail15:32
tomreynmaybe ask about what you have then ;)15:33
B|ack0pi m using Outlook15:33
B|ack0pactually if there is linux friendly free email provider i am happy to use it15:33
B|ack0pi found disroot.org but not much usefull15:34
TJ-B|ack0p: yes, see https://www.ghacks.net/2013/09/17/can-now-use-email-aliases-outlook-com/15:34
tomreynthere is no friendly free email provider. either you trade in your privacy, or they are donation based.15:36
cmrabetHow can I force dpkg to install the same package and version again overwriting the previous one OR install a new version without deleting the files that were there before? Thanks.15:37
de-factoAny experience with Asmedia-ASM1351 USB to SATA bridge chipset? Does it work properly with UASP/TRIM etc?15:37
TJ-cmrabet: "sudo apt --reinstall install <package>"15:37
cmrabetTJ-, I'm using dpkg, I wrote a system program that calls it. I can't use apt-get15:38
TJ-cmrabet: so "dpkg --install <package>" ?15:39
cmrabetTJ-, that doesn't seem to overwrite the files if the version of the package is the same as the one already installed15:39
de-factocmrabet, did you "man dpkg"? there are loads of options to choose from15:39
cmrabetTJ-, if the versions are different, then yes, dpkg does install, but the problem is that it removes any files that existed in the previous one. I guess what I need is "incremental" updates.15:40
cmrabetI'm generating deb packages that contain "additions" to the previous versions, rather than the whole software over and over with new changes.15:41
cmrabet"additions" or "changes" to the previous versions.15:41
TJ-cmrabet: you mean package deltas?15:41
hortielwhat is preformatted text means in librewriter?15:41
hortielin what way it's removes the formatting15:42
cmrabetTJ-, aha, I don't know what that is, but I'll research, package deltas?15:42
TJ-!info debdelta | cmrabet are you using the existing tooling?15:43
ubottucmrabet are you using the existing tooling?: debdelta (source: debdelta): diff and patch utilities which work with Debian packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.61 (bionic), package size 98 kB, installed size 395 kB15:43
OziHow do i install "wine:i386"??15:43
cmrabetTJ, thanks15:44
TJ-cmrabet: e.fg. http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/en/man1/debdelta.1.html15:44
tomreynOzi: sudo apt update && sudo apt install wine:i38615:44
Ozithanks tomreyn15:44
tomreynOzi: depending on the ubuntu version you're on, this will return an erro message with additional instructions15:44
tomreynhortiel: i'm not sure whether this applies to the librewriter context, but normally 'preformatted' text is text displayed in a monospaced font, a font where all characters display with the same width.15:46
cmrabetTJ-, I think dpkg has flags for what I want to do, --update-avail and --merge-avail15:46
tomreynhortiel: within a preformatted section, you'd also expect that other text formats are ignored while 'preformatting' applies. basically, text is displayed as it would have been before (pre) formatting it.15:48
TJ-cmrabet: I don't think so, those are deprecated methods of updating the 'available' database of package control info15:49
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hortielhow do I get table of content which I canclick to go to that chapter without scroolling15:52
TJ-hortiel: https://help.libreoffice.org/Writer/Creating_a_Table_of_Contents15:53
TJ-hortiel: preformatted text is a monospaced font so columns on all rows align; it's part of the support for HTML PRE element15:54
hortielcoulmns in tables?15:57
TJ-hortiel: no, the columns in text15:58
B|ack0pi deleted PGP and trying to create new key in Passwords and Keys but it doesnt create16:00
B|ack0pwhat can i do?16:00
B|ack0pah done16:00
B|ack0pit was slow16:01
B|ack0pubuntu is buggy today16:03
B|ack0pslow running and apps crashing16:03
B|ack0pcant open thunderbird now16:03
OerHeksseems like your system only, B|ack0p16:03
B|ack0pyes my ubuntu system16:03
B|ack0pThunderbird is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Thunderbird process, or restart your system.16:03
tomreyneither wait for it to close properly, or run     killall thunderbird16:04
tomreynor, worst case, accepting data loss:  killall -9 thunderbird16:05
B|ack0popened now after several crashes16:05
B|ack0pnow addon doesnt work16:05
tomreynlooks like your system generally behaves unstable, maybe try to solve this first of all16:05
tomreynthat's not a good foundation to build on.16:05
B|ack0phow build on?16:06
tomreyncheck your system logs, make sure there are no critical errors16:06
