
MannyLNJOerHeks, it looks like the error is Failed to get properties: Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.systemd1': timed out (service_start_timeout=25000ms)00:00
tomreynwhat does "dpkg -l systemd" (in another terminal / tty) report your systemd version is?00:03
abtmquestion when you have a moment, in prep for reload of the system with fresh OS, I would like to take an inventory of the installed packages so that I can compare it to what the new base install has00:04
MannyLNJtomreyn, https://pastebin.com/YBU56KAE00:04
abtmthat way I can identify what is missing and make sure not to miss anything00:04
abtmwhat is the command line to query apt for the full list of installed pkgs?00:04
peqapt list --installed00:05
abtmty sir00:05
sarnoldabtm: the output of dpkg --get-selections can be fed into dpkg --set-selections -- but dpkg -l | cat is another option00:05
tomreynhmm systemd 237-3ubuntu10.24 is up to date for bionic.00:05
tomreynbased o the timeouts i assumed this could be https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=91667800:06
ubottuDebian bug 916678 in systemd "systemd: Caught <SEGV>, dumped core as pid 2097" [Important,Fixed]00:06
abtmty sirs00:09
abtmsaved all of the outputs00:09
Bashing-omabtm: 'debfoste'r only lists those packages manually installed.00:10
Bashing-omabtm: 'debfoster'.00:11
abtmadding that to output00:11
rshah_spany idea how to get netplan to work with a VLAN with DHCP?00:27
rshah_spthis is what I have now00:27
rshah_spnetwork:                                                                                                  version: 2                                                                                               renderer: networkd                                                                                       ethernets:00:27
rshah_sp                                                                         ens7:                                                                                                     match:                                                                                                     macaddress: 5a:00:02:2f:5a:1400:27
rshah_sp                                 mtu: 1450                                                                                                set-name: ens7                                                                                       vlans:                                                                                                  vlan20:00:27
rshah_sp                                                                                                   link: ens7                                                                                               id: 20                                                                                                   dhcp4: true00:27
rshah_spwow that did not format well, but this does not work, not getting a dhcp address00:28
AngelKdershah_sp,  please use pastebin00:28
TJ-rshah_sp: is there a DHCP server on the VLAN?00:29
rshah_spyes, there is a DHCP server on vlan00:29
rshah_spand if I move the dhcp4: true to the section under interface (not under vlan), I get a DHCP address from the Default VLAN DHCP server00:29
TJ-rshah_sp: check the systemd-networkd journal for clues... it may be requesting a lease and not getting a reply00:29
rshah_spTJ- good idea, checking00:31
rshah_spWhere can I find that information? I've never checked that before00:32
rshah_spI think I ahve to request the logfile be generated right?00:32
rshah_spgot it actually00:33
rshah_sphere is all the info re vlan20 which I am trying to use00:35
rshah_spSeems it is trying to get a DHCP4, but not getting one00:37
rshah_spbut I don't see an error00:37
TJ-rshah_sp: time to enable debug output from systemd-networkd I think... one nice thing when using NetworkManager instead,  is, it uses dhclient and that reports each request in the log so you can easily tell if it's requesting and not getting a reply00:40
rshah_spI can switch to networkmanager, no reason I was using networkd as far as I know00:42
TJ-netplan generator puts the systemd-networkd config in /run/systemd/network/ --- might be worth double-checking those look sane, but the log seems to show vlan20 is trying to get a lease, so I'd put tcpdump on that vlan and watch the packets, see if systemd-networkd is sending requests and not getting replies00:44
mnathaniwhat are some things you can do on AWS that you can't really do yourself on any other platform?00:45
rshah_spTJ- https://pastebin.com/G2WNmPtS00:51
MannyLNJ_So it does appear that I anm stuck in a catch 22 I can't do anything because of this error Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.systemd1' and I can't find a solution00:53
rshah_spTJ- https://pastebin.com/rp4sDYCM00:53
fleabeardhello friends, would anyone know why I can close out chromium and work for hours and then later bring it up and it's telling me it crashed and I can recover my last site visited? I'm not seeing any crashing when I close the browser at all and am just confused.00:55
TJ-rshah_sp: so you're not seeing replies?00:56
rshah_spit appears no, not when the dhcp4: true is in the VLAN section. when I move that line to the interface section, I see a reply from my dhcp server00:56
rshah_spi'm diagnosing on the dhcp server end now to see what it is doing when the request comes in00:57
rshah_spI"m using PfSense00:57
TJ-rshah_sp: on both the client is broadcasting a request ( > so the reply isn't coming in00:58
rshah_spseems to be the case.00:58
rshah_spshould the client be including the VLAN tag when it sends out the request?00:58
TJ-rshah_sp: the client won't know about the VLAN, its just an ethernet link as far as it is concerned00:59
rshah_spand by client you mean the Ubuntu box?00:59
TJ-rshah_sp: yes, and specifically the dhcp client on that00:59
rshah_spso what does defining the VLAN in netplan do?01:00
TJ-rshah_sp: creates a systemd.netdev config in /run/systemd/network/01:00
rshah_spgot it. As far as I can tell, PfSense is not even receiving the DHCP request01:01
rshah_spit receives it when I have dhcp4: true in the interface section01:01
rshah_spbut not in the vlan section01:01
zettehi, i have a problem. i just installed ubuntu mate, but when i want to play music with rhytmbox, it is no sound, even though it is full volume. how to fix it?01:04
TJ-rshah_sp: so the vlan config at one end or the other is broken01:08
TJ-rshah_sp: is it passing through a switch? are ports tagged/untagged ?01:08
rshah_spNot passing through a switch, it's connected directly to PfSEnse01:09
rshah_spand to throw a wrench into this, this is all on Vultr ( similar to Digital Ocean )01:09
rshah_spI just opened a ticket, I'm not sure what they use for their Virtual NICs, so it may be that this might not work at all if PfSense cannot properly handle the VLANs01:10
zettehi, any can help me?01:10
p0wderhey, i have ubuntu 18.04 installed on 2 different pcs-01:22
p0wderi was wondering if anyone knows why they are using different kernels?01:22
p0wderthis one is using 4.18.* and the other is using 4.15.*01:23
p0wderClient: HexChat 2.14.1 • OS: Ubuntu "bionic" 18.04 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     P8600  @ 2.40GHz (1.60GHz) • Memory: Physical: 7.5 GiB Total (6.3 GiB Free) Swap: 2.0 GiB Total (2.0 GiB Free) • Storage: 22.0 GB / 254.1 GB (232.2 GB Free) • VGA: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV620/M82 [Mobility Radeon HD 3450/3470] @ Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Memory Controlle01:25
p0wderr Hub • Uptime: 38m 9s01:25
Bashing-omp0wder: One is from the 18.04 linage, the other is 18.04.2 linage where HWE is active,01:27
sarnoldp0wder: hopefully helpful https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/RollingLTSEnablementStack01:27
Bashing-om!hwe | p0wder01:27
ubottup0wder: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack01:27
TJ-rshah_sp: if their backend uses VLANs itself then they'd need to support 802.11ad for 802.1Q01:28
p0wderthat makes sense, im pretty sure i used 18.04 for one and 18.04.02 for the other01:29
p0wdershould i try to upgrade the 4.15?01:31
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sarnoldprobably it's not worth any real effort one way or the other unless you're having problems, or have a desire for consistency for other reasons01:32
p0wdernope no problems. just wanted to make sure i had everything up to date01:36
zettehi, i have a problem. i just installed ubuntu mate, but when i want to play a music with rhytmbox, but rhytmbox is no sound, even though full volume. how to fix it?02:01
OerHekszette, you might need to install restricted extras, for multimedia codecs and webplugins02:16
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:16
fullstackI got a virus on ubuntu02:16
fullstackeverything is redirected to clickconfirmation.com02:17
fullstackwith the brave browser02:17
OerHeksremove the conf in ~/.config/  and ~/.cache/  and restart that brave browser02:18
leftyfbfullstack: that's not a virus on ubuntu. It's some garbage extension/addon in your browser. Use a different browser or wipe it's config file(s) as OerHeks suggested02:18
OerHeksbravee browser is a funny concept, not in our repos02:18
fullstackhow did the extension install itself? did it get access to my box?02:19
fullstackshould I nuke and re-install?02:19
leftyfbOerHeks: it's a snap02:19
leftyfbfullstack: you should do as has been suggested to you already02:19
OerHeksoh, then it might resident under ~/.snap/brave something02:20
OerHeksseen those hoaxes before ... c drive :-D  https://www.dropbox.com/s/eakrho2sfpgdvbw/virusaanval.png?dl=002:20
fullstackits no longer redirecting after I moved those directories02:20
fullstackhow did it get installed?02:20
leftyfbfullstack: you were not supposed to remove those directories. You probably just wiped the conf for every user application you have on your system02:21
