
=== neil is now known as Guest54885
mutantspewHi, I'm running a radeon rx 580 card hdmi to my monitor, when I run the live usb, at 1920x1080 I can't see the full screen. if I go the next size lower I can see everything, is this a driver problem?03:06
guivercmutantspew, is it a computer monitor, or tv?03:27
mutantspewmonitor, samsung syncmaster b243003:28
lubot<lynorian> what sresoultoin is the monitor03:28
wxlok throw it out and get a hidpi one instead03:28
wxlj/k XD03:28
guivercmutantspew, sorry I can't help, except suggest you unplug, check connectors are clean & reconnect cables.03:30
guivercmutantspew, just b/c I can't help, doesn't mean others may not be able to.  You could also try #ubuntu if you don't get more help here.  looking online drivers are mentioned; if you `sudo lshw -C video` what driver is used (the driver= bit)03:33
mutantspewI'm not sure, I was using the live usb so whatever is packaged. I'd have to reboot to check03:34
mutantspewIt happened with lxde and lxqt if that helps at all.03:35
guiverchttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMDGPU-Driver mentions RX580; with a *2 for that card wiht an issue; the page is a little out of date (pre-18.04)03:37
guivercsorry issue was rx550.. i'm not good enough with video cards sorry mutantspew03:37
mutantspewthat's okay. thanks tho03:38
guivercfor video issues; I'd use #ubuntu (lubuntu is official flavor so on-topic there); if you don't have anyone around here with ideas (which isn't me sorry)03:40
mutantspewokay thanks!03:41
lubotsynergetic_shuvadip was added by: synergetic_shuvadip14:04
Meadsooo...  I updated my lubuntu 18.04 system and suddenly kodi quit started just closing (crashing?) when attempt to play a video file.14:28
lubot<HMollerCl> which video card?14:36
lubot<HMollerCl> probabily you also changed your kernel, so it could be HW related issues14:37
lubot<HMollerCl> try to look al kodi logs14:37
lubot<HMollerCl> dmesg could also be helpfull14:38
lubot<HMollerCl> run kodi from commandline nad see what appears14:38
lubot<synergetic_shuvadip> Hello, I'm new here.. … I'm confused about the thing that how a bot is asking questions???14:51
lubot<HMollerCl> There is a bot that bridge between irc and telegram14:55
lubot<kc2bez> The bot bridges the IRC channel to the Telegram channel.14:55
lubot<kc2bez> I owe you a coke @HMollerCl ;)14:56
lubot<synergetic_shuvadip> Okay,,, will do some searching on how it does so. … Thanks for pointing😌14:57
MeadHMollerCl : I also asked in #ubuntu and someone pointed out this bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kodi/+bug/1836828 with which on the surface looks identical.15:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1836828 in kodi (Ubuntu) "Kodi crashes when trying to play any video" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:06
lubot<HMollerCl> @kc2bez [I owe you a coke @HMollerCl ;)], one day, and we could play civ 5 too.15:13
lubot<HMollerCl> Mead: HW issue apparently, He has a Radeon, you?15:13
MeadYes, I've got an APU15:18
MeadI don't think it is bad hardware... it worked fine until until I used APT to update, upgrade, and autoremove this morning.15:21
apt-ghettoHardware can fail also in the morning15:23
apt-ghettoCheck your log files, maybe there are some hints15:24
lubot<HMollerCl> Mean: I mean a "driver" problem.15:28
MeadI'm not enough of a expert in linux to understand what all got updated but it seemed like a silly amount of things that apt updated, and I don't have much software installed.15:38
tomreynthere's a log at /var/log/apt/history.log16:07
tomreynthe log to check for errors can be viewed using   journalctl -b   (shows anything logged since the latest boot, press q to quit)16:08
tomreynMead: ^16:08
Meadtomreyn: I have no clue what to look for in the log nor how to interpret it.16:22
apt-ghetto`journalctl -b -p err` shows only the errors16:23
apt-ghettoIf you need help, use pastebinit to share the logs16:24
apt-ghettoAnd please ask specific questions, if something is unclear16:25
Meadalright, I've rebooted since Kodi crashed on me, let me replicate the crash and I will pastebinit16:26
apt-ghettoWith `journalctl -b -1 -p err` you can show the logged errors from the previous boot16:31
Meadyeah, there isn't anything being logged when kodi closes/crashes16:33
apt-ghettoRead also https://kodi.wiki/view/Log_file and https://kodi.wiki/view/Log_file/Advanced16:36
Meadthanks for the help, I'll have to pick this up later, life calls and won't be happy if I send it to voice mail.16:39
apt-ghettoNo problem16:40
ajacmacSo today my lubuntu started only occupying part of the screen. I'm not really sure how to explain. It looks as though the image isn't centered on my monitor, but the offset doesn't apply to the taskbar.19:05
ajacmacthere's a black bar about the thickness of the taskbar at the top of the screen and another one much thinner on the right, and if I drag windows into those bars the part in that section of the screen disappears.19:07
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wxl@synergetic_shuvadip if you want to knwo about the irc bridge https://github.com/FruitieX/teleirc20:11