B|ack0pmaybe i should reboot16:06
B|ack0pok logs first16:06
OerHeksso, you messed around with keys, now a 3rd party plugin is bugging you?16:08
B|ack0pok message popped up about mozilla16:09
B|ack0pto report16:09
OerHeksafter changing keys,  it is logical to restart thunderbird, no?16:12
hortieli couldn't do it,what do they mean by that.16:15
hortielThe best way to generate a table of contents is to apply the predefined heading paragraph styles, such as "Heading 1", to the paragraphs that you want to include in your table of contents.16:15
jiltomreyn: my issue is settled too.  Thank you16:16
wrwhere can get ubuntu iso with bare system, no gnome?16:22
TJ-hortiel: maybe this will help more: https://libreofficehelp.com/add-table-of-contents-libreoffice-writer/16:23
OerHekswr, server or mini iso?16:23
wrOerHeks, mini16:23
wrOerHeks, after said mini iso was on that link, but thanks16:24
OerHekswr, mini iso is unsuitable for UEFI bios systems16:24
wrOerHeks, what DE will be the fastest and lowest resouce to install, i just need to do a test VM16:25
wrOerHeks, i dont have UEFI ye16:25
OerHekslubuntu, mate, xubuntu ..16:25
wrOerHeks, lower than lubuntu any?16:25
OerHeksmaybe i3wm ?16:26
OerHeksxubuntu is pretty low on resources, for me16:26
wrOerHeks, the lowest i know is lubuntu, lower i think have to just use a WM16:27
lotuspsychjewr: low/lightest also depends on the hardware, sometimes the hardware runs better on a xubuntu for example16:27
wrlotuspsychje, in my all hardwares lubuntu always is lower and i have used it on three different pc's16:28
lotuspsychjewr: im just second OerHeks advice, xubuntu is also pretty low on resources16:30
wrlotuspsychje, prefer lubuntu, i have used xubuntu bfore16:35
Sven_vBTJ-, so far with acpi_osi settings I just got errors to the effect of "no such file /dev/mmcblk2". could it appear with other names?16:37
B|ack0pTJ-: thanks. i created mail alias16:38
AntoineHello, I have just installed Ubuntu 19.10 on my laptop Acer aspire E1-571G. When I checked "secure boot", it wouldn't boot, it hanged after LSB something (sorry I forgot the exact thing). Now I unchecked secure boot and third party drivers as well and it boots but it says "Failed to start Switcheroo Control Proxy". Is this something I should worry about?16:38
lotuspsychjeAntoine: come join to #ubuntu+1 please16:38
Antoinelotuspsychje: Ok, why?16:39
lotuspsychjeSven_vB: have you been able to install on that acer?16:39
lotuspsychjeAntoine: 19.10 support is handled in #ubuntu+116:39
AntoineOk thanks16:39
AntoineOh sorry my bad16:39
Sven_vBAntoine, I'm currently debugging an annoying Acer as well. with that one it's normal it seems to freeze for about a minute in regular startup; also yesterday it froze a bit earlier and longer, so I hard-reset it and it booted normally.16:39
AntoineIts Ubuntu 19.04, the latest from Ubuntu website, sorry16:40
Sven_vBlotuspsychje, haven't tried yet. I managed to boot GRUB from the HDD once, but couldn't reproduce yet.16:40
Sven_vBI just tested without the acpi_osi options, still can't see mmcblk2. maybe the card just unstuck.16:44
Sven_vByeah. there goes one hour of testing wasted.16:46
hortielTJ-: but ctrl+enter is not working insteading ctrl+click is? I'd like a cmd,...16:52
hortielTJ-: I read your tutorial and succeeded but click is only working.16:53
Tenkawais there anything in the plasma window manager that would qualify as the side by side multiple desktop switcher ie xfce?16:54
Tenkawaer plasma desktop world..16:55
Tenkawaa widget or add-on?16:55
Tenkawaclosest one I've found so far seems to be pager and its a bit heavy16:56
Sven_vBhortiel, if OO becomes all too annoying, you could try switching to more text-based markups where you have full control over roles and layouts, e.g. HTML or TeX (I used LyX, https://www.lyx.org/Walkthrough)17:01
WalexAn even simpler alternative is MarkDown, but it has several limitations.17:07
WalexTenkawa: you can add one to the "sidebar" which is pretty much the same as the XFCE one17:09
hortielSven_vB: i came from emacs17:10
hortielwhat is OO? it's LO libreoffice  not openoffice.17:10
Tenkawaoh? let me take a look17:11
Sven_vBhortiel, oh right, I still had the old name in mind.17:11
hortielShortcut Keys for Tables in LibreOffice Writer ... https://help.libreoffice.org/Writer/Shortcut_Keys_for_Writer17:11
TenkawaWalex: thanks.. I'll take a look17:13
AntoineSo can I safely ignore "Failed to start Switcheroo Control Proxy"?17:13