TJ-lots if things will be affected if you moved $HOME/.config02:21
fullstacki only moved BraveSoftware to BraveSoftware- for both .cache and .config02:21
leftyfbok, that's fine then02:21
fullstackso brave isn't safe?02:22
fullstackI wouldn't have installed any extension or "boomer moment" and clicked on anything02:22
leftyfbfullstack: the web pages you went to that installed the garbage aren't safe02:22
leftyfbplease don't share them here02:23
fullstackis there anyway to escalate out of brave and into my system? key loggers?02:23
fullstackBrave Browser: Secure, Fast & Private Web Browser with Adblocker02:24
fullstackwith all new RootKit(tm)02:24
OerHeksoh, https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/zerohedge.com02:26
leftyfbas I said02:26
fullstackit is some zero day02:27
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Nikeshsarnold: Not sure if you're still around but I tried `apt-get install libruby2.3` and it is not found, only `libruby` or `libruby2.5`02:42
monkeyisli made bash script. how do i SetWorkingDirectory() like windows api? so my session will find out files there not from what i've run the script02:57
MannyLNJThanks everyone for the help. I rebooted and the system i working fine again. I was able to install the updates. Now I have a new issue. I installed docker but when I try to start it I get Failed to start docker.service: Unit docker.service not found.02:58
monkeyislubuntu there is no pushd ?03:03
jml2monkeyisl, you using windows-system-linux ?03:04
macroprephow do i obtain the C++ man pages03:12
jml2macroprep, they many need to be installed, if they aren't03:15
zettehi, i just installed restricted-extras, but it is not work to rhytmbox :(03:17
* macroprep installs *man03:19
jml2sometimes you need to manually type "mandb" as root so that you don't need to wait for the daily-timer routine to run this command-- then you'll be able to access the just recently added manpages03:21
MannyLNJTrying to do sudo-apt-get install docker-ce and it fails see https://pastebin.com/xHPWqBHt03:34
majnoonhow list alsa devices ?03:46
yuppiehello, im wondering if there is a way in ZSH to autocomplete commands after an alias ... I have a command I'm running before my other commands: "aws-okta -- kubectl" ... I'd like zsh to autocomplete the "kubectl" part03:57
solsTiCehi. Is there something going on with wl driver ? because I don't have any wifi or bluetooth now. Is my BCM43142 card dead ?04:00
noregreti'm having a bottleneck in ftp file transfers between two 1gbit hosts. iperf3 confirm ~1gbit speed, but ftp is transferring around 200mbit, how can I troubleshoot this? transfer occurs between a windows host (winscp) to ubuntu server 18.04 (vsftpd), any ideas? is it a vsftpd issue?04:31
mattflycan i move the mouse with a key combination + numpad (like holding shift) ?05:11
mattflyinstead of making the numpad completly useless05:12
ZaZaGXi just got a raspberry pi 3, and got the ubuntu 18.04.2 arm64 server edition. i can't connect to the wifi, and i dont have an ethernet port cord with me. is it possible to install the necessary drivers or update/dist-upgrade with a usb flash drive and my laptop?07:16
ikoniaZaZaGX: what makes you think things are missing ?07:18
ZaZaGXi can't connect to the wifi07:18
ikoniaok - why do you think something is missing though ?07:18
ikoniais the wifi device "seen" in the hardware list, can you interact with the device ?07:19
ZaZaGXyeah, like the wifi drivers or something... can't conncet via wifi07:19
ikoniacan you interact / configure the wifi device though ?07:20
ZaZaGXyeah, i typed inconfig wlan007:21
ZaZaGXifconfig wlan007:21
ikoniaso it's great that you can see the device, so it's unlikley you'll need software07:22
ikoniahow are you trying to configure the wifi ?07:22
ZaZaGXwell, i can see the 0wlan07:23
ZaZaGXsudo iwconfig wlan0 essid name key password and press Enter07:23
ZaZaGXdidn't work07:23
ZaZaGXit says i would need sudo apt install wireless-tools07:24
ikoniareally ?07:26
ZaZaGXdo you have a raspberry pi 3?07:26
ikoniaI do07:26
ZaZaGXare you using ubuntu iso or raspbian iso?07:28
ikoniasadly not at this moment07:28
ikoniaI'm using a custom build as it's testing something for me07:29
ZaZaGXoh nice07:30
ZaZaGXhow do you connect online?07:30
ikoniastandard wireless tooling07:30
ikoniabut it's using a cable at the moment07:30
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EriC^ZaZaGX: does the wifi hardware appear in "sudo lshw -c network" ?07:32
EriC^ZaZaGX: does "iwlist scan" give results?07:37
ZaZaGXit says iwlist command not found07:38
ZaZaGXbut it can be installed with sudo apt install wireless-tools07:39
ZaZaGXcan't do that if i have no internet07:39
EriC^ZaZaGX: try nmcli dev wifi list07:40
ZaZaGXnmcli not found, can be installed with sudo apt install network-manager07:41
ZaZaGXi dd the command image unto the micro sd card, and insert the card onto the raspberry pi, and it loads. did i miss a step07:46
EriC^^ZaZaGX: is wpasupplicant installed? dpkg -l | grep wpasuppliacnt07:48
EriC^^*grep wpasupplicant07:48
ZaZaGXsorry, you missed my message07:56
ZaZaGXi did sudo dd the command image onto the micro sd card, and insert it into the raspberry pi, and it loads, did i miss a step to install it?07:56
ZaZaGXhmmm, i think i have it07:58
yeoldebruhah, darn08:00
ZaZaGXit says : ii wpassupplicant   2:2.6-15ubuntu2.1  arm64 client support for WPA and WPA2 (IEEE 802.11i)08:00
yeoldebruhhit the bug where ubuntu installer will install to the first efi partition regardless of which one you pick08:00
yeoldebruhso it installed to windows' efi partition08:00
yeoldebruhhope that gets fixed soon08:00
yeoldebruhnow i have to download a windows iso and burn that to a flash drive08:01
yeoldebruhplease fix it08:01
ZaZaGXyeoldebruh, ya, you are suppose to install windows first, than ubuntu08:02
ZaZaGXi heard that is easier08:02
EriC^^yeoldebruh: nobody's a dev here, you have to report a bug08:02
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.08:02
yeoldebruhit's been reported with high severity already :/08:02
EriC^^you'd want to file it against "ubiquity" the installer08:02
yeoldebruhi searched it08:02
yeoldebruhZaZaGX: not my computer08:03
yeoldebruhi was specifically installing ubuntu on a usb stick to not mess with windows and break things08:04
yeoldebruhnow that caused windows to break :/08:04
yeoldebruhthankfully you can legally download windows 8.1 isos from microsoft08:04
yeoldebruhso i can just boot that into recovery mode and get it to rebuild bcd08:04
yeoldebruhi guess i'll type this to the bug report too, but you should be given the option to mount a certain drive to /boot/efi during the partitioning step of ubiquity and then it should mount that when installing grub08:06
yeoldebruhinstead of whatever it finds first08:06
yeoldebruhit will always find windows' one first as long as windows is on /dev/sda08:06
yeoldebruhhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1396379 also tells you how to boot your grub manually if it does that08:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1396379 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "installer uses first EFI system partition found even when directed otherwise" [High,Confirmed]08:07
ZaZaGXeric^^, you still there?08:16
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lngHi! How may I downgrade PHP7.3.7 to 7.3.6?08:57
EriC^^lng: which ubuntu version08:58
lngIs there a way of setting minor version for Apt?\08:58
lngEriC^^: Disco08:58
lngActually, I need it on Debian as well08:59
EriC^^lng: you'd need to uninstall php i think, then use apt-get install php=<version here> if it's available08:59
lngno, it's not08:59
EriC^^ah, that complicates stuff08:59
lngit's not available like thwt08:59
lngSwitching to Debian08:59
ikoniaEriC^^: couldn't you put a policy against php with apt-cache policy ?09:00
ikonia(thinking out loud)09:00
EriC^^ikonia: yeah, come to think of it, he should pin or similar so it doesnt get upgraded later automatically09:01
ikoniaEriC^^: that way dependencies won't force an update (but it will stop certain ujpdates from happening too, so a double edged sword)09:02
EriC^^it's quickly going to a custom maintaining/know what im doing territory09:03
ikoniafine for a very short term to allow an upstream fix to filter down for example, but when you consider php/libraries/webserver all linked, you'd want it to be current09:03
bkhlAnyone know any good trick on how to simulate a frozen file system (like an unaccessible NFS share) for a test setup?09:29
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tomreynbkhl: do it in a VM, cut the (virtual) network connection. but this is more of a topic for #ubuntu-discuss or ##linux (this channel is just about ubuntu support)10:13
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tomreynmajnoon: for device nodes: find /dev/snd/ -type c      # for alsa sound cards: cat /proc/asound/cards10:25
ikonials -al10:25
netcrashHello, is it possible to define apparmor settings by a remote database or some remote server? (like a gpo in AD)?10:45
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tomreynnetcrash: you could probably host the configuration files on a network share , but you'd still need a way to reload apparmor to read them. maybe a deployment solution would be more suitable. something like https://github.com/simondeziel/puppet-apparmor10:54
netcrashtomreyn: thank you, if anyone has other sugestions I'm here10:59
ice9support life duration for *.10 releases is only 1 year?11:03
tomreynice9: 9 mnths. this also applies to other non !LTS releases (.04 in uneven years)11:17
tomreyn* 9 months11:18
ice9and LTS is 5 or 10 years?11:18
tomreynice9: 5 years free, 5 years !ESM (paid). See also https://ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases11:19
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Bionic (Bionic Beaver 18.04). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.11:19
