
IrcsomeBot<The_Harbinger_of_Doom> steam installed run as epic store gog origin install00:05
keithzg-MAwww, shucks. I forgot about the bug in 19.04's Yakuake, where you have to click back into the terminal after you rename a tab. That's gonna be quite annoying.00:50
IrcsomeBot<The_Harbinger_of_Doom> You can ask 19.04 and 20 are different 18.04 Long term caliper Well 19.04 9 months is the same 2000:58
IrcsomeBot<The_Harbinger_of_Doom> Long term support00:58
IrcsomeBot<The_Harbinger_of_Doom> You can ask 19.04 and 20 are different 18.04 Long term support  well 19.04 9 months is the same 2000:59
IrcsomeBot<The_Harbinger_of_Doom> plasma  new 19.04  2001:00
IrcsomeBot<The_Harbinger_of_Doom> https://kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.0.php?site_locale=en  found reading about kde01:03
IrcsomeBot<The_Harbinger_of_Doom> found reading about kde01:04
IrcsomeBot<The_Harbinger_of_Doom> help need a tablet does not turn on the black screen lights flash02:38
IrcsomeBot<The_Harbinger_of_Doom> how do i restart the bios even nothing is visible at all black screen02:41
chealerkeithzg-M: I wish that was a joke, but there really is nothing comparable if MySQL workbench is gone.04:15
lordievaderGood morning06:16
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IrcsomeBot<The_Harbinger_of_Doom> My screen is distorted by the inclusion of a laptop.10:08
IrcsomeBot<The_Harbinger_of_Doom> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/zUFEG5UI/file_16602.jpg10:08
IrcsomeBot<The_Harbinger_of_Doom> The most that Ubuntu fedora There is no General10:16
IrcsomeBot<The_Harbinger_of_Doom> No such10:16
BluesKajHi folks12:08
dhanasekarjHi Ansible12:54
dhanasekarjAnsbile is taking host IP address from vagrant inventory file instead of .ini12:55
dhanasekarjI have given the path, but it is not taking that. It is considering vagrant auto granted inventory file12:55
dhanasekarjBecause of this, I am getting below error12:56
dhanasekarjTimeout when waiting for"12:56
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IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> @RikMills, I just now arrived home and followed your advice. It worked like a charme. Thanks again!14:44
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> 👍14:44
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> @RikMills, But without sounding ungrateful to the Kubuntu maintainers: shouldn't such a bug be fixed in mainline Kubuntu 18.04? Isn't that the point of using an LTS version of Plasma for the LTS Kubuntu?14:46
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> I realized that the version of Plasma was bumbed from 5.12.7 to 5.12.8 when I installed the backports.14:47
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> The fix is in newer frameworks, not plasma14:47
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> @RikMills, i see! thanks!14:48
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> The fix needs backporting to the frameworks in the archive, but the person who took on the task hasn't had the time yet.14:48
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> @RikMills, Understandable. You guys do a lot of great work! Whenever popular podcasts celebrate great new features of other DEs and distros and want to tease people to try them out, I keep thinking "But Plasma already has that!"! This in combination with the same defaults of Kubuntu make for a phantastic operating system that I am greatful for!14:51
anonymousThis is racist.15:15
anonymousEverything is racist.15:15
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brli_anyone around?18:48
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:48
brli_please check this bug if you're using firefox + enabled client side decoration (ie. hide the title bar)18:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1824507 in firefox (Ubuntu) "unity-menubar.patch+global menu plasmoid+CSD causing inconsistant UI under KDE" [Undecided,New]18:49
IrcsomeBot<avinash512> To all Kubuntu team member. Thank you team for making a great distro. People might criticize, and bla bla. But using Kubuntu is such a pleasure. Neat, clean, stable (I’m using 18.04). I am excited for the next LTS release18:50
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IrcsomeBot<speedyjp2gmd> is it possible to translate build-in interface elements? if so , how?19:25
valorie@speedyjp2gmd such as?19:45
valorieKDE applications at least have "internationalization"19:45
valoriewe can't control non-KDE apps19:46
IrcsomeBot<speedyjp2gmd> such as weather widget19:50
IrcsomeBot<speedyjp2gmd> It's not fully supported in Polish language19:50
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> @speedyjp2gmd, Done at KDE level: https://l10n.kde.org/19:59
DaskreechIs there a Kubuntu papercuts project?21:29
valorieDaskreech: we're always trying to fix papercuts both on the kubuntu level and within KDE software21:49
Daskreechhi valorie! Is there a list for those worked/working on?22:01
valorienot that I know of22:01
Daskreech>_> Sounds like a paper cut....22:01
valoriewell, there are lots of them on phabricator22:01
valoriehowever I doubt anyone has gathered them up and labeled them as such22:01
valorienate graham has been working on such things for well over a year22:02
valorieand blogs monthly about all the improvements committed22:02
valorieso I would coordinate with him if you have suggestions and/or want to help22:02
valoriengraham is just about everywhere22:03
valorienot in this chan I see, but probably in #kubuntu-devel22:03
DaskreechThanks :)22:13
DaskreechAnother thing that I was looking into. Does KDE still have KGHNS ?22:16
Daskreech(Get Hot New Stuff)22:16
valorieit's tied to the kde store now22:17
chealercan I change the package to which an issue I reported belongs?22:17
geniichealer: No, someone who reads it will re-file the bug to the proper package22:17
geniichealer: You can make a comment on the thread where it is saying where you think it probably swhould have went22:18
Daskreechvalorie: So no longer it's own project?22:18
valorieI don't know what it is22:19
valorieafaik it's just a function, a way to get stuff22:19
DaskreechIt was a small protocol and server store for misc versioned packages with an API hook for the host application to use22:19
valoriebut the databases of "stuff" were full of junk and spam, which has been acquired and cleaned, and renamed22:20
DaskreechYep but it makes it easy for devs to add without having to think of that structure and storage space22:20
valoriethey may use a similar process to be able to get flatpack/snap/appimage in discover22:21
DaskreechI keep thinking about Krecipe and want to bring it back to life and having a way to share and version recipes seems perfect for it22:21
valorieDaskreech: there is Kookbook now22:21
chealerdone, thanks you genii22:21
valoriemight be what you want22:21
geniichealer: Glad to assist22:21
DaskreechWhere is it?22:21
valoriesvuorela is doing it22:22
valorieit's in git somewhere!22:22
chealerso, I am finally done (pretty much) reporting my KOrganizer event times edition bug with fr_CA: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/korganizer/+bug/183715622:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1837156 in korganizer (Ubuntu) "Quietly "saves" invalid event (incidence) start or end times as midnight (particularly affects fr_CA (French Canadian) sub-locale)" [Undecided,New]22:22
valoriewhether it has been released yet dunno22:22
Daskreechhttps://github.com/KDE/kookbook ?22:23
valoriealthough github is just a mirror22:24
DaskreechSo https://cgit.kde.org/kookbook.git/ is preferred22:28
DaskreechThanks :)22:31
DaskreechNate has huge blogs for the time period covered22:32
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Guest40994vou instalar kubuntu no meu portatil22:56
IrcsomeBot<zparihar> Congrats to Kubuntu for releasing Plasma 5.12.8 for Kubuntu 18.04!  I really appreciate this effort!22:57
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »23:05
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months (non-LTS) or 5 years (LTS). More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases23:05
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