
OderusHi. Using lubuntu 19.04, how can I put numlock on by default?00:13
wxlOderus: you're going to kick yourself when you see how easy this is. Menu -> Preferences -> LXQt Settings -> Keyboard and Mouse -> Keyboard -> Turn on NumLock after login00:27
OderusWxl: good grief! Thank you haha00:28
wxlthe other day there was a question about making desktop shortcuts AND I DIDN"T REALIZE YOU COULD DRAG AND DROP FROM THE MENU00:29
wxli mean seriously, LXQt is awesome00:29
OderusHahah yeah. Im totally used to kde00:36
p0wderi really like lxde.. gonnna miss it :(00:37
wxlahhhh not too far off then. it's pretty like kde but not so many functions that very few people need XD00:37
OderusIs it going somewhere?00:37
wxlthe one thing about kde: it can do ANYTHING.. regardless of whether or not you want it to00:37
wxl18.04 is the last version of Lubuntu with LXDE00:37
wxl'll still be in the archives00:38
wxlbut it's pretty much dead upstream00:38
wxlhas been00:38
p0wderyeah- i think 18.04 is the last lts thats gonna have it00:38
p0wderim gonna have to either start getting used to it, or switch to debian00:38
p0wder(when the time comes)00:39
OderusIsnt the point of lubuntu to use lxde?00:39
wxlno, the point of Lubuntu is to be lightweight00:39
wxlalso: usable00:39
wxlit's hard to call something usable when it's unsupported :/00:39
OderusSo what will it use?00:40
wxljust like you're using00:40
wxlsince 18.10 we've been releasing only LXQt00:40
OderusOhhh ok. Whats the major differemce?00:41
wxlwell one major difference is LXQt is way more intuitive, usable, modern, beautiful, functional, well-developed and -supported upstream00:41
p0wderthe biggest difference is GTK vs Qt00:42
wxlanother is that rather than using ancient GTK2 (GTK4 is coming soon), it uses Qt for the graphics toolkids.. like KDE00:42
p0wderall of the apps are different00:42
OderusThe memory usage is soooooo low00:42
wxlthe applications have been chosen based around the idea of trying to keep with Qt00:42
wxlLXDE and LXQt have one thing in common: the L stands for light00:43
p0wderhere is a screenshot of my desktop00:43
OderusI chose lubuntu for the low memory usage for a strange project lol00:43
p0wdergood ol'lxde can be beautiful!00:44
OderusDont mind my typing, on irc on a galaxy s9 -_-00:44
wxli like how you're trying to make it look like LXQt X''''D00:44
p0wderi made those start menu icons :)00:45
wxlyou should so post that on discourse. that's cute.00:45
p0wderlol thnx00:45
p0wderthis is the theme info if anyone is interested00:47
wxlseriously! go post it on discourse!00:47
p0wderok. i will in a lil bit00:49
p0wdergtg guys00:49
OderusIm using as close to 0 theming as possible00:51
OderusBlack desktop00:52
wxli use a tiling window manager so i rarely see mine XD00:52
OderusAs soon as lubuntu starts fs-uae runs and for all intents and purposes, it boots directly into Amiga OS00:53
wxlok yeah that's crazy alright00:53
wxlalso rad00:53
wxli grew up in the amiga era. never had one, but a c-128 was my first computer.00:53
OderusNice!!!!! Mine was a VIC20 i think.00:54
OderusI was thinking of making some MODs and telnetting a few bbs00:54
OderusKickin it oldskool00:54
kc2bezVic 20 was my first machine too.00:55
OderusThey still develop amiga believe it or not00:55
wxlwhat do you mean?00:55
OderusNew Amigas, ppc arcitecture. Amiga OS 4.100:56
wxlppc only?00:56
wxland that must be ppc64?00:56
wxlerr i guess ppc64el now eh?00:56
OderusIll never buy the hardware tho. Cant justify paying 1500 for hardware that is outdated00:57
OderusPrice too high00:57
OderusLots of custom chips00:58
kc2bezsmall production runs jack up the price exponentially00:59
OderusThey still develop for classic m68k too. A new version for non ppc amigas just came out. Theres also os4.1 for ppc classic amigas00:59
wxlhuh cool01:00
wxlwell i'm off01:00
wxlhave a good one!01:00
OderusThanks for the help and the chat01:00
wxlyou should post screenshots of YOUR lubuntu to the discourse Oderus X''D01:00
wxlthat'll stump 'em for sure01:00
OderusHahaha okay!01:00
wxlok now i'm leaving for real01:02
=== jonathon is now known as Guest57877