ubottuCanonical offers paid extended security support for end-of-life LTS releases through the Ubuntu Advantage program. For more information, see https://ubuntu.com/esm . ESM is not an Ubuntu community offering; please direct questions about it to Canonical directly.11:19
ice9so why only 18.04 is extended for 10 years?11:22
SwedeMikeice9: https://itsfoss.com/ubuntu-18-04-ten-year-support/11:23
OerHekswhy not?11:25
tomreynthe 5 years free, 5 years esm offer was introduced for 18.04 and later releases. for 16.04, after ESM is available for 3 years (after 5 years of free support).11:27
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vltDid hell freeze over? "deb [arch=amd64] https://packages.microsoft.com/ubuntu/16.04/mssql-server-2017 xenial main"11:53
luna_vlt: yeah it did in 201611:54
zteamHi all, what is the proper way to use sudo with graphical software these days? I know pkexec is highly recommended these days, but that doesn't work well with Gedit for example?11:59
zteamI used to use gksu before but, that's not available in the repos any longer12:00
ioriazteam, what 's the problem with gedit ?12:01
zteamioria, it doesn't know which display to run on. This is on Xorg, no Wayland or some fancy stuff12:03
ioriazteam, pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY  gedit12:05
zteamioria, of course, I could cheat and just do sudo -i gedit for example... But, you are not supposed to be doing this :)12:06
zteamioria, That one actually works great :) but the syntax is pretty messy (at least for a distrubution aimed at user-friendly-ness :)12:08
ioriazteam, raccomended way is : gedit admin:///path/to/file.txt12:08
OerHeksi have nautilus-admin installed, to open files with priv.12:08
ioriaor that ^12:09
zteamOerHeks, true, there are ways around it, I'm just a bit suprised that there isn't a clean solution (like gksu) avaialable after all these years... (If you use Wayland do it like this... If you use Xorg do it like this... if you wanto to use application like synaptic do in a different way12:13
OerHeksit is in the releasenotes, not to edit files as root as you used to, anymore.12:14
OerHeksdesign choice, i think it has a security reason12:14
zteamI have been using Ubuntu for around 10 years now, and even I wasn't sure about the right way to launch different applications with sudo (not saying I'm an expert, just saying)12:16
zteamOerHeks, have to admitt I haven't readed the release notes too good perhaps :D12:17
zteamIt just feels like the newer versions of Ubuntu I install the more workarounds and tweaks I need to apply to get my system working again :-/12:19
zteamWell on the bright side I really enjoy Gnome-shell apart from GDM not starting properly all the times :)12:21
black_13how do i find out what version of ubuntu i can install gcc 4.4.7 on12:23
OerHeksblack_13,  none > https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gcc12:26
OerHekseven ancient xenial is at 4.5.312:26
tomreynxenial is actually 5.3.1 by default, but also offers 4.7.3 via gcc-4.712:27
zteamblack_13, well... I haven't tried it myself, but there is a package called adapt in the repos, it's supposed to let you run packages for any older version of Ubuntu, using lxC12:27
tomreyn4.7.4 actually12:28
black_13I am working on a legacy system that has 4.4.7 it can not be changed12:28
testubuntui got a tower from a guy12:28
OerHeksblack_13, interesting, so it is not a supported version of ubuntu?12:28
jostHi! On SSH login, I get messages like this: 61 packages can be updated.12:28
jost0 updates are security updates.12:28
jost - How can I get this message in a script?12:28
testubuntuit currently has ubuntu 18 installed. How do i format everything completely and reinstall ubuntu 18.04?12:29
jostI want to send it in an email regularly12:29
zteamblack_13, you mean you can't upgrade ubuntu or you mean you only need that version of the compiler?12:29
black_13the compiler12:29
OerHekstestubuntu, boot the iso, and choose 'use whole disk'12:29
testubuntuhow do i make sure there are not rootkits or anything?12:30
tomreyntestubuntu: do you need to ensure the data on there is not (potentially) easily restorable (secure deletion) or do you just need to start from a clean slate?12:30
black_13i picked ubuntu because it is easier to use12:30
OerHekstestubuntu, remove all partitions in a live session, and rewrite the MBR/GPT12:30
OerHekseasy peasy12:30
testubuntui don't know how to do that12:31
OerHeksstart live session > start disks > and the menu is self explaining12:31
zteamblack_13, then adapt seems to be what you are looking for, it will probably eat a bit more disk space but it's a clean way to run older versions of software12:31
black_13how does that work12:32
black_13and disk space i have12:32
zteamblack_13, from the repo: "Description: adapt package from one version of Ubuntu to another12:33
zteam This package provides a simple, clean method to install and use12:33
zteam packages, services, and binaries from one version of Ubuntu onto12:33
zteam another, without requiring PPAs.12:33
zteam Instead, it uses LXD and Ubuntu system containers.12:33
BluesKajHowdy folks12:33
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EoflaOEViceCityhello blueskaj12:33
testubuntuOerHeks start what menu?12:33
black_13but can you go back something as old as gcc 4.4.712:33
testubuntuyou mean after inserting the usb with the .iso file?12:34
testubuntubooting from usb12:34
BluesKajhi EoflaOEViceCity12:34
tomreynblack_13: this is not supported on this channel. we only support ubuntu releases which are not end of life and the packages they provide.12:34
zteamblack_13, I haven't tried it myself, all I can tell you is what's inside that description, if you are unsure, try adapt on another computer before you upgrade.12:35
ioriait's a container12:35
black_13tomreyn and?12:35
jostOk, found my answer: https://askubuntu.com/questions/269606/apt-get-count-the-number-of-updates-available12:35
tomreynblack_13: and so we can't help you installing gcc-4.4.7 here12:36
black_13or you can't12:36
zteamioria, exactly, thats why it propably is going to eat alot of disk space,12:36
tomreynzteam: about your questions: there's cron-apt, which sends mail, but it doesn't do so in the very format you get to see when you login12:37
derjohn_was_occuapw: Any chances for a kernel PPA build in a foreseeable time?12:38
zteamtomreyn, thanks but you are confusing me with someone else, I have loads questions, bot none about that :D12:38
tomreynzteam: right, sorry12:38
tomreynjost: there's cron-apt, which sends mail, but it doesn't do so in the very format you get to see when you login12:39
josttomreyn: The mail should contain a lot more things, like RAID status and so on, so that is not an option unfortunately12:39
zteamblack_13, just test the tool, that's all we can say, if you don't have a machine to do it on, backup your harddrive or use Vmware or Virtualbox12:39
zteamioria,  OerHeks, Sorry for being such a Whiner, you were actaully really helpful :)12:42
ioriano problem12:42
zteamtomreyn, no problem man :)12:42
tomreynjost: the messages shown upon login are generated by landscape-client(-common), i think12:42
josttomreyn: yes, something like that - I want only the information about updates, and that can be generated using `/usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check --human-readable`. Or without --human-readable for easier scripting12:44
tomreynjost: so script it then. ;)12:44
zteamioria, I have been figting with gdm for about 6 months now,most of the time, it starts completly as expected, sometimes (about once i a week, I have to start it manually12:44
tomreynjost: you're just managing a smaller number of servers then?12:45
josttomreyn: Yes, only one - no need for an actual monitoring system12:46
tomreynah ok12:46
ioriazteam, you can increase the debug level in /etc/gdm3/custom.conf12:47
tomreynderjohn_was_occu: i think there was some breakage, it's being worked on, and there'll be new builds soon, probably today or tomorrow.12:48
testubuntuso live session means you select "try ubuntu" after booting from the installation usb right?12:49
zteamioria, thanks, but last time I checked here, I had loads of dubious messages, in the syslog :)12:49
testubuntuthen how do you remove all partitions and rewrite the GPT/MBR ?12:50
ioriazteam, use journalctl12:50
ioriatestubuntu, gparted12:50
zteamioria, will Google that, thank you :D12:51
testubuntuOerHeks, what did you mean start disks?12:52
tomreyntestubuntu: a standard installation ("remove all data and install ubuntu") will overwrite the partition table anyways. so you can just do that.12:52
testubuntutomreyn does that rewrite the GPT?12:52
testubuntuor MBR12:52
tomreyntestubuntu: yes, GPT or MBR is the partition table.12:53
zteamtestubuntu, do you want to get rid of Ubuntu in favor of Windows? or do you want to reinstall Ubuntu?12:53
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testubuntuMBR is the master boot record12:53
testubuntui want to format and get rid of everything12:53
testubuntuthen install ubuntu12:53
tomreyntestubuntu: you're right, this wasn't an accurate answer, but the MBR would also be overwritten12:54
zteamtestubuntu, if you chosse clean install it will erase all content of that Disk12:55
tomreynthat's also not perfectly accurate, but probably a good enough answer to testubuntu's supposed needs.12:56
tomreyni asked this question earlier but testubuntu seems to have missed it (understandable, there were many replies):   do you need to ensure the data on there is not (potentially) easily restorable (secure deletion) or do you just need to start from a clean slate?12:56
testubuntutomreyn clean slate12:59
testubuntui got this tower from a guy12:59
testubuntuthere is ubuntu 18 already installed on it and his files are there12:59
testubuntui don't want to restore12:59
tomreyntestubuntu: so the answer remains the same: just do a complete new installation13:00
