
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
lagDoes anyone know when Mesa will reach v19.1 in Ubuntu?07:31
seb128lag, tjaalton would know07:35
lagseb128: Thanks Sebastien07:36
tjaaltonmaybe today07:36
lagtjaalton: That would be awesome - thanks07:39
lagtjaalton: Will just propagate to AArch64 pretty quickly too?07:39
tjaaltonthe holdup was a regression in libgles2 which would've needed libglvnd to provide the pkgconfig file for it, but it hasn't been merged yet there.. so I've reverted the regression in mesa instead07:40
tjaaltonand now there's 19.1.2 too07:40
lagtjaalton: I just need the changes landed in 19.1, but anything above that would be grand07:41
tjaaltonall archs will build the same, so it should be useable from proposed at least by tomorrow07:42
enycLocutusOfBorg: so, where d these packages waitinangi for an archive-admin go?07:49
enycnot the same as bionic-proposed ?07:49
ginggsenyc: they go here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+queue?queue_state=108:03
LocutusOfBorgenyc, we can read you yes08:04
LocutusOfBorgenyc, I uploaded the packages in my ppa and in unapproved queue08:04
LocutusOfBorgyou can test packages in my ppa *now*08:04
LocutusOfBorgthe packages in unapproved queue will be accepted and then go automatically in bionic-proposed08:04
ginggsassuming they are accepted :)08:05
LocutusOfBorgafter somebody verifies the fixes, no regressions are opened and a week or two, they will migrate in bionic-updates08:05
LocutusOfBorglol true story!08:05
LocutusOfBorge.g. 5.2.30 should be rejected because I already uploaded 5.2.3208:05
lagtjaalton: Which versions of Ubuntu will see the update to 19.1.x?08:06
tjaaltonlag: 19.1008:10
tjaaltonwill actually get 19.2.x08:10
lagtjaalton: Works for me, thanks08:10
enycLocutusOfBorg: hrm talking of virtualbox... maybe this should be improved by next LTS rather than in bionic-updates but... :-09:08
enycLocutusOfBorg: the packaging, including -ext-pack  provides no warning/help/support/etc  for  adding users to vboxusers  group for usb passthrough support09:08
enycLocutusOfBorg: i really theink eithre default permissions should be changed t not erquire this group,  or  [BOTH a warning about the fact that user is not in vboxusersgroup  should occur with usb passthrough  AND  some facility to add users to vboxusers group should be provided]09:17
LocutusOfBorgI agree09:32
ginggsLocutusOfBorg: maybe have a look how wireshark does it09:37
LocutusOfBorgproblem is: should new users being automatically added to it?09:38
LocutusOfBorgthey all work for current users09:39
LocutusOfBorganyway yes, adding current user might already be nice09:40
enycLocutusOfBorg: i would figrnst question what this permission system is doing and what it is protecting against10:21
enycLocutusOfBorg: i guess some kind of raw access to all usb devices  sort of thing10:21
LocutusOfBorgenyc, ls /dev/vboxusb/ -l10:31
LocutusOfBorgcreated via udev with ./src/VBox/Installer/linux/VBoxCreateUSBNode.sh10:31
LocutusOfBorgbridging usb devices into an internal vm might be a security issue?10:32
LocutusOfBorge.g. what if the server has an external usb-attached hdd and some user is using it to steal data?10:32
LocutusOfBorgI mean, for example for shared servers10:32
Unit193Ah, looks like LP is finally catching up on Debian uploads.10:43
LocutusOfBorgUnit193, you beat me for 3 minutes (exo)10:46
LocutusOfBorgbut I syncd apparmor-profiles-extra10:46
Unit193exo is one of our packages, I'm of course keeping an eye on it (since I'm involved in Xubuntu as well as pkg-xfce.)10:48
Unit193thunar is the one I've been waiting on..10:49
cjwatsonYeah, I broke it for a bit, sorry10:54
Unit193Well thanks for fixing it too. :)10:54
GunnarHjwgrant: I'd like to call your attention to this request for a new language:11:38
GunnarHjLooks straightforward to me. 'Everything' is in place - team, locale in glibc, etc.11:38
wgrantGunnarHj: Looking11:41
wgrantGunnarHj: I've added the language and added the team to ubuntu-translators.11:46
GunnarHjwgrant: Excellent, thanks! (The latter I would have access to, I think.)11:47
GunnarHjwgrant: A detail: What's the reason for including the country code, i.e. "mjw_IN" instead of just "mjw"?11:57
wgrantTrue, probably no need to split it.11:58
wgrantGunnarHj: Fixed.11:59
GunnarHjwgrant: Good; think that's better. Then if someone would create a mjw_BD locale, for instance, they can share translations.12:00
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enycLocutusOfBorg: so far VirtualBox in PPA test, can't find anything working worse than 5.2.18 -- but 5.2.32 is indeed working with 5.0.0-20 kernel from LinuxMint 19.112:27