OerHeksknown issue https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/switcheroo-control/+bug/176898817:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1768988 in Fedora "switcheroo-control fails to detect multi-gpu system" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:20
OerHeksmake sure your bios version is up2date17:20
OerHeksif it still fails, disable secure boot, but that is a rough solution17:21
AntoineOerHeks: I think I can only disable secure boot by switching from uefi to legacy17:49
AntoineThat might involve reinstalling, which I'd like to avoid17:49
B|ack0pnow only issue is not existing Guest user --18:22
B|ack0pi cant imagine how stable win10 is working on my 10 yrs old thinkpad core2duo18:23
B|ack0pi mean more stable than win7 not ubuntu :p18:23
B|ack0poh sorry wrong place18:24
B|ack0pdualboot is confusing sometimes :p18:25
becooli'm trying to locate a script that's creating sql dumps to a remote storage location. how do i find out where the script is?18:40
lordcirthbecool, you could use the inotify tools to see what process opens the files.18:41
lordcirthBut you could also grep through cron18:42
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becoollordcirth: good suggestions18:54
becoolnothing in local cron dirs. this script is on a remote system somewhere and i'm trying to trace where19:00
coffeecowIs there anyone here who prefers Seahorse over KeePassXC after trying them both?19:20
lotuspsychjecoffeecow: come join in #ubuntu-discuss please19:20
becoollordcirth: how do i use inotify tools?19:29
lordcirthbecool, hmm, I thought that inotify-wait could tell you the process that touched it, but it seems not?19:31
JonelethIrenicusI have a USB drive I got from a company19:31
JonelethIrenicuswhen i insert it19:31
JonelethIrenicusit types RR on linux19:31
JonelethIrenicusi imagine the person thought I would be on windows19:31
JonelethIrenicuswhy is it doing this?19:31
lordcirthJonelethIrenicus, what do you mean it types RR? You mean it shows up as a keyboard and sends keypresses?19:31
JonelethIrenicuslordcirth: not sure19:31
lordcirthbecool, however, if this script is running over ssh, you could monitor /var/log/auth.log?19:31
JonelethIrenicuslordcirth: it would seem so19:32
lordcirthJonelethIrenicus, that is a very suspicious thing for a USB stick to do.19:32
JonelethIrenicuslordcirth: i agree, but i want to make sure19:32
JonelethIrenicushow can i get to the files on this?19:32
lordcirthJonelethIrenicus, does it show up as a mass storage device at all?19:33
lordcirthlsblk -f19:33
JonelethIrenicuslordcirth: thanks19:34
RochvellonHi, I've got a problem. there is somewhere a trigger in my system (desktop, xfce) that let crackle my audio periodically and if xfce4-volumed is active the osd volume appears then. what could it be? the first time this behaviour happend was as I pressed the volume up or down on my old keyboard but it happens with my new keyboard too19:35
JonelethIrenicuslordcirth: no luck19:35
lordcirthJonelethIrenicus, 'lsusb' - do you see a second keyboard?19:35
sarnoldJonelethIrenicus: 'xev' can show you what the usb keyboard types when you plug it in19:35
lordcirth^ also good19:35
sarnoldlordcirth: and usbguard (and the corresponding qt applet! get it!) can authorize or not specific USB devices, to preven tthe keyboard from being *used*19:36
sarnoldJonelethIrenicus: ^^ see above message about usbguard and the qt applet! don't forget the applet.19:36
lordcirthThat's cool, I will look into that!19:36
sarnoldbecool: bpfcc-tools may be helpful to you19:37
Sven_vBTJ-, I've now exhaused all candidate windows versions for acpi_osi=, all of them just yield "open: Read-only file system". :( any next ideas?19:39
TenkawaSven_vB: what ya working on?19:41
TenkawaI missed the earlier details19:41
Sven_vBTenkawa, trying to create a new partition in trailing free space on /dev/mmcblk2, which is a microSD card plugged into the internal microSD slot of an Acer SW5-012 running a bionic live session.19:42
becooli was able to locate the script19:42
becoolthanks everyone19:42
Sven_vBTenkawa, as a pre-step, we were trying to debug why it's read-only. the command that produced said error message is "sudo mmc writeprotect user get /dev/mmcblk2" and same for boot instead of user.19:43
TJ-Sven_vB: must be the device then19:43
TenkawaSven_vB: what device driver does it use19:44
Tenkawado a dmesg | grep mmc and look for any messages about read only or errors19:44
Tenkawafrom a terminal19:45
Sven_vBTenkawa, can't find anything suspicious. some partitions on mmcblk1 are unclean but mmcblk1 is r/w so it shouldn't matter. http://paste.debian.net/plainh/c36578ad19:50