testubuntualso it was suggested to delete the MBR to remove rootkits13:00
dajjuhello i am trying to netinstall a debian system on my spare machine using my main machine which is UBUNTU. i followed this guide https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/ch04s05.en.html13:01
tomreyntestubuntu: if you select the installer option to remove ubuntu and all data and install then the boot loader will be replaced.13:01
zteamtestubuntu, MBR is deleted automatically by Ubuntu if you choose a clean installation (as is all other cotent on that disk) :-)13:01
dajjuyet i am not able to install13:02
tomreyndajju: we only support ubuntu installations here. unless you need help with writing the iso file to an installer storage please aks in #debian or ##linux13:02
tomreyndajju: oh apparently you mean pxe boot, not debian netinstall (which is, first of all, an installer iso). if you are looking on setting up a pxe or tftpd server on ubuntu then #ubuntu is the right place.13:05
dajjuyes pxeboot13:06
dajjui have accordingly install tftpd-hpa package for tftp server13:07
zteamBBL :)13:08
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tomreyndajju: as the debian manual says (this should also apply to hosting these services on ubuntu) you'll need either a dhcp or bootp server, and a tftp server.13:10
JonopolySo i had finally given up with ubuntu since it over heats thought i'd try last straw13:11
dajjuit seems to run as it is required i.e. i can downlaod files from tftp server (as tested on different device). but when i boot my spare system it show an error that could not get boot file name. I have installed isc-dhcp-server for dhcp server and config according to manual13:11
Jonopolyand contact asus... their response was "We cannot advice for unsupported operating system, sorry"13:12
tomreyndajju: i don't think you said which ubuntu version you're running, but an ubuntu server 18.04 LTS manual for configuring a dhcp server is available here: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/dhcp.html13:14
tomreynJonopoly: that's a pity, but a pretty standard response. please also keep in mind this channel is just for ubuntu support, you can discuss things in #ubuntu-discuss, though. if you have more questions about configuring ubuntu on your system, ask away.13:15
JonopolyOkay thanks tomreyn13:15
JonopolyI don't think i can use it for now sadly13:16
dajjumy ubuntu version is 19.0413:16
tomreyndajju: then it's https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/serverguide/dhcp.html13:16
strkthe list of sound devices is empty, in pacontrol, what could have happened ?13:16
strkI suspect this has to do with using bluetooth but disabling bluetooth did not help13:16
dajjuhttps://privatebin.net/?eb4da2cb5d09a788#2TUpDXskz2PqQSCYzTtF5wSBoqzbF8146KAkhew4SvTz my /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf file13:17
tomreyn!audio | strk13:17
ubottustrk: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - https://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.13:17
strkthere is no "Hardware" panel in the "Volume applet"13:18
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tomreynJonopoly: i don't remember whether i tired to help you, yet, but feel free to post a log of booting ubuntu (journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 9999) and to sum up the issues you experience.13:18
Jonopolyi don't have laptop with me atm, pretending to work at work13:19
tomreynstrk: which ubuntu version are you on?13:19
Jonopolytomreyn: i'll have to reinstall it again to try any safe distro you reccommend trying?13:19
strkUbuntu 18.04.2 LTS13:19
tomreyndajju: test whether dhcp works, too.13:19
strkrunning mate desktop13:20
strkpavucontrol says it fails to connect to pulseaudio, so maybe that's the problem ?13:20
strkrunning `pulseaudio` errored with E: [pulseaudio] backend-ofono.c: Failed to register as a handsfree audio agent with ofono: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.ofono was not provided by any .service files13:21
tomreynstrk: i think this very message is normal, i also have it and sound and pavucontrol work fine.13:21
tomreynon 18.04 standard ubuntu (gnome desktop)13:22
strkit happened yesterday as well, and was fixed by a reboot13:22
strkI think the only thing I started doing recently was using bluetooth network13:22
strkmaybe something breaks when starting that13:22
strkI'd like to avoid a reboot though, but `rmmod snd*` seems to be a long way to go13:22
tomreynstrk: if so, you will be able to reproduce it easily, right?13:23
strkis there a command to "reset" the audio modules all at once ?13:23
tomreynoh you dont want to reboot, then it'll be more difficult to reproduce.13:23
strkit could be, yes (reproduce) but it'd take a long time and yes, I'd like not to reboot13:23
strkif there's a way to "reset sound devices" I could try to reproduce with that13:24
strkie: (1) disable bluetooth (2) reset (3) check (4) enable bluetooth (5) see if its broken again13:24
tomreynsee the wiki, it probably discusses it if such exists.13:24
dajjuhttps://privatebin.net/?bc42dbb05672b59a#5DYcyTgaQCRcqGdKjKP2jv2mRoYVZwgDrmVKKMTwpGpB nmap output13:25
tomreyndajju: where did you run nmap on? the ubuntu system you configured the server on, or a potential dhcp client?13:31
dajjuthe ubuntu system13:32
dajjutomreyn: the ubuntu system13:32
tomreyndajju: you seem to have just copied and pasted the section which, in the debian manual, starts with:  # The next paragraph needs to be modified to fit your case13:32
tomreyndoes this configuration actually apply to your network?13:32
dajjutomreyn: it is pretty much one ubuntu system and the other spare system so i can config network to my requirement afaik13:34
tomreynJonopoly: i recommend ubuntu LTS releases, so ubuntu 18.04, using UEFI booting where possible, ideally with secure boot disabled (to reduce complexity, this can be enabled later).13:35
tomreyn18.04.2 specifically13:35
JonopolyOkay, i'll go with that, what's UEFI booting?13:35
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI13:36
tomreyndajju: but will the system receiving this network configuration be able to reach the tftp server from the ip address you are assigning to it?13:36
dajjuit is basically my ubuntu system connected to the spare system via ethernet13:37
Jonopolytomreyn: does it matter if i install it onto my external hdd..13:37
Jonopolyas i have 1ssd (250gb) 1hdd (1tb)13:38
JonopolyWindows is on ssd, install (dual boot) linux on hdd13:38
strkhow do I start pulseaudio ?13:38
tomreyndajju: if you look at the nmap output, a system contacting your dhcp server would be given an ip address of, become part of the network (based on the subnet mask), and be told to use as a default gateway.13:38
strkok, pulseaudio --start # fixed it13:39
dajjutomreyn: can it create a problem?13:40
tomreynJonopoly: if you want to dual boot, be sure to install ubuntu in the same installation mode as the other OS was installed in. so either (legacy) BIOS / CSM mode or UEFI mode.13:40
tomreyndajju: i do not understand this question, can you rephrase it, please?13:41
tomreynstrk: so you should try to understand why it failed next, i guess.13:41
tomreynJonopoly: other than that you can install ubuntu to your external disk fine. keep in mind though, that if you'll be UEFI booting, the UEFI boot loader will need to be installed on the first (U)EFI system partition the firmware gets to see. which is probably where your other OS is currently installed on. again, this only applies if the other OS was installed / boots in UEFI mode.13:46
tomreyndajju: what's the LAN IPv4 address(es) of your tftp and dhcp servers?13:47
dajjutomreyn: my ubuntu system is my dhcp server as well as tftp server ie
tomreyndajju: okay if it really has this address assigned to its NIC then i'd indeed expect the configuration you have to work13:50
tomreynjust the lease times are extremely large13:50
tomreynalso "authoritative" may be wrong in the dhcp server context - something to check on the man page in case you haven't done so yet13:53
strktomreyn: right, do you know where does pulseaudio writes his logs ?13:56
strkok this is most likely it (syslog):13:58
strkJul 17 15:07:37 liz gnome-panel.desktop[3580]: AL lib: (EE) ALCpulsePlayback_contextStateCallback: Received context failure!13:58
strkJul 17 15:07:37 liz bluetoothd[1170]: Endpoint unregistered: sender=:1.171 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource13:58
strkJul 17 15:07:37 liz kernel: [24612.201074] show_signal_msg: 4 callbacks suppressed13:58
strkJul 17 15:07:37 liz kernel: [24612.201080] pulseaudio[3365]: segfault at 60 ip 00007f19a5b7bd3c sp 00007ffe2f4dd7b0 error 4 in module-loopback.so[7f19a5b76000+a000]13:58
strkJul 17 15:07:37 liz kernel: [24612.201102] Code: 0d c9 2d 00 00 50 68 93 00 00 00 ba 93 00 00 00 56 31 ff 31 c0 e8 b4 c8 ff ff 48 83 c4 20 e8 ab c5 ff ff 0f 1f 00 48 8b 43 18 <48> 8b 78 60 e8 5b c8 ff ff 48 39 83 80 00 00 00 48 89 c5 73 92 6613:58
BluesKajstrk, please don't flood the chat with more than 3 lines of pasted text14:00
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:01
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erichlf_I am attempting to use autofs and gdfuse together, but I keep getting mesg: ttyname failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device14:08
tuxinatorreally a dummy question for a pro, is a Ubuntu live usb stick readonly or writable by default?14:09
erichlf_You can write to it but it will not be persistent.14:09
pragmaticenigmaerichlf_: That isn't quite correct14:09
erichlf_pragmaticenigma, you can give the more complicated answer.14:10
pragmaticenigmatuxinator: Making a USB Live instance of Ubuntu does not make the drive itself read-only. However, unless you enable persistence, if you attempt to install packages they will not available the next time you run the Boot drive.14:11
erichlf_And to enable persistence you need extra space passed the normal required space.14:12
