
mupBug #1835275 opened: Unable to apply netplan configuration in ephemeral environment <MAAS:Fix Committed> <MAAS 2.6:Fix Committed> <maas-images:Fix Released by ltrager> <systemd:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1835275>18:34
ascottHello. I am new to maas and learning. Right out of the box though I'm having some trouble. Images are not downloading. Stuck on "Downloading 4%". I tried to contact you guys via a link but when I tried to read your privacy policy and ubuntu privacy policy, they are both 404, so I came here.23:50
ascottare there currently any network outages? where are the privacy policies so i can read them before contacting you?23:51
ascottmaybe this is what is happening? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1153000/maas-image-import-not-syncing-with-conttroller-for-ubuntu-18-04-amd64-image23:55
ascottso I just need to wait for a couple days.23:57

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