=== JTa1 is now known as JTa === JTa1 is now known as JTa === cj_ is now known as cjoke [09:32] Hello everyone, [09:35] is there any possibility to get Spotify running under JACK? Other applications such as YouTube work well(via PulseAudio bridge) whereas Spotify crashes while starting. [16:15] Test install Studio 1910 [16:16] then reboot, then install new lowlatency settings and reboot yet again. I feel like I am in windows land [16:21] New -controls is nice compared to 1904. [16:22] Len_ovns: lowlatency settings doesn't install anything extra over a default install. Installing the -default-settings package provides it, unless you changed something. [16:23] lowlatency-settings was only for other flavors. [16:24] I'm checking [16:25] It appears lowlatency setting only installs /etc/grub.d/* [16:26] But I guess default settings also installs all of /etc... mumble. [16:27] Eickmeyer: so you are saying our ISO doesn't install lowlatency-settings? [16:27] That means I need to change the default settings install script as well [16:29] Eickmeyer: In fact, it looks like, default settings should not be installed if lowlatency-settings is and the oposite. [16:30] I think that is bad. default-settings should rather install or depend on lowlatency-settings