erichlf_Anyone know what the heck "mesg: ttyname failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device" means?14:13
strkanyway, that paste seems to confirm the bluetooth/pulseaudio connection14:15
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tuxinatorerchlf_ i would like to create some liveboot kiso system, so don't be persistent, reload everything on reboot14:20
pragmaticenigmatuxinator: Following the instructions for creating a USB drive will achieve your goal14:23
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:23
tuxinatorerichlf_ misstyped your name :D14:23
tuxinatorpragmaticenigma: but the users will be able to save data on to that drive, right?14:23
pragmaticenigmatuxinator: Only if you create the drive with persistence14:24
pragmaticenigmatuxinator: what I was saying is the drive itself isn't readonly, the live instance doesn't allow writing to the USB drive unless persistence is enabled.14:25
tuxinatorpragmaticenigma: ok i thought first it works like that, so you confirmed. thank you very much14:26
lordcirthtuxinator, anyone with root can write to anything on the computer. But they'd need to do so on purpose.14:26
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tuxinatorlordcirth: of course, as "root" is the master of the universe :D14:26
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tuxinatorlordcirth: root is even able to write in to black holes, called /dev/null :D14:27
CoolerZso i installed ubuntu recently14:30
CoolerZon a new machine, now how do i make sure everything is up to date?14:30
lordcirthCoolerZ, sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade14:30
tomreynif it's a supported release, just use     sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade     or configure it / trigger it on the GUI.14:31
CoolerZdist-upgrade ?14:34
pragmaticenigmaCoolerZ: Look at "man apt" to see what the different options do.14:35
tomreynCoolerZ:     sudo apt-get dist-uoprade     also works, if that was your question.14:35
tomreyn* dist-upgrade14:35
tomreynbut refresh the package list first14:36
lordcirthfull-upgrade is an alias for dist-upgrade14:36
CoolerZhow is dist-upgrade different?14:36
tomreynlordcirth: where do you see this?14:37
CoolerZalso if i lock the screen14:37
CoolerZby clicking top right and clicking the lock icon, does that stop processes?14:37
CoolerZor only suspend does that?14:38
tomreynCoolerZ: my understanding is also that   "sudo apt full-upgrade" does effectively the same thing as "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade".14:38
hggdhCoolerZ: nothing stops on lock14:38
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netcrashI wish proprietary software would have community channels like open source software has14:38
lordcirthtomreyn, well, apt-get had dist-upgrade, and apt's man page doesn't include dist-upgrade, only full-upgrade, but still accepts dist-upgrade and they appear to do the same thing.14:38
hggdhtomreyn: correct14:38
CoolerZtomreyn, and full-upgrade upgrades packages even if they are not compatible?14:39
tomreynlordcirth: yes, but the documentation is very lacking there, there's no statement anywhere that one is an alias of the other, from what i can tell, or that apt supports both.14:39
CoolerZhow is it different from sudo apt-get upgrade14:39
tomreyn(nor that apt-get supports both)14:40
hggdhCoolerZ: apt upgrade will not remove packages (even if necessary to perform the upgrade); (dist|full)-upgrade will14:40
hggdhCoolerZ: so, on apt upgrade, if it finds it would need to remove a package due to requirements on a new/updated one, then apt upgrade will NOT install this new/upgrade package14:41
hggdhtomreyn: yeah, I think that at the beginning apt would not support dist-upgrade, and someone complained (breaks compatibility with apt-get), so it was added (but not documented). I dimly remember 'apt dist-upgrade' failing years ago14:43
tomreynhggdh: it could certainly benefit from more documentation. i think   apt-(get) install package+ otherpackage- ^tasḱ    is also lacking documentation.14:46
tomreynoh i'm wrong there, sorry. -/+ are documented14:47
hggdhtomreyn: we actually could submit a patch to apt, updating the docs (as a bug in Debian, it such bug does not exist yet)14:51
CoolerZafter running sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade my firefox version is still 67.0.414:53
CoolerZlatest is 68.014:53
hggdhCoolerZ: do you have the -security repository enabled?14:55
tomreynhow do you tell which firefox version you have?14:56
TabMashertomreyn: Help>About14:57
tomreynCoolerZ: how do you tell which firefox version you have?14:59
tomreynTabMasher: thanks, i meant to ask CoolerZ but forgot to point this out.14:59
TabMasherCoolerZ: upgrades don't necessarily update all software. Or the latest isn't stable enough.  What is new in v68 that you need?15:02
tomreynsecurity patches15:02
TabMashertomreyn: Fair enough.  But I didn't think ubuntu had support for Firefox.15:05
TabMasherYou kinda have to go get it on your own to update.15:06
ryuonot really... firefox is treated differently and is eventually updated to latest.15:06
ryuoit may be delayed, but it'll happen.15:06
tomreynTabMasher: that's incorrect, ubuntu supports firefox. in contrary to most packages, it will provide the latest upstream releases and not backport security fixes.15:06
TabMasherryuo: Yep.15:07
TabMashertomreyn: I don't usually use Firefox, but I figured that was all Mozilla's domain.  But you're right.15:10
deadmundHello, is there a linux desktop app equivalent to this: https://soulver.app    ?  It's a notepad + calculator app.  Thanks in advance!15:22
pragmaticenigmadeadmund: There is not. Please remember to keep questions to Support topics. Software recommendations should be asked in #ubuntu-offtopic15:24
CoolerZtomreyn, help about15:30
CoolerZ67.0.4 (64-bit)15:31
CoolerZhggdh, what security thing?15:31
CoolerZdeadmund, looks like it would work on electron https://electronjs.org/15:33
CoolerZshould be easy to port15:34
pragmaticenigmaCoolerZ: Please focus on your present issue. It's hard to for others to know who's helping who and who's trying to receive help15:34
pragmaticenigmaCoolerZ: You need to make sure you software settings has the security software repository enabled.15:35
CoolerZpragmaticenigma, oh sorry15:35
CoolerZpragmaticenigma, where is that setting?15:35
pragmaticenigmaLook for the application "Software & Updates"15:36
CoolerZimportant security updates is enabled under tab updates15:37
pragmaticenigmaCoolerZ: And you are running Ubuntu 18.04?15:37
pragmaticenigmaCoolerZ: You could try "sudo apt autoclean && sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade" beyond that, I'm not sure why you are not seeing the update yet. Are all the check boxes check on taht screen?15:39
CoolerZpragmaticenigma, yes 18.0415:48
CoolerZpragmaticenigma, yes all 3 checkboxes, important security, recommended and unsupported15:49
CoolerZpragmaticenigma, https://bpaste.net/raw/eTEO15:50
CoolerZstill there?15:52
pragmaticenigmaWhy did you install the Oracle Java PPA? Is there something the OpenJDK that comes preinstalled with Ubuntu doesn't provide you?15:53
CoolerZpragmaticenigma, there was some problem with updating i think16:01
CoolerZi don't remember what the problem was16:02
AntoineHello, I installed Ubuntu 19.04 on my laptop. I believe I didn't check the install additional non free drivers and programs stuff. I can't play videos on facebook. Firefox console says that there might be missing codecs for "video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42C01E", audio/mp4; codecs="mp4a.40.5", video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E mp4a.40.2", video/mp4; codecs="avc1.4D401E mp4a.40.2", video/mp4; codecs="avc1.4D401F mp4a.40.2", video/mp4; codecs="avc1.64003216:02
Antoinemp4a.40.2", video/mp4; codecs="avc1.640033 mp4a.40.2" 326857204905426"16:02
AntoineWhat would be the package I need to install? :)16:02
CoolerZpragmaticenigma, also this https://bpaste.net/raw/P8hB16:02
Antoineubuntu-restricted-extras ?16:03
pragmaticenigmaCoolerZ: In both pastes... refer to PPAs which are not supported here. Remove them and your machine will be able to properly update16:03
CoolerZpragmaticenigma, how16:03
pragmaticenigmaAntoine: That should install the missing codecs16:03
Antoinepragmaticenigma: Thanks :)16:04
Antoinepragmaticenigma: Would you know why I can play videos on facebook with my machine (xubuntu, thinkpad X200) while my girlfriend can't on her machine (ubuntu 19.04, acer laptop). I do not have "ubuntu-restricted-extras" installed (doesn't show as installed in `apt search ubunturestricted-extra`16:06
pragmaticenigmaCoolerZ: "sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:daniel.pavel/solaar && sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:webupd8team/java"16:06
Antoineapt search ubuntu-restricted-extra16:07
pragmaticenigmaAntoine: Look for xubuntu-restricted-extras16:07
Antoinepragmaticenigma: It doesn't show up at all16:08
AntoineI did `apt search xubuntu-restricted-extras`16:08
pragmaticenigmaAntoine: I'm not certain then... could be that you installed the packages manually or had them provided through another means. *ubuntu-restricted-extras is just meta package that triggers a dependency for the other packages to be added16:09
Antoinepragmaticenigma: Ok so those nonfree codecs are definitely installed on my machine?16:12
pragmaticenigmaAntoine: I don't know how to verify it, but I would assume if you have had no difficulty in playing back videos that the other machine does have difficulty, then I would assume that your machine has had the needed codecs installed at some point16:13
AntoineMakes sense :)16:14
AntoineAll right, once more thanks a lot and bbye16:23
wedjatshi guys16:51
wedjatshope you are doing well16:51
lotuspsychjewelcome to ubuntu support wedjats16:52
ghavilIs there a default way to configure the iptables INPUT default action to be DROP on Ubuntu 18.04?16:53
