[04:52] tmhoang I don't know any reason you can't do it hot unless there's something I'm not aware of with pv's on z?? [06:23] pppingme: booting ISO in z/VM, how would you do that ? [07:03] I think if Ubuntu provides a root image (rather big, agree) where initramfs can chroot later on, that would solve my problem [07:03] http://ports.ubuntu.com/dists/bionic-updates/main/installer-s390x/current/images/generic/ [07:05] can do that easily with Alpine (because by default installer media is live, aka fullly functional shell) but not sure about using musl-based tools to touch glibc-based LVM. should work I guess. [07:07] finally I had to use Fedora root image because they provide it : https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora-secondary/releases/30/Server/s390x/os/images/install.img