LocutusOfBorgenyc, host and guest?12:28
LocutusOfBorgboth virtualbox and virtualbox-hwe?12:28
LocutusOfBorgalso guest-additions?12:28
enycLocutusOfBorg: host, intel 64bit  linuxmint 19.1  (largely ubuntu 18.04.x),  virtualbox,  +ext-pack + guest-additions   all insatll and work12:28
enycLocutusOfBorg: guest -- pile of Windows  machines in this case,  guest additions install fine12:29
enycLocutusOfBorg: did not find a sepaarate -hwe virtualbox package  except guest addiions for ilnux which isn't my usage case12:31
rbasakIs it safe to cast an int * to a bool * in general?12:58
rbasak(specifically an stdbool.h bool, ie. a _Bool)12:59
rbasakI'm patching something for the MySQL transition that uses std::vector<my_bool> to manage an array so that can point to individual elements12:59
rbasakBut now that my_bool is a bool, std::vector<bool> is specialised and uses bitfields, so we can't get pointers to them.13:00
rbasakIf I use std::vector<int> instead then I get pointer conversion errors since the MySQL API does require bool pointers.13:00
rbasakSave for massive refactoring I don't see how I can fix this without some kind of pointer compatibility between a bool * and some other data type.13:01
rbasakOr, any way to get around the standard std::vector<bool> specialisation? A typedef maybe?13:02
* rbasak tries _Bool directly13:02
rbasak_Bool didn't work13:08
rbasakThe compiler still uses thd std::vector<bool> specialisation in that case AFAICT13:08
jamespagedoko: any chance you could process a few RM's for us - specifically:13:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1836143 in python-glareclient (Ubuntu) "[RM] glare, python-glareclient" [Undecided,New]13:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1836142 in python-ceilometerclient (Ubuntu) "[RM] python-ceilometerclient" [Medium,Triaged]13:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1836623 in openstack-resource-agents (Ubuntu) "[RM] openstack-resource-agents" [Medium,Triaged]13:15
jamespageas we're unpicking python 2 from the openstack package set, would be better to clean that lot out rather than have to spend cycles on refreshing them13:15
jamespagethanks :)13:16
coreycbdoko: here's the full list of RM bugs for us: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bDMPrkpysX/13:18
rbasakWrapping the bool inside a struct and making an std::vector of that seems to have worked.13:30
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ricotzhi, is there any progress in fixing https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/240-6ubuntu10 ?13:42
seb128ricotz, I think Balint is out today/tomorrow but maybe bdmurray or vorlon know of the status?13:43
ricotzseb128, hi, I see13:48
=== Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray
vorlonseb128, ricotz: no, this wasn't on my radar yet (due to the extent of the backlog of foundations packages stuck in -proposed that we're working through).  I expect it'll be on rbalint's plate on Monday15:00
seb128thx vorlon15:01
seb128ricotz, was it any specific problem created by that upload/the fact that it doesn't build (out of blocking the fix described to reach eoan)?15:02
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ricotzseb128, sorry, no specific problem here, other than it is non-installable here for quite a while, and systemd is not just some random package ;)15:30
seb128ricotz, do you enable eoan-proposed? you shouldn't :)15:31
ograwaveform, do you know if agherzan plans to fix ram allocation ? it would really be nice if we could use the full 4GB on a 4GB pi4 (his u-boot only inits 1GB, using my kernel directly from config.txt gets me the full range of RAM)15:31
waveformogra, good question - I've yet to even get it successfully booting on a pi4 (though I'm not using his patch directly - tried combining it with our current u-boot version, but evidently we need a later base)15:32
ricotzseb128, I guess a few people should, I came across some packaging oversights in the past ;)15:32
waveformogra, I would assume so though as that's one of the major benefits of the 4 so it's rather incomplete without it15:32
ograyeah, that will be a pain, i'D got with a fresh checkout of the base (luckily i'm a bit more free with my core developer images not being official :) )15:33
ogra*i'd go ..15:33
ograyour alternative would be to put a giant patch on top of our base and then put the pi4 stuff on top15:34
ograiirc the deb sources are really old15:34