=== ab_ is now known as Guest28888
Guest_58I'm having problems putting my live USB20:56
wxldid you verify the hashes of the ISO?20:57
Guest_58Yes I check the media to it says there are no error I push f12 to boot to the USB it boot find then goes to the logo wifi turns on then it goes to a black screen with a flash underline but wifi still on hd showing its working it looks like it stalls or gets stuck21:00
wxltry booting with the nomodeset option21:00
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:01
Guest_58Ok am new to this what do I do with this info21:02
wxlclick the link and follow the instructions. long story short is some graphic cards are problematic21:03
Guest_58Okay forgot to mention that am getting a gfxboot.32 : not COM32R image boot: I been looking at videos they tell me to type help and push enter or just type live : do I need to type live with something else so it will boot properly21:09
Guest_58Because I get a logo with Lubuntu they Wifi Comes on and it just a black wight lite screen21:10
Guest_58getting a gfxboot.32 : not COM32R image boot: I been looking at videos they tell me to type help and push enter or just type live : do I need to type live with something else so it will boot properly21:14
kc2bezGuest_58: can you give us some more information about your system and which version of Lubuntu you are trying?21:16
Guest_58Lubuntu 18.04 LTS and I made it on an older version of Lubuntu trying to create a LIVE USB Installer I ran a check on it it does not put out errors so I have no idea what's going on the first time a did this I type help and it booted up all the way after formatting the hard drive not the USB I created it boot up did the help thing pushed enter and21:24
Guest_58it showed the logo then wifi button comes on hard drive blanking but only black screen I have an Dell latitude21:24
wxlwhy not use 19.04?21:27
tomreynGuest_58: how did you create the installer usb?21:28
Guest_58Cant do it I don't have another computer to load a different iso file on guyes is there a command I could run to get into the installion they said something about the graphics card but it work the first time21:28
Guest_58Created a different version of lubuntu21:29
Guest_58With live USB creator21:29
wxlwait a minute21:29
wxlwhat are you actually trying to accomplish here?21:29
Guest_58Am trying to install Linux Lubuntu21:30
wxlwhat is this about wanting to "get into the installation?"21:30
Guest_58gfxboot.32: not a com32r image Booted Up First Time push Tab : live,live-install check memtest hd mainmenu help already did the check no errors in Live USB21:32
wxlis that an answer to my question? because it doesn't seem like it is.21:32
geniiIf you are geting a black screen what you are probably looking for is how to add kernel load paramer like nomodeset21:33
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:33
wxlare you trying to say that you're trying to get in to do an install? because you make it sound like you already have an installation and you're trying to access it through the live cd21:33
wxlthis is further true given the mention of 16.0421:33
tomreynon a side note, the boot loader error (or warning?) message is probably caused by this bug in an outdated version of usb-creator: 132580121:35
Guest_58Could not find kernel image: !nomodeset21:35
* wxl sighs21:35
geniiThat error message sounds like you are at the GRUB command line21:35
wxldid you read the linked page?21:35
Guest_58Not on the grub page when I boot to the hard drive I have Grub Rescue but I can't seem to boot throw the live install with that21:36
wxlwhy are you booting to the hard drive?21:36
Guest_58Am not just telling you am not in a grub command am on the live USB Installer when I type f1221:37
wxlyou just said "when i boot to the hard drive" and then you said you're not21:38
wxlunless you can clearly state the problem, i'm not sure i can help21:38
Guest_58Am not in the hard drive listen please am on the live USB creator that I have created on the older version of ubuntu21:39
wxlso you're still trying to create the usb?21:40
wxllet's try this: what's your native language?21:40
Guest_58Am booted to the Live USB that I created Sorry I speak the English21:41
wxlwhat's your NATIVE language?21:42
wxlor better yet, which language do you read and write the best?21:42
Guest_58I was born in Illinois I speak English21:42
Guest_58LMAO am I being punk or something21:42
wxlheh ok nevermind that thought then sorry jeez21:42
Guest_58I need some21:43
wxlso boot the live USB to the screen that says "lubuntu" where the "check disc for defects" option is21:43
Guest_58I don't get a splash screen on my system when I boot into the USB it gives me the vein 2010 Z71 for EDD copyright 99 for 2010 Peter Gavin missing parmenter in confrontation files keyboard path gfx boot c32 not a com32r image21:45
Guest_58Sorry voice on my phone is not working21:45
wxlthen maybe type instead? XD21:46
wxlso you CAN'T get to the screen that says "check disc for defects?"21:46