Sven_vBoh, actually, "(ro)" in "3.73 GiB (ro)"19:50
Sven_vBcould it be the device needs a greeting from the official driver at least once? the windows that shipped on the SSD doesn't recognize the microSD slot, so I guess the official driver was never run, if such a driver even exists.19:54
Sven_vBthere's a "Platform Drivers Installer" on https://www.acer.com/ac/en/US/content/support-product/5547 , I'll try to install that in Windows.19:58
JonelethIrenicuslordcirth: let me look one sec sarnold20:07
JonelethIrenicuslordcirth: yes i do20:07
JonelethIrenicusdoesn't say keyboard though20:08
lordcirthJonelethIrenicus, "1111:2222" isn't a real manufacturer code either. You've got a BadUSB firmware attack there.20:09
JonelethIrenicuslordcirth: i think it is purposeful obfuscation by a company20:09
JonelethIrenicusPandora International Ltd20:10
lordcirthJonelethIrenicus, what legitimate reason would they have to give you a USB with hacked firmware?20:10
JonelethIrenicuslordcirth: if they don't want you to look at the drives contents?20:10
lordcirththat's what encryption is for. Obfuscation at the drive controller level is absurd20:11
lordcirth(Which isn't to say that some PHB couldn't have ordered it)20:11
JonelethIrenicusi dont know it just got dropped in my lap20:12
lordcirthJonelethIrenicus, you should probably ask whoever gave it to you why it has modified firmware, then.20:16
lordcirthJonelethIrenicus, did you try xev as mentioned above?20:16
JonelethIrenicuslordcirth: they aren't gonna tell me or they do not know20:16
JonelethIrenicusnot yet20:17
lordcirthtry it. It's likely that the "RR" is just the printable portion of a longer string, probably involving Super+R (windows Run)20:17
arpad2hi there, I have problem that after nvidia driver is installed it is not in use on a nvidia optimus ubuntu system20:19
lotuspsychjearpad2: wich chipset and driver version please?20:20
arpad2lotuspsychje: hi, how can I find this info?20:20
lotuspsychjearpad2: sudo lshw -C video && ubuntu-devices20:21
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:21
arpad2lotuspsychje: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rtmMcmysJX/20:22
lotuspsychjearpad2: ubuntu-drivers list20:23
arpad2lotuspsychje: ubuntu-drivers list nvidia-driver-390 nvidia-34020:25
lotuspsychjearpad2: ok tnx, doublecheck nvidia-settings now, to see if your its set on performance mode or powersaving mode20:25
arpad2lotuspsychje: lotuspsychje20:26
arpad2lotuspsychje: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/889ZytWkSP/20:26
lotuspsychjearpad2: nvidia-settings has a GUI icon, could you try that?20:27
jarnosHow do you report a bug in nouveau. I think I am using it, but ` ubuntu-bug nouveau` tells "dpkg-query: no packages found matching nouveau"20:28
arpad2lotuspsychje: PRIME profile: NVIDIA20:28
lotuspsychjejarnos: before filing bugs, we reccomend to ask your issue in this channel, maybe volunteers have a solution or idea20:28
lordcirthjarnos, "apt search nouveau" will tell you which package you are actually using20:29
* Tenkawa falls over cleaning house20:29
lotuspsychjearpad2: if nvidia(performance mode) is enabled, you should be good20:30
lotuspsychjearpad2: thats what you wanted, to use nvidia?20:30
arpad2lotuspsychje: yes, so it will use the card when higher performance is needed?20:31
arpad2for instance in Steam games20:31
jarnoslordcirth, oh, or even better ` dpkg -l | grep nouveau`20:31
lordcirththat too20:31
lotuspsychjearpad2: you can test yourself to switch betweent he 220:31
Tenkawaoh is it one of those optimus setups?20:32
Tenkawa(I think nvidia uses optimus)20:32
arpad2lotuspsychje: ok20:32
arpad2lotuspsychje: so that error message from terminal in nvidia-settings is not important?20:33
lotuspsychjeTenkawa: its nvidia-prime now gets installed togheter with the nvidia driver20:33
jarnoslotuspsychje, I just wanted to report that there is tearing issue with nouveau driver. Test video: https://youtu.be/MfL_JkcEFbE20:33
lotuspsychjearpad2: correct, you can deny20:33
lotuspsychjejarnos: ubuntu version, card chipset and driver version please?20:34
arpad2lotuspsychje: ok, thank you lotuspsychje for your help and effort20:34
jarnoslotuspsychje, nouveau driver seems to be working best with Firefox, whereas nvidia driver works best with google-chrome.20:34
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JonelethIrenicuslordcirth: good point20:41
kainengranWhy wouldn't my at commands work? I run `echo "test" | at now +1 minute` and don't get anything in the terminal.20:47
