
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
xubuntu30wim currently on 18.04.2 LTS and receiving no sound03:37
well_laid_lawnhas it always been like that?03:38
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - https://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.03:38
well_laid_lawnif the above doesn't help let us know the audio device03:41
xubuntu34wau ah gelap04:44
well_laid_lawnxubuntu34w:  try /exit04:46
xubuntu34wmacam mana pulak04:46
well_laid_lawnforward slash exit   /exit04:46
jphilipzall are welcome to give their input on what they prefer as the clock label in the panel - https://twitter.com/jphilipz/status/115127382329725337611:36
jphilipzif you dont have a twitter account, you can always leave your vote here on irc :D11:54
Unit193This isn't really the best channel for polls.11:58
jphilipzUnit193: which channel would you recommend to post in to get xubuntu user input12:11
gnrpjphilipz: Date + Time ftw12:13
jphilipzgnrp: thanks. so you like the current default of %d %b, %H:%M12:16
Unit193jphilipz: Dunno, but this is user support, specifically.12:18
jphilipzUnit193: oh okay. thought it was general user chatting. sorry about that12:18
xubuntu6wHi i am having inconsistency in touchpad scrolling on my laptop. xubuntu 18.0414:42
xubuntu6wFor example firefox and whisker menu content scroll in opposite directions14:43
xubuntu6wanyone here.14:45
diogenes_xubuntu6w, did you play with settings here: https://i.imgur.com/PmCG3lE.png14:46
xubuntu6wi have checked the reverse scroll direction here14:49
diogenes_xubuntu6w, first try to figure out is it only different in firefox vs the rest of the applications or, there are a few more that differ in scrolling directions, if it's only ff that behaves differently then, the problem is obvious.14:49
xubuntu6wit is not only in Firefox, thunar too scroll in same direction as firefox14:51
xubuntu6wlibre writer, whiskar menu, opera, vscode etc scroll in one direction and firefox, thunar, settings in other direction.14:55
diogenes_xubuntu6w, i'd start troubleshooting by creating new user.14:58
xubuntu-vbnanyone here15:15
xubuntu-vbni previously logged in as @xubuntu6w15:16
xubuntu-vbni dont know how this thing really work15:17
xubuntu-vbni asked for some help15:17
xubuntu-vbnare we still working on that help15:17
diogenes_jave you created a new user and re-loged?15:18
xubuntu-vbnoh you meant i needed to create a new user15:19
diogenes_xubuntu-vbn, :))) you thought i was talking about this chat new user?15:19
diogenes_i meant a system user, on your computer and then logout and log back but with the newly created one.15:19
xubuntu-vbnwill i find this chat again15:20
xubuntu-vbni mean how i will get here again15:20
diogenes_xubuntu-vbn, here is how: https://xubuntu.org/irc/15:21
diogenes_write down that address.15:21
gnrpjphilips: Yep, that's my favourite. Or "weekday %d %b, %H:%M" woudl also be nice15:25
xubuntu63wokay now i created new user and logged in as this new user15:30
diogenes_try scrolling15:31
xubuntu63wi previously xubuntu6w and xubuntu-vbn15:31
xubuntu63wfirst scrolling was working same across apps but then i checked the box reverse scroll direction in settings15:32
xubuntu63wand now it is again inconsistent15:32
diogenes_and if you uncheck the box?15:33
xubuntu63wlet me see15:34
xubuntu63wnow it works same across apps15:35
xubuntu63wbut i want to reverse the directions!15:35
diogenes_ok so the problem is with the reverse.15:35
diogenes_what do you get in terminal after running this: apt list --installed | grep synaptic15:37
=== jphilips is now known as jphilipz
xubuntu63wsynaptic/bionic,now 0.84.3ubuntu1 amd64 [installed]xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-hwe-18.04/bionic-updates,now 1.9.1-1ubuntu1~18.04.1 amd64 [installed]15:40
diogenes_and the output of this: apt list --installed | grep libinput15:41
xubuntu63wlibinput-bin/bionic,now 1.10.4-1 amd64 [installed]libinput10/bionic,now 1.10.4-1 amd64 [installed]xserver-xorg-input-libinput-hwe-18.04/bionic-updates,now 0.28.1-1~18.04.1 amd64 [installed]15:41
diogenes_xubuntu63w, ok the situation is the following, it's a bug present in some and not in other distros, you can have a look here: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1257515:46
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 12575 in Mouse Settings "Inverted Scrolling Does not Work on GTK+3 applications" [Major,Needinfo]15:46
jphilipzgnrp: i add weekday to mine :D15:46
diogenes_what can you try is to remove xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-hwe-18.04 and reboot but be prepared to have a mouse in case your touchpad won't work.15:47
diogenes_removing xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-hwe-18.04 will make your touchpad work with libinput driver so, maybe it will have any improvement but not sure.15:47
diogenes_if after reboot your touchpad won't work then install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-hwe-18.04 back again.15:47
xubuntu63wokay, thank you, and if it do not work should i come back here or there is noting more you can help15:51
xubuntu63wjust want to know should i come back or not15:52
diogenes_xubuntu63w, if it doesn't work then you can go and ask in #xfce, again you go here: https://xubuntu.org/irc/ and in channel name you write #xfce and ask there and also give this bug link.15:53
xubuntu63wokay thank you diogenes_16:01
CyberMentHi, I've been using ubuntu for a while.  I recently switched to xubuntu.  I noticed that vim in the xubuntu shell works differently.  I want it to work just like it does in gnome.  What settings should I change?21:41
brainwashCyberMent: not everyone knows how it works in gnome, so please tell us21:50
CyberMentbrainwash: here's an issue I have on xfce22:00
CyberMentwhenever I press the backspace button in vim it doesn't delete the characters, it just scrolls through them.  Then when I start typing, it overwrites whatever I have written22:01
CyberMentGnome vim does not do that... does xfce use a different terminal?  Is that the issue?22:01
CyberMentMaybe I should run the gnome terminal in xfce.  Not sure how to do that though.22:05
brainwashyou install gnome-terminal and run it22:08
brainwashother than that, I suggest that you ask in #vim22:09
CyberMentjust installed the gnome terminal, and I'm having exactly the same issue22:10
CyberMentI guess, it's not the terminal after all22:11
jonzenany1 know anything about usb ports   like why devices attached to them just stop working and i have toi unplug and back in to get them back23:56
jonzentried everything i could find about autosuspend   still same23:57

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