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ghavilI'm seeing some references to '/etc/iptables/rules.v4', but I can't find what would actual load things from that file (i.e. there's no systemd unit for iptables unless I'm crazy)16:54
lordcirthghavil, those might be for iptables-persist?17:00
ghavilI thought that but, I don't see that installed, so I wonder if this is doing anything...17:00
pragmaticenigmapossible that the config file came along for the ride with another package?17:01
lordcirthghavil, I just use shorewall if I want to edit firewall settings, myself.17:01
ioria!info netfilter-persistent17:01
ubottunetfilter-persistent (source: iptables-persistent): boot-time loader for netfilter configuration. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.4+nmu2ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 6 kB, installed size 36 kB17:01
lordcirth"apt-file search /etc/iptables/rules.v4" didn't find anything on my system17:02
ghavilFun, okay so I _think_ I can just go with netfilter-persistent to pull this off (is that the same as iptables-persistant?)17:03
ioriayou need both17:03
lordcirthiptables-persistent depends on netfilter-persistent17:04
ghavilAhhh cool, thanks, I'll give this a whirl17:05
sarnoldNikesh: very curious. Next thing then, why is your vim using libraries that aren't available now? maybe debsums -c  would help to spot if you've got packages that didn't completely install correctly; maybe apt-get install -f  might kick off another round of package installs?17:10
JaredTamanaHi everyone. I'm looking to implement something into a bash script that allows make to only ever use one line at a time. I want to do this because of terminal mess, and because Jarvis CI only allows up to 6000 lines.17:14
JaredTamanaCan sed accomplish this? How would I go about implementing this? (The rest of the log would output to a file)17:14
pragmaticenigma!bash > pragmaticenigma17:16
ubottupragmaticenigma, please see my private message17:16
tmlakeHello guys17:16
lotuspsychjewelcome tmlake17:16
pragmaticenigmaJaredTamana: For bash help, you might want to check out the #bash channel. You might also want to seek out online forum or community specific for the application you are trying to work with as they would be better suited to answer your question.17:17
lotuspsychjehow can we help you today tmlake17:18
tmlakeI'm having a video playback issue with Kodi 17.6 on Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS.17:20
tmlakeEverything was running fine until yesterday when I decided to apply the latest Ubuntu updates. when I try to play a video with Kodi it immediately crashes or plays with a totally black image. I don't remember exactly what were the updates, but I recall being Ubuntu base upgrades and graphics related (VDPAU, radeon, Gstreamer, X.Org, imagemagick, etc..). It was a small size update and not large driver files.17:20
lotuspsychjetmlake: trace back your dpkg logs, see what has been installed yesterday17:21
tmlakeI'm afraid I'm not able to do it anymore. I've just reinstalled Ubuntu from scratch, the 18.04.2 LTS version available from the website and what I was using without issues.17:22
tmlake On the first launch I didn't upgrade anything from the huge list of available packages and just performed an installation of Kodi and its required packages.17:22
tmlakeI still get the same window crash or black image on videos.17:22
Bashing-omtmlake: ^^ and If you boot an older kernel - is playback there functional ?17:22
tmlakeNo, I've tried that17:22
tmlakeI've found one solution: If I install the latest open-source drivers that are not available on bionic repositories through the PPA: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers sudo apt-get update sudo apt upgrade The following packages will be upgraded:  libdrm-amdgpu1 libdrm-common libdrm-intel1 libdrm-nouveau2 libdrm-radeon1  libdrm2 libegl-mesa0 libegl1-mesa libgbm1 libgl1-mesa-dri libgl1-mesa-glx libglapi-mesa17:24
tmlakelibglx-mesa0 libllvm8 libwayland-egl1-mesa libxatracker2 mesa-va-drivers mesa-vdpau-drivers mesa-vulkan-drivers17:24
lotuspsychjetmlake: are other video's playable on vlc, youtube for example?17:25
tmlakeHowever I'd prefer to use the default drivers available in the repository, that were released specifically optimized for Ubuntu 18 environment and made with hard effort. These oibaf drivers don't look good on my videos.17:26
tmlakeYes, everything's fine. I have VLC and SMPlayer with no issues.17:27
tmlakeKodi is important for my Ubuntu HTPC17:29
lotuspsychjetmlake: you have errors in logs on kodi? perhaps launch from terminal and journalctl -f , pastebin us your errors17:29
tmlakeRight away https://paste.kodi.tv/qicihizoyu17:31
lotuspsychjetmlake: did you make a new ubuntu iso, or still use your old iso? kernel still says 4.1517:32
tmlakeI download the Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS iso from Ubuntu's download page17:33
lotuspsychjetmlake: the bionic iso should now give you the hwe kernel 4.1817:34
tmlakeYes, I've checked it now and it's 4.18.0-2517:35
tmlakeI think this log comes from before I reinstalled Ubuntu. But with this newer kernel Kodi's not working17:35
lotuspsychjetmlake: ok right17:36
lotuspsychjetmlake: sudo lshw -C video, shows you driver= loaded?17:36
tmlakeYes, everything's right17:37
tmlakeI'm using Radeon graphics and Kodi give me these errors:17:38
tmlake#3  0x00007f47676c60aa in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/radeonsi_dri.so17:38
tmlake#4  0x00007f47676c5dd7 in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/radeonsi_dri.so17:38
tmlakeRepeated several times17:38
tmlake#3  0x00007f475ce2c5a6 in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libLLVM-8.so.117:38
tmlake#4  0x00007f475ce2c425 in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libLLVM-8.so.117:38
lotuspsychje!info kodi bionic17:38
ubottukodi (source: kodi): Open Source Home Theatre (executable binaries). In component universe, is optional. Version 2:17.6+dfsg1-1ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 24 kB, installed size 143 kB17:38
tmlakeI've learn that recently, on this month, Ubuntu added the latest releases of the proprietary Nvidia driver through the regular Ubuntu updates channel. They are now available on the 'Additional Drivers' section.17:40
tmlakeI'm pretty sure that small adjustments made for this upgrade messed with my Kodi playback, sent through that Ubuntu base updates I described.17:40
tmlake And it's not only for AMD, another user with nvidia graphics is having this same issue.17:40
tmlakeThe oibaf ppa upgraded a package that made Kodi work. I trying to figure out which was17:41
lotuspsychjetmlake: when was the last time kodi worked?17:43
tmlakeLast sunday, just before I aplied the latest Ubuntu base updates17:44
lotuspsychjetmlake: allright tnx, maybe you should consider a new !bug17:45
ioriahe did https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kodi/+bug/183682817:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1836828 in kodi (Ubuntu) "Kodi crashes when trying to play any video" [Undecided,New]17:47
tmlakeYes, but I still got no answer.17:48
ioriatmlake, would help check your /var/log/apt/history.log17:50
tmlakeIt's open, what do you need?17:52
ioriathe output17:52
ioriatmlake, cat /var/log/apt/history.log | nc termbin.com 999917:53
ioriano idea; tmlake i suggest test with a livecd17:58
tmlakeGood idea, I'll try it now. I'm chatting with another computer, so I'll keep writing here what happens17:59
ctjctjWe recently upgraded from 14.04LTS and 16.04LTS to 18.04LTS on our servers.  When we did that the resolve library started returning different results.  When we `dig example.com` from a machine that is not example.com we get the actual IP of example.com.  If we slogin to example.com and run `dig example.com` we get as the IP address (or eth0:0's IP address).  How do we get the old behavior back?18:00
cas909@Drone hi i am new here. is there a way i could identify if someone here could help support/advise on SSO sign up/registration questions? Thanks18:01
lordcirthcas909, please ask your specific question, and we will see18:02
lordcirthAlso, Drone is a bot.18:02
bitbeasthi everyone18:03
bitbeastThis is my first time using IRC service18:03
bitbeastHow are you all doing?18:04
lordcirthctjctj, you can change " hostname" to "realip hostname" in /etc/hosts18:04
cas909@lordcirth guess so thanks. I am unable to sign up, as the password doesn't match. So I have tried resetting the password, and get an email to reset it. The email however, directs me to the sign up page instead. Since the user exists and the password doesn't work. Repeating this creates a loop where I keep requesting the reset email, but unable to18:05
cas909really reset it.18:05
lordcirthcas909, this is https://login.ubuntu.com/ ?18:06
cas909yup, thats the page18:06
lordcirthcas909, try the help here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ISD18:06
ctjctjlordcirth, the name of the machine is "server13".  The FQDN we are looking up is 'example.com'.  'example.com' isn't in /etc/hosts.  The problem is that the apache config file for 'example.com' only listens on an explicit IP address (eth0).  So when one of my dev's does a 'wget https://example.com/magic_url' it fails as the webserver isn't listening on
cas909@lordcirth will email. Thanks! Further, is there a way to see all ubuntu related channels here? Have some queries about using ubuntu as guest as well. Would be great if I could seek some advice too. Thanks again18:09
ctjctjlordcirth, you might be exactly right.  DNS is a CNAME.   Let me check this out.18:09
lordcirthcas909, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList18:11
ctjctjlordcirth, thank you.   The issue was one of my dev's thinks he's a system admin.  He added an extra record to /etc/hosts that shouldn't have been there.  Thus the CNAME resolved from /etc/hosts per nsswitch.conf files dns18:13
