
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
usneyI have an issue with screen lock. When I lock my screen it doesn't respond to commands to wake it up and unlock it.03:05
usneySo I have to restart the system03:08
usneyusney> I have an issue with screen lock. When I lock my screen it doesn't respond to commands to wake it up and unlock it.04:16
usney<usney> So I have to restart the system04:16
usneysorry i forgot not to lock the screen so had to restart again04:16
pragomerthunar hangs regular from time to time on xubuntu 18.04.2. how can I debug this? (starting from terminal does not show many infos)09:08
pragomerwhat I could imagine: when I shut down one of my 3 synology nas thunar still shows it as mounted... could this cause this hang?09:10
brainwashpragomer: you have kill the daemon first -> killall Thunar09:19
brainwashthen run "thunar" from a terminal window09:19
Unit193`thunar -q`? :>09:21
pragomeri will try that next time. thanks09:23
xubuntu30wwazup :)  is there a technical documentation link for xubunt?10:58
xubuntu30w*pardon xubuntu10:58
Spass[m]xubuntu30w: hello, docs can be found here - https://docs.xubuntu.org11:06
xubuntu30wmerci :D12:06
xubuntu0wHey guys.14:08
xubuntu0wI'm having a little problem here. I did a download of a Xubuntu iso, using torrent from Xubuntu website, but later, trying to do chekcsum using this tutorial:14:10
xubuntu0wAnd this SHA256SUMS:14:10
xubuntu0wIm getting a "FAILED" in the integrity check verification.14:11
furaidiare you shure, that SHA is for 18.04.14:30
furaidimaybe it is for 18.0414:30
Spass[m]xubuntu0w: are you on Linux? you can just run this command in the terminal (in the folder contaning your ISO):14:33
Spass[m]sha256sum xubuntu-18.04*.iso14:33
Spass[m]and then compare the result with this file - http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/18.04.2/release/SHA256SUMS14:34
Spass[m]and when they don't match, you need to download your ISO again14:36
xubuntu0wThats strange man!! It's not matching and i downloaded it from torrent on Xubuntu!15:02
Spass[m]yeah, not something that happens often, usually torrents are ok15:12
Spass[m]if they still don't match after you re-download let us know15:13
tomreynxubuntu0w: whats the name of the file you downloaded, where did you get the torrent file from?16:00
tomreynand what are the sda256sum, md5sum, sha1sum of the file you got via torrent?16:01
xubuntu0wtrying to do chekcsum using this tutorial:https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-how-to-verify-ubuntu#6And this SHA256SUMS:http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/18.04.2/release/Im getting a "FAILED" in the integrity check verification.16:28
tomreynright, you said this before16:46

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