lordcirthkainengran, I wouldn't expect that to print to the terminal?20:48
lordcirthWell actually, I get "job 1 at Mon Jul 15 16:49:00 2019" from at20:48
kainengranSorry, I meant terminal emulator xterm.20:48
kainengranSo where does it echo?20:49
BovineWalrusVampIs it possible to mount a Samba share to ~/Desktop? If doing so from fstab, would I go about it the same way as I would mount anything else?20:49
lordcirthkainengran, 'at' sends a message to 'atd' (the at daemon) and tells it to schedule "echo test" for 1 minute from now. As atd is not executing in your shell, it won't print there.20:50
lordcirthkainengran, depending on your config, it might mail you the result like cron does.20:50
kainengranI've tried running gimp with at, and I don't any result also...20:51
lordcirthkainengran, gimp is a graphical program, and must be called with the $DISPLAY variable set. Since atd isn't running in your desktop, you'd have to specify that yourself, I think20:52
lordcirthkainengran, if you want it to be echoed to your terminal, there are a few options. sh -c "sleep 2; echo test" & is one20:52
lordcirther, sleep 1m , rather.20:52
lordcirthkainengran, is there a specific problem you want to solve, or are you just trying to learn things?20:54
kainengranlordcirth, trying to learn things. Thank you :) I thought atd get the DISPLAY as an environmental variable by default.20:55
lordcirthkainengran, no, $DISPLAY is inherited by anything called by X. atd is a system service that starts independently (and generally before) X.20:56
kainengranHmmm... Yeah, I was stupid enough to think that the daemon should know the specific shell the at command was scheduled, so it should execute it there...21:02
kainengranmakes me wonder if it's possible to specify a tty or a pty where a command should be run in linux21:04
kainengranI meant pts21:05
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kainengranoh, it is possible simply by redirection!21:06
* kainengran palmface21:06
lordcirthMany things are possible with redirection, since (almost) everything is a file21:09
thneeHow come packages.ubuntu.com lists python3 as 3.6.5-3, but when I apt install python3, I get 3.6.8?21:12
thneeFor bionic that is21:12
OerHeksthnee, it is backported 3.6.5-3 with 3.6.8 patches21:18
OerHekserr3.6.5 with 3.6.8 patches wich gives the ubuntu versioning 3.6.5-321:19
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isopodI'm trying to install Ubuntu 18.04 into a systemd-nspawn container using debootstrap, but I always get "Couldn't find these debs: systemd-container". What am I doing wrong?21:31
isopodsudo debootstrap --include=systemd-container,iproute2 --variant=minbase --arch=amd64 bionic gitlab http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/21:31
isopod(It worked with Debian)21:32
thneeOerHeks: wow ok, confusing.. thanks!21:34
pragmaticenigmaisopod: well.. Ubuntu is not Debian, it is Ubuntu and there are significant configuration differences between the two. Also, I believe your question might be better suited for #ubuntu-server21:35
thneeOerHeks: So functionally it is like 3.6.5, right? And the backported patches are only for security? And it's just an accident that it says 3.6.8?21:35
isopodpragmaticenigma: True, but Ubuntu seems to have the same package: https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/systemd-container So why isn't it found?21:36
OerHeksnot an accident, it is in code the 3.6.8, but as LTS gives stable packages + security updates, the versioning numbers are slightly different21:37
pragmaticenigmaisopod: Because to install that package you have to have the Universe repository enabled21:38
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.21:38
thneeOerHeks: I don't get it. Is it functionally like 3.6.5 or 3.6.8? Backporting security patches is of course fine, but functionally, which is it?21:38
isopodpragmaticenigma: Thanks, that sounds like the answer I was looking tor.21:38
OerHeksthnee, functionality stays the same, i guess. no new features, those appear in the between-LTS versions21:39
Forty-3how do I view the old/new versions of packages before I upgrade?21:41
pragmaticenigmaForty-3: What are you trying to do exactly?21:41
Forty-3see if there are any change notes so I don't break anything21:41
Forty-3atm, it just says what packages would be upgraded21:42
Forty-3but I'd like to see that e.g. linux 4.10 will be upgrade to 4.14 or something21:42