lordcirthctjctj, ah, fun18:13
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* pragmaticenigma recommends ctjctj takes away devs sudo priv's18:14
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sarnoldctjctj: cute :/18:14
ctjctjpragmaticenigma, yeah.  It is in progress.  This particular dev is also the "boss"  So a little more difficult.18:14
lotuspsychjetmlake: did you use ubuntu-bug kodi or manual add in launchpad?18:15
tmlakeA manual add18:16
lotuspsychjetmlake: try apport-collect BUGid please to add relevant info to your bug18:17
=== Guest82495 is now known as rymate1234
cas909@lordcirth great! Thanks!18:21
Bob-OboThere is no sound passing through when Im in my Win7 VirtualBox. How to diagnose? [Dell Latitude E7440, Ubuntu 19.04]18:21
tmlakeAll right, doing that lotus18:22
lotuspsychjetmlake: tnx, seems it worked out18:26
tmlakeOk, I'll test the livecd now18:27
cas909hi i am new to ubuntu, currently on 18.04 VM guest, on windows 10 host. while working on shared documents, I am unable to edit from ubuntu, but could do so from windows. Could create a new file, and edit it on the shared folder, but unable to edit after editing from windows host. Is there some settings i could tweak to resolve this?18:29
sarnoldcas909: do you get any error messages?18:31
lotuspsychjetmlake: another idea, would be finding other kodi users to affect your bug, perhaps in #kodi?18:32
tmlakeCould be, I'll try thx18:34
cas909@sarnold yes, it says "could not save the file <file path>. Unexpected error. Error renaming temporary file. Text file busy""18:35
TJ-cas909: you've got the same document open simultaneously in both OSs?18:36
cas909nope closed it on the host18:36
tmlake<lotuspsychje> I tried on Kodi forum, Team-Kodi asked me to contact Ubuntu support18:36
sarnoldcas909: weeeeird. That error normally only happens when you're working with an executable file that's currently being executed18:36
sarnoldcas909: (it's also pretty hard to trigger; the only times I've seen that error message was when I was *trying* to see that error message)18:37
TJ-cas909: is it a .txt (text) file and what application are you using on Linux to edit it?18:37
cas909sarnold, seems so. I am only testing with text files now, since I am only beginning to explore18:37
sarnoldcas909: so .. my best guess is your windows VM system is doing something *strange* and *weird* and above all *wrong* to try to prevent files from being out of sync between the two systems18:38
tmlakeioria, the livecd gives me the same result. I get a full black image on the movies, but now at least I can see the subtitles18:38
lotuspsychjetmlake: kodi is on the ubuntu repos, im not sending you away, im trying to widen your options as other 'affected' users can speedup your bug solving18:38
sarnoldcas909: (feel free to forget this immediately, but "text file busy" in this case doesn't mean text text, but *executable*. it's a long story.)18:38
cas909just opened it directly. the ones i created from ubuntu, i did so with text editor18:38
tmlakeEverything plays well with SMplayer, though.18:39
ctjctjsarnold, try `fuser file_name` and see if there is another process accessing the file?  I think that the fcntl() sys call has an option for locking a file, even if it is not an executable.18:40
cas909@sarnold i may guess to, and have tried to configure the sharing settings on windows. from windows end, it seems to work fine though, could read and write, could see updates from ubuntu vm18:40
cas909sarnold just not able to edit and save it from ubuntu vm18:40
sarnoldctjctj: mandatory locking requires setting mount flags, and i'm not even sure it's still supported in our kernels18:41
Mr-Potterif i need support but I cannot find it in here where should I ask?18:41
ctjctjsarnold, tells you how long I've been programming.  :-(18:41
Mr-PotterI take it the answer is a social channel e.g. ##chat or ##defocus18:41
sarnoldctjctj: aye :)18:41
Lantizia_TJ-, hey sorry I think I missed you the other day18:41
Mr-Pottermost likely the latter considering ##chat are quite strict18:41
Mr-Potterbut anyway18:41
lotuspsychjeMr-Potter: what exactly are you asking us?18:41
TJ-cas909: sarnold  was referring to this, it is a known long-standing bug since 2009: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib/issues/43818:42
TJ-Lantizia_: did you get your udev rule working OK?18:42
Lantizia_TJ-, this is now how I set up CDEmu on any system... https://pastebin.com/raw/ukxbARUs18:42
sarnoldTJ-: beautiful!18:42
Mr-PotterI'm not asking a specific question. Someone years ago accidentally discovered #defocus (now ##chat) by asking a support query here, not getting an answer in 30 minutes, trying -offtopic, getting told off and then refered to #defocus by "the powers that be"18:42
Lantizia_TJ-, the 99-sw-cdemu.rules file it writes is based on how the existing udev rules which use UDISKS_IGNORE works18:42
* Mr-Potter knows this is all off topic but anyway18:43
Lantizia_TJ-, and yeah it works great, with one tiny exception we overlooked :)18:43
lotuspsychje!alis | Mr-Potter to find a channel18:43
ubottuMr-Potter to find a channel: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"18:43
TJ-Lantizia_: I'd make one change your rule - make ot more specific to the situation so it isn't being run for *all* kernel events, which it is now. See my suggestion, note the subsystem and action matches  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WznCRf6TrG/18:44
TJ-Lantizia_: what is the exception?18:44
Lantizia_TJ-, well I've done it how it is done in... /lib/udev/rules.d/80-udisks2.rules18:44
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"18:45
Lantizia_TJ-, e.g. that hides any partition called 'Recovery' as well as lots of other names which PC's might come with vendor-specific partitions18:45
Lantizia_TJ-, only this matches on the unique vendor ID which my script changes in CDEmu18:45
Lantizia_TJ-, the exception :)  Well... In this particular case I'm mounting the Windows version of Colonization (a lovely 90's turn based 4x game)18:46
TJ-Lantizia_: no, you missed out that file skips the rules at the top if it isn't a block device, with the SUBSYSTEM!="block", GOTO="udisks_probe_end"18:46
TJ-Lantizia_: indeed it does, to prevent the GUI being inundated with confusing entries, but you can over-ride those rupes too with your own if that is what you want18:47
Lantizia_but the .toc/.bin which is mounted - well it's multi-track, so Track 1 is data (and is properly ignored due to UDISKS_IGNORE) and doesn't get mounted nor show in the file manager18:47
Lantizia_but gvfs-cdda kicks in and realises it can see an audio CD and does that silly fake filesystem full of non-existent .WAV files to represent the tracks18:47
Lantizia_TJ-, ah ok I'll adjust the rule18:47
tmlakelotuspsychje, there's nobody online on #kodi but I left a message there.18:48
lotuspsychjetmlake: yeah saw your messages, its worth a try18:48
TJ-Lantizia_: if you want to see partitions that are being set UDISKS_IGNORE=1 by 80-udisks then just add to your over-ride file the same rule from 80-udisks that sets UDISKS_IGNORE=0 :) As long as your udev rules file is processed after 80-udisks it'll work (and it will since yours is named 99- )18:49
Lantizia_yeah i know that bit - done stuff with udev before18:50
tmlakelotuspsychje: Of course, There's also #kodi-linux18:51
Lantizia_TJ-, i've added the SUBSYSTEM=="block", bit in ... but it's the silly audio cd bit that's bothersome now lol18:53
Lantizia_i'm guessing whatever does that - gvfs-cdda i guess, doesn't respect udisks_ignore ?18:53
Lantizia_i could disable gvfs-cdda in general, but it'd be nice to only have it ignore devices with vendor SW-CDEmu (like the udisks ignore rule)18:54
tmlakeIs there a log somewhere of recently official updates sent by the server? Maybe a way to the have the older state back18:54
TJ-Lantizia_: check all the udev events with "udevadm monitor -k" when the 'audio' CD is connected, you should find some key there you can use to discriminate18:55
Lantizia_TJ-, ooooh ok will look at that - didn't know there was a monitor18:56
lotuspsychjetmlake: ubuntu doesnt really support downgrading packages18:57
lotuspsychjetmlake: its reccomended to keep system up to date, and if bugs occur start testing from there18:57
TJ-Lantizia_: also, I cannot find any file in the entire archive that matches "gvfs.*cdda" - do you know if it has a different filename or which package it is from?18:58
TJ-Lantizia_: see "man udevadm" - there are a lot of useful commands and options18:58
ioriatmlake, can weknow your video card ?  lspci -nnk | grep -EA3 'VGA|3D' | nc termbin.com 999918:58
Lantizia_TJ-, /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfsd-cdda18:58
Lantizia_TJ-, i think it *may* be controlled from /usr/share/gvfs/mounts/cdda.mount18:59
Lantizia_but i assume you've seen this before when an Audio CD (or in my case, mixed mode CD with Track 2 and up as audio) is inserted?18:59
Lantizia_basically the file manager shows a filesystem which looks like it has files  "Track 02.wav" "Track 03.wav" but they're actually fake files for non-audio-cd-aware software to play audio tracks as WAV files19:00
TJ-Lantizia_: right, but that has  "AutoMount=false" so if you've got it auto-mounting its being ignored19:00
Lantizia_yeah don't know why it says that - the automounting is actually controlled from dconf19:01
Lantizia_and turning it on/off applies to both data and audio tracks19:01
tmlakeioria,  https://termbin.com/wmnh19:02
TJ-Lantizia_: maybe the source-code will give some clues19:03
ioriatmlake, so the livecd test failed ?19:09
Lantizia_TJ-, udevadm monitor -k doesn't show much19:10
tmlakeioria: Yes mate. While others players like SMP played a movie without problems, Kodi had the exact same result. A Crash and/or playing the video with a black screen19:10
Lantizia_just states there was a change event for sr119:11
