[02:17] tomreyn: most factoids done; I am missing to deal with the derivatives only [02:27] good (early) morning (dont need to run away yet) [02:28] oh, he's not here [02:30] xD [04:50] Hello, good morning. [04:51] \o [04:55] morning akem-lnvo [10:36] Heya [10:43] hey folks [10:44] BluesKaj!!!! Hello! [10:44] hi marcoagpinto [10:44] I got back from the store minutes ago [10:44] :) [10:44] having morning coffee here [10:45] cool [10:45] :) [10:46] I wanted to work on the task my supervisor gave me but no more vacations and tomorrow I am back to the supermarket, so, I can't focus [10:46] :) [10:46] he said a dissertation is to write a story about something, and that is why my thesis is a crap [10:46] :) [10:47] because it has no story, just facts/information [10:47] and I need to write a story for him... 20 pages... but I am very stressed [10:48] well, you know that caffeine prevents relaxation and sometimes focus [10:48] BluesKaj: I read about it some months ago [10:49] I already drunk 3 litres of cola [10:49] heh, I rest my case :-) [10:50] :) [12:29] Hey popeye, do you think those restrictions could be loosened a bit? https://community.ubuntu.com/t/limiting-brand-new-user-accounts/10687 [12:29] I've posted a topic, which got responses by several, including myself. I'd like to post a new topic but apparently cannot. [12:33] looks like i just made it to level one by reading the community guidelines (i was certain i had done so before). it would be great to point this out more. [12:34] popey: ^ [12:34] oh, i misspelled the nick, thanks lotuspsychje [12:34] np ; ) and hi tomreyn [12:35] and hello to you as well ;) [12:58] hey [12:58] :) [13:31] good mornings/afternoons/evenings to all [13:32] hey hggdh how goes [13:33] :-)\ [13:34] you skared him OerHeks [13:34] i did, did i? [14:28] lotuspsychje, he shouldn't need compiz with the new gnome DEs [14:29] lotuspsychje: youurway isn't worth spending much more time with. They're just wasting time whining about eeking out tiny droplets of performance from an already fairly high performance setup [14:29] there is a package gnome-compiz but not sure how they use it these days [14:29] i recall a user experimenting with compiz succesfully on bionic before [14:29] mutter is so tightly integrated, trying to use compiz is likely to make their experience worse [14:30] the guy is a throwback to the unity days, he still thinks compiz will solve his nitpicky problems [14:30] when installing unity desktop on bionic all we need it gdm or lightdm choice [14:31] not sure how compiz fits in anymore [14:31] don't think he's even using unity. He just thinks he does [14:35] * OerHeks installs wobbly windows on wayland [14:35] * pragmaticenigma lives for the terminal [14:35] lol OerHeks [14:36] wobbly windows gnome extension corrupt gnome shell bug [14:37] lotuspsychje: note the "pcieport 0000:00:1c.4: AER: Corrected error received: 0000:00:1c.4" <- could be the bridge that contains the GPU [14:38] yeah could be TJ- [14:38] lotuspsychje: Another thing to note, nvidia's driver is known to have an issue with the pipeline setting that causes either screen tearing or jutter depening on it's value [14:39] we might keep an eye on that auto nvidia driver loading from canonical these days too [14:40] i wonder if it will pick 'best' driver [14:40] I would guess they are going to take the work being done in the graphics driver team's ppa and start having them send their updates into the main proposed repo [15:23] you're talking about some recent article or blog post where a tiighter integration of nvidia proprietary drivers into ubuntu was announced, right? [15:23] i saw this the other day, but tried to find it again last night and could only come up with 2018 articles on this [15:23] or maybe what we all read was actually old? [15:24] there's a schedule wiki on it tomreyn [15:25] lotuspsychje: a schedule wiki, what's that? [15:25] schedule of that nvidia integration, but forgot url [15:26] oh i found the recent article on this channel log https://www.forbes.com/sites/jasonevangelho/2019/07/12/ubuntu-executes-another-massive-change-to-the-way-it-updates-proprietary-nvidia-drivers/ [15:27] maybe forbes is not the best source for this [15:27] they're not [15:27] Each article has a 50/50 shot of being fact checked and accurate [15:29] oehh i like risky info & details [15:29] tomreyn, did you bing or google? [15:30] i "startpaged" [15:34] Website Blacklist Status Domain clean by Google Safe Browsing Domain clean by Norton Safe Web Domain clean by McAfee Domain clean by Sucuri Labs Domain clean by ESETDomain clean by PhishTank Domain clean by Yandex Domain clean by Opera Domain clean by Spamhaus ... sure, https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/zerohedge.com [15:34] cant