pragmaticenigmaForty-3: Packages released in the official repositories are well tested before release. It is possible that a bug may slip through, but it is rare. There is no way to "view" differences, except to look at the release notes. The packages supplied are compiled binary, so unless you know how to read binary... you best bet to avoid issues is back your system up prior to installation/upgrades21:42
OerHeksapt changelog <package>21:43
thneeOerHeks: Ait, I'll take that. Thanks!21:43
Forty-3pragmaticenigma: I have been bitten too much by "stable" software breaking on upgrade21:43
Forty-3I've found point-release distros to be particularly egregious in this area21:44
OerHeksthnee, to make it easy: sudo apt update && apt list --upgradable  # to get a list of upgradable packages21:44
pragmaticenigmaForty-3: Sorry to hear that has been your experience, I can't say that I have ever had any issue within a release, only when moving major version/releases of the distribution I am on21:44
Forty-3anyway, I have several servers running on this machine, and I want to make sure they stay working21:45
OerHeksForty-3,  use a test server and a vm?21:45
pragmaticenigmaForty-3: If you have introduced/installed any PPAs on your system, it is very likely they have been the source of your issues. As PPAs are not monitored, maintained, or tested by Canonical or Ubuntu developers21:45
Forty-3OerHeks: lotta server specific config21:45
Forty-3I'd rathe rjust see what versions are being changed21:46
Forty-3so I can do the research myself21:46
Forty-3arch does this fine when you update, and so does rhel...21:46
pragmaticenigmaForty-3: If your setup is that critical, then you should be running a mirrored machine to smoke test changes on. That's just good practice21:46
OerHeksoops, my previous post adressed wrong thnee > Forty-3 , to make it easy: sudo apt update && apt list --upgradable  # to get a list of upgradable packages21:46
Forty-3OerHeks: thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for21:47
TJ-Forty-3: summary "apt list --upgradable" then, for each package, "apt changelog <package>"22:07
thy143HI, I hoping someone can clear something up for me regarding patching Ubuntu 1804 servers. We have a number of servers deployed using the server image (not the live one). I have done a apt-get upgrade, however I am still on 4.15.0-45-generic.  I have deployed anther VM using the “live” server install media and that is upgrading its kernel. Is someo22:07
thy143ne able to let me know why I not getting security patches on the 1804 (non live installers) server? Thanks22:07
TJ-oh, OerHeks  beat me!22:07
TJ-thy143: ISOs contains latest point releases, which will include the latest HWE kernels22:08
TJ-thy143: so I'm guessing you're seeing linux 4.18 or 5.0 on the latest 18.04.X ISO ?22:08
sarnoldthy143: can you pastebin the output of your apt update && apt upgrade command?22:10
Bashing-omthy143: Latest kernel for the 18.04.1 cycle: "sysop@x1804mini:~$ uname -r >> 4.15.0-54-generic" .22:10
thy143TJ- uname-a  returns ubuntu 4.15.0-45 ....    i have been asked to verify that we have the CVE-2019-11477 kernal patch installed which is version 4.15.0-52.5622:11
ryuothy143: did you try dist-upgrade?22:12
ryuothy143: one possibility is you're lacking a generic kernel package that tracks the latest one.22:13
TJ-thy143:  4.15.0-45-generic is on the installed servers? is the bionic-security/bionic-updates components in apt sources.list enabled?22:13
TJ-thy143: as ryuo  says, is "linux-image-generic" installed to ensure upgrades are pulled in?22:13
ryuoor another form of it.22:13
thy143Ok i think that might be it.  had anther look and apt-get upgrade is kept back "linux-generic, linux-headers-generic and linux-images-generic22:15
thy143This is on clean install (VM) using the ISO here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/18.04.2/release/22:15
ryuothy143: try dist-upgrade then.22:15
wrrm: cannot remove '/snap/core18/1055/var/lib/ucf/registry': Read-only file system, how can i remove /snap?22:16
ryuoafaik that always updates everything.22:16
TJ-thy143: "apt full-upgrade"22:16
ryuoor that. it's an alias for dist-upgrade.22:16
thy143ryuo TJ- that advisiable on a server in production?22:16
ryuothy143: no idea, but i've always used it without incident.22:16
ryuoyou can always review what it wants to do before approving it.22:17
TJ-thy143: if linux-generic is installed those packages should be pulled in as dependencies by default. If they're not someone has mis-configured the servers22:17
sarnoldwr: it's on a read-only filesystem. if you want that file gone, you'll have to remove that snap to do it.22:17