TJ-Lantizia_: OK, so it's a source-code issue to chase, looking in daemon/mount.c (of the gvfs source) I see at line 555 mountable->automount = g_key_file_get_boolean (keyfile, "Mount", "AutoMount", NULL);19:12
ioriatmlake, can you try the ppa version ?19:12
TJ-Lantizia_: and the prior code is opening a file which 'appears' to be the /usr/share/gvfs/mounts/... so either at run-time that path is changed or that file is never read19:13
ioriatmlake, First remove older versions of Kodi:19:14
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Lantizia_TJ-, i'm looking at dbus-monitor to see if it gives any clues19:14
tmlakeioria: I've already tried. The 17.6 version from kodi-stable/old doesn't and the newer 18.3 Leia version does.19:15
tmlakeioria: I really want the 17.6 from Ubuntu repos running. The video playback is different, I didn't like the newer version19:16
ioriatmlake, so, try the old verson of 18.04 (with kernel 4.15.0-54 not 4.18)19:17
Lantizia_TJ-, oooh /org/gtk/Private/RemoteVolumeMonitor19:19
Lantizia_TJ-, but that looks to be from org.gtk.vfs.UDisks2VolumeMonitor19:20
tmlakeioria, How can I do it?19:20
ioriatmlake, tmlake, http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/bionic/19:20
Lantizia_so perhaps another udev rule is needed for the audio portion?  how on earth that'd be stated I don't know19:20
tmlakeioria, it doesn't inform the kernel version, should I download the 18.0.1 or 18.0?19:22
ioriatmlake, try this ---> ubuntu-18.04-desktop-amd64.iso19:23
tmlakeioria, all right, can I test it through a Livecd?19:26
ioriatmlake, sure19:26
Lantizia_TJ-, you know I think it announces it twice19:29
Lantizia_TJ-, and that udev rule only kicks in once19:29
zaggynlHi, anyone know how to reduce noise on mobo connected mic?19:44
becoolpacket_write_wait: Connection to port 22: Broken pipe19:45
becoolwhy do i get that when trying to sftp19:45
becoolit happened after i did a chown -R /<sftpusershomedir>19:46
uRockbecool, Check out https://askubuntu.com/questions/127369/how-to-prevent-write-failed-broken-pipe-on-ssh-connection19:55
TJ-Lantizia_: easy enough to test if the rule is triggered twice: RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'echo 1 >> /tmp/cdemu' " - then check the file, it should have a line with "1" for each invocation19:55
TJ-Lantizia_: sorry, this would be better: RUN+="/bin/sh -c '/bin/date +%s >> /mtp/cdemu' "19:57
TJ-Lantizia_: oops, and correct my typo /mtp/ should be /tmp/20:00
FriedBobI've got a 1u half depth rack mount that has a GLK19264A-7T-1U built in to the case.  I've running Ubuntu 18.04 Server (no X11), and would like to control the LCD and the 3 LEDs on it.20:02
FriedBoblcdproc doesn't seem to support this model - the display is garbled for any of the screens, and lcd4linux seems to be erroring out due to the lack of X11 libraries.  What would my best option be for this?20:03
sarnoldit might be worth installing the x11 libs to see if that does the trick20:03
Lantizia_TJ-, yeah it's only triggered once20:04
Lantizia_TJ-, i guess gvfs cdda just ignores the ignore rule :S20:04
TJ-Lantizia_: that's all controlled centrally daemon/mount.c functions from maybe_autmount()20:10
TJ-Lantizia_: so each gvfs backend is called only if mountable->automount == 120:11
TJ-Lantizia_: and that is set at gvfs start by reading all those .mount files20:11
Lantizia_yeah which is turned on in dconf (as it is by default on the distro being installed)20:11
Lantizia_but obviously it doesn't automount if it sees udisks_ignore20:11
Lantizia_except cdda "filesystem" (he says using the quotes carefully :P)20:12
TJ-right, so can you change the automount option via dconf for type=cdda ?20:12
Lantizia_TJ-, no its on or off for everything20:12
Lantizia_and i wouldn't want it off for all cdda anyway - just this one cdemu drive20:12
Lantizia_anyway gonna have to go till tomororow the other half is home20:13
Lantizia_thanks for the help TJ- , any other thoughts just PM me :D  your help has been very much appreciated :P always like a tough challenge20:13
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TJ-Lantizia_:  On Xubuntu I don't see any dconf entries for gvfs, I'll dig deeper20:16
tmlakeioria: argh, these people on #kodi-linux are nasty.. they're very smug and didn't want to help me. They said the version available in ubuntu repo is not worth their attention20:27
tmlakeioria, you guys are so much better.20:29
RochvellonI've got a problem. there is somewhere a trigger in my system (desktop, xfce, 16.04) that let crackle my audio periodically and if xfce4-volumed is active the osd volume appears then. what could it be? this behaviour appeared the first time as I pressed the volume up or down on my old keyboard but after changing the keyboard the trigger still exists20:36
becooluRock: the broken pipe message only appears after i chmod the authorized_keys file20:45
SimdolAnyway to fix this? apt-get install -f wants to get rid of libc-bin and I doubt that I want to do that20:46
becoolhow do i add write permissions to a chroot sftp jailed users' home directory without breaking their ability to ssh?20:50
becooleverytime i chown or chmod their home dir it breaks their ability to sftp20:50
TJ-Simdol: looks like its due to the system having packages from 14.04 on? (binutils 2.19-0ubuntu6)20:59
grokecan u run ubuntu on freebsd?21:01
tomreyngroke: maybe in a VM. but that's more of a freebsd question than an ubuntu question.21:09
swillsgroke: yes21:09
swillsi'm doing it in vbox now, i've done it in bhyve and pretty sure qemu works21:10
Cheezgroke: do you mean "ubuntu userland with the freebsd kernel" like debian/kfreebsd? or do you mean literally a ubuntu vm on a freebsd host?21:10
swillsi think i have used qemu in the paste, been a while21:10
grokeyes Cheez ubuntu userland with freebsd kernel21:18
becoolgot dc. so anyone know why sftp breaks everytime i chmod or chown the sftp user home dir?21:19
becoolit remains broken even if i chown back to root21:19
Cheezi'm not sure if anyone has ever done a serious attempt at it, i've seen rumblings but the UbuntuBSD project died21:20
grokeoh ok21:20
grokethats a shame21:20
Cheezhttps://www.debian.org/ports/kfreebsd-gnu/ debian had their attempt, too. but i'm not sure where that is, either21:20
Cheezhttps://sourceforge.net/projects/ubuntubsd/ - but as i said, i think it's a dead project21:21
grokeis it too hard?21:22
Cheezi don't know, honestly. It's not my area. I just keep an eye on such things when they come up as i cut my teeth on freebsd years before i ever got into this linux thing21:23
grokei see21:24
grokewell i guess ubuntu on linux is fine too21:24
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KaynRyuCould anyone possibly help me with an issue with HTML5 embedded videos not working after upgrading to 19.04 Disco Dingo22:51
uRockwhat browser?22:52
KaynRyuBoth Firefox and Chromium22:53
KaynRyuChromium shows the video but just is black and wont play no message. Firefox shows the black box and says "No video with supported format and MIME type found"22:54
KaynRyuI tried on my windows computer and dont get the same issue22:54
uRockHow did you do the upgrade? It's either an issue with codecs or graphics driver.22:54
KaynRyusudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:55
Ben64dist-upgrade wouldn't bring you to 19.0422:56
Ben64KaynRyu: what's the url for the video22:56
Ben64doesn't work here, page just doesn't support Linux I'd guess22:58
KaynRyuthis is the one im trying to use for testing video in my html22:59
KaynRyuseems odd that embedded h.264, ogg, and WebM wouldnt be supported23:00
Ben64it is supported, I don't have problems on just about any page I've visited23:00
uRockThe requested URL /~j/theora_testsuit/320x240.ogg was not found on this server.23:00
KaynRyudoesnt make sense to me haha. it works just fine when i run it on windows23:01
KaynRyuthats fine i guess i will just use something else for testing23:01
TJ-KaynRyu: Ben64  works here, if you correct the URL! http://v2v.cc/~j/theora_testsuite/320x240.ogg23:02
TJ-"testsuite" not "testsuit"23:02
uRockyou, worked here. had the old colored barcode video23:03
Ben64yep that works23:03
uRockI'm using Firefox-ESR if that makes any difference.23:04
TJ-Firefox 6823:05
TJ-https://www.quirksmode.org/html5/tests/video.html doesn't show video however23:06
Ben64the video doesn't exist23:06
Ben64The requested URL /html5/videos/big_buck_bunny.mp4 was not found on this server.23:07
TJ-But that is due to 404 errors on the media files themselves23:07
TJ-HTTP load failed with status 404. Load of media resource https://www.quirksmode.org/html5/videos/big_buck_bunny.mp4 failed.23:07
KaynRyuyeah im using firefox 623:07
Ben64that one seems to actually have videos23:07
TJ-KaynRyu: so ignore the quirks page, it's broken23:08
TJ-Ben64: yes, those videos are showing up23:08
KaynRyuokay thanks23:08
swebis this usual that i have a request from ? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zttspSQNTK/23:32
swebi'm behind NAT23:32
swebhow it's possible ?23:33
swebi'm using unbound as Cache/DNS server thou23:33
SlickMcRunFastWhich channel would the ubuntu graphics driver PPA team hangout on?23:38
sarnoldsweb: did you configure your devices or your applications to use those dns servers?23:39
swebsarnold: yes23:39
swebsarnold: it's okey that DNS servers request my client ? should i open firewall for them ? :/23:40
sarnoldsweb: you probably should allow them to reply to your queries, yes23:40
swebsarnold: that's wired, okey then . i donno such tip for config firewall rule23:41
TJ-sweb: that packet is a *reply* to a request from your virtual machine23:41
swebit's always UDP ? or i must open both TCP/UDP ?23:42
TJ-sweb: UDP should be fine, TCP is nice but not essential (it is used only for large queries/answers)23:42
sarnoldsweb,TJ-, DNS basically requires TCP too these days23:45
TJ-sarnold: I don't allow it and not seen any problems23:48

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