
OvenWerksEickmeyer: re: installer, using add-apt-repository after add-apt-repository -r adds more than one source (disabled) copy.16:26
OvenWerksI am thinking that on enabling the ppa I should first remove the file(s) in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/16:27
OvenWerksI am wondering if it makes sense to remove the files for PPA with the disable button.16:32
OvenWerksrather than using the -r16:33
OvenWerksHmm, forget that, I must have a new version of add-apt-repository since then. That problem has gone away18:00
OvenWerksuploaded... and it started building before I could ask it to.18:02
OvenWerksEickmeyer: I guess to test this, I need to (after installing the kubuntu iso) install lowlat kernel, -lowlatency-settings, -controls, -installer from auto builds18:05
OvenWerksin that order.18:05
OvenWerksMaybe not, I can probably use the kubuntu I installed yesterday as is though...18:08
OvenWerksI actually meant to do that in two commits, the second for disabling enable PPA if the ppa is already enabled and vis versa18:09
OvenWerksIt doesn't work.18:55
OvenWerksfixed... but see another problem, ppa disable is not disabled while installing.19:08
OvenWerksthat should also be fixed, will check on next install test19:28
OvenWerksubuntustudio-controls does not show up in the stock KDE menu. Search does find it, so I guess KDE comes with no "Other" folder19:33
OvenWerkshydrogen drumkits takes a long time to DL19:34
OvenWerksAh, controls is in settings19:36
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Sorry, been out most of the day (still out, at my parents' house).21:04
EickmeyerAs for -controls showing up somewhere, I'm not 100% sure where to put it if not settings.21:05
OvenWerksIts fine. installer is still giving me trouble... but it is almost there21:12
Eickmeyercoo coo21:12
OvenWerksmostly I am rambling because it was taking so long to install packages with installer.21:12
EickmeyerProbably launchpad being slow. It does that a lot.21:13
EickmeyerEsp since PPAs are hosted directly by launchpad, whereas the main repos get mirrors.21:14
OvenWerksgot it. Now to remove the debugging code21:16
OvenWerksEickmeyer: using -installer does not seem to install ubuntustudio's icins themes21:20
EickmeyerDo we want that as a dependency? It should get installed with -branding-common.21:21
EickmeyerMeaning, it should be optional at best.21:21
OvenWerksI think I installed branding21:22
OvenWerksAside from that kde's menu's (both old style and whisker style) don't show many icons at all21:22
OvenWerkseither there is a bug or I need to logout/in21:23
EickmeyerMight need a log-out/in, unless you check the Plasma System Settings.21:23
* Eickmeyer is cloning ubuntustudio-look to double-check some deps21:24
OvenWerksI have the Studio backdrops.21:26
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Just discovered that branding-common indeed does not pull in -icon-theme.21:27
* Eickmeyer big derp21:27
OvenWerksAnyway, reboot time so I can push installer fixes21:32
EickmeyerOk, I'm working on this -branding-common not depending on -icon-theme issue. Can't believe I missed that.21:33
OvenWerksKDE needs a relogin just to find newly installed icons :P21:34
OvenWerksmaybe their gui installer runs some kind of reload for that and apt doesn't21:35
EickmeyerMost likely, though, I do know that if you're browsing the menu while something is installing, it'll let you know that it's updating.21:41
OvenWerksOk, installer has a new commit and is building too21:44
OvenWerksIt would like testing I guess. I have tested it here by installing Studio on top of kde21:47
OvenWerkscheck for things like buttons being disabled when they should.21:47
OvenWerksJust had a thought: the PPA en/disable could be one button seeing as only one of the two is ever enabled :)21:48
EickmeyerOh! Nice thought!21:49
EickmeyerDefinitely would cut-down on clutter.21:49
OvenWerksI was goin to say it would leave room for the PPA purge button.21:50
OvenWerksFrom what you have said, that would remove any software added from the PPA which may take some time and should have feedback so it doesn't appear hung21:51
OvenWerksbasically, it would need prgress as much as the install did21:52
EickmeyerConsidering it uses apt for its backend, that shouldn't be an issue as it should be able to use the same subroutine as the installer does when installing.21:54
OvenWerksmore like a sort of copy of it, but ya, the cod layout has been done, the same widgets can be used.21:56
* OvenWerks wonders if thge installer should be a tab in -controls ;)21:56
OvenWerksBTW, installing installer in kde (and probably other flavours) sure pulls in a lot of packages.21:59
EickmeyerI'd say no to installer being a tab in -controls. For some reason, the word "ew" came to mind.21:59
EickmeyerConsidering installer pulls-in -controls which pulls-in jackd2 ,that's expected.21:59
OvenWerksya, also tcl/tk.22:00
OvenWerksStudio already has that for other applications22:00
EickmeyerYep. Also, it's such a lightweight toolkit that if anybody objects to having extra toolkits like that I'll just say "E:Wontfix"22:05
OvenWerksI actually like it better than python with gtk22:07
EickmeyerIt's easier for sure. Not exactly uniform, though.22:07
OvenWerkstell that to the gnome community...22:08
OvenWerkswho override the desktop theme cause they like it22:08
Eickmeyer"Don't theme my apps!!!111!1!!1!!" -GNOME community22:09
OvenWerksThat is actually one of the things I like about kde22:09
EickmeyerOkay, bbl22:10
OvenWerksI think I am done with installer.22:10
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Ok, got the changes. Ready for release? (we can always release another version later if necessary, I'm ok with that)23:57

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