
=== sysadmin is now known as Guest48826
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest50717
budocan anyone help me?14:34
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:35
budook thank you14:39
budomy original files arent showing up when I start my computer. I am running lubuntu. what happened?14:40
budolike when i to go my home folder and documents and pictures none of my files is there14:40
budoand i know the hard drive isnt dead or else the bios would give me an error right14:41
budoanyway ill just wait til somebody gives me some response14:42
tomreynbudo: what do you mean by "original files"?14:51
tomreynbudo: this sounds like you recently installed lubuntu and now expected to find files you had previously stored somewhere (?) to be present on your home directory?14:52
budomy home folder14:52
budono its not a recent install14:52
budoi was running it for about 2 years14:53
budomy external hard drive shows up in the desktop not my internal hard drive14:53
budoare there any unix experts in here?14:54
diogenes_budo, and what operations you usually have to do to get the files back?14:56
lubotName was added by: Name14:56
budowell i dont know  thats why im here asking questions15:00
budomy xpad notes are the same15:00
budobut when i go to file folders my documents isnt in there15:00
budoi usually boot my computer and my documents/downloads, and home folder would be there15:01
budothats how it always was15:01
diogenes_budo, ls /home15:01
budook i might have  ahint when i go to download file or ducments it says its not valid15:03
budook hold on15:03
budou think i should run a file system correction?15:16
budofsck -a /dev/sda1???15:17
budolinux runs well but once u run into a problem u dont know how to fix it unless u are a professional15:19
budoim done with linux15:19
budothis is too much15:20
budowhat channel is the top unix experts at15:20
diogenes_budo, ok, good luck with wondows then :)15:20
apt-ghettobudo: Lubuntu is a Linux, not Unix15:21
budoyeah but ppl that knows unix usually knows linux too15:21
budooh boy15:21
budook. yall been good help. have a blessed day15:25
lubot<SamuelBanya> Budo, try #linux on Freenode if it's a general Linux issue15:55
lubot<HMollerCl> @budo [<budo> well i dont know  thats why im here asking questions], COuld you give us more info on how you ended up with this situation?16:03
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