waveformu-boot in eoan has been bumped to 2019.04 so not *that* old (that's the version I attempted to bung the patches on - got a successful build that'd also boot a pi3 happily, but not the 4)15:36
waveformstill, the patches are on master so we may need to bump u-boot further to 2019.07 (which is going to be my next attempt) - and yes, it's a huge patch so it's pretty ugly but if it's all one patch it should be easy enough to drop when support officially makes it upstream15:36
ograwell, u-boot is relatively safe to go with the very latest usually ...15:38
ogra(i always use the latest when i start with a new gadget snap for a new board, typically thats even an improvement )15:39
waveformindeed - and given we're already at 2019.04 for eoan it wouldn't be a huge leap to 2019.0715:39
ograand we're at a point in the cycle where bumping it should still be okayish15:40
rbasakddstreet: nice job with the bind9 deadlock!15:41
ograwaveform, btw, do you know if omxplayer should already be able to play 4k (i just updated my omxplayer-pi snap today (i'm building from the popcornmix tree) and seem to not be able to play anything bigger than 1080p)16:14
ograthe console on the pi4 seems to come up fine in 4k though (the font is so small, its nearly unreadable (16:14
waveformogra, what's the format of the file? If it's h264 then no: the h264 decoder block in the GPU is the same as on the vc4 so it's limited to 1080p6016:15
waveformogra, that said I don't know if omxplayer has been updated to handle the h265 block yet16:15
ograah, no, it were all h264 trailers i tested ...16:16
ogra(4k ones though)16:16
waveformogra, ah - apparently omxplayer doesn't support h265 yet: https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=1484297#p148429716:16
ograah, thanks a lot !16:16
waveformkodi's the only (current) means of playing 4k on the 416:16
ahasenackhi, is bileto out of comission for eoan?17:46
ahasenackall I get is "all tests passed", and when clicking on the report, it says all tests are running and have always failed17:47
bdmurrayseb128: Should I have any snaps installed immediately after installing and rebooting eoan?18:31
santa_rbalint: hi. I have seen you made the last systemd upload, thanks for your work. I have found an issue with it:20:04
santa_executing this produces a hang: "systemctl start network-online.target"20:04
santa_this doesn't happen with the previous package version20:05
santa_and that "systemctl start network-online.target" is important imho, because it's used by the autopkgtest LXD backend after rebooting testbeds20:07
ahasenackyou can start a target? I didn't know that20:10
ahasenackwhat does it do?20:10
santa_btw it hangs with the machine already up and the network already up, not sure what would happen in other conditions20:10
santa_ahasenack: I don't know much about systemd, but I guess it would start the network20:11
santa_or exit inmediately if it's already up20:11
seb128bdmurray, better to check with #snappy for details but the initial setup takes a while, we had issues with that in disco and the initial setup, it can easily take a few minutes for them to be ready (and there is also an issue with the 5.2 kernel, but it shouldn't impact the initial install since it requires more snap to be installed to trigger from what I understood)20:44
bdmurrayseb128: well its been a while and still no snaps20:45
seb128kenvandine, ^ do you know if they are currently known issue with snap missing on new eoan installs?20:47
kenvandinethat means the seeded failed20:47
kenvandineor is hung20:47
kenvandinebdmurray: which image was it?20:48
kenvandinei think that might only be fixed in the pending image20:49
kenvandinethe current might be broken20:49
bdmurraykenvandine: I downloaded the current from today20:53
kenvandinecurrent, not pending right?20:54
kenvandinei think current is from Monday20:54
bdmurraythat's correct20:54
kenvandinewhich has a broken seed20:54
tjaaltonlag: sorry, no 19.1.2 this week20:58
gQuigsam I doing something wrong or does systemd not build in Eoan?  - https://launchpad.net/~bryanquigley/+archive/ubuntu/1796501/+packages21:38
gQuigs322/514 test-json                               FAIL     0.22 s (killed by signal 11 SIGSEGV21:38
vorlongQuigs: https://people.canonical.com/~doko/ftbfs-report/test-rebuild-20190614-gcc9-eoan.html#foundations-bugs and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd22:15
gQuigscool, so it's not just me, ty22:20
gQuigsalthough the first amd64 build.. got lucky? - as arm64 failed with my same error..22:22

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