thy143everything clean install, (clean VM installed 30 mins ago). no edits done on any config22:18
ryuothy143: ok... try what we advised to at least see what it does. only difference from upgrade is what upgrades will be chosen.22:18
wrsarnold, already did a snap remove, is that it?22:18
sarnoldwr: probably, yes22:19
wrsarnold, so probably not, because folder is there22:19
TJ-!info unattended-uprgades | thy143: you also might want to consider22:19
ubottuthy143: you also might want to consider: Package unattended-uprgades does not exist in bionic22:19
TJ-!info unattended-upgrades | thy143: you also might want to consider22:19
ubottuthy143: you also might want to consider: unattended-upgrades (source: unattended-upgrades): automatic installation of security upgrades. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1ubuntu1.18.04.11 (bionic), package size 40 kB, installed size 384 kB22:19
ryuo"full-upgrade performs the function of upgrade but will remove currently installed packages if this is needed to upgrade the system as a whole."22:20
ryuoso that's why it sometimes keeps stuff back.22:20
sarnoldwr: if snap list shows nothing but mount shows /snap/core18/1055/ is still there, I suggest hopping into #snapcraft and asking about it22:20
TJ-ryuo: basically ABI changes require a "apt-get dist-upgrade" / "apt full-upgrade"22:21
ryuoi see.22:21
wrsarnold, go it now, had to do one more remove on core1822:22
sarnoldwr: aha, all good?22:23
wrsarnold, yes, this snap installs things on file system hmmm22:23
thy143ok a apt full-upgrade looks to do the same as apt install linux-image-generic.   Will i keep running into the kernal not upgrading when doing a apt-get upgrade or should it role with the new one now?22:23
TJ-thy143: for kernel upgrades a reboot (or kexec) is required22:24
TJ-!livepatch | thy14322:24
ubottuthy143: Canonical Livepatch is a service offered by Canonical for 64 bit 14.04 and higher installs that modifies the currently running kernel for updates without the need to restart. More information can be found at https://ubottu.com/y/livepatch and https://www.ubuntu.com/server/livepatch22:24
wrsarnold, using snap on debian based machine can cause any conflicts?22:25
sarnoldwr: it should work fine; I'm not sure the confinement on debian is as extensive as on ubuntu, but the debian-supplied packages and the snap-supplied packages shouldn't stomp on each other or anything22:26
thy143i get i need a reboot. WE rather not have livepatch as we need a control inpalce when updates get pushed.22:27
wrsarnold, if ubuntu has apt what snap adds?22:43
jeremy31!snap | wr22:43
ubottuwr: Snaps are containerised software packages similar to flatpaks or appimage. For more info, see https://snapcraft.io22:43
sarnoldwr: snaps are more like the apple app store or google play store -- you may or may not have source, there may or may not be security support, and there's some sandboxing in place to restrict what can and can't be done22:44
sarnoldwr: the main benefit is that you don't have to run anything from them as root22:45
wrsarnold, i was thinking on that a contained app22:45
sarnoldwr: the atomic updates are nice too; a surprising number of .deb packages fail to upgrade for reasons that are usually difficult to discorver22:45
Jan-is there some way I can write a simple script to send bytes to a serial device? right now I have "echo -n 1 > /dev/ttyUSB0"22:55
Jan-what I want is for it to go 1,2,3,4 in sequence every few milliseconds22:55
tomreynterminal window #1: touch /tmp/foo && tail -f /tmp/foo     terminal window #2:  (echo 1; sleep 0.3; echo 2;) >> /tmp/foo23:01
wrJan-, #programming might be good23:01
tomreynJan-: but you reall should write this in a proper scripting language23:02
sarnoldJan-: untested, but try this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9gkcxWbb9h/23:02
Jan-OK thanks guys23:04
Jan-I shall maybe try python :)23:04
* Jan- is not a linux persn23:04
TJ-hehehe this is like the programming challenge!  DEV=/dev/ttyUSB0; while true; do for n in {1..4}; do echo $n >$DEV; sleep 0.2; done; done23:09
sarnoldI skipped that one because sleep isn't a shell built-in; it's a whole new exec every time through the loop23:09
MMYStichi, I have a strange problem with bandwidth limitation. I mean the wifi is slow. I have cleaned any "tc" (traffic shaping cli) configuration. But I haven't resolved. What further conf should I seek to solve the problem ? sysctl ? others ?23:10
TJ-sarnold: right, and we need to waste time anyhow :)23:10
sarnold*maybe* it's even a fresh open and close each trip. that'd also be needlessly expensive :)23:10