find that wiki anymore, maybe deleted after the integration? [15:38] ah! [15:38] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NVidiaUpdates [15:38] https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NVIDIA-New-Drivers-SRU-Ubuntu [16:03] thank you, lotuspsychje ! [16:08] tomreyn: np, now food here [16:09] do i spy an openssl issue fixed apache sneaking into bionic? [16:15] huh? [16:15] dependency mix match daftykins ? [16:15] daftykins: that'll be the one I hunted down, yes [16:15] http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/a/apache2/apache2_2.4.29-1ubuntu4.8/changelog [16:16] TJ-: great :D and good work! [16:20] ah http2, iirc that isn't in use with prefork? i was only reading about the different mpm's for the first time the other day [16:22] you use prefork in production? [16:22] yep, i only handle small sites [16:23] more than happy to hear good advice on what i should consider :D but i always just used to prune the worker count and stick to default, yep [16:25] There are some TLSv1.3 issues caused by openssl 1.1.1 changes affecting nginx and possibly other packages, too [16:25] i kept feeling like i should take nginx for more of a spin, but i feel comfy sticking to what i 'know' :) [16:39] daftykins: i used to use prefork with mod_php in the past, but nowadays prefer nginx or apache mpm with separate application servers (fpm for php) since it makes it more configurable and a lot easier to identify where things are going wrong especially if you host multiple web applications or multiple user contexts (shared hosting). [16:43] much of nginx is really nice if you don't have users who insist on .htaccess files. it is less configurable than apache httpd, but usually you don't need this. nginx is fast by default, requires learning a new configuration syntax, though. and sometimes mind bending to get the configuration you need. [16:47] I prefer apache2 because I know whatever weird edge-case I might want to use it for, there will be a module for it, and because I use the custom suexec package to have each vhost run as a different user account [16:52] mmm i've seen too much use of .htaccess between nextcloud and wordpress, on a single server where i host a few sites, they're mostly static pages [16:52] if the prevailing advice would be to switch to worker instead of prefork though, i'm all ears? [16:53] i think it's fair to say my experience only goes so far as getting things going for the most part - i could probably benefit from the suexec approach to separate my friends wordpress site from his nextcloud instance which i just set up the other night [16:54] i went down the route of using ecryptfs against the data path in the end, so if i have to restart the digitalocean VPS for updates say, i need to SSH in and mount it again, providing the key - before nextcloud will resume operating [16:55] totally useless as i understand it whilst it's running - so i'm wondering whether his employees should consider using client side tools for encrypting documents in addition [17:00] would like to better understand nginx... I was always under the impression it was meant for static content only, and if you needed dynamic content, you could create a provider and forward that through nginx [17:01] The apache event worker is just as performant as nginx in most cases which addresses some of the reasons nginx exists... the biggest thing that help back apache was php [17:01] s/help/held/ [17:02] surprised PHP is still around after the major bugs that were found a few years back... I saw a lot of companies distance themselves from it [17:06] everything has bugs, no matter what technology is used, PHP is a target due to being so prevalent of course, but Java EE has the same record overall. [17:09] PHP is a target because it was very popular. PHP itself really wasn't what was vulnerable, as much as it was how developers used its tools and exposed things unintentionally [17:11] php made it really easy to make grave mistakes. also there was the low entry barrier, unlike java, which has a higher one. you'd hope people understanding higher level langauges also have a better idea of how to program properly, and sometimes they do. [17:12] most do... but when it comes time for hobby projects, they sometimes aren't as attentive [17:13] i agree with 'apache event worker can be just as performant as nginx'. you may need to tweak it more snice it comes with less targetted defaults than nginx does. [17:14] but then if the nginx default targets are wrong you may need to tweak a lot there, and documentation is levels worse than that of apache httpd) [17:14] yeah... took a fair amount of fine tuning for me to get apache to play nice with mod_wsgi for my python projects === jhona-aima1 is now known as jhona-aima