Meadsooo... someone posted a solution for a bug with 18.04 and Kodi https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kodi/+bug/1836828/comments/9  it says to download and install libdrm-amdgpu1_2.4.95-1~18.04.1_amd64.deb  but in the link provided I don't see that file07:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1836828 in kodi (Ubuntu) "Kodi crashes when trying to play any video" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:21
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK
Guest_11I was wondering extracting lubuntu iso and placing it on a SD Card Running Grub Rescue and finding the files and reinstall Linux with SD Using a Phone to Transfer and seeing if Grub could boot it up is it possible16:37
Guest_11& how would I manage to do so16:38
lubot<HMollerCl> I would look at https://duckduckgo.com/?q=how+to+install+ubuntu+on+phone&t=ffab&atb=v1-1&ia=web16:43
=== james is now known as Guest39252
=== decaf is now known as Guest16878
lubot<SamuelBanya> I'm getting a 404 error when trying to do sudo apt update22:22
lubot<SamuelBanya> (Photo, 1280x720) https://i.imgur.com/3Decr1v.jpg22:22
ubottuUbuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish) was the 29th release of Ubuntu. Support ended July 18th, 2019. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2019-July/004996.html22:22
lubot<SamuelBanya> Oh is that why?22:23
lubot<SamuelBanya> I haven't updated my machine in that case then right ?22:23
tomreynno, but that's a major issue you need to solve.22:23
lubot<SamuelBanya> How do I make sure I upgrade to the latest Lubuntu version then22:23
tomreynthe very error message you get is because the PPA you have configured no longer exists, or does not exist for ubuntu cosmic22:24
lubot<SamuelBanya> That I understand22:24
tomreynto upgrade, use either   update-manager -c    (graphical) or     do-release-upgrade   (textual)22:24
tomreynbe sure to have complete and current backups before upgrading22:25
lubot<SamuelBanya> (Photo, 1280x720) https://i.imgur.com/Yl1talt.jpg22:26
tomreynpersonally i'd also recommend to ppa-purge any PPAs and to identify and delete leftover packages which can break the upgrade:  https://github.com/tomreyn/scripts#foreign_packages22:26
lubot<SamuelBanya> Do I have to use muon instead?22:27
tomreynto do what?22:27
lubot<SamuelBanya> To update my Lubuntu os22:28
lubot<SamuelBanya> I tried both commands you listed but no dice22:28
tomreyni think you should first disable the PPA which causes errors, then    sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade22:28
lubot<SamuelBanya> Will sudo apt full-upgrade bump me up to Disco?22:29
tomreynno, this will only install the latest updates for cosmic22:30
tomreynwhich should enable you to run do-release-upgrade22:30
tomreynso start by doing this   sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-server-iso-testing-dev*.list22:32
tomreynthen    sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade22:32
tomreynSamuelBanya: and finally    sudo do-release-upgrade22:36
lubot<SamuelBanya> Ok thanks22:42
lubot<SamuelBanya> Help a lot22:42
lubot<SamuelBanya> *helps22:42
tomreynhere's the manual https://manual.lubuntu.me/D/upgrading.html22:45
tomreyndo-release-upgrade is mentioned (amongst other) at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu#Upgrading_from_last_release22:47
tomreynand you're welcome ;)22:47
lubot<ctisme> (Photo, 125x32) https://i.imgur.com/XSd8mO1.jpg23:08
lubot<ctisme> how to change backlight of the keyboard state indicator from grey to red for more eyecatch ?23:08
wxl@ctisme you have to edit the Lubuntu Arc theme23:19
wxllook in /usr/share/lxqt/themes/Lubuntu Arc23:19
wxllxqt-panel.qss is the relevant file23:19
wxlthere's a section for KbIndicator23:19
wxlcurrently you have:23:19
wxl#KbIndicator > QLabel:enabled {23:19
wxl    background: #383C4A;23:20
wxlchange that value23:20
wxlshould take effect immediately23:21
wxli would have told you to just use kvantum but it's not packaged :( https://github.com/tsujan/Kvantum/tree/master/Kvantum23:21
wxloh wait i lied23:23
wxl!info qt5-style-kvantum23:24
ubottuPackage qt5-style-kvantum does not exist in bionic23:24
wxli'll kick you, bot23:24
wxl!info qt5-style-kvantum disco23:24
ubottuqt5-style-kvantum (source: qt5-style-kvantum): Kvantum style engine (binaries). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.9+repack-2 (disco), package size 495 kB, installed size 1676 kB23:24

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