wrMMYStic, see dns23:11
MMYSticwr: dns ? why ? how ?23:11
wrMMYStic, said wifi was slow23:11
sarnoldMMYStic: it'd be best to figure out what exactly i slow about it23:12
MMYSticwr I've done a speedtest and I have 1mbit bandwidth, but the wifi has 25..23:12
wrMMYStic, what do you use for speedtest?23:12
MMYSticsarnold: just the bandwidth.. it seems there is some traffic shaping configuration23:12
TJ-sarnold: but if you don't want an exec, then DEV=/dev/ttyUSB0; while true; do for n in {1..4}; do echo $n >$DEV; read -t 0.2; done; done23:13
MMYSticwr I have used speedtest-cli installed with apt and the speedtest site23:13
sarnoldTJ-: well played! :)23:13
TJ-sarnold: :P23:13
sarnoldTJ-: I didn't know read had a timeout23:13
sarnoldMMYStic: try this fq_codel https://www.bufferbloat.net/projects/codel/wiki/HOWTO/23:13
wrMMYStic, try other speedtest to see if any thing changes significantly23:14
TJ-MMYStic: start off with basics: signal strength, errors, retries (use "iwconfig")23:14
wrMMYStic, do you have good values on hardware and signal of wifi?23:14
MMYSticwr: yeah the signal is ok..23:15
MMYSticthen I have to debug the wifi.. ok I try23:15
wrMMYStic, do you have bandwith limitation outside wifi? cable?23:17
TJ-MMYStic: which band is it using, which protocol? 2.4/5.x, 802.11bgn, 802.11an, 802.11ac ?23:17
TJ-MMYStic: how many other Access Points using the same band, what channel widths are they using, are they overlapping?23:18
wrMMYStic, try to scan to see if your using channels that don't overlap your area23:18
MMYSticwr: I think no.. .. well maybe I've found something... I have the following strange conf on iwconfig23:18
MMYSticBit Rate=1 Mb/s   Tx-Power=20 dBm23:18
wrMMYStic, do you have any setting on card to limit something?23:19
TJ-MMYStic: best to show us in a pastebin the entire output: "pastebinit <( iwconfig )"23:19
wrMMYStic, 20 dBm not very good23:21
wrMMYStic, how is your pinging and dns settings?23:22
veegeeWhat's going on with the latest kernel builds failing? https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.2.1/23:22
TJ-MMYStic: wr: 20dBm is OK, its probably the regulatory domain setting23:23
MMYSticthe ping to the gw is around 7 ms23:23
TJ-MMYStic: show us "pastebinit <( iw list )"23:23
wrTJ-, it's tx-power thought was signal level23:23
TJ-MMYStic: before I've seen this next log, I'm going to guess there are other APs interfering. show us "pastebinit <( sudo iwlist scan )"23:25
MMYSticTJ-: what should I seek on iwlist scan output ?23:27
TJ-MMYStic: we're looking for all the APs and what there channel config/bandwidth is23:28
wrMMYStic, i guess cell's that are on you same you23:28
TJ-MMYStic: you're in the 802.11b band, max 20MHz channels is 14 (Japan) or 11 (USA) or 13 (Europe). Of those only 3 are non-overlapping (1, 6, 11/13/14) - if some AP is using 802.11n that's 40MHz channels and suddenly only channels 1 and 11/13/14 are non-overlapping23:30
wrMMYStic, 802.11b is bit low23:31
MMYSticwr also "encryption off" ???23:32
wrMMYStic, i would not use it open23:33
MMYSticwr: ofcourse the wifi has encryption on ... then it's very strange linux says is off23:33
TJ-MMYStic: if you don't show us those other two reports we can't really help23:33
MMYSticTJ-: I prefer not to publish the other conf because of privacy23:34
wrMMYStic, by the way can you reboot the device?23:34
MMYSticwr: no the router is ok... I think the problem is my laptop23:35
wrMMYStic, reboot not poweroff23:35
MMYSticwr: it's not mine23:35
wrMMYStic, even so, do it23:35
wron both23:35
MMYSticwr: I can't the router is not mine23:35
MMYSticanyway thx I quit irc.. and I try to play with iwconfig23:36
TJ-MMYStic: iwconfig's Encryption key: is for WEP, it is expected to be 'off' for WPA/223:36
TJ-ahh well, ask for advice then don't provide info required to give it!23:37
wrrouter not mine, hmmm23:38
TJ-almost always those issues are either radio-frequency interference, or simple congestion (and possibly control)23:44
RochvellonI've got a problem. there is somewhere a trigger in my system (desktop, xfce, 16.04) that let crackle my audio periodically and if xfce4-volumed is active the osd volume appears then. what could it be?  this behaviour appeared the first time as I pressed the volume up or down on my old keyboard but it happens with my new keyboard too23:49
FreeBDSMhello, is this actual for Ubuntu too? https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NVIDIA#DRM_kernel_mode_setting23:57

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