Guest_58No when I push f12 I get a message on my screen saying SYSLINUX 4.01 debain-20100714 EDD Copyright 1992-2010 H. Peter Anvin et Al Missing Parameter in Configurations file. keyword: path gfx boot.32: not a com32r image I type TAB : and a list of commands come on my screen saying : Live , Live-Install , Check, Memtest, hd, mainmenu, help I type Live21:52
Guest_58and it boot on the splash screen logo of Lubuntu & load loads loads loads wifi blue button comes on and hard drive works just getting a black screen with a wight line blanking on top of screen21:52
wxlthat list of commands sound like the boot screen21:53
tomreynbug 132580121:53
ubottubug 1325801 in usb-creator (Ubuntu Trusty) "failed to boot from USB disk with error: gfxboot.c32: not a COM32R Image boot:" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132580121:53
wxldoes it look like this? https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-9jp8V-lA8X0/U2-TajnNWJI/AAAAAAAAAuU/lbglUxq1Bvg/s1600/1_check_disk.JPG21:54
wxlah ha21:55
wxlthat's the bug tomreyn keeps pointing at21:55
wxllong story short: you don't have a good setup on that live usb21:56
Guest_58tomreyn what do I do mate21:56
wxlyou remake the live usb again21:56
wxlusing an upgraded version of usb-creator or some other tool that doesn't suffer the same fate21:57
kc2bez^ It's the only option.21:58
Guest_58I know it only opition but the first time I used to USB Live Installer I got on to the installion part I don't know why it's not boot up again like the first time I used it21:59
Guest_58Does not make sense21:59
wxlon the same computer?22:00
wxland using the exact same version of the application to install it using the exact same version of lubuntu?22:01
kc2bezYou could try typing live22:01
kc2bezI'd be surprised if it worked.22:01
wxlthen, no, that doesn't make sense........ UNLESS that there is actually some error in the download of the ISO or the copy of to the USB. a single bit of difference can lead to unexpected results22:02
wxlkc2bez: that will work but afaik there's no way to change graphics options22:02
kc2bezOh right, forgot about that tidbit.22:03
Guest_58With Tomreyn said Can I type live with something else for the kernel22:03
Guest_58Like a different command22:03
tomreynwhat would you like to type?22:04
tomreynwhich different command?22:04
Guest_58Something that will let it boot22:05
Guest_58Like I said before there nothing wrong with it it worked the first time 😂22:05
Guest_58Going crazy22:05
tomreynso just typing "live" without the quotation marks and pressing enter does not make it boot?22:05
Guest_58Yep I did when the black screen comes on and the light blanks do I wait for it to go to the desktop of the live install it's taken forever does not take this long tomreyn22:07
tomreynGuest_58: ah so you're saying if you type "live" and press enter then it boots, but boots to a black screen and is stuck there22:08
wxlthey need nomodeset22:09
geniiCan't remember what F key, maybe F622:10
tomreynyes probably22:10
LPHello, I am relatively new to linux. I was wondering if there is a way to upgrade from Lubuntu 16.04 to 18.04, or if I have to download and install fresh. When I tried to click the upgrade button from the system update dialogue, it directed me to download Ubuntu 18.04, but I would rather stick with Lubuntu because my computer system is rather old.22:10
tomreynGuest_58: yes thats what a black screen looks like22:10
tomreynGuest_58: do you have any way to re-create this installer usb stick at this time? any other operating system22:11
tomreyn... on this computer or on another computer with usb connector?22:11
Guest_58No I do not tomreyn I don't have any other computer 😖22:11
tomreynGuest_58: do you have an android phone which is rooted?22:12
geniiLP: When it says Ubuntu it really actually means whatever flavour of Ubuntu you are on ( like Lubuntu, Xubuntu and so on )22:12
LPOkay, thank-you!22:12
Guest_58LMAO I been trying everything no I do not I typed useing droiddrive or what ever it called to22:12
tomreynGuest_58: do you have a vacuum cleaner?22:13
Guest_58Mom took it back to Walmart LMAO22:13
tomreynGuest_58: ok, that was a bit off-topic, just noticed your room could use one.22:13
wxlaw snap22:13
Guest_58Depressed Now Thanks Sorry about that mate22:14
tomreynGuest_58: reboot, then at the boot prompt type this:  live nomodeset22:14
Guest_58If it works I will love you forever22:15
tomreyni'm not terribly convinced it will, but we can try.22:15
Guest_58Just typed it in22:16
Guest_58Something happing or dear22:17
tomreynsomething black or colorful?22:18
Guest_58It was color full alright dear lord22:20
tomreynsomething in between i'd say22:20
wxllooks like we're back to the original solution: go remake the usb22:20
wxlfirst, though, clean your room XD22:21
tomreyni assume the laptop just went full speed against the wall22:22
tomreynor the mobile phone, or both.22:23
tomreynpoor guy.22:23
* wxl shrugs22:24
* genii dumps his cigarette butts out before tomreyn sees22:33
* tomreyn sprays genii with fire extinguisher22:35
geniiYeah, I probably deserve it22:36
tomreynthat's just for